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Posts Tagged ‘During WWII Amin Al Husseini was the Mufti of Jerusalem and an active supporter of Nazism

NBC News coverup of Muslim’s destruction of non-Islam artifacts

February 5, 2013

. .__3 GREEN links below . __NBC News Covers For  _______Muslims‘ Vicious  ._________Destruction of  -__Non-Islamic Artifacts . . ____Radical Islam:  ____A Problem World  -_Leaders Must Confront . . _________The Nazis Find  ______________a Home in  ________Post-Mubarak Egypt . .____GREEN link below . .-Islamic Fascism: ____________the Nazi  ______Connection ____2 GREEN links below ____FrontPage  ____Magazine – _____The Nazi  -___Connection -____to Islamic  ____Terrorism ______media0. […]

Obama wants Egypt’s Christians to show some restraint

October 13, 2011

Arab Spring giving birth to the 21st century Nazi Party/
Adolf Hitler died in 1945. Fascistic Nazism did not die with him. When Hitler rose to power in 1933 Germany, he found common ground with the Muslim Brotherhood. Muslims agreed with Hitler’s methods of ethnic cleansing and genocide, to rid the world of Jews.

During WWII Amin Al Husseini was the Mufti of Jerusalem and an active supporter of Nazism. At Hitler’s side, he was in Germany; heavily involved with the genocide of Jews. Husseini formed the Arab League for Islamic Unity, claiming that Jews and Christians have no claim to any part of the Middle East.