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Archive for the ‘Robot Revolt’ Category

Chance of Robot Revolt remote in 2012 unlike the inevitable Zombie Apocalypse

November 20, 2012

Human Rights Watch today fired the first salvo in its bid to establish an international ban on autonomous “killer robots.”

The NGO argues that the rapid push to field armed and autonomous robot planes, boats, and ground vehicles will place civilian lives at risk and make it easier for countries possessing such weapons to go to war, while eroding the ability to punish war crimes.

“We believe these systems would not be able to comply with international humanitarian law standards and would pose unacceptable dangers to civilians during armed conflict. It would also create an accountability gap, as it would be unclear who should be held responsible for the inevitable violations of international humanitarian law that would occur,” said Stephen Goose, executive director of arms programs at HRW, during a press conference today.

Rise of The Synthetic Police

August 18, 2012

___GREEN link below   » Synthetic Police  Are Coming:  DARPA Engineering  Autonomous Robots  Alex Jones’ Infowars

Pentagon constructing death machine robots

August 17, 2012

Pentagon producing Terminator like robots for killing and destruction

Female Space Robot moves like Mick Jagger

July 30, 2012

A space robot with a female form could someday join NASA’s humanoid robot in helping human astronauts aboard the International Space Station.
Germany’s AILA robot has a female figure, a head molded into the shape of a modern female hairstyle, and large, dark eyes — a different look compared with the broad-shouldered torso and space helmet head of NASA’s Robonaut 2. But both robots could have the right stuff to show how humans and robots can work together more efficiently in future space exploration.

Russian Robots for military modernization

July 9, 2012

The symbiotic relationship between the on-line and the off-line worlds is nowhere more apparent than in the field of robotics. For, although it was advances in semiconductor physics and materials science starting in the 1970’s that enabled the development of microelectronic devices that powered computers, it was actually advances in manufacturing efficiencies, primarily the deployment of industrial robotics and automation starting in the 1980’s, that made such computers inexpensive and ubiquitous, thus enabling the Information Age.

Chance of The Robot Revolt only 1 in 1000 for 2012

July 4, 2012

The Inevitable Robot Revolt which could destroy Mankind

Micro Robots could form Army

May 25, 2012

The Inevitable Robot Revolt which could destroy Mankind

Robot Revolt unlikly in 2012

May 9, 2012

The Inevitable Robot Revolt which could destroy Mankind

Robot Revolt only 1 in 1000 chance thru 2012

July 2, 2011

Kitchen robots learn to be more like dangerous humans