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Archive for January 3, 2013

Lily Allen mistakes methane gas release for labor pains

January 3, 2013

LILY Allen mistook a big FART for labour pains.
The chart-topper – who has 13-month-old daughter Ethel with husband Sam Cooper – is due to give birth to her second child in the coming weeks.

This week she felt sure the baby’s arrival was imminent – only for her labour-style pains to go when she broke wind.

She tweeted: “I thought I was in labour but I just needed to fart.”

The 27-year-old star is hoping her baby arrives soon and is looking forward to spending the majority of 2013 not carrying a baby in her stomach.

She says: “2013 is gonna be big. I’m only planning on spending a few days of it pregnant. Unlike the last 3 years. (sic)”

The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging – full movie

January 3, 2013

Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging – Full Movie

Mass Shootings and Psychotropic Drugs

January 3, 2013

One thing must be made very clear: psychotropic drugs of any kind, whether or not they’re stimulants, damage our brains, especially our frontal lobes. The frontal lobes are the area of the brain that enables us to make rational decisions, to avoid taking unnecessary risks, and to experience empathy for others. Recently, the term “frontal lobe syndrome” has been brought into use to describe the effects of prolonged drug use that damages this portion of the brain and increases our propensity to act violently and with depraved indifference.

Obama would use the Military to disarm Americans during a National Emergency

January 3, 2013

The document outlines how military assets will be used to “help local and state authorities to restore and maintain law and order” in the event of mass riots, civil unrest or a declaration of martial law.
On page 20 of the manual, rules regarding the use of “deadly force” in confronting “dissidents” are made disturbingly clear with the directive that a, “Warning shot will not be fired.”
“Restrictions on the sale, transfer, and possession of sensitive material such as gasoline, firearms, ammunition, and explosives will help control forces in minimizing certain forms of violence,” states the document on page 40.
The issue of gun confiscation is also covered in the manual, which makes clear that every effort will be made to prevent “rioters” and “dissidents” from having access to weapons.

Amber Rose preggo with eggo

January 3, 2013

She may be about to give birth but Amber Rose didn’t let anything get in her of her New Year celebrations.

The 29-year-old shared intimate snaps of how she spent her holidays, showing off her now huge baby bump.

Wiz Khalifa’s partner even tweeted a loving picture of her kissing her beau, simply stating: ‘Happy New Year kisses from the love of my life.’

Obama’s war on the Middle Class

January 3, 2013

. .____GREEN link below . -__Despite fiscal cliff deal,  ___taxes to rise for most  _Americans  ._____NY Daily News .

Obama bent on destroying the ‘Middle Class’

January 3, 2013

Obama won re-election by selling the idea that he was the champion of the middle class. Now he is forcing them into poverty and driving them from their homes.
That is the effect of new taxes going into effect on Jan. 1, regardless of how negotiations on the fiscal cliff turn out (unless, as seems unlikely, Congress decides to extend all of the Bush tax cuts to everyone). The new marginal rates on dividends and interest (43.4%) and capital gains (20%, or 23.8% including the ObamaCare surcharge for high earners) will be devastating for the middle class. Not only will it apply to those not-so-rich high earners who breach the $200,000 level, but it will harm those under the limit by undermining their desire to get ahead. Why work longer or harder with 43.4% of marginal income going straight to Washington, another 15% to 20% going to state and local taxes, and 55% of whatever’s left going to death taxes when you pass on? It’s easier to do what Obama wants and just stay poor.
New tax rates are just the beginning. There’s the failure to address the Alternative Minimum Tax. And with the president’s unwillingness to negotiate, there’s the restoration of higher tax rates on all earners. There is also a host of indirect taxes, such as an onerous tax on medical device makers and lower reimbursements to doctors and hospitals, that will be passed on to consumers one way or another.
Altogether, Obama is “saving the middle class” with a $494-billion tax hike, three-fourths of it on the middle class.
Those who will be hurt the most are small businessmen, professionals, and modestly affluent retirees. Many of these filers claim more than $200,000 on their tax returns, but they are hardly the evil 1% that Obama vilified during the campaign. They operate family farms and small construction companies. They are dentists and accountants. They are the hardworking owners of retail stores and fast-food outlets. In short, they are middle-class Americans.
Granted, they are successful. But isn’t success what Americans aspire to? By raising taxes on the middle class and especially on those among the middle class who are more successful than others, Obama is sending the message that Americans might as well not aspire to anything. If they do, they too can expect to be taxed back into dependency.
That has been the plan all along. That’s why the president exudes such spite toward those who aspire to be rich (while the Buffetts and Zuckerbergs who support him get a free ride). As far as the left is concerned, all Americans should be dependent on government. When’s the last time Obama celebrated the success of anyone other than someone like Christopher Brian Bridges (aka “Ludacris”)? When’s the last time he spoke in a heartfelt manner about the great gift of capitalism and the everyday sacrifices of those in the middle class who make it work?
Never. What he constantly proclaims is the glorious benefit of Big Government, with the implication that those who control Big Government possess an absolute right to rule over the middle class. That is why he insists that Congress hand over control of the debt ceiling. And to make government bigger, Obama demands bigger revenues. Why should he negotiate? On January 1, he gets up to half a trillion more in revenues to force more Americans into dependency.

Jail may be Lindsay Lohan’s only hope to survive exposure to Lindsay Lohan

January 3, 2013

As the LINDSAY LOHAN life clock ticks down to Armageddon, even close friends who’d once hoped she might survive if she were committed to a psych ward are now praying she gets thrown in jail – noting she’s facing a possible eight months behind bars for lying to cops about her car crash!

“Jail time is the only thing that may save her life,” says a friend.

“Lindsay’s in total denial and won’t accept responsibility for all the things she’s done.

“Rehab is not an option. It never worked for her! What will work is stripping her of her everyday luxuries and keeping her locked up in a cell.”

After the two-fisted hellcat allegedly punched out a woman at a New York club, one frustrated friend actually told Lindsay to her face that jail time “would do her good,”