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Posts Tagged ‘The shameless media still refused to shut up about guns

A Gun Control poll that may finally shut the Obama worshiping Media up

April 25, 2013

For weeks, the media pretended that poll after poll proving the American people were moving against stricter gun control simply didn’t exist. This included a Gallup poll that showed 96% of the American people did not consider gun control any kind of national priority. But media propaganda isn’t about reality; it is about the manufacturing of a reality. So the media-collective glommed on to flawed polls that showed upwards of 90% support for the tightening of background checks.
Clutching these 90% polls in a kind of death-grip, the media spent day after day pushing President Obama and DC lawmakers to “cede to the will of the people!” Then the bill failed; then the media recriminations began, led mainly by CNN’s Piers Morgan and MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough.
Even in the wake of the most devastating terror attack on American soil since 2001, the shameless media still refused to shut up about guns. It was obvious their egos were bruised. So if it wasn’t the outright demoagoguery coming from Morgan and Scarborough, it was shameless concern-trolling where the media claimed the GOP had committed electoral suicide with their choice to ignore the ninety-percent.