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Posts Tagged ‘Former Federal Agent Reveals Shocking Truth About EMP Threat and Coming Martial Law – SecretsOfTheFed.com VIDEOS

Is someone testing small EMP weapons to prepare for using their big one?

April 22, 2015

A relic from the Cold War appears to have triggered a software glitch at a major air traffic control center in California Wednesday that led to delays and cancellations of hundreds of flights across the country, sources familiar with the incident told NBC News.

On Wednesday at about 2 p.m., according to sources, a U-2 spy plane, the same type of aircraft that flew high-altitude spy missions over Russia 50 years ago, passed through the airspace monitored by the L.A. Air Route Traffic Control Center in Palmdale, Calif. The L.A. Center handles landings and departures at the region’s major airports, including Los Angeles International (LAX), San Diego and Las Vegas.

In the event of an EMP attack Martial Law will be declared

June 22, 2014

Unfortunately, an EMP threat isn’t just something out of a science fiction movie; rather, it is a harsh reality! Our government has known about it for at least 40-50 years and is doing nothing about it. Even scientists are complaining and getting no results because our deceptive government claims it will never happen.