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Political Correctness is spreading Ebola

October 14, 2014

Wednesday night, “CNN Tonight” guests Ben Ferguson and Van Jones both agreed on some things: that in light of the Ebola case in Dallas Texas, a travel ban is not called for, that Obama wasn’t responsible for the person getting the virus, and that people are “overreacting”. Van Jones then went on to assert that Laura Ingraham was using “birther bait” when she suggested that Obama “…has an enormous amount of, I think, you know, core ties to the African continent. He’s mindful of his own family history there… Come on, it doesn’t make any sense not to have stopped these flights from coming in.”

Van Jones said. “This is stupid, this is low. The World Health Organization, nobody has been saying we should be stopping planes coming here at this point.” He spoke with such certitude. However, their main point was to “protect” the president against any criticism….. that means that anyone who is questioning his or his administration’s decisions regarding this subject, must be called “stupid”, racist, and have their motives questioned and summarily dismissed.

Similarly, a popular writer stated “It’s not out of the realm of possibility that we’ll see other cases here in the US, but, seriously: relax. We got this.” And further, “do not lose sleep about the potential for Ebola to spread across the US. It’s not going to.”

What is the message here? You are “stupid” to speak out about it (Ebola); there is no reason to know anything about it — because “they got it”, they “know about it”, it is “under control”. Finally, those who speak about it, question or worry about getting it and question why it is that we have no travel restrictions are not only stupid… such actions might be “racist”. The Washington Post even criticized the Newsweek magazine cover which features an image of a chimpanzee behind the words, “A Back Door for Ebola: Smuggled Bushmeat Could Spark a U.S. Epidemic.” What is “bushmeat? It is the cooked, dried or smoked remains of a host of wild animals, it can be a chimpanzee, gorilla or monkey. It could also be a rat, deer or fruit bat. Often, it provides protein where nutrition is scarce. It can often be contaminated. Undaunted, the author tried to compare this meat to eating venison after deer hunting.

What the Mainstream Media isn’t telling you about Ebola

October 1, 2014

(NaturalNews) Today Kurt Nimmo from Infowars.com is incorrectly reporting that “aerosol transmission is not possible” with Ebola. (2) That statement is part of an article entitled, “Don’t Fear Ebola, Fear the State” which is, overall, a very compelling article.

Nimmo is a fantastic writer and a great researcher, but in this case his statement is factually incorrect and probably needs to be addressed. As clearly explained by the Public Health Agency of Canada: (3)

“INFECTIOUS DOSE: 1 – 10 aerosolized organisms are sufficient to cause infection in humans.”

Ebola, you see, can “ride” on aerosolized particles of blood, mucous and other body fluids. Someone sneezing, for example, can cause Ebola viruses to be aerosolized where they land on other people’s hands or faces. It only takes one virus entering the corner of your eye (or the corner of your mouth) to set off a full-blown infection.

In fact, a 2012 BBC article entitled “Growing concerns over ‘in the air’ transmission of Ebola” states: (3)

Canadian scientists have shown that the deadliest form of the ebola virus could be transmitted by air between species. In experiments, they demonstrated that the virus was transmitted from pigs to monkeys without any direct contact between them. In their experiments, the pigs carrying the virus were housed in pens with the monkeys in close proximity but separated by a wire barrier. After eight days, some of the macaques were showing clinical signs typical of ebola and were euthanised.

Ebola survives for days outside the host

Even worse, Ebola is a strong survivor outside a host. Here’s what the Public Health Agency of Canada says:

SURVIVAL OUTSIDE HOST: The virus can survive in liquid or dried material for a number of days. Infectivity is found to be stable at room temperature or at 4 C for several days, and indefinitely stable at -70 C. Infectivity can be preserved by lyophilisation.

This clearly states that Ebola viruses can survive for several days on common objects such as door knobs or household surfaces. If an infected Ebola victim runs around touching such common objects after cleaning blood or mucous from his nose, another innocent victim can easily infect himself by touching the same objects and then eating some food that places the virus in his mouth.

Barack’s Border Jumpers could start pandemic – his excuse for Martial Law

September 20, 2014

If one thinks that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Institute of Health (NIH) are merely tax-supported guardians at the gate protecting the public’s health and welfare, then one is seriously deluded and naive. These two rogue organizations are proving to be as greedy, cunning and evil as Goldman Sachs and they, as well as Bill Gates, are preparing to usher in an Ebola pandemic accompanied by mandatory vaccinations and quarantines enforced through the use of lethal force.