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Posts Tagged ‘Obama using Saul Alinsky ploys to create social unrest to cause Martial Law and suspend 2012 elections

Video of Saul Alinsky play discussion too harmful to Obama to be released

March 6, 2012

Sources inform Breitbart.com today that Pam Dickler, director of the 1998 production of The Love Song of Saul Alinsky in Chicago that included a panel discussion featuring then-State Sen. Barack Obama, has a video tape of the play.
And she won’t release it.
“There is only one archive tape of the play and I have it,” Dickler informed our source. “It is not in Chicago.”
Dickler told our source that she doesn’t believe she’s ever watched the tape, and she doesn’t know if it “can be viewed.” But she added: “No one is going to see the tape.”

“Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” – Andrew Breitbart’s last column

March 5, 2012

Prior to his passing, Andrew Breitbart said that the mission of the Breitbart empire was to exemplify the free and fearless press that our Constitution protects–but which, increasingly, the mainstream media denies us.
“Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” – “Who guards the guardians?” Andrew saw himself in that role—as a guardian protecting Americans from the left’s “objective” loyal scribes.
Andrew wanted to do what the mainstream media would not. First and foremost: Andrew pledged to vet President Barack H. Obama.

Andrew did not want to re-litigate the 2008 election. Nor did he want to let Republicans off the hook. Instead, he wanted to show that the media had failed in its most basic duty: to uncover the truth, and hold those in power accountable, regardless of party.

From today through Election Day, November 6, 2012, we will vet this president–and his rivals.

We begin with a column Andrew wrote last week in preparation for today’s Big relaunch–a story that should swing the first hammer against the glass wall the mainstream media has built around Barack Obama.

Why is America turning into Nazi Germany?

February 15, 2012

I’m sorry to put it in such a crass way, but that is exactly what they are doing. Ever since the September 11th attacks, these power-grabbing scoundrels have been putting policies in place that were planned well before 9/11, searching us, tracking, frisking, scanning, taxing and regulating and spying on us.

The War on Terror and the War on Drugs have a combined effect of really being the government’s war on us, the American people, and a war on freedom. The airport TSA is now spreading over to train stations and bus depots, football stadiums and other public places.

While these non-productive bureaucrats are suggesting that their intrusive, Nazi-like policies are to prevent terrorism, they themselves have been terrorizing the American people, and treating us all like criminal suspects, like prisoners.

George Soros predicts Class War riots in America

January 24, 2012

illionaire investor George Soros has warned the global economic system could collapse and riots on the streets of America are on the way.

The 81-year-old said he’d rather survive than stay rich as the world faces an ‘evil’ period and Europe fights a ‘descent into chaos and conflict’.

Elections indefinitely suspended after Obama declares Martial Law

January 8, 2012

Amendments passed in NDAA Act authorize the establishment of total martial law

2012 Terrorist Identification Chart

January 8, 2012

Terrorism has replaced Communism as the rationale for the
militarization of the country, for military adventures abroad,
and for the suppression of civil liberties at home.
It serves the same purpose, serving to create hysteria. HOWARD ZINN

Glenn Beck calls Obama a “Dictator”

January 6, 2012

Glenn Beck calls Obama a “Dictator”

Big Brother Obama moves Orwell’s 1984 to 2012

January 2, 2012

Obama administration approves of American Gulags for Americans/
Democrats encouraging social unrest so they can declare Martial Law before the 2012 elections

Obama demanded this power but claims he won’t use it…

January 1, 2012

As Americans look upon this treacherous legislation, it it should first be remembered that the very bill President Obama threatened to veto was controversial due to the language the Obama White House pressured Congress to add to the bill, according to Sen. Carl Levin.
Second, Signing Statements are not law, and are not a Constitutional power granted to the executive branch; any reassuring (or troubling) language within has no binding status– though it may shed light on the character of the chief executive. However, the statement itself does not indicate any deviation of intent from the law as written and signed.

2012 nightmares Media won’t tell you

December 30, 2011

NDAA: The National Defense Authorization Act signals that the global elite are now ready to not only round-up and imprison Americans in internment camps – camps long planned and recently activated by FEMA – but are also ready to assassinate opponents and attack targets in a widespread cyber war against domestic enemies of the state. This is a new and frightening trend that will play out in the year ahead, especially if war is launched against Iran. Government invariably demands fealty and subservience as it rolls out its predictable us-versus-them narrative under the guise of patriotism during its engineered wars.