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Democratic Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap – Part FOUR of EIGHT



Democrat Dirty
A Primer on
Stealing Elections

By Ed Lansky

____October 7th, 2010


_Links are in GREEN

.-Part FOUR of EIGHT



Smear campaigns are the
wetwork of politics.

They are hit jobs,
meant to assassinate the
character and careers of

We saw them employed most
viciously against Sarah Palin
when her entire family came
under assault —
a type of collateral damage
that is fine by Democrats.

During the 2008 campaign,
Barack Obama warned the GOP
to “lay off my wife” and that to
make “Michelle an issue
in the campaign” would be

Yet he had no problem
with the scorched earth,
take-no-prisoners hatchet job
on the Palin family committed
by his minions.

This gang seems inspired
by the Cook County mores
exemplified by the movie

“I want to find this
nancy boy Eliot Ness,
I want him dead!
I want his family dead!
I want his house burned
to the ground!”

See also Barack Obama’s threat
during the campaign that if
they bring a knife to the fight,
“we bring a gun,”

borrowing a line —
as Obama is wont to do —
from Sean Connery’s
character in the movie.)

Lately we have heard the vice
president threaten to strangle
the GOP if any Republican
brings up the deficit —
a figure that has significantly
worsened under the regime of

The ends always justify
the means with the gang
that cannot play straight.

Democratic candidates are
throwing chum in the water
to churn the wheels of the
rumor mill.

The New York Times reports
that Democratic strategists are
planning the most negative
campaign in years and helpfully
explained that they were doing
so to distract voters from
their own records.

Democrats are trying to distract
voters from their own vastly
unpopular policies by focusing
on such items as tax liens
their opponents.

The Obama message
of hope and change
was “just words.”

Sometimes the rumors are
started by liberal bloggers.

One blogger started a rumor
that Republican Congressman
Dave Reichert was suffering
from a brain injury,
making him unfit to serve
in Congress (untrue).

Another of these creepy critters
tried to start a rumor that John
Boehner was having an affair
with a lobbyist by loudly asking
him about this faux-scandal
in front of a crowd of people.

This blogger —
whose hero has to be the
Nixon-era Donald Segretti —
has made a career of following
GOP candidates around the
country with a handful of mud
ready to hurl (hoping it sticks).

Perhaps he was inspired by
the insipid example of the
New York Times,
which ran a huge front-page
story right before the 2008
election intimating that John
McCain had also had an affair
with a lobbyist.

during the campaign season,
the New York Times is transformed
into the National Enquirer —
only when it comes to
Republicans as targets.




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