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Archive for October 6, 2011

White House using intimidation tactics against those who dare ask the wrong questions

October 6, 2011

Obama White House tries to intimidate critics

Obama Brownshirts SEIU Union joining Wall Street protesters

October 6, 2011

Victor Rivera, a vice-president for the powerful 1199 Service Employees International Union, which represents health care workers, said the union had donated “all the food they need for this entire week” to the Zuccotti Park campers. Union leaders had also assigned liaisons from their political action committee to work with demonstrators.

White Democrat Congresswoman wants Justice Thomas decisions nullified

October 6, 2011

Congresswoman Slaughter wants Justice Thomas decisions nullified

Ann Coulter exposes the Mob Mentality

October 6, 2011

Democrats encouraging social unrest so they can have martial Law to suspend 2012 elections

Red Menace Pinkos

October 6, 2011

Communist Menace wants Martial Law to suspend elections in 2012

Apple Genius Steve Jobs dead at 56

October 6, 2011

Rest In Peace Steve Jobs – dead at 56