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Posts Tagged ‘“She’s fed up – and she’s going to use a poison-pen memoir of her White House years to get revenge on him”

Michelle Obama ghost writing a tell-all memoir?

February 12, 2014

MICHELLE OBAMA is already hammering away at a $15 million memoir that will rip the lid off President Barack Obama’s secret extramarital hijinks and public flirta­tions with other women, sources tell The ENQUIRER.

“Michelle has suffered in silence, while Barack ignored her to live it up surrounded by adoring beauties,” an insider told The ENQUIRER.

“She’s fed up, and she’s going to use a poison-pen memoir of her White House years to get revenge on him.

“The book will be based on her diaries and tell the world about Barack’s flirting, drinking and hanging out with fawning women. Mi­chelle doesn’t want to come away as Hillary Clinton, who stood by her man Bill when he cheat­ed like a dog, but as a strong woman.” Another source added: “Michelle feels she’s been made a laughingstock on the world stage, and she plans to get her revenge with this memoir.

“Michelle knows this book will create tremendous problems for Barack. But she feels that after what he’s put her through, he deserves it.”

Michelle also plans to reveal she was once so angry she had divorce papers drawn up but decided for the sake of her husband’s presidency not to use them – yet.

Meanwhile, President Obama is expected to pocket up to $20 million for his memoirs after he leaves the Oval Office, while Michelle could see a $15 million payday, sources say.