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Posts Tagged ‘Long-time escort confirms Senator Bob Menendez paid her for sex

‘Sleaze Bob No Pants’ Bob Menendez charged with bribery

September 22, 2023

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Puerto Rico party time for Democrats during shutdown

January 14, 2019

Dozens of Congressional Democrats flocked to Puerto Rico on Friday to watch the opening weekend of Hamilton amid the ongoing government shutdown, in a trip that organizers hope will allow them to lobby for additional federal funding to the impoverished island.

Hillary’s van crashes en route to ‘Sleaze Bob No Pants’ Bob Menendez fundraiser

October 21, 2018

A van carrying Hillary Clinton, fresh from throwing her #MeToo sisters under the bus this weekend, crashed into a parking garage pillar on the way to a New Jersey campaign fundraiser Tuesday for beleaguered Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez. At her side was Huma Abedin, who is divorcing convicted serial sexter and underage girl stalker ex-Democratic Rep. Anthony Weiner.

Long time sex worker claims Democratic Senator Bob Menendez paid her for sex

February 25, 2013

A professional escort who travels the East Coast seeing clients in cities from Miami to Boston has identified a photo of Senator Bob Menendez as a man who paid her for sex. The woman, in her late 30s, told The Daily Caller prior to seeing Menendez’s photo that she had been paid to provide sexual favors to several U.S. senators, including a New Jersey Democrat and other politicians who are no longer living.