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Posts Tagged ‘LIVID aides to SARAH PALIN attacked HBO’s political docu-drama “Game Change” as “sick”

Liberal HBO obsessed with Sarah Palin

April 25, 2012

A comedy about an inept Vice President. I thought, wow – that could be funny. I’ll bet it’s about Joe Biden, as much time as his foot has been in his mouth these past three years.
But then I tuned in to HBO’s new comedy “Veep” and saw Julia Louis Dreyfus dressed up as … Tina Fey dressed up as … Sarah Palin.
So after suffering through “Veep” I’m yet even more mystified than before by the Left’s obsession with Palin. The only conclusion I can come up with is this: They are so terrified of a Palin candidacy, for anything that they just can’t let go.
Nevermind that Palin is not running for anything; what’s salient is merely the spectre that she may, at some point in the future, throw her hat back into the political ring. And if the stake is not driven completely through the heart of her political aspiration, there’s still a remotely outside chance Mitt Romney will tag her to run with him this summer.

‘Game Change’ Top 10 Lies

March 10, 2012

Defenders of HBO’s “Game Change” have fought back against those who criticize the politically charged film as a two-hour attack on Sarah Palin. They claim that unless a person has watched it in its entirety, they cannot judge its content or the people involved with the project.
Well, I’ve seen the entire movie, so don’t mind me while I go ahead and judge this piece of high-dollar propaganda.
“Game Change” is pretty easy to deconstruct. At its core, it’s a left-wing project designed to make one of their most hated political enemies toxic. They used people with an axe to grind to legitimize the story they want viewers to believe and help push their agenda. They also have no problem lying.
Honestly, it was difficult to narrow down this list because there were so many fabrications and distortions throughout the film, but here are the top ten lies produced by HBO.

‘Game Change’ anti-Palin movie – follow the money

March 8, 2012

When Joel Surnow co-wrote and co-executive produced the TV miniseries The Kennedys, it was immediately deemed controversial and much was made in the press about a Hollywood Republican having so much influence in the making of a docudrama about a Democratic icon.
With HBO’s Game Change premiering on Mar. 10 amidst criticism from the right (a review by John Nolte at Big Hollywood, for example, calls it “a heinous piece of propaganda.”), The Hollywood Reporter took a look at the federal political donations of the movie’s top executives and talent.
Ed Harris, who plays Sen. John McCain, has given $9500 to Democratic candidates, and since 1998, the actor has also donated $11,975 to liberal special-interest groups like MoveOn.org, Emily¹s List and the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. His donations to Republicans and conservative causes: Zero.
Woody Harrelson, who stars as Steve Schmidt, chief strategist for McCain-Palin, has given $4,300 to Democratic candidates, and donated $3,500 to liberal causes like GreenVote and the Hollywood Women¹s Political Committee. Republican anc conservative donations: Zero.

HBO ‘Game Change’ movie cites Tina Fey quote to Sarah Palin

February 25, 2012

LIVID aides to SARAH PALIN attacked HBO’s political docu-drama “Game Change” as “sick”.

The film which depicts the 2008 Presidential campaign focused on Sen. John McCain and the former Alaska governor is based on the best-selling book which also delved within the turbulent John Edwards household.

Yet, not one of the aides admitted they had seen the film which doesn’t air until March 10, and some said they had asked for an opportunity to screen the film but had been denied.

Coming attractions have been leaked and some clips appear to cast Palin in a bad light, AP reported. Played by Julianne Moore, Palin is seen complaining about how she’s being handled by political advisers and mumbling about missing her baby, who was born in April 2008.