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Posts Tagged ‘Bosses at a Surrey theme park have relocated one of its new rides after workers reported ghostly goings-on at the site

The Egham Haunting – Not to be confused with the Green Eggs and Ham Haunting

August 3, 2015

February 2011: Construction of a ride at Thorpe Park called the Storm Surge has been put on hold and shifted to a new location as the original site was said to be haunted. The following article by Mike Morton entitled ‘Bosses Move ‘Haunted’ Theme Park Ride’ appeared on Sky News 7 February 2011.

Bosses at a Surrey theme park have relocated one of its new rides after workers reported ghostly goings-on at the site.

Staff building the water ride at Thorpe Park said they had encounted several strange phenomena, including what appeared to be a headless monk.

There were reports of objects being moved, workers feeling like someone was watching over their shoulders and sudden cold feelings being experienced.

A paranormal detection agency was called in by park bosses to carry out tests and found that an ancient burial ground or settlement could have been disturbed.