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Posts Tagged ‘The phrase “jumping the shark” originated with one of the final episodes of the 1970s show “Happy Days”

Obama hamming it up on ‘Late Night with Jimmy Fallon’

April 26, 2012

The phrase “jumping the shark” originated with one of the final episodes of the 1970s show “Happy Days.”

The program featured actor Henry Winkler, who portrayed the motorcycle-riding “Fonzie” character, in a water-skiing jump over a shark, all the while clad in his signature leather jacket. (Scroll down to watch the video of the episode.)

Fans of the show were instantly turned off, and it spelled the demise of the once hugely popular series.

Denise elaborated on her reaction, saying, “When the president did that, the only thing I could think of … the picture that I saw with Fallon in the foreground and the president in the middle, and then I guess the band was behind him and it was all dark and everything, would have been better if there had been a billowing of smoke and a big cigarette hanging out of his mouth. It was truly, truly nauseating.”

Limbaugh said it might be too early to say Obama jumped the shark in this case.