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Posts Tagged ‘Both the provider and user are anonymous and difficult to trace

The Deep Web: Swim at your own risk

November 11, 2013

There’s a part of the internet known as the deep web. The deep web is called the deep web because of its massive size, it’s literally ‘deep’. According to The Guardian, you can only access 0.03% of the internet via search engines like Google and the rest is what makes up the deep web. The deep web is truly anonymous – you can’t even get on it unless you yourself are anonymous.


You can’t just access the deep web from a normal web browser – like Firefox for example – you can only access the deep web through a deep web browser. The most famous of these deep web browsers is called Tor and this is the one we recommend you get if you’re looking to get onto the deep web. Downloads of Tor soared in August by almost 100% as the general population became more and more concerned about their privacy amid revelations about US and UK intelligence agencies monitoring web traffic. In short, more and more people are turning to the deep web to get their internet fix and protect their information.