You can see the whole Earth from the Moon!

Archive for August 6, 2017

Did a 19th-century author predict Trump’s election and Russiagate?

August 6, 2017

In the late 1800s, an American lawyer, political writer, and novelist named Ingersoll Lockwood penned two fantasy novels about a highly-imaginative little boy named “Wilhelm Heinrich Sebastin von Troomp, commonly called, ‘Little Baron Trump,’ and his wonderful dog Bulger.” Little Baron Trump is the main character in both The Travels and Adventures of Little Baron Trump and His Wonderful Dog Bulgar and Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey, which follow the wealthy boy and his dog as they leave “Castle Trump” to embark on a journey underground to explore the theory that the earth is not solid, but inhabited by people who were chased underground by “terrible disturbances.”

Catlyn Jenner spins convoluted tale to explain why she was wearing a MAGA Hat

August 6, 2017

Caitlyn Jenner did not wear a “Make America Great Again” hat Thursday as a show of support for Donald Trump … it was a mistake tied to golf, a convertible, Starbucks and a purse.

Musicians combat the Globalist coup d’état – VIDEOS

August 6, 2017

Dozens of talented musicians have contributed toward combating the globalist agenda – we have them on video!
As the battle heats up, Infowars is pleased to announce a one week extension to our popular Alex Jones Folk Song cover contest, with $20,000 in cash prizes.
Entries will now be accepted through August 11 at 4pm Central time.