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Brian Williams shredded by his Chopper Whopper

February 6, 2015

Veterans in all branches of the military who have sacrificed to keep America safe are livid at NBC News anchor Brian Williams, who was forced to admit this week that he had, for 12 years, lied about taking fire in a helicopter over Iraq. Below, responses from career veterans who condemn his use of a false story to elevate his resume for more than a decade:

From a Viet Nam assault helicopter pilot and distinguished Navy Captain:

“He got one thing right; he’s no war correspondent.”

From an highly respected combat Marine Officer and intellectual thinker who was on the ground during the war:

“Brian Williams is a man of little integrity. His eventual apology – “I would not have chosen to make this mistake” – is a complete evasion of responsibility. He did choose to make that mistake. And by “mistake” he means a “deliberate lie.” If he respected his position he would resign. But he won’t. Instead he will continue to march in the ranks of like-minded elites who lie and falsify without compunction, and when caught believe a non-contrite apology is sufficient to make amends. It’s not.”

From a respected career Naval Aviator with 26 years of service:

“This is another NBC story line where the focus is never about the Veteran, their focus always seems to be about how the Veteran’s sacrifice affected the reporter. It is another, ‘what difference does it make’ that our facts were wrong again. Brian William’s attempt to respond to the critics, who were asking only the truth be told, was another condescending, well, it was over 12 years ago and sometimes the facts get in the way that we saw the story.”