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Posts Tagged ‘FBI data confirms Donald Trump’s Border Jumper crime claims – rashmanly.com

Trump wants to send Border Jumpers home

August 16, 2015

Donald Trump says he would rescind President Obama’s executive actions on immigration and deport all undocumented immigrants if elected president.

Speaking to NBC’s “Meet the Press” in an interview that will air Sunday, Trump said that “we’re going to keep the families together, but they have to go.”

Media has covered up Border Jumper horror stories for years

July 14, 2015

Did you know that in the state of Texas alone over the last few years, more than 2000 illegal aliens were deported after committing sex crimes?

Did you know that in the state of Texas alone over the last few years, nearly a thousand illegal aliens have been convicted of sex crimes against children?

Of course you didn’t. The media has covered these horrors up for years, and even after Donald Trump dared reveal these horrors, the rape-deniers in the media continue to cover them up. The media is covering up all kinds of horrific statistic regarding illegal aliens. Before we get to those, let’s start with why.

To Democrats and their media allies, a few hundred raped children a year is seen as a small price to pay for the political benefits that come with an unsecure border. Mexicans vote 3-to-1 for Democrats. Now to Trump specifically…

We are currently entering week four of the mainstream media asking Donald Trump the same immigration questions over and over and over again. This is the media’s Todd Akin Playbook. If you remember in 2012, an obscure Senate candidate said something stupid about rape during the presidential campaign. Immediately, every Republican on the planet and the RNC distanced themselves from this lunacy, but the media made sure that didn’t matter.