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Archive for the ‘Amphetamines’ Category

Captagon: Breaking Bad in the Middle East

October 26, 2015

As Syria sinks ever deeper into civil war, evidence is starting to emerge that a brutal and bloody conflict that has left more than 100,000 people dead and displaced as many as two million is now also being fuelled by both the export and consumption of rapidly increasing quantities of illegal drugs.

Separate investigations by the news agency Reuters and Time magazine have found that the growing trade in Syrian-made Captagon – an amphetamine widely consumed in the Middle East but almost unknown elsewhere – generated revenues of millions of dollars inside the country last year, some of which was almost certainly used to fund weapons, while combatants on both sides are reportedly turning to the stimulant to help them keep fighting.

Workers on legal drugs

October 22, 2015

Workers on drugs? Blame schools, says international educator and journalist Alex Newman.

Abuse of drugs such as those designed to combat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder has graduated from the schools into the workforce, Newman tells WND. He says it’s because the prescription drugs in public schools simply follow students into the work force.