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Posts Tagged ‘Educational insanity has reached new heights

Public education brainwashing by design

February 20, 2013

The day after Barack Obama’s re-election, unrepentant terrorist-turned-“education reformer” Bill Ayers posted an open letter to the president on his blog, focused on educational matters. Specifically, it was a straw man-filled plea to resist private influences in public education, in the names (naturally) of “freedom” and “democracy.”
Perfectly echoing his intellectual forbear, John Dewey, Ayers tells Obama that “[w]hen the aim of education and the sole measure of success is competitive, learning becomes exclusively selfish, and there is no obvious social motive to pursue it.”

American education system Communist Manifesto

February 20, 2013

. ____GREEN link below . -_Total Destruction of the U.S. _______: An Interview with  ___Larry Grathwohl