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Posts Tagged ‘Young blacks preferred loafing – dressing in outré styles – involving themselves in petty crime and sexual escapades

Officers Ramos and Liu died because of the Left Wing campaign to vilify Police

December 22, 2014

Rafael Ramos and Wenjin Liu died because of the campaign to vilify police. Even as the events of Ferguson begin to fade, the campaign it helped engender rolls on, with new reports of demonstrations and protests appearing almost daily. Last week Carol Jackson, a federal judge, restricted police tactics against protestors. (This is kind of odd in and of itself. The last thing people want to hear about during the holidays is some hood getting his comeuppance. The same can be said about Sen. Feinstein’s “torture report” — waterboarding is not likely to play well during the sleigh bell season. Is the left beginning to lose its customary excellent timing?)

What remains to be said — and what has been widely overlooked — is what lies behind this campaign, what exact role Ferguson — and Staten Island, and Cleveland, all the way back to Sanford, Florida — play in the agenda of the American left.