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Hussein Obama didn’t pursue any agreement to leave a stabilizing force in Iraq

August 11, 2014

For those who think that the only “war on women” is perpetrated by Republicans who think that if women want abortifacients, they should pay for such drugs themselves, let me repeat that. Thousands of women and children have been slaughtered in the same way cattle, pigs, and chickens are slaughtered.

A quick, humane execution? Hardly. Decapitation is not painless. It is not humane. These are the acts of immoral psychotics who actually enjoy their abuse of a position of power.

And yet we should consider just who is responsible for the carnage. Yes, the primitive tribal mentality and a religious bias are factors, but one must asked, “Who was it that freed these animals to act so savagely against innocents?”

And if that is not horrific enough, Yazidi women are being sold into sexual slavery. Again, how does that compare with the so-called “war on women” being decried daily by the über-feminists of the left? How does it compare with “unwanted sexual advances” on college campuses all over the Western world?

This is not to say that women raised and living in a Western, Judeo-Christian based society don’t have any problems, but when compared to what Yazidi and other Kurdish and non-conforming Sunni and Shia women face, isn’t that like comparing a hangnail to a heart-attack?

Who let these animals loose? The primary culprit might be viewed as our very own president. Barack Obama wanted to show how much smarter he was than George Bush. He was going to get us out of Iraq, and end “Bush’s War.” And so he did. He even went so far as to fail to negotiate a Status of Forces Agreement with the Malaki government of Iraq that would have allowed a relatively small force to remain. Had our “smartest guy in the room” been only half as smart as he thought he was, if he had a secretary of state who was more interested in doing her job than in planning to run for president herself, he might have realized that there is more to the leadership required of the president than playing golf or jetting off to fundraisers.

How admirable. How praiseworthy. Just declare that the war is over, and come home. Last month I wrote a piece calling out the idiocy of our government, assuming that they could change only one variable in a situation and that everything else would remain constant.