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Posts Tagged ‘Barry – with the press in his pocket – knew he could hang the whole mess around the necks of Republicans

King Obama the Punisher

October 18, 2013

You can’t negotiate with terrorists.
No… this battle is lost and the Republicans will be lucky to keep the sequester cuts in place, when all is said and done.
They were never going to win anyway, and leaving ObamaCare intact is a retreat, but an ultimate victory for Republicans and America. At least they made a clear and unequivocal stand against the ACA and now there is not a person in the country who is not aware that Barack Obama owns ObamaCare.
Let it burn.
Yet… all is not lost.
Conservatives have an ace in the hole, and that is Barack Obama.
Barry is the most dangerous of morons, the moron who doesn’t think he is a moron. He believes in his heart of hearts that he is doing a great job — and nothing will convince him otherwise.
His narcissism will never allow him to give up on ObamaCare. After all, it is his progeny, his legacy. Isn’t it named after him? No matter how bad it gets he is not letting go. Republicans should give him what he wants, full implementation. To paraphrase Napoleon, when your enemy seeks defeat, don’t get in his way.
Delaying the individual mandate for a year was the wrong victory to seek. ObamaCare must proceed unencumbered. Americans must suffer, or they will continue to elect incompetent community organizers, preaching “hope and change.”
This is the tide that turns. ObamaCare must be allowed to collapse on its own lack of merits. It is a Ponzi scheme, government style. It relies on ever-increasing numbers of the young and healthy willing to pay more, in order for the sick and elderly to pay less.
Without America’s young, hale and hearty, ObamaCare cannot survive.