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Barack Obama: Smoke, mirrors, and a teleprompter! (Part ONE of FOUR)



By Mark Butterworth

September 29th, 2009

The American Thinker


__Part ONE of FOUR

_(Links are in GREEN)

Barack and Michelle Obama
find themselves in an odd
psychological trap with
Bill Ayers.

It finally appears that
Jack Cashill’s landmark work
in exposing the real authorship
of Barack Obama’s books,
has found corroboration in
“Barack and Michelle:
Portrait of an American Marriage,”
by Christopher Andersen.

The weight and plausibility
of Cashill’s findings of similarity
between Ayer’s writing and
Obama’s first autobiography
were substantial,
but now appears
confirmed by Andersen.

Cashill writes:
With the deadline pressing,
Michelle recommended that
Barack seek advice from
“his friend and Hyde Park
neighbor Bill Ayers.”

To flesh out his family history,
Obama had taped interviews
with various family members.

Andersen writes,
“These oral histories,
along with a partial manuscript
and a truckload of notes,
were given to Ayers.”

This brings up a curious
and odd psychological situation
for the Obamas.

They have become rich through
the work of the white Ayers.

Work that Barack Obama
could never have succeeded
at alone.

In fact,
any study of B. Obama’s
own writing (what little there is),
his speeches,
and his extemporaneous manner
of speaking demonstrate a
singular lack of originality
in expression,
analogy, analysis,
precision, concision,
and figurative language.

Obama is hopelessly dull
in prose and gassy in speech.

His second book,
The Audacity of Hope,
better illustrates Obama’s
tin ear,
pomposity, and dullness
than the Ayer’s penned
Dreams From My Father,
based as it is on his unfocused
and platitudinous speeches.

There are meta-ironies wedged
into the fact of Obama’s wealth
from the sale of his first book
for he and Michelle.

Let’s take Michelle first.

James Lewis noted in 2008:
“. . . Barack and Michelle seem
to suffer from real feelings of

Michelle is a Princess
of Privilege —
Princeton University,
Harvard Law School and
her 300K job today.

And yet,
she tells us that she spent
years feeling bad about
being black in America,
as she told the world in
at the very time when blacks
are moving ahead faster than
ever before in human history.”

Michelle wrote in
her thesis introduction,
“My experiences at Princeton
have made me far more awareof
my ‘blackness’ than ever before,”
and that
“I have found that at Princeton,
no matter how liberal and
open-minded some of my white
professors and classmates try
to be toward me,
I sometimes feel like
a visitor on campus;
as if I really don’t belong.”

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