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Posts Tagged ‘It has gotten so bad for the Obama campaign that even Politico is starting to notice that Obama’s got nothing much to offer voters

Obama bubble is bursting

May 29, 2012

It has gotten so bad for the Obama campaign that even Politico is starting to notice that Obama’s got nothing much to offer voters and can’t articulate an appealing message. Of course, in order to break this news to inhabitants of the liberal bubble, it casts the problem as a “stumble out of the gate” — sticking to the beloved horse race metaphor. Heavyweights Mike Allen and Jim Vandehei write:

Obama, not Mitt Romney, is the one with the muddled message – and the one who often comes across as baldly political. Obama, not Romney, is the one facing blowback from his own party on the central issue of the campaign so far – Romney’s history with Bain Capital. And most remarkably, Obama, not Romney, is the one falling behind in fundraising.