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Archive for April 2, 2013

Kanye West diagnosed as an Egomaniac by Rash Manly/22MOON.com

April 2, 2013

  . ____GREEN link below . ___Kanye West Is Taking This  ___ILLUMINATI ISH To A Whole  ___‘Nother Level . . . You Are Not  ___GOING TO BELIEVE What He‘s  ___Naming His Baby With Kim!!!  ___– MediaTakeOut.com™ 2013 . .

King Obama and Hillary Clinton disciples of Saul Alinsky

April 2, 2013

.__3 GREEN links below .. ___Obama, Hillary Clinton, Saul  __Alinsky and Rules For Radicals  _________| RedState . . ___Michael Savage relates Saul  ___Alinsky and Hillary Clinton‘s  ___senior thesis to the debacle  -_____in Libya – YouTube . . _____For Clinton and Obama,  _____a Common Ideological  _________Touchstone . ___________  

Statistics prove Gun Control does not work

April 2, 2013

Gun control advocates just need to look at Virginia. Between 2006-2011 gun sales went up by 73% and at the same time gun-related violent crimes fell 24%. Virginia Commonwealth University professor Thomas R. Baker, who specializes in research methods and criminology, said this proves that more guns do not in fact cause more violence.

“While there is a wealth of academic literature attempting to demonstrate the relationship between guns and crime, a very simple and intuitive demonstration of the numbers seems to point away from the premise that more guns leads to more crime, at least in Virginia,” said Baker.

Baker examined six years of data from the Virginia Firearms Transaction Center that broke down the number of gun transactions for every federally licensed firearm dealer in Virginia. Background checks went up from 243,251 in 2006 to 420,829 in 2011. In 2006 there were 23,431 violent crimes in Virginia and dropped to 18,196 in 2011.

United Nations eager to ban American’s small arms

April 2, 2013

With the Obama administration supporting the final treaty draft, the General Assembly vote was 154 to 3, with 23 abstentions. Iran, Syria and North Korea voted against it.

American gun rights activists, though, insist the treaty is riddled with loopholes and is unworkable in part because it includes “small arms and light weapons” in its list of weaponry subject to international regulations. They do not trust U.N. assertions that the pact is meant to regulate only cross-border trade and would have no impact on domestic U.S. laws and markets.

Critics of the treaty were heartened by the U.S. Senate’s resistance to ratifying the document, assuming President Obama sent it to the chamber for ratification. In its budget debate late last month, the Senate approved a non-binding amendment opposing the treaty offered by Sen. James M. Inhofe, Oklahoma Republican, with eight Democrats joining all 45 Republicans backing the amendment.

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** FILE ** U.N. forces patrol a street in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, … more >
Sen. Jerry Moran, Kansas Republican, said Tuesday that passing a treaty Iran, Syria and North Korea will just ignore will only serve to constrain law-abiding counties like the U.S.

“The U.S. Senate is united in strong opposition to a treaty that puts us on level ground with dictatorships who abuse human rights and arm terrorists, but there is real concern that the Administration feels pressured to sign a treaty that violates our Constitutional rights,” Mr. Moran said. “Given the apparent support of the Obama Administration for the ATT, members of the U.S. Senate must continue to make clear that any treaty that violates our Second Amendment freedoms will be an absolute nonstarter for ratification.”

Mr. Inhofe likewise said Mr. Obama should take the Senate vote seriously.

Some celebrity charities not what they seem

April 2, 2013

Last week, The Daily reported that Kanye West’s charity spent more than a half-million dollars in 2010—but none of that money went to actual charitable causes.
After analyzing federal tax filings, the iPad newspaper found that in 2010, the Kanye West Foundation had expenditures totaling $572,383, but the majority of that went to employee salaries and other overhead expenses.
The charity didn’t even donate a single cent to an actual charity that year. And now, West’s foundation is in the process of being dissolved.
Since it’s easy to get bogged down in the numbers, Statista took The Daily’s findings and compiled information from the foundation’s tax filings to create the below infographic explaining where Kanye West’s money went and what happened to his so-called charity foundation. Complete with West’s stunner shades, obviously.

Border Jumping doubles since Amnesty talks began

April 2, 2013

Barack Obama seems completely obsessed with systematically legalizing illegal immigration

Saki Seto 好色文学 性愛画 名 ノーと言えない女の子 写真アルバム

April 2, 2013

Saki Seto hot young girl of Japan photo gallery