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Posts Tagged ‘Media and the Left flew into outrage mode over Glenn’s placing of a fake Obama into a fake jar of urine

Obama Lapdog Media ignores the point of artistic work by Glenn Beck

December 2, 2012

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

For the past three days, Glenn has been trying to make a point about the Constitution, but the media seems to be missing it. Not surprisingly, the media and the left flew into outrage mode over Glenn’s placing of a fake Obama into a fake jar of urine. They have said that he’s trying to make money and get his name in the paper again. That he’s trying to rile up the left by taking the President and desecrating his image. But the truth is, Glenn has always been about trying to educate through entertainment, but the media once again wants to focus on the presentation and not on the message.

Unlike most cable news commentators, Glenn has never been one to just sit behind a desk and read off a teleprompter. It works great for a lot of successful TV personalities, but not Glenn. Instead, he’ll often use props, chalkboards, live animals, and other tools to make his point. His ability to entertain the audience while talking about complex and often depressing economic and political issues is a big reason why he became such a popular personality on television and radio.

So on Tuesday night when Glenn wanted to talk about the Constitutionally protected right for an artist to paint Barack Obama as Jesus Christ on the cross, of course he would use a lot of crazy props to make his point.