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Posts Tagged ‘Anatomical Cocktails – London’s most doolally pop-up cocktail bar

Alcohol and Bacon cocktail a Chick Magnet

September 3, 2012

Bacon: great in a sandwich, lovely wrapped around chicken, fabulous with eggs.

But in a drink? Surely not.

Surely yes, at Anatomical Cocktails, London’s most doolally pop-up cocktail bar.

This October in the bar’s stall at the St Bartholomew’s Pathology Museum, you will be able to sample a Charred Remains – the Bloody Mary with the cheeky porky streak.

Combined with vodka, Jack Daniels, tabasco, Worcester sauce, black food colouring, paprika, pepper and lemon, the Charred Remains is one drink on a menu created by madcap mixologist James Dance.

Dance – who runs the Loading gaming bar in Falmouth, Cornwall – will be whipping up rounds of the drink alongside other macabre whistle-wetters all inspired by death and destruction.

Besides the Charred Remains you will find gorily delectable beverages including the Stomach Contents (flavoured vodka, bits of chocolate and Skittles), the Fat (Kahlua, caramel rum, hazelnut syrup and white rum topped with hard white chocolate), the Sanitiser (lychee liqueur, cherry brandy, grenadine, vodka and white rum), the test tube of Urine (whiskey, brandy and limoncello) and the Stool Sample (a mixture of cocoa, coffee liqueur, vodka, and cream liqueurs, strawberry syrup and fudge pieces, all served inside a plastic bag).