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Posts Tagged ‘“Not everyone that voted for Trump is a sexist or a racist”

“Jonathan Pie” epic rant: “Not everyone that voted for Trump is a sexist or a racist.” – VIDEO

November 14, 2016

The left is responsible for this result because the left have now decided that any other opinion, any other way of looking at the world is unacceptable. We don’t debate anymore because the left won the cultural wars. So if you’re on the right, you’re a freak. You’re evil. You’re racist. You’re stupid. You are a basket of deplorables. How do you think people are going to vote if you talk to them like that? When has anyone ever been persuaded by being insulted or labeled?

So now if you are on the right or even against the prevailing view, you are attacked for raising your opinion. That’s why people wait until they’re in the voting booth. No one’s watching any more, there’s no blame or shame or anything, and you can finally say what you really think, and that is a powerful thing.

The Tories in charge, Brexit, and now Trump. And all the polls were wrong. All of them! Because when asked people can’t admit what they think. They can’t admit what they think! They’re not allowed to! The left don’t allow them to! We have made people unable to articulate their position for fear of being shut down. They’re embarrassed to say it. Every time someone on the left has said, “You mustn’t say that,” they are contributing to this culture.