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Posts Tagged ‘Washington Post reports that the White House will seize the moment with an assault weapons ban

Obama to announce gun ban surrounded by props

January 15, 2013

Fox is reporting that this gun ban will be demagogued announced as Dear Leader Obama is surrounded by sweet-faced props youngsters.
Somewhere Piers Morgan is smiling.

We might learn more between now and noon tomorrow, but as of now, nothing currently being reported points to anything with respect to the Obama White House pushing to restrict the entertainment industry’s First Amendment rights.

While the Left and the media (but I repeat myself) are quite obviously obsessed with their ongoing culture war against the kind of Red Staters these gun laws will predominantly affect, at least some phony, shallow lip service had been paid to the idea that certain video games and films that celebrate violence might also be part of the problem.

But like tax breaks for the rich, maybe Obama’s Hollywood pals have again managed to carve themselves out another sweet, plump exception.