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Posts Tagged ‘Just a few months back the combined extent of sea ice at both Poles reached a record high for the 35-year satellite era

Worshipers at the temple of Thermageddon

May 24, 2015

As the Jesuits almost said: “Give a child until he is seven and I will show you the fully indocrinated, yogurt-weaving, polar-bear hugging eco loon.”

Such, at any rate, has been the message at one of the panel discussions at this year’s luvvie-fest of impeccably correct thinking, the Hay Literary Festival, where a group of “CliFi” authors have been singing the praises of brainwashing the impressionable young through the medium of kiddie-friendly climate pornography.

Climate activists are targeting children through a new range of ‘cli-fi’ – climate fiction – novels which seek to highlight the dangers of global warming.

Lord Monckton challenges Global Warming Fascists with a $500,000 bet

April 13, 2015

The International Union of Climate Fascists, as it prepares to establish a totalitarian world “governing body” over us at the Paris climate yadayadathon this December, with the active support of governments worldwide slavering at the prospect of bringing the democracy they hate to an end, faces a tiresome problem that just won’t go away.

Totalitarians can push man around and, oh boy, do they long to. But they can’t push nature around.

The climate scare parroted by bed-wetting eco-freako useful idiots worldwide began when the pseudo-scientific profiteers of doom on U.N.’s fraudulent and corrupt climate panel, the IPCC (known universally in diplomatic circles as IPeCaC after the well-known emetic) predicted with “substantial confidence” 25 years ago that its useless but gratifyingly expensive climate models had captured the essential features of the climate.

Therefore, it predicted, by now the world would have warmed at – er – exactly double the rate that the thermometers and satellites have measured since. Oops! More grants needed. In fact, according to the RSS satellite dataset, you have to go back more than 18 years and four months before any global warming is detectable at all. Here are the actual data.