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Posts Tagged ‘The media sell our people on a purposely genocidal foreign policy

Obama and the EU push the genocide of Israel

December 1, 2013

Today even the Saudis are frightened by Obama. Al-Waleed Bin Talal, the biggest billionaire in Saudi Arabia, just flipped and said in public “For the first time, Saudi Arabian interests and Israel are almost in parallel.”
Obama’s meddling in the Middle East is having the opposite of its intended effects. Rather than weakening Israel, Obama is forcing the Saudis to make common cause with Israel.
Just think about that for a minute.
Obama is an ideological Leninist (the same thing as a Third World Socialist), as written in Dreams from My Father. It’s not a secret. It’s right out in the open.
But Americans are so ignorant of the theological subtleties of the Left that only academic Marxists understand that. Jeremiah Wright understands it, because he preached hatred for white America and Jewish Israel for twenty years, while the Obamas attended that “church.”
So today we see millions and millions of indoctrinated liberals who keep wondering, “Why shouldn’t Iran have its own nukes? It’s only fair!”
The obvious answer is that the mullahcracy is a murderous, criminal enterprise. Sane people don’t give guns to criminals. Sane nations don’t want criminal cults to have nuclear weapons.
The United States is no longer a rational nation. Under Obama we are burning our traditional allies, and since weakness brings aggression, Iran is now empowered, China is grabbing ocean territory for shale deposits, and the worst offenders against women’s rights are now elected to the UN Human Rights Commission.
Obama can’t see anything wrong with that.
Check the facts if you doubt it.
There is a murderous evil let loose in the world, and the United States is actively aiding and supporting it.
We have never done this before.
Obama’s presidency is historic — not because he happens to be a black guy — but because he and his buds have flipped American policy from good to evil.