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Archive for April 10, 2016

How the Uni-Party ripped off Trump in Colorado

April 10, 2016

The Cruz camp and GOP establishment leaders strong-armed their way to a sweep by banning Trump delegates and omitting them from the ballots… and listing Cruz delegates TWICE!

Bill Clinton blurts out some truth – Media in shock

April 10, 2016

Well whoop-dee-doo: a Democrat, Bill Clinton, finally told the truth about Black Lives Matter. Heckled by BLM protesters, Clinton yelled, “You are defending the people who killed the lives you say matter.” Amen, Bill.

Stats confirm that the real threat to young blacks is other young blacks, murdering each other in epidemic record-breaking numbers in major cities (controlled by Democrats with strict gun laws) across America. And yet BLM and other so-called civil rights advocacy groups ignore black-on-black violence.

Al Gore’s Global Warming Hysteria Countdown Clock hits zero

April 10, 2016

Ten years ago, Rush Limbaugh started a countdown clock after Al Gore reportedly claimed there were only 10 years left to save the world from the ravages of global warming.

Actor and activist Larry David was quoted as saying, “You know, Al is a funny guy, but he’s also a very serious guy who believes humans may have only 10 years left to save the planet from turning into a total frying pan.”

For 10 years, the Al Gore “Armageddon” clock counted down at Rush Limbaugh’s website, heading toward its expiration at midnight Tuesday.

And it looks like civilization still is here.

Mainstream Media Minions of the Global Elite vs. Donald Trump

April 10, 2016

“Some of my journalist friends imagine that, with time, the Muslims will grow out of it. They won’t.”

April 10, 2016

“Even when confronted with the growing pile of evidence to the contrary, and the angst of the liberal minority of British Muslims, clever, important people still cling to the patronising certainty that British Muslims will, over time, come to see that “our” ways are better.”

Hundred-strong packs of migrants wielding iron bars regular sight for truckers

April 10, 2016

CALAIS has endured one of its worst nights of terror after gangs of migrant thugs attacked a family in their car and set fire to barricades in the road to stop terrified truckers