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Barack Obama: Smoke, mirrors, and a teleprompter! (Part TWO of FOUR)



By Mark Butterworth

September 29th, 2009

The American Thinker


__Part TWO of FOUR

_(Links are in GREEN)

Regardless of the circumstances
underwhich (sic) I interact with
whites at Princeton,
it often seems as if, to them,
I will always be black first
and a student second.”

At best,
she prophesied for herself
a marginal future –
“further integration and/or
assimilation into a white
cultural and social structure
that will only allow me to
remain on the periphery
of society;
never becoming
a full participant.”

She has proven to be
resentful over the fact that
her accomplishments have
come through affirmative
action and not merit as when
told in high school she wouldn’t
qualify for an Ivy League college
because her test scores
weren’t high enough,
and later had trouble with
the Illinois bar exam.

A lot of colleges like Princeton
also do a bang up job of making
sure that minority students
(who have included
Obama and Sotomayor)
never bond early on with whites
students by holding separate
orientation sessions for them,
thus further encouraging any
sense of alienation and
separateness they feel.

All of Michelle’s adult
achievements have
come through whites.

The Ivy League colleges,
the law firm she worked at,
and then the University
of Chicago.

The same is true for Barack.

As for Barack,
he is half-white and raised
as a relatively privileged
white boy except for his time
in Indonesia when he was
bullied for being culturally
different and black .

Culturally, though,
Barack is white.

He learned to think,
observe, speak,
and imagine life through
white culture and family.

His life story is the unrelenting
quest to purge all that whiteness
from himself that he might
assume the mantle of
his coal black father,
and ascend to lead his “people”
(the oppressed)
to freedom and prosperity
out of the hateful clutches
of the White Man.

The way for Barack to escape
the problem of thinking “white”
was to adopt Marxism as a way
out of his dilemma:
a black who’d been raised white.

He now saw the world in
purely class and racial terms.

everything he is and
became depended on whites.

His privileged education,
his community work,
his law firm and professorship –
all provided by whites.

And Bill Ayers,
whose help in Obama’s adult
life remains hidden to
a large extent,
has nonetheless been critical.

Especially for the money
conscious Michelle who
complained $600 from a
tax rebate to folks was only
good enough for a decent pair
of earrings,
and spends $540 for a pair
of fashionable sneakers
(or kicks).

“You’re getting $600.
What can you do with that?
Not to be ungrateful
or anything. . .
And then you go out and you
buy a pair of earrings.”

___Obama's Magic (Ben Heine) by Ben Heine.


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