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Posts Tagged ‘Imposing Chicago-style regionalism to destroy suburbs through Building One America (BOA) run by his former Alinsky cronies

What to fear in Obama’s second term

November 7, 2012

3. Implementation of a civilian security force just as strong and just as well financed as the Defense Department. That would be over 200,000 storm troopers with a budget of X trillion, — i.e., the same as DoD. Why would we need 200,000 storm troopers? Is that what he thinks is necessary to put down a middle-class revolution? Sounds a bit like the Nazi Gestapo or the Soviet secret police: NKVD. Further, he bought 1.2 billion rounds of hollow point ammo — enough to drill each of us with 40 rounds apiece. Hollow points are illegal for all the world’s armed forces — outlawed by Geneva convention. They can turn a 45-cal bullet into a 1′ Explosive inside your body. Why, Mr. O? Why?