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Posts Tagged ‘Chris Cristie’s cultivation of relationships with those associated with known terrorist groups

Chris Cristie’s cultivation of relationships with those associated with known terrorist groups

January 21, 2014

The political flap over Chris Christie’s role in “Bridgegate” has thrown a spotlight once again on the rough-hewn, plain-speaking New Jersey governor. But the drama of the current brouhaha has drawn attention away from the governor’s more serious, ongoing missteps — namely, his cultivation of relationships with those associated with known terrorist groups. Remarkably, New Jersey’s Governor Chris Christie appears more contrite about Bridgegate than he is about these associations that threaten national security.
Muslims & Political Influence in New Jersey
New Jersey has the second-largest Muslim population of any state, after Michigan. Paterson, the county seat of Passaic County, is home to a controversial Hamas-linked mosque, the Islamic Center of Passaic County (ICPC), and contains the largest population of Palestinian Muslims in the United States. The Muslim community in South Paterson is referred to as “Little Ramallah.”