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Posts Tagged ‘Supposedly racist voter ID laws on behalf of the poor blacks who are too stupid to get an ID card in 2014

What white Democrats really think about black Americans

May 23, 2014

Has anyone noticed that whenever Democrats give campaign speeches in black neighborhoods, their speeches never inspire or uplift? The Democrat politicians (and race baiters) all say the same things in speech after speech. The deck is stacked against you, the rich are greedy, and whitey is out to get you. Democrat politicians never encourage black Americans to get some kind of formal education in order to get a good job so that they can lift themselves and their families out of poverty. You will almost never hear a Democrat utter the term “self-sufficient.” Democrats will help sign up poor blacks for food stamps and welfare; they will have a voter registration table at the social service office, but they wouldn’t dare send someone from the local community colleges to set up a table at that same office.