You can see the whole Earth from the Moon!

Archive for October 2014

Halloween night at The Moon Drive In – four feature films

October 31, 2014


Nancy Pelosi Halloween costume

October 31, 2014

Now House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi can add her name to the list of Washington Democrats under suspicion of breaching the public trust.

A new report from the Washington Free Beacon indicates that Pelosi is thought to have enriched herself and her husband, Paul, through her efforts to “steer taxpayer funds” to a San Francisco-area light rail project.

Pelosi’s support for the project caused local real estate prices to escalate such that a large parcel of land owned by “high-dollar Democratic donor” Marc Benioff’s company may have received a huge profit upon selling it to the Golden State Warriors. Pelosi’s husband is also a significant investor in the company.

Top 10 Halloween songs

October 31, 2014

Monster Mash” – Bobby “Boris” Pickett & the Crypt-Kickers
The Top 10 Halloween Songs-BillBoard.com

Voter’s choices don’t matter to radical Judges

October 31, 2014

Molotov Mitchell decries practice of ‘radical judges’ overturning voters’ will

Paris Hilton at a Halloween bash 2010 photos

October 31, 2014

Body Fascists brainwash females to become dangerously underweight

October 31, 2014

The thing that struck me most, when my daughter started secondary school in September, is how different all the girls in her year look. All shapes and sizes, from teeny-tiny waifs who look like they’re barely out of reception, to big strapping ones, taller than me, and with all the accessories to match.

Or, as my daughter herself put it with great excitement: “Mummy, some of them have got even bigger boobs than you!”

Tall, short, stocky, skinny, sporty or speccie, they are all special in their own way. All starting out on life’s long journey; no longer children but not yet women. And still, for the most part, mercifully unaware that their appearance matters much.

Sure, they might admire someone’s pretty hair, or blue eyes, or cheek dimples; but that nasty little worm of self-doubt that afflicts so many older girls and women has yet to burrow its way into their hearts and minds.

Jennifer Lawrence erótico chica foto galeria – Part FOUR of FIVE

October 31, 2014

Jennifer Lawrence is going into the final instalments of the Hunger Games movies standing strong – as evidenced by an intimidating cover to Empire.

The magazine’s December 2014 issue celebrates the upcoming release of The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1.

Starring Lawrence as the heroic and inspiring Katniss Everdeen, this third movie in the four-film series will be released on November 21, 2014.

Halloween Obama style

October 30, 2014

How to have an OBAMA Halloween

Nostradamus Plague Doctor Halloween costume

October 30, 2014

NOSTRADAMUS was the world’s most famous Plague Doctor

National Review scorches Lena Dunham’s latest book

October 30, 2014

Here is a list of things in Lena Dunham’s life that do not strike Lena Dunham as being unusual: growing up in a $6.25 million Tribeca apartment; attending a selection of elite private schools; renting a home in Hollywood Hills well before having anything quite resembling a job and complaining that the home is insufficiently “chic”; the habitual education of the men in her family at Andover; the services of a string of foreign nannies; being referred to a homework therapist when she refused to do her homework and being referred to a relationship therapist when she fought with her mother; constant visits to homeopathic doctors, and visits to child psychologists three times a week; having a summer home on a lake in Connecticut, and complaining about it; writing a “voice of her generation” memoir in which ordinary life events among members of her generation, such as making student-loan payments or worrying about the rent or health insurance, never come up; making casual trips to Malibu; her grandparents’ having taken seven-week trips to Europe during her mother’s childhood; spending a summer at a camp at which the costs can total almost as much as the median American family’s annual rent; being histrionically miserable at said camp and demanding to be brought home early; demanding to be sent back to the same expensive camp the next year.