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Archive for the ‘Larry David’ Category

Larry David ‘screamed’ at Alan Dershowitz at grocery store over President Trump

August 18, 2021

Larry David Sends Message to Idiots Not Staying Home – VIDEO

April 2, 2020

Comedian Larry David, who sounds just like Bernie Sanders, wants everyone to stay home to protect older Californians from COVID19. This is a lighthearted delivery of a serious message.

VOX writer clutches his pearls over naughty language in Video Trump tweeted

February 12, 2020

On Monday night, the president surprised many when he tweeted a clip from episode 1 Season 10 of HBO’s hit show starring Seinfeld creator Larry David, in which the show’s protagonist realizes the power of the red MAGA hat.

SNL propagandist Alec Baldwin victim-blames Rose McGowen

November 5, 2017

Late last week, in an apparent attempt to inoculate himself from the nuclear Harvey Weinstein scandal, Saturday Night Live’s Alec Baldwin admitted he has “bullied women.” Baldwin seemed all-too eager to prove himself correct Saturday by victim-blaming Rose McGowan and then lashing out at alleged-Weinstein rape victim Asia Argento.