You can see the whole Earth from the Moon!

How to tell if you are a vampire


You might
be a vampire

Vampires Among Us

* You have a strong desire for and/or Stimulation by blood (sexual, revitalizing or otherwise)

* You have a nameless craving that can never quite be fulfilled

* People you get close to tend to become tired, weary and upset a lot around you

* People tend to find you interesting at first, then begin to avoid you

* Even when surrounded by others, you always feel alone 
* Sunlight/bright light in general hurts your eyes (but you can go out in it, even so)

* You tend to be a night person by nature (because you may feel more comfortable and “alive” at this time)

* You have had a strong interest in vampires(in any aspect of the genre) probably since puberty onwards

* You have had a strong interest in vampires since a traumatic event occured in your life

* You don’t get sick often, or if you do, the maladies are often strange or severe

* You are a fast healer

* Sex tends to leave you feeling revitalized and full of energy

* You have drank blood before or would like to, if you could

* You enjoy imbibing sexual fluids because of the vitality they contain

* Electrical appliances and you don’t generally tend to get along well (watches stop often, computers malfunction for no reason, microwaves start up by themselves, etc)

* You prefer rich fabrics, tastes, scents etc.

* You are very sensitive to sensory extremes (strong scents, rough textures, sour tastes,etc)

* You feel totally different on some elemental,intuitive level to most other human beings

* You feel you don’t belong in this century, maybe even this world

* You believe in reincarnation and maybe even have had past life visions

* Your dreams are often extremely vivid and sometimes result in cases of deja vu

* You easily “trance out” or find yourself detached from the world

* You posess an ability similar to ESP (or are highly intuitive in general)

* People often find you very empathetic to how they feel

* People often either trust you completely or think you are very dangerous.

* Your style of clothing tends to be more on the dramatic side

* Your relationships tend to be very rocky and emotionally unstable

* Your relationships tend to be very intense and passionate

* People tell you that you are too intense/an “enigma”/”dark hole”/add similar phrase here

* You look younger than you are (when you’re beyond

twenty years of age) or look older than you are (when you are younger than 20 yrs of age)

* You can see and/or read auras

* Animals tend to get along well with you

* You have good, natural “magickal” abilities (if you do spells, etc, usually they work)

* You have only one or two friends/lovers who really understand you and whom you get along with

* When you will things to happen, they usually do

* You can often easily tell how other people are feeling

* You feel sick/get rashes/etc in the daytime when the sun is shining

* (you’re a woman) Your period starts late in the day and your cycle is usually timed to the full moon

* You suffer from allergies

2,607 Responses to “How to tell if you are a vampire”

  1. Wow, I have 25 of those symptoms. Weird…

    • i sparkle in the sun… like the cullen vampires =]

      • cool I think im one too my skin sparkles too.
        I also have most of those things listed above

      • I have so may of those symtoms.
        I am already a vampire,
        but I like to do reaserch about my human life.

        I sometimes sparkle in the sun,
        but i can usually cover it. It has gotten more faint,
        but thats not the only reason I don’t go out in the sun.

        The sun hurts my skin!
        Is that abnormal?
        Please respond!

        Bella and her “adopted sister” Tori

      • really?
        fucking vampyres dont sparkle. -___-
        ever thought you were really pale?
        stupid twilight shit.

      • i kno rite. vampires dont fukin sparkle. wat is with u twilight luvrs? ugh. if u think ur a vampire b/c you think u sparkle then ur full of shit. there are no sparklig vampires. you just need to get the fuck overit.

      • that doesnt happen okay

      • WTF! Is wrong with you?
        You must read too much Twi-SHIT!
        On the other hand I’ve got 29 of those symptoms.

      • right….

      • Vampires do not sparkle in the sun!
        Sangs need blood.
        Psi’s need energy.
        Vampires are part of earth
        we live among the human race
        just as god intended.

        Vampires are nothing like the ones from Twilight.
        The author of Twilight even said herself that
        she made everything up!

        Vampires are not damned to hell,
        it all depends on what people do
        while they are living!

        Being a vampire is both a curse and a blessing.
        So if you are a vampire be proud.

        If your a human you really
        don’t want to be a vampire.
        Check out the website AwakeAndDrink.webs

      • Humm I’m trying to figure out how to psi feed.
        I’m a sang,
        but sangs can psi feed to but it only
        holds off the thirst for blood a little bit.

        If been practicing taking and giving energy
        but sometimes I can’t tell which one Im doing.

        I’m seeing auras to.
        But I can’t see the colors right away.
        I see energy/whiteness around people
        and I have to concentrait on it around their heads.

        Or it’s faster seeing it with by eyes closed.
        It’s even stronger.
        I just look either around the persons head o
        r I look into their eyes for a few seconds,
        than I close my eyes and I see the color.

      • if you are really pale
        you tend to “glow” in the sun.
        which is why i dont go to the beach.

        oh and i have 33 of them
        (guys dont read this next part)
        my period always starts while im asleep

      • If I see one more comment
        about vampires fucking sparkling
        in the sun,
        I’m going to track you ALL down
        and rip your throats out.




      • regina and aruno T – u chat absolute crap!!!

        twilight vampires the cullens and others
        only sparkle on the film and book so they
        grab the reader or audience muppit!

        they are not real vampires obviously.

        how stupid can u get.

        you do not sparkle u r just highly
        stupid humans now go back to your
        crappy lives and ;eave us alone.

        if i am a vampire u
        dont want to mess with me!!!

      • Vampires don’t fucking sparkle.


      • I am a REAL vampire and a twightlight lover and i can tell u that most of the stuff in twighlight is bull s*** real vamps don’t even have fangs, you are seriously mocking the vamp community.

      • Look stupid, we vampires don’t sparkle in the sun. We’re just pale, not living disco balls. If you sparkle in the sun then, what a coincidence.




      • wow i know i kinda like blood
        is weird and i have lots of things
        that it said on there

      • i have all of those symptoms except
        for the sex thing i’m only twelve.

        I am a vampire i drink blood,
        i don’t like the sun,
        animals love me,
        i’m not a “people- person”,
        i can change the weather,
        read minds,
        tell what gift someone has,
        tell who’s a vampire,
        run really really fast,
        jump really really high,
        really really strong,
        really really pale,
        dress really out of the ordinary,
        have fangs,
        can sharpen my fangs,
        i can change my appearance,
        can tell when people are lying,
        love the taste of blood,

        I won’t bore you with what you
        already know about my kind.

        But i know i am a vampire
        and i am not being obsessed or stupid.

        thank you

      • i have 35 of those symptoms.

      • wow dude.
        i got most of these freakin symptoms.
        am i a vampire????

        i like blood animals like me.

        i hate the freakin sun.

        i see well in da dark.

        my senses are good.

        lots of stuff man.

        i LOVE blood.

      • I HAVE ALL OF THESE SYMPTOMS. kool. i have fang i have to hide sometimes during the day on the top and bottom

        CRAZY. o i can read most peoples mind. i like most of it and i can jump as high as 5 ft tall in the air. flat

      • i have all those too, and people should really get off the sparkle thing because they aren’t convincing anyone. i meen really if you glow, great that means your skin is healthy, but trust me, we don’t sparkle so listen lets talk about something stop else, like to believing everything we see on TV!

      • i do to

      • i do also

      • with a strong enough inner magnitude of consciousness you can alter this universe to whatever you want. I will say this “vampires” are just a mixture of physical and spiritual energy. That is why you feel alone even around people. because we are all one. ONE. Fighting and ignorance only seperates our conciousness into pieces like shattered glass. we must not have to rise and love and make peace signs. Just understand, forgive, and seek. Most importantly, understand how to do those. and if we can not we are not ready to ascend. But remember everyone it’s okay to feel alone, sad, hurt. Because without those we wouldn’t know what company, joy, and ecstasy is.

      • i have all of these im vampire YES!!!!! 🙂

      • i have all of them like omfg and a hate the sun so badly it hurts my eyes and gives me big rashes so i intend to not go to the beach

    • I have most of the symptoms.
      I have strong teeth.
      My best friend is Kira,
      she has already posted.

      My name is Miranda.

      Is there a way to find
      out if you have powers?

      (PS: CATS RULE!)

      • Once I found out I was a vampire (tested positive)
        the sun started hurting my eyes.

        Note to Kira:
        I finally found it I’m so happy!
        Btw her name (hi morgan)
        is morgan not megan.

        Please reply to both!

        And will somebody tell me
        if I really am a vampire?

      • OMG my cat just tried to bite my neck!

      • nvm wrong post sorry

      • exactly 35 symtpoms.

      • WOW I have almost all the symptoms listed,
        I do have some strange powers.

        You may think im full of it
        but I’m taotally telling the truth.

        a good way to test if you have powers
        is to try pretty much all the powers you
        can think of
        (do not try flying, really bad idea.)

        for example try staring at the sky
        and focus on making it cloudy,
        if you do,
        you have the power to control the weather.

        so just try random stuff at random times,
        when you get a reaction,
        you know that thats your power
        (or one of them.)

        it is possible to have more than one power.
        i would know i have several!

      • i just turned thirteen
        and my abilities are getting
        very much stronger.

        my eyes turn even more red than before.
        my sense of smell is much stronger.

        my thirst for blood is penetrating.

        I run soooooooo much faster.

        I am having clearer and more often visions.
        all of my abilities are stronger.

        leave me a message at strange.morgan@yahoo.com.

        i am now a expert vampire and
        I can answer any question that comes my way…
        try me!

      • Oh my gosh, I’m a vampire!
        I knew i was different.
        I have most of these symptoms.
        Animals like to be arounbd me
        I always have a feeling of dejavu
        I feel like I don’t belong in this time or world
        I’ve tasted blood (out of curiosity)
        Things happen when I want them to

      • im a real vampire because i did a spell im alyssa i just use my moms email and all that and im only 11 i go to middle school

    • i have 35 thats even wierder than 25,
      no offense

    • i have all of those and so do my friends

    • i need to tell you guys a story that happened to me.
      i was at a sleepover at my friends house and my best best friend got this giant gash on her back and it smelled dilicious and vivid my eyes went red and black and my fangs came out with claws sort of the claws and i had to go to the bathroom away from her to not suck her blood and when she came back to me i asked is the cut gone and she said yes. so luckily i didn’t kill my best friend. i hunt in my sleep you can do that if you are a vampire expert i try to hunt animals but it is very hard a lot of times to stay away from the delicious scent and tase. my mouth is watering right now and my eyes are going red and black and i seriously just hissed. seriously. i am not lying.
      this is 100000000000000000000000000000000% true i promise.

      • hi Morgan, it’s Fire, when i red this i could feel you really had this happen. i have a question. i keep seeing symbols and having visions of us vampires on a hill over looking a city full of destruction

      • fire the vision of that is just your instincts.
        i have visions such as that also.

        maybe some day i will be at your side
        over looking the destruction we accidently caused.

        don’t worry i have them too.
        scroll down and you can read about them.

      • fire a way for me to tell if your vision is really going to happen is to see if i am in the vision with you is there a dark haired girl who is probably beside you and probably has red eyes and looks 13. she is tall and pale. is this girl in your vision?

      • yes i see what you described. although every thing was bright, very bright

      • I have alot of these syptoms. My boyfriend is a hybrid. he thinks Im a vampire and i just need to be awakened. I want to turn. Dose anyone know if transfermation spells work??? Or can someone tell if I’m really a vampire???? PLEASE I NEED HELP!!!

      • I need to find out if i am a vampire. Can someone tell me,ask me questions feel my energy SOMETHING!! My boyfriend is a hybrid vampire. Do i just need to be awakened???!! Do transformation spells work?? I need help!!! Someone please conatact me at jacksondominique80@yahoo.com

    • ok. nobody hate me but i think i am half vampire and half werewolf. i show many symptoms of both. dont hate me and sone one please give me some answers i want to know if i am a vampire, a werewolf, or both. help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • hi im exactly the same as u and im a girl and im 13 and yes actually i think u could be both because i cast both speel vampire and werewolf and my eyes turn gold but i also am a night person i have half the sytoms for vampire but al the symtoms for a werewolf so u will probably turn into both u will probly look more like a vampire though ul have to tell all ur symtoms in ordor for me to help iv already got large fangs

    • Some one please help me.
      i am getting weaker and weaker by the minute by loss of blood. dying animals and humans are becoming scarce and i dont know what to do.
      i feel sick a lot now without blood. and my skin won’t cut. it’s almost unpenetrable.
      please help before i die and wilt away.
      give me some advice on how to survive this dying time.
      please hurry. i dont have much time left.
      my eyes are getting darker. my strength and speed weaaker. my fangs are getting sharper. my thirst is penetrating. my emotions are fading. my sleep deeper. my visions and dreams less.my promise not to harm my family being questioned.
      help me please before i do die and wither away like a black rose.
      Hurry and help me as soon as you read this.
      it doesnt matter who replys.
      please hurry and help.

      • my mother will not leave me alone for me to try to find something. no one will leave me alone. please hurry and help.

      • find a coven to take you in

      • alassander would you be willing
        to take me into a coven no one else
        near me is a vampire so would
        you do me this favor

      • if u make ur way to my house u cann have my blood but not all of it i am not sure but ive beenn tld by many people tht im a pureblood who just needs to be awakened maybe if u take sme of my blood i will awaken please email me back morgan

      • uhmm is everyone really seriouse :S i dont
        know what to believe :L uhm have some
        of mine if you wish i guess (:

    • omg i got all of the symtoms
      except for the one that says
      if ur a woman that ur period
      starts late in the day and ur ovulation
      cycle starts on the full moon

      • jessica nation,
        thank you for your proposal.

        i have not had blood in months and i am dying.

        i am very weak and very ill.

        i do sense that you are a full blood
        and if i drink a bit of your blood
        and put a bit of mine into you
        in the process you shall be awakened.

        Tell me where you live and
        i shall see you soon.

        Thank you again you are saving my life.

        When you see me you may be asleep
        or it may be in your dreams.

        when you sense me tell me about it.
        you might have marks on your neck
        and i promise i shall not drink it all.
        thank you.

    • i have all of the above so i most be a vampire. great

    • i think im a vampire.
      i do crave to drink blood

      • u must meet me some time kimmy how old r u? and im a girl im not lez because i did a spell and i found this website and im 100% vampire. reply plz and fast

    • any1 who is talking shit on this site
      better get the FUCK off of it.
      i am dead FUCKING serious.
      i dont like BULLSHITERS.

      i am a vampire and i will
      hunt your ASS down.
      you wouldnt be the first
      BULLSHITING human i have killed.

      i am not very nice when it comes
      to SHIT FACES trying to lie about SHIT
      this serious just for a FUCKING laugh.

      i know i am not the only vampire
      on this website that is sick of you

      so back the FUCK off you MOTHER FUCKERS
      before i decide to let my evil vampire side
      take over and have a little feast
      on you and your friends.

      those of you who are telling the truth
      and do agree with me leave me a message.

      i am sick and tired of SONS OF BITCHES
      who try to joke around and get us all hyped
      just to FUCK us over.

      i will get all of my vampire friends,
      werewolf friends,
      and witch friends from this website
      and hunt down your ASS and kill you.

      i dont take kindly to FUCKERS.

      and if you are not a vampire
      and you are a human and
      on this website GET THE FUCK OFF.

      you are not supposed
      to know about us.

      if you dont FUCKING get your lying ASS
      off this website if your either lying
      or a human i will personly kill your ASS.

      you better be FUCKING afraid BITCHES.

      i am not normally this foul mouthed
      but this kind of SHIT just PISSES me off.

      you wouldnt like me
      when i get PISSED off.

      message to all liars
      i hope a vampire jumps your
      FUCKING ASS and kills you
      cause vampires dont like BULLSHITERS.

      that is how you know i am a vampire
      i wouldnt be saying all this SHIT if i wasnt.

      so back that FUCK
      off before i kill your ASS.

      i am giving you FUCKERS
      and fair DAMN warning.

      you better be FUCKING wise
      for one time in your DAMN life
      and take my advice and get
      the FUCK off this DAMN site.

      you MOTHER FUCKERS need to
      start getting smart and stop
      FUCKING around with vampires
      or you wil get your ASS killed.

      thats all i have FUCKING to say about it.

      any1 else who feels the same way
      about these BULLSHITERS feel free
      to leave a message under this one.


      p.s. if you FUCKERS dont wise up
      i will be coming to FUCKING kill your DAMN ASS.
      so wise the FUCK up BITCHES.

      • morgan i totally agree im wiv ya
        U FUCKIN PRICKS!!!!

      • i agree to

      • omg morgan u r so rite man
        u told those bitches but really
        can u really become one i got 40
        out of those and i swear to God I’m
        not lieing how can you tell im 11
        and im freaked out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • You took the words right out of my mouth.
        THANK YOU!!

        And she’s right you mother fucking mongrels.




        I should know.
        My mother is a witch.


      • OMG Iam soooooooo scared…
        Please spare me you stupid bitch…
        I am human & Im on the fuckin site
        what da fuck you gonna do about it???

        suck me you fucking retard..
        get a fuckin life..
        u cant be fuckin serious with this bull shit
        you silly lil cunt..
        vampire huh ?

        I’ll call u when im on my period
        so u can suck me…
        I would love to see you popping
        that hardcore bullshit on my block
        u dumb bitch…

        as a matter of fact if u think
        u are so the hot shit come &
        get me cause im a woman bitch &
        i fight men…
        I can hold a punch can u??? &

        this aint no fairy tale bull shit,,,
        get some….
        New York…
        suck me…

      • I agree all you FUCKING humans get off the website before i bite your FUCKING head off. P.S We vamps hate all the BULLSHIT your saying about us your just asking for a biting

      • i agree with everything you say

      • i agree with ya 100%. all of these bullshiters need to leave us alone.

        ps. i know where you live

      • ikr im a real vampire and people shout stop talking crap about this website

      • i totally agree

      • uh i have this to say i think you say fuck
        alot not what i was going to say….
        im into vampire stuff thats only reson
        im reading all this stuff i truelly think
        its all true what you guys are sayin..
        so i shall continue to read if you really
        want me off the websire mssg me at
        i am human wich u know now

        ps i dount wach twilight enless my mom makes me

      • at least i think im human

      • um shannon youll just have 2 kill me if u dount
        email me and say you want me on here ip ut ,y e,ail
        in not that hard click it andd type ammsg then
        send and ill be off or….just comekil me adress is

        4864 Hinchmen way Ca. Sacremento look it up

        ps kill me while im awake
        so i know ur not a coward or something thx

        human friend

        besids i have nothing to live for anyway COMEN GET ME

      • i agree too n i am not a fucking human
        im a awakened vampyre ready to be fully
        awakened n ya thass all i have to say for now


        AT gracieali@hotmail.co.uk




        WANT TO BE VAMPS……
        ON HEER.

      • I’ll stay on this website as long as I want bitches.
        I don’t give a damn.

        You want to kill me for doing it,
        i’ll go ninja on your ass or call
        the s.w.a.t team and tell them to
        teabag you and your friends.

        Your not even REAL vampires your
        just sick creepos with serious problems
        feeding on inocent lives.

        Go do yourself and the world a favor
        and get a good therapist.

        You wannebee freaks.

        THROW A LIGHTER ON THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Aleah – What happens now? Well. They go to jail for assault, and, you go to jail for murder by arson. You spend thirty years in prison. They walk free in a month or so. And when you get out you can consider how you were just as immature as everyone else posting empty threats on a thread about vampires.
        Now, this is theoretical of course. In reality, you and everyone else will sit on their asses making death threats over the internet that will never be put into effect anywhere but the confines of their minds that assume location and distance is completely irrelevant when you wish to harm/murder/set fire to someone. Because all that can be accomplished through a computer screen. Yay, modern science. Oh wait. You can’t do that? Oh well, it was worth a shot. Maybe you should attempt to find this person and spread a flammable substance over them or bludgeon their face the hard way? What? Too much effort? That’s okay. After all, it would have been difficult for your teenage selves to obtain the obscene amounts of cash necessary to buy a plane ticket to wherever the hell this person lives(why not try your college savings account? You have no idea what you’ll ever use *that* money for anyway, right?), after, of course, you somehow manage to get past that pesky little task of tracking down the location of their home. Plus, you’re probably not aloud to drive without a parent or guardian present in the vehicle. Oh well. Maybe it’s best if you all keep the life experience of murder under your belt until say, your thirties, when you finally decide that your life is pointless anyway, what with having wasted away those so called “college savings” on more useful things like flamethrowers and samurai swords on ebay, and your lack of a romantic partner due to the fact that they all seem oddly frightened by your collection of murderous weapons -what the heck’s that all about anyway? Alrighty then, have fun and be safe committing virtual 1st degree murder, everybody!

    • I have 35 of those symptoms.what dose that means?

    • my skin sparkles in the sun and most things listed is like me and are any of you guys watching comic relief does glee club VOTE 4 FLAIR! ( they are all vamp’s)

    • This is a reply to everyone. Vampire is just a change in dna from other people. vampires have the royal elite bloodline of the draco constellation’s entities. It started when neanderthals began. They reproduced with them to make slave workers. This is in the book of Enoch and the old and new testament. Some have more of the bloodline than others. Mesopotamia and Africa is where it started. They reigned down and acted as gods (just as we would to a less advanced race). they used tools to mix dna strands to make different types of entities. Think why we races have different blood types and I don’t mean a, b, o. There is a war between these Draconians and someone else. I’m pretty sure America is controlled by the malevolent repltilians. Reptilians are everything a vampire can do. only more. There is strong theory they fight the benovolent races that want the greater good for humanity and progress to a high consciousness. Reptilians want us to hate, fear, hurt because that is how they exist here. vamps real or not i have all those traits and more but all I am is at a higher level of consciousness where I do not need food as much due to my rapid metabolism, love blood because it is the pure tastful, luscious essence of life. writing this makes me want it so bad. Just the thought makes me feel the energy. Sorry off topic went into trance. yea that stuff has a lot of energy, and how I can sense things before they happen. Because, in my density I understand there is no here or there no two seconds ago just fragments of random consciousness like ruffling through a treasure chest of pure energy and manifestation.

    • Hi Alice, and everyone else

      I have a bit of advice to give to you
      and the vampires whom are going to prove our existence.

      be wary of the humans around you,
      they may fight this “up rising”,
      humans fear change and always try to live a “normal” life,
      oblivious to the things going on around them.

      I would not let your guard down when we are revealed,
      after all, it is human nature to fear us.

      we are, after all,
      a powerful race that is capable of a lot more
      than humans can even imagine.

      if all goes well we could be looking at a new era,
      one in which our race is the dominating race,
      and the decisions of what to do for this country
      and the world would be up to our race.

      i also know that if we do come to rest at the top,
      we must find and maintain an order system.

      i have seen in several dreams that our great race
      had risen and gained control of the government here,
      and in other countries.

      if i could i would join you when we do reveal ourselves,
      but i am tied down by limits that i can not cross over.

      i wish you the best of luck when our kind is revealed.

      ~Jamin P. Rose
      (aka: fire the vampire.)

    • don’t think that i’m crazy but i have all of those symptoms
      and 1 more i have a red crescent birthmark on my neck,
      my mother is starting to freak out by the way
      my name is jannah i’m 12 yrs.old sort of.

    • i have almost every single symptom and i crave blood everyday

    • Can anybody bite me?

    • i have all the symtoms literally i even had a dream of becoming a vampyre.

    • i have most of those symptoms i mean a lot or to much to explane .omg i just found out i was born a vampire

  2. Every since I was 4, is when I’ve been craving blood all my life. I had a staple in my finger, and the minute I took it out, is when the blood started to rush. I didn’t know what to do, so the first thing I did, was stick my finger in my mouth. The first time you taste blood, is the best time. And it wont be the last time. You will crave it for all your life. It has been 8 years, and sometimes, I purposely make cuts so I can taste the soothing taste of blood. Now I know vampires aren’t all about drinking blood, so I decided to try typing in some related searches to this one on google. I clicked many links, but by far this was the most helpful. Now I’m not sure if all of these facts/statements on how to tell if you are of the vampire kind are true, but let me tell you, my answer was yes to all of these questions. I especially hate light the most. I can go out in it, but I try to avoid it most of the time. I usually leave early in the morning for school when its still a little dark out. My room is painted black, and so is my wardrobe. Now, I’m not sure if this counts, but I can relate to every “vampire move” that was made in twilight. Also, when I am around a lot of people, I often feel the urge of tasting blood, and I get the taste in my mouth. I could be in a group with 10 or more people, and still feel like I’m the only on stranded on an island. I like stores that are open 24/7 because when I usually do shopping, its probably from 10: 00 pm – 3: 00 am. Aside from these things, I am the same as any other. I do similar things as my friends, and I like similar things as they do. I truly believe in vampires, and if I am one, I don’t think that I am the only on out there. Well, that’s my story, thanks for listening.

    – Riica

    • that is so unbleivable the story just doesnt seem real it seems like your pretending to have your own part in twilight

    • hey Riica !!
      I am EXACTLY like you

      I’m so happy to know there is someone else like me.
      I’m 14 ( nearly 15) and for the past year i’ve been drawn to vampires.

      Researching them and I don’t know why, it sounds mad when i say it, but i though it may be because i could be one?

      Anyway, this is the one website that has helped me the most- i answered most questions yes more towards the second half.

      I can go out in the sun no problem, but it makes me feel really sick. And i do look older, i’ve had people thinking i’m 23 and in university!

      It makes me laugh when i tell them i’m only 14 and still in high school 😛

      I remember when i was little I said to my mum i loved the taste of blood- she went all weird like she was hiding something, but i suppose your average 6 year old doesn’t tell you they think blood tastes like bacon :L

      Even my friends think i’m one,
      they started to say it after they watched twilight- As i have very pale white skin, always cold,

      i’m a very fast runner, my skin does sparkle in the sun :P, stronger than i look and have always been telling me i should be a supermodel- in accordance with good looks :L ( -with that one i disagree :P)

      Sorry this is so long, I just have never really been able to talk about it to anyone, apart from my best friend who suprised me in PE the other day in the changing room when she said – ” Do you really think you’re a vampire?”

      i replied ” I dunno” she then said “Because I’m really starting to believe that it’s true- that you really could be… :S ”

      That’s when i started to take it more seriously.

      Call me mad, that’s what I keep telling myself 😛

      • Grace we are out here
        I for one am like you and rica i have been drawn to them my whole life.

        I am young but I am also older so if you need help finding out this complicated mess most of us are in i might help.

      • Grace just like ArunoT has said we are out here.
        Although it sounds crazy, we are very much real.

        We are as real as the trees you see outside,
        the water you drink and the air you breath.

        The problem is that people don’t believe we still exist,
        they are currupted by the lies of religion.

        I’m not saying that they are wrong about some of the things no,
        but we still do exist and some of us are extremely harmless.

        As myself,
        I only feed when someone offers,
        or I pay them for their blood.

        Am i saying that I havent killed people before no,
        but this way they get the thrill of being with a REAl vampire.

        And if you would like to continue talking about how you believe to a vampire, I can shed some light on that.

        I am not afraid to be known,
        none of us should,
        but I am fearful that some humans will take matters
        into their own hands.
        Contact me if you so choose.

      • i have….
        ALL these symptoms too….
        idk if ima vampire or not O.O

      • ya i am just like u
        only i hav been adicted to blood
        ever sence i was like three
        and i acidentaly steped on a razer
        and slit my foot compleatly open.

        scary rite ya and the smell of the blood
        drove me insaine and i almost ate my foot
        thats how good it tasted ya crazy 🙂
        and well i couldnt stop my sister had to yank

      • 35 of those are like me

      • Hi my name is Charley
        I’m twelve years old and I’m a vamp
        and also half human.

        My mom is vamp and my step dad is totally human.

        When she first mrried him I thought he was our kind
        but when she told me he was a human I tottlly fliped.

        But now that there are “people” like me
        I’ve never been so happy Its nice to know
        there are others like me who arnt my fam.

        I’m really strong and I constantly crave human blood.

        I havent tried any powers.

        Any tips on what I should do??

        I have human friends too but I cant tell them.


      • I cut my own wrist to taste my blood
        and I am curious to find more people like me

      • i agree i think i am one one
        to im britton im 12 and at night i can
        see almost every thing and my eyes
        go black its really weird

    • i have 34 of the things that
      would make me a vampire.

      i do like blood.
      i tend to be in my room with
      my computer at the only light.

      i have urges to attack but
      i have found a way to counter it.
      do you ever get a dream about the thirst

      • it is true we are here
        and very much exist
        some of us are good and bad.

        you are not alone.
        we are all here together
        as one big vampire family.

      • Whatever we are, this is what wikipedia
        (a usually unrealiable source, anyone can add stuff)
        says about us:

        Vampires are mythological or folkloric beings
        who subsist by feeding on the life essence
        (generally in the form of blood) of living
        creatures regardless of them being undead
        or a living person.[1][2][3][4][5][6] In folkloric tales,
        vampires often visited loved ones and caused
        mischief or deaths in the neighbourhoods
        they inhabited when they were alive.

        They wore shrouds and were often described
        as bloated and of ruddy or dark countenance.

        This is markedly different from modern
        fictional portrayals of gaunt,
        pale vampires beginning in the early 19th century.

        Although vampiric entities have been
        recorded in many cultures and according
        to speculation by literary historian Brian Frost
        that the “belief in vampires and bloodsucking
        demons is as old as man himself,”
        and may go back to “prehistoric times,”[7],
        the term vampire was not popularized
        until the early 18th century,
        after an influx of vampire superstition
        into Western Europe from areas where
        vampire legends were frequent,
        such as the Balkans and Eastern Europe,[8]
        although local variants were
        also known by different names,
        such as vampir (вампир) in Serbia and Bulgaria,
        vrykolakas in Greece and strigoi in Romania.

        This increased level of vampire superstition
        in Europe led to mass hysteria and in some
        cases resulted in corpses actually being
        staked and people being accused of vampirism.

        in their first paragraph.

      • Today I got a small scrape at school on my knuckle and I started sucking on it. My canine teeth got slightly sharper and I found myself trying to squeeze more blood out and bite it. The sun started hurting my eyes a lot more, and my senses were better. I felt stronger, faster, and smarter. Then it all stopped, and a scab formed. I tore it off, but it didn’t bleed much, just turned more red and liquidy a little. I let it heal again. It healed very fast. I still have sore throat and water isn’t helping. Is there a way to safely get blood while parents don’t notice?

      • I sometimes dream of hunting people
        and drinking thier blood,
        (kinda scary i know)
        and i cant have a boyfriend
        because they get to loving to
        makeout way to much.

        i almost fed off of my recent
        boyfriend so i had to end it.

        i am so happy to see that im not the only one
        out there who is a vampire.

        now i know that i have some people
        to share my story with and that i can
        finally have someone to trust.

        not bieng able to tell people is really hard,
        but i do have one friend who knows,
        and she thinks its the coolest thing in the world.

        she is not afraid of me at all!!

        as far as feeding off of people,
        i try my hardest not to,
        i dont want to be a monster.
        am i the only one that feels that way??

        if im not please contact me
        by commenting on this.


      • reagan williams,
        i would like to be your friend.

        i would love to learn the things
        you know about feeding from humans.

        i am sure we would get alone well
        and i need someone like me to talk to.

        finding you was just what i needed.

        please respond to bluebyue@gmail.com

      • i have 35 i love the tast of human blood,
        i am craving it so bad right now.

        its making my mouth dry.
        does anyone on here watch Vampire Diaries?

      • all the time i always dream about thirst

      • hi im a vampire to i have visions
        of my past life since i was little.
        its when im an old person sitting kniiting
        with a group of people and somone comes
        in and shoots us 🙁

        also once i had a dream and a really
        nice blonde woman told me if i want to
        escape from a dream i was to get down in
        to a ball and squeeze or to die eg.
        walking accross a typerope u jump of

        plz plz plz make sure u r 100% its a dream hope i helped

        tell me if u have had the same dream and try the method thx

    • i am 12 too.
      i don’t know how old i was when i first tasted blood.

      i was riding my tricycle when i fell in the middle of the road.
      the blood was gushing out in a thick dark liquid down my arm.

      the aroma was so strong and sweet.
      i put my lips to my arm and pinched
      the skin between my teeth to
      bring out more blood.

      it was like an instinct, natural.
      the blood tasted unlike anything i have ever tasted.
      i couldn’t stop my self and frankly i didn’t want to.

      i used to cut myself and drink my blood
      until the bleeding stopped.

      i am just like edward and bella.
      you can read about me above riica
      i feel alone even with 20 people in hte room.

      i am sometimes afraid for my friends
      and family because i am afraid to hurt them.

      i feel like i am having an adrenaline rush 24/7.
      sunlight makes me feel sick.
      i do everything in twilight.

      riica if you really want to know…
      you are a vampire. i can tell.

      and if you don’t believe in vampires you should.
      riica and i are proof that vampires do exist

      if you think i am a vampire
      to type me a message under this.
      don’t freak out.

      • hi morgan i’m a vampire. you replied to my comment on the symptoms. email me at renkun555@gmail.com. maybe i could be of some asistance.

        fellow vampire


      • that is so cool morgan!
        I am 11 years old.
        I have all of these symptoms too.

        I have always believed in vampires
        and love the taste of blood.
        I wish I could read minds
        or had fangs!

        You should read Night World.
        Is anything in that book true?
        I would love to know if I am a vampire.

        were you born with fangs?
        Are the rest of your family vampires?
        If the others are vampires
        and I am too how do you get fangs?

        Are you just born with them?
        A few years ago I fell off my roof.
        ( yes iwas on my roof and no i was not supposed to be)
        I got this huge cut on my arm and it started bleeding.

        I put my mouth to it and started drinking the blood.
        It was instinctive.
        It tasted so good.
        Sometimes I cut myself to taste blood.
        Water is not really thirst quenching blood is.

        Am I a vampire?

      • hi fire do you think i am a vampire?

      • yes i do.
        i can some times sence others abilities.
        you are a vampire

      • FIRE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I SOMETIMES HAVE THOUGHTS OF BEING EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM REALLY THIRSTY

      • thanks. what about my fangs,
        they are long but not very sharp how do i help that?

        sometimes i have the thought of being evil!!!!!!!!!!!
        help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        i am dying of thirst!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        i dont want to hurt anyone or anything but i am thirsty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        i am about to bite my friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        i literally want to bite someone
        or something and sink my
        teeth in something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


        i am going to hurt someone i love if i dont drink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        tell me what to do about my thirst please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i need blood

        HELP ME AS SOON AS YOU GET THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      • consentrate on not attacking people.
        i have some new advice.
        don’t think about the blood.

        if you can’t stop if you can cut your self a little.
        like a paper cut and suck it.

        if you need help faster email me at

      • ok can you find an animal that is dieing or dead you can drink it’s blood. i have problems like the won you stared on the 6th with all the ! marks. i have the need to drink. but i was born with the control aparently. so if you can not attack humans you will be ok and not have to feal guilty

      • Same infact i cut myself the other day,
        i am trying to hide it from my parents until it heals.

        i used to give myself bloody noses
        and store the blood in water bottles
        until i would get thirsty then i would drink it.

        it helps to curve the craving,
        but u still want the blood of mortals.

      • i can see the future some times
        and at others the visions
        i have change due to a decision
        can you tell me why.

        i also have a strong sence of smell.
        so strong my dog rolled in somthing
        dead and i could smell him from ten feet away.
        do we all have this strong senting ability

      • how do you find out if you are a vampire?
        The whole thing just dosent make any sense to me!

        so if you can tell that i am a vampire
        than just tell me it is driving me crazy!

        I showed my friend one of the weird vampire web sites
        and he said that when they discribed what a vampire was
        he thought that they where dicribing me!

        please Right back PS I am only 12

      • I really want to know if i am a vampire,
        I crave blood but I only drink my own.
        And I have some of the traits from this website.

        Please if theres a vampire out there
        who can ask me questions about myself,
        someone who can tell me the truth!

        Please talk to me my email id jacksondominique80@yahoo.com

      • Can someone tell me if im a vampire!!??
        My email is jacksondominique80@yahoo.com.
        Or my myspace email is d_j821@yahoo.com

      • Morgan,

        AM GOING TO FREAK!!!!!

      • i think your a vampire i have an unsure sense about u though 🙁

    • i have the exact same things w
      me we are almost triplets cool =D

      • kira i can answer all of your questions.
        i was born with fangs.
        no one else in my family is a vampire
        i am the only one.

        if you are not born with fangs,
        you can get them.

        you usually get them when you are thirsty
        or drinking or mad or upset and some can
        force the fangs to come.

        next time you are mad or something
        go look at your teeth in the mirror.

        some are just born with it but some,
        like you, are not.
        yes you are a vampire and will probavly
        like me obtain special abilities i

        f you have any more questions feel free
        to ask any time i will always answer.

        the bad thing about me being a vampire
        is that i have to hide it from my family and friends.

        i have been doing good so far
        but it is still hard especially when
        i have to run in p.e. i am way faster
        than everyone.

        but feel free to ask me any questions.

      • thanks fire but what about my evil thoughts?
        what about my HUMAN thirst?
        what about my fangs?

        when will i find time to drink?
        help please?
        if you can tell me…
        how long have i been a vampire?


      • thank you fire! but what about my evil thoughts,
        my non- sharp fangs,
        my HUMAN thirst, and my visions?

        I am having wierd visions of people I don’t know!
        please help!!

      • ok calm down morgan. the fangs are somthing natural that all vammpier get or something like them at least sharp teeth. the evil thoughts are somthing we all have it is in our nature. human blood is what makes us stronger than what animal blood dose. the weekend is a great time and around 4 on the week days. we all are born with the vampire geen but some of us require an action to awaken us to our true nature. if you tell me more about the visions i might be able to give you a lot more help. i have been wondering if you could tell me how to tell if someone else is a vampire?

      • Hey, Fire,
        because you can sense other vampires,
        am I a vampire.

        (sorry that I post this question a lot
        I really want to know and I’m really bored.)

      • yes you are a vampire

      • morgan,
        you are seeing others
        that are either going to be a vampire
        or are a vampire

      • i can read minds a little bit. witch really sucks because i cant see the future but still READING MINDS IS AWSOME!!!!!

    • me to the same thing happend to me

      • ruledbyfantima i am sorry
        but you are not a vampire
        i dont sense anything
        i am sorry.

        please dont be mad at me.

        it is just not in your nature.

      • hi morgan am i a vampire?
        and i have a friend called bethany winstanley ithink she may be a vampire 2
        she can run soooooo fast its a blur were both 10

    • Thats a little scary almost the same thing happend to me only the whole blood craving started when i was 9 and now i am a 11. 2 of my friends are vampires and 1 of them is a wolf. as soon as i met them i started having really fast speed, i was super strong, my eyes started to change color, i usally can tell if some one was lying, i did not sleep much when i did my dreams were vivid, i stood up really late like to 3:00 AM i, and last i crave blood so much and my mom is so overprotective i would never get past her to go hunt, let alone tell her…………………….. please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Hello Riica
      my name is Dominique Jackson.

      I crave the taste of blood to,
      when I see it my mouth gets all watery.

      I purposly cut my wrist to drink my blood.

      I have some of the traits on this website
      and I am curious to find more.

    • dude your almost exactly like me
      omg dude my my room is a very very dark blue
      it almost looks like black its really kul
      and i hate sunlight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. It was so weird…most of these fit me well. i’m usually tired in the day, and at night it’s hard for me to fall asleep because i get this huge wave of energy.

    • i have had most of the symntoms listed above and have been wierd all my life.

      when i was 6 my mom took me to a scary movie and in one sceen people were dancing in a disco room and blood poored down on them and they freaked out.

      mom says i was laghing so loud she had to take me home before we got kicked out for disrupting a movie.

      first of all i just discovered this website and i think it has helped alot but i need guidence from another vampire.

      first off i would like to say that i have not watched the movie twilight and never will.

      i find it personaly demeaning.

      we do not sparkle.i can go out in broad sunlight but prefer the shade.

      its not true about how were always cold.

      i for one have fantastic cerculation.

      i have had people comment about that more than anything else.

      i have very sharp canines (all the time) mind you.they dont just “pop” out when i am “hungry” there always there you just dont notice them.

      i have always had an attraction to blood.and i have caught myself on more than one accasion thinking of my friends as “mortals”.

      i cant say that my eyes dont change colors though.normaly they are a “golden” colour.the same goes for my hair.

      (a golden quality to it)but when i am angry or excited they turn completely black as night.

      for those who have watched twilight do not replie to this.

      i am looking for a real vampire who can help me.

      my hunger is growing so strong i am shaking right now.

      contact me to hear the rest.

      • i can help you
        i have only seen twilight once
        but i know that they are not right.
        ask me any question.
        i will give you the correct answer
        i will help you.

      • that is ok
        i have done the same thing you just need to go
        somewhere and relax when you get
        ”hungry” thats what i do my friend
        today was wearing the tooth covering vampire
        teeth from wal mart and i felt so mad
        i just wouldnt show it i wanted to go
        and drain her of blood instead i went
        to the bathroom and meditated on the toilet
        after that i was fine for the rest of the day ok
        good luck =P

      • i know what you mean
        my eyes change color all the time,
        ive seen twilight but i know that
        vampires do not sparkle.
        that is just lame.

        i would like to hear the rest of your story,
        and would be happy to help you.

        your fellow vampire,

      • how long have i been a vampire fire?
        ok here is a story. i was in the bathroom and i was really thirsty i looked in the mirror and i made my eyes turn red.

      • i have killed only 5 people in one year

    • I am exactly the same! Weird!

      • WHen I woke up this morning my throat was dry.

        I drank some water but it still is partly dry.

        I have a cold but I think it’s from sun
        and I don’t my still-dry mouth had
        anything to do with that.

        I think I need blood.

        I’m actually happy because I have always felt “special”
        so FINALLY I’m right.
        (I think.
        Will someone please confirm)

        Why does wordpress make our
        typing look like a poem in form?

      • I just had some salt and it
        worked pretty well on my sore throat.

        (I also had a gummy heart for appearance
        [from halloween]) Blood tastes salty to me.

        (Not like “the sweet, soothing elixer pouring into my throat,
        giving me mindless energy and worse,
        making me want more” business, just salty.

        I love salt.

    • morgan,
      how did you get your abilities?

      it is so cool!
      i am really confused.
      it is really hard to hide it
      from my family and friends.

      • Again, ditto.

      • ya hiding your powers is hard,
        especially powers like mine,
        but hiding them at school is even harder.

        a week or two ago i spent
        the night with some friends,

        i went to the sleeepover
        with a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

        i KNEW something bad was going to happen,
        but i didnt say anything.

        we decided to mess around
        with my friends wigi board,
        then i knew what my bad feeling was about.

        many people believe that wigi boards
        dont work but they do.

        we called one of my friends ancestors.

        but the worst thing was,
        the pointer moved most when
        i would touch it.

        i could tell that the spirit was going
        to try to posess one of my friends,
        so i made them end it and send her away.

        she never left she was trapped
        in the salt circle we created,
        after we cleaned up the salt she escaped.

        ever since she has haunted my dreams.

        but that is only one of my powers,
        i can see the future,
        mostly through dreams and i can tell
        a persons mood even if i dont know them.

        it is really easy for me to get angry,
        and if i know a person well enough
        i can sometimes read thier thoughts.

        it seems that i am stronger
        than most people my age,
        especially girls.
        i am almost 15 and my powers
        have gotten stronger year by year.

        i have to hide my stength most of the time,
        but sometimes i do tend to show off.

        is all this normal?

        please reply.

    • i see others who are a vampire. it is a special gift only a few of us have. if you concentrate on that person and get their scent you can find out. vampires usually smell sweet or dont smell. and thanks for the help. you can tell if people are vampires from long distances if youve mastered it up close so practice.

      • i can read minds, tell emotions and vampire traits, tell future, will power, anything you can think of… try me ask if i have a certain power and i bet you i will. oh and fire i can see you asking about a power.

      • Do you think I am a vampire?

    • my state of being is hard to hide. very hard. but it can also be fun.

    • one of my visions was a girl about seven or eight. she was standing in the middle of the road in front of a tornadoe waiting to die in a tattered dress cut up and smirking at her parents with completely white eyes. what do my visions mean?

      • i had a dream of my self attacking as a vampire to protect my family i have had that dream alot what does it mean

      • I’ve had that vision but I was the girl…

        I also always envision a man in a black trench coat,
        but it is blowing the opposite direction of the wind.

        He is pretty tall,
        and always has a mask or some type of futuristic glasses,
        anything to cover his eyes from me.

        In my dreams,
        he always stakes me with an athame
        and then puts his mask on my face.

        I always look like a doll when I’m dead;
        as if he was just playing with me.

        It is confirmed I am not insane because I know
        for a fact three other people who see him too.

        Physically. He never actually shows himself
        to me but I always feel him and if try I can see an aura
        that is completely black,
        as if he will not allow me to see that,

        Also, from wherever am feeling him
        from is where my friend physically is seeing him.

        I know I have dreams all the time,
        but I never remember them.

        I have visions, though,
        every time I so much as let myself
        soze out with I do unknowingly all the time.

        Help with this?

  4. wow.
    this sounds exactly like me….
    is it possible tht im a……wow.
    ok this is freaky.
    reply please. 🙂

    • Are one of your parents like that that
      might be why I dont know how I’m one
      cause my dads just a normal drunken idiot
      and my mom is just a kinda of psych stay at home
      cat freak mom

      • (You’re mom’s a cat freak?
        I love cats too. Sorry.)
        please answer back.

      • do any of u remember X well
        in my past life i was lovers with him
        along wtih my friend and he was
        the one who created me so if u
        have any questions about him ask me

    • creepy but awesome!
      I have always loved vampires!

    • jason you may be one i sense something

    • Samantha, it is all right. i haave that vision and dream sometimes too. you will be all right and if anyone tries to bring any of us harm… well i think you know what would happen. you will be okay.
      if any one can will they please tell me what my dreams and visions mean? please?

      • morgan am I a vampire?

      • edward no seriously,
        you are indeed a vampire.

        if you have any more questions
        about your nature just ask.

  5. I am one. Some of those questions are true but not all. Living my life to me is considered to be the life of adventure. If you have any questions. Well let me know or just ask.

  6. Hey,
    Ever time i take this test i get the same thing a Vampire i even went to a voodo lady and she say that she cant read me ant it werid. One day i had this werid feeling that i had somthing and everying i terid didnt work so i told my friend and she gave me a raw steak and it taste so good that i had blood every where… then she cut her self and her blood taste like a sweet and salty taste and i couldnt belive it .. i couldnt let go of her.
    Some time my computer doesnt work when im around it and for the past 3 months i couldnt go outside in the sun cause my skin will feel like it on fire so i wear sun screen and sun glass at shcool. I mean it cool but can ruin my life too

    • Well Tim join the club
      i guess you could see i’ve replyed to others.

      I wish you too know your not alone in this sort of thing.

      We are out there and if you look for us soon enough you will find us trust me on the voodoo priestist she probably was true to it I’m wiccan and I still have a hard time reading ppls auras hehe
      she might be the same








    • I feel the same. it is soo cool but people could think i am a freak.

      • i know what you mean.
        i have visions and i can summon the dead
        through wigi boards and stuff.

        i helped summon a friends ancestor
        and now she wont leave me alone.

        she haunts almost all my dreams.

        reply if u want to be friends
        i think we could help each other.

  7. I am really awake during the night (its 12 pm right now when I’m writing this) and really tiered in the morning. I can sence people around me. I like to fight, but I fight better with my eyes closed I don’t know why tho. Light hurts my eyes. I can tell if someone is going to do something like attack me. I like to drink myy blood. And people like to avoid me.
    Any suggestions if I am or not?

    • OH MY GOSH U R SO VAMP!!!!




      • i am always up and am rarely ever tired
        so if ANY ONE has any questions just ask.

      • your not a vampire. youre just pale. most people are allergic to bees. i am a celiac and sensitive to casien.

    • u seem like one so must be

      • i always feel my heart beat
        so fast sometimes it hurts
        and my eyes always hurts
        and i always feel the de javu,
        im always wake at night
        and in the morning im
        so sleepy and tired ,,,
        my temper is uncontrollable,,
        im so very emotional being,,
        i can sense people up to,,,,
        im i a vampir or whaaat??

      • im just like you. except i can plan anger (not extreme.)

    • u are a vampire like me.
      if you have any questions feel free
      to ask anytime.

      • I have a question. How do you tell if you have powers?

      • By the way ruled by fantima is Miranda.
        Fantima is my cat.

        Ruledbyfantima is my Family’s account
        but I will soon get my own.

      • how strong is your thirst for blood?

        because I love blood
        but I tend to cut my self enuf
        and i drink my own blood.

      • you tell if you have powers if weird things start to happen

  8. Everyone of those things fit me perfectly(except the one about periods, im male) and i have been obsessed with vampires for ages now and i really think i am one

  9. also there is another thing that can help you deterine if your a vampire.
    If you have weird dark rings around the oulourful bit of your eyes

    • I have dark rings around my eyes

      • I also love the night.
        My uses a flash light but I just see everything like its daytime.

        I’m starting to sleep at day,
        I’m always up at night.
        i’m the fastest in my school.

        I can’t stand the sight, smell of blood or i get this craving.
        I’ll eat but I’m never fully satisfied.

        I can’t stand hearing about it either.
        They have to hold me down at the doctors office just to give me a shot.

        I can’t even stand having pencils pionted at me.
        I heal faster than normal, and hardly ever get sick.

        And I hate the sun.
        I didn’t think much of any of this until my friend got cut.
        Then i stared drinking her blood.

        Could i be one?
        and it also smells like… I can’t stand seeing blood veins.

        When I get around other people its like I can smell thier blood

      • Same here!

      • Oh I hate ouija boards my friend chelsea
        was playing with one with me and her other
        friends and it started counting down to 10 .
        when it got to zero chelsea was being chocked
        it wasent fake she was screaming and crying
        and then her and her friends had to go to
        the church and desroy it….
        I CANT stand looking at veins e’ither
        ive only had animal blood but it seems
        to help alittle but its no were near more
        satyisfying than humans blood.

        Being a vampire is a curse yet a miricale in a way?

        id know even thow ive only been one for a year
        its terrible somtimes i wished i had a life
        were the smell of blood didn’t drive me insane
        and i had so much anger but im lucky in a way.

        you probly know what i mean

    • o my god I have dark blue 1s
      that are starting to get bigger

  10. Most of the those statements fit me except the magical powers and the periods i am a male not a female.

  11. I like all sorts of blood but i mostly like animal blood.My blood taste realy good but some of my friends think its gross.I would tell them that i would suck there blood.I dont know why they dont like it.Anyway,when ever i cut my finger i suck the blood right out of it leaving me wanting more.Sometimes when i am around friends i feel the lust for blood.I have told only acouple people about me being a vampire.I think its pretty cool being a vampire.Well thats all for now.

  12. Wow this is the thired time i came to this web site i love it.I cant wait to have blood again i am geting so impationt that i might just get the blood from my step-sister.My name is stephen and i love being a vampire.

  13. Im just jokeing my name is not stephen i am not going to say what my name is.Ever since i was six i loved blood for some reason.Now i know that i am a vampire and it feels great.

  14. it was weird reading this because i found tht i related to most of these things. and when the word blood is brought up, i get very impatient and aggravated. i believe all of these facts except the magical power thingy. ever since i was little i had these “feelings” and instead of playing with barbies or normal things, i fantasized about vampires and now it seems that i am one. i know that sounds ridiculous but it feels so incredibly real. and reading this, i know that i’m not alone.

    • yes yes im am the same as you and now i fellthat im not alown sents i was born i have ben craving blood and iam allwas ative at night and tierd in the sun of in eney light and i am the fastist in my school and heal fast let the vampires units and become 1 we are not freks of nacher caz we are diffrent but a work of art and we should now be hunted and killed or feard and should not be treted eney diffrentley

  15. ps-
    its extremely hard for me to sleep at night, and when its a full moon, i dont sleep at all.

  16. i need sumone to talk to about this cuz i havent told ne one cuz i’m afraid of wut they mite think. please reply or ask for my email…

    • Hey anonymous girl if you wana talk about it im 13 and im a girl too….you can read about me I posted stuff about my experiences……if you seem interested in them and would like advice or anything just ask (carrierogers69@yahoo.com)

      • Hey my name is Meaghan and its hard for me to sleep at nite.
        I hate the sun and I crave blood sometimes.
        I feel like I’m all alone in when I’m surrounded around a lot of people.
        Let me know uf u think im a vampire.
        Oh, I’m 13 years old.

    • i know how u feel. i havent told neone either. im too afraid too. my email is soopertrooper911@yahoo.com. email me if u want to to compair thoughts on the subject.

    • Anonymous girl –
      I feel the same way as u,
      I dont tell any1 of my feelings
      of being a vampire &
      all or being 1 but I once told some
      of my few closest friends but they
      thought I was crazy except like two
      of them think I’m the son of the devil
      but ya thats crazy heh but
      e-mail me @

      I’d rather you MSN me cause its easier
      I dont always answer e-mails so ya if ya
      wanna talk e-mail or msn

    • anonymous girl i can help you.
      i am a vampire and i will help you.
      im still morgan.

  17. Hey give your e-mail ( the one who said they need help….. please i can hlep you i am a vampire too)’
    or send me a e-mail at
    i can really help you

    • i have almost all the symptoms
      and im also a healer thats the weirdest
      combination im a hybrid and healer…

      I’m really loooking fw to meet with more ppl
      like me plz add me ash_23@live.com
      oh i dnt know anything about my family
      coz my mom got killed and im with
      new parents since i was 1 year old

  18. i gotta tell you guys a story that happened today.

    ok so me and my friends were outside, and i thought i smelled blood. i thought my nose was messing with me but it turned out about 10 feet away, a girl’s knee was bleeding. i broke out into sprint to the girl. i almost reached her but my friends thought we were playing some kidnap game and caught me and took me away 😐

    i wouldve sucked the blood right outta the girl. it just smelled so good, and i was drooling when my friend took me away to go play with her. its just so creepy. i thought it was just fake, but once i smelled that blood i just went crazy. my friend said i was growling when she took me away from the girl. i thought about biting her, but i was like “i dont wanna expose myself.”

    that is my story. it is a 10000000000% TRUE STORY!! I SWEAR TO GOD!!!!!!!! thanks for listening!

    • YOU GO GURL.

    • hey im that way like i said in diff. ones YOU ARE NOT ALONE

    • you showed the first signs of being a vampire.
      i am a vampire an yet i am still my self.

      i got a cut on the outer edge of my lip
      i seem to not let it heal there is blood
      coming out of it and i suck it.
      it tastes so good.

      Fire the vampire

  19. holy crap this is 100% ME!!!!!

  20. I am told that I appear older than my actual age. Sometimes during the day I passout from tiredness. At night I am full of energy and can’t sleep. If I go by my own schedule I will get tired when the sky begins to becomes lighter (towards day). I do tend to feel sick during the day. I have major visions that come true. Sometimes I lose my breath as if I do not need it and it relaxs me in a way but that worries me. Technology seems to hate me. I’m very inttelligent with it though. I can eat a lot even though I am not hungry. I do not have troubles with blood but a part of me makes my mouth water thinking of it. Several people have claimed I was a vampire but even with most facts I do not Know or realy think so. It’s one of those it can’t happen to me type of senarios in my point of view. I am 14 years of age. I need people to talk back about this.

  21. I also would like to say something about those of you who feel alone in a big crowd of people, maybe you can sence other vampires and when you meet one you won’t feel alone. (just a thought)

    • im a vampire and WE are both vampires
      but youll make it plus i look 14 and im only 11
      cool huh
      plus when i see blood in a movie
      i cant help but to lmao (Laugh My Ass Off)
      plus i cant help but to wanna look when
      someone bleeds and then i’m asked to clean
      the wound after i wipe all blood off

      i give them a bandaid then i finally release
      my breath and tear the bloody part off the
      tissue and suck on it till its white again or
      i swallow it i have no blood like the cullens
      + my irisis change color when im thirsty
      or not
      well hope this helps good luck

      • HELP!!! I have all of the symptoms. I am not sure if i am a vampire I love the taste of blood and people think i am 13. I am 11!!! HELP!!!

  22. Something else I would like to add….. I don’t realy like animal blood but mine is so sugary because I’m always eating candy and is….. very nice. I scare many people. They say “she’s scary” behind my back and they don’t think I hear it.

  23. I feel like im on a different plain than most people, not necessarily better but different. I can read people just by looking at them, i love the late night…..especially the full moon, I feel like nature is on my side on most full moons. I like the sun as well but its uncomfortable for me to be out in it all the time. I havent really tasted blood yet so I dont necessarily know if I like it. Im fascinated by vampires……and at night feel like I could run forever and never get tired, where I usually get tired and less energetic during the day. I look very normal and don’t dress in a different way, but everywhere I go people look at me, some even stare, like they are curious or something. Normal things people do for fun bore me….but at night, running with my friends and doing what I want is paradise.

  24. also…..I am now 20…..when I was younger everyone thought I was older……now people guess me to be younger……like im 19 or just turned 20………………………

  25. ok so i have some of these traits but are u guys that are vampires are u guys immortal?also u have a black ring around the outer part of ur iris because i do but that may be comon with non vampires. im soooo confused idk if im a vampire or not

  26. Wow, This Cannot..Be Possible. This thought never came into my mind until i realized, That i Bite myself, But don’t even know it, MY mom tried to send me to Eastern State( The Asylum ) But I Completely refused, And My dad didn’t think i was crzy, He thought was just weird…:|

    Well I Saw Twilight Today, And Finished the book 4 Days ago as well, I Am Rather..Well I Don’t Really Know, I Just Had a weird feeling every time i thought about the book or movie, OR Read a word from it. I At First felt this was “Myth”, But Something is telling me its not, At all, Its telling me humans have MUCH to learn still. I Often Find, Random Fake Articles like “Your a Vampire if you have black walls”, No that is Wrong, I Complement your Style Of Making this, a List, Rather than a Quiz. Interesting. I Also, Have an Odd Feeling, On Halloween. I See People With Fake Blood, And i have a “Tingle” I Wanna Kill Them, But Not Bite Them though. Then When i See People Actually Really Bleeding, I Feel Odd. I Want to Just Bite Something When i see real blood, And often i bite my own Finger.

    I Highly Enjoy The Night Time, I Feel In a sort of Sanctuary. No one is near me, And i Feel Like I Am Alone in my home. I am About to Turn Twelve, And Am Going Through Puberty, The Age When The Body Changes, ALOT. I Have Recently Been Kind of, Just Down, I Don’t Rarely Talk, And People Call Me Deaf Because i Don’t Look at people When they call my name, I Just Ignore them Ussually, Or say “Yes” Or “what”.

    The Sun, Doesn’t Really Give me rashes or anything, However..I Tend To Hide in the woods when im outside in the morn’. I Feel Lonely, In Crowds, And When i See Like a “Play” in an Auditorium, I Feel Like I Am Just Watching a movie, Alone.

    Often, People Say I Have No Emotions Because i Always have a straight face.

    I Feel Aura’s , But Don’t Really Understand them, They Seem To Bug Me Every Day though. I Also, Went To School Today, And this Boy Named James, Was All Happy And Stuff, (we are in the same math class) And we sit far away from each other. Then in Science, We sit next to each other, and he felt acted, and looked Sick. He almost Vomited, And His Face Started Turning Pale and Red Simultaneously, I Feel, Like A Vampire, But Don’t Know If I Am. I Am not really Scared, If I AM one, Just Confused, That i never thought of this before. If You Have some way to Explain this to me, Email Me at




  27. i’ve been having a strange taste for blood lately.a friend of mine use to give me some of her blood about a year ago but the blood cravings have got a little stronger and for a few mounts my eyes have been getting very sensitive to light at certains times during the day.I also dont sleep at night anymore but i sleep during the day now.The only blood i get now is my own.Should i be concerned or not now

  28. Some of the other sign sound like me but some of them dont

  29. dorothy, It Depends, if You want to be one….

  30. A few days ago I had this feeling that I was lost and I have been noticing if I look at people in a way that I can like recive a surge of something i cant understand i feel like I am full of power, I have always thought beeing a vampire beeing cool but never thought they were real, I have always had fun with my canine teeth that are very very sharp on the bottom and top but that can’t mean enything…

    I always was able to understand people and I do get annoyed withs ome people that are very interestad with me and then they just start to avoid me. And i usualy am able to notice if eny one around me is not feeling well or is sad ( well it’s not THAT HARD!)
    I do remember when i was a kid everytime I would arrive very late to school i would think so hard for the teacher to miss and every single time the teacher of the subject that I was going to have always missed… I do have very vivid dreams always had since i was a baby and most of them are actually de-ja-vus.
    They are days that i cant stand the sun but others I am fine, but every wendsday i get this thirt that I cant make it disapear even after drinking gallons of water… I do look much older then I am (under twenty not telling xD) and every people i meat think i am atleast 2 or 3 years older…

    Well almsot everything in that list just tells you how I am… it’s very wierd but I am very sceptical :/

  31. i only told 2 ppl about…well…my secret and they’ve been trying to help me w/ it. my cousin gave me raw meat, it tasted sooooo good and i was able to digest it. and i noticed tht my eyes got lighter and the black ring around the color of my eyes got darker. my sense (my smelling and hearing) hav gotten so much clearer and the sun hurts my eyes really bad, so at school i hav to hang out in a class. my friends dont like it but they dont know wuts wrong with me. i’m also not one of those girls who are goth and want to be weird, this is true….if u need sumone to talk to, just email me at: ifwewereamovie_12345@hotmail.com or kmn584@aol.com

  32. Okay.

    I Am Feeling The Oddest Thing. I Have Changed like Ever since Yesterday, When I Woke up, at 1:00am, And then i that was after, i went to sleep..at 12am. i Don’t Understand this, because i woke up in quite a Shock. I Felt Like Something was seriously wrong. I Felt A Pain..All over My Body, Everywhere. I Was Shaking And Didn’t blink for like a minute my mom said, when she heard me scream, she came into my room and saw me like that. She was really scared as well. She asked me if i was “Okay”. I Couldn’t Talk She Said, Or wouldn’t. Then. All Day today, I was sort of shaking and Twitching. Then, I Got Really Angry, Because Someone Wouldn’t Leave Me Alone, With The Constant Insults. So, I Went and told.(my dad told me, If i tell, and the teacher does nothing about it, I can beat the person up with his permission…) Well The Teacher just told him to “Stop”…He Of course didn’t. So …I Punched him, And Used What I Had Learned from my Odd….God Given…Knowledge of…Nin-jutsu. So I Grabbed his arm twisted it, And Slammed him on the floor. Then, He was bleeding, And My Eyes..Widened According to my Friend David. I For Some Reason didn’t Come And Suck The Blood Out of the little insolent., I am not sure why though. i am now suspended until Next Thursday, But i am not in trouble at home. I am confused about, why i froze and Shook when i saw the boys blood. And Then I Shook at stuff When i woke up in shock. What the hell is wrong with me?!?

    Please, Help Me lord….someone..

  33. hey ….i am a real vampire… i can help you.. if you have any question….just email at
    insaneclownlover@gmail.com or
    i can help you ….. i like to help new vampires like you guys… and maybe i can help you find some meetting of local vampires around you area….and maybe also help get a copy of the vampire bible….to help through you new and approve life
    my name is taimshai but you can call me taim
    plase email…
    thank you

    • ive have been taking quizzes on the web on how to know if your vampire and they i am. Do you have any advice on how i could test myself on how to tell if im a vampire.

      P.S. im 11 years old

      • Simple faith: might not want to tell your closest friend because they might stop being yuor friend but when your friend starts bleeding see if you feel the need to drink her or his blood if you do, do it.

        I did that. what the other people tell you like” i like drinking my own blood” is a bunch of sh**. okay? because their to scared to drink any body elses blood and because they know that they don’t have a sickness in their blood.

        You can email me at katiemiller101@ymail.com okay?

      • well ialso took those quizes too but i dont know if there true. i have all the things it said but i still dont know

        p.s im 10





    • I am so confused. I love the taste of blood and I am interested in vampires. I have all of the symptoms. It would be so cool if i were a vampire. am i?!

  34. Wow!! All of that pretty match with me. I also allways get water in my mouth when i see blood or veins in people’s neck. I’ve always been like that since i remember me. I’m 22 btw and i’m female.

    What do you ppl think. I’m i crazy or just an vampire?

  35. I forgot to write that i’ve always hear well and i my smell sence are really clear as well. And i can see just by looking at ppl if they feel bad or good. It’s like i feel they’re energies.
    When i was young, was at my cousin house, and her friend was there. And suddenly i felt really sad and i started to cry. And no one sayd anything. And then my cousin asked me what’s wrong and i sayd “I don’t know why i’m so sad when you friend is around me” And it was like she was white in her face. And i asked what’s wrong and she say’d that her son died two years before and that’s maybe why i got soo sad around her. I just felt her pain. (I was only five years old)

  36. im freaking out kinda i just found out im a vampire and its cool at the same time but its kinda freaky all thoes things to test if your a vampire or not are mostley true about me im telling the truth

  37. How can i test my self if i am actually an vampire?
    Please can you help my guys?
    Give me some advice..
    “I have taste blood and it’s was fine.”
    I always smell coffee smell of it and caramel taste of it as well.
    But can i try some other things.
    I don’t know what i should try to figure out if i am actually an vampire.
    Please help me.

  38. hey “H”…. try this eat some raw meat….if that taste good…than let me know by my email….
    And hope when you said you taste blood you taste some one else blood…hhahahaha..jk

  39. Yeah. I have done that before. I’ve heard that before that we can be sick by eating raw meat.. Is that true??

  40. I can play with someone else mind. That is funny and fun sometimes. But idk if that actually say that i’m vampire. Witches have been in my family for centuries. And i am also a natural witch as well. But i can barely help my self when i see blood. I love the color,smell of it and the taste. I always get thirsty when i see someone else blood. This is 100% truth. I have never share this info about me before. Because i’m so afraid that ppl judge me and think i’m total lunatic. And it’s really good to finally have a chance to share this with someone else like me. And knowing that i’m not alone in this world.

  41. And one more thing. I’ve always been more active on night’s. I’m totally a night person. Every since i was a little girl. I always get tired if that is much sun outside and i burn very easily when i’m out in the sun. And the sun hurts my eyes. So i always have to use sunglasses when i’m out in much sun. Because i can’t see well like i see when i’m inside. “I have really good vision thought” But not in the sun. My best weather is fog. If that is much fog outside and i can smell everything that is around me. 🙂

  42. I have finally found out who i am. I am an Psychic Vampire. I feed on peoples energy. But i don’t really understand the blood thing that i’ve told you guys before. I’m i both “Blood and psychic vampire” ?


  43. Its amazing how well all those fit me and after reading what others have to say. I belive vampires are real just forgotten. If any one wishes to talk about how they feel I would love to talk about all the things that other fellow vampires go threw on a daily basses

  44. Yes. We are forgotten. Ppl think that vampires is like in comic books. Or is like dracula. That’s wrong. We are humans and we need blood like humans. But we need it more, and our choice is more to be in the dark than in the sun.

  45. I seem to fit this… then again, magic runs in my family. Also, you can be very sickly and still a vampire. None of my relatives drink blood, so we tend to be very pale and small. I am 12, and get asked how third grade is. These can als be sympthoms of vampirism.
    P.S. Very good job with this article.

  46. Wow i got chills from reading all of that . But what if your .. um eyes change shape. like . i have hazel eyes, theyre brownish , but um , i call it my other personality, bc i never realized i could be a vampire 😐 but whenever im in that mood, all my friends say i stare at them and my eyes are like a different color, theyre dark, and the hazel is gone and they say i look at them like theyre something to eat or kill =/ everytime i see blood i want all of it, i guess that description fits me
    Im pale white
    I dont sleep in the night , my mom mad eme take sleeping pills , im tired in mid day , but when sunset comes .. oddly enough im in the mood to go crazy :S i love blood
    cant even look at someones neckfor long . it gives me an overflow of desire. i believe in reincarnation. have had flashbacks since i was like 5 , without ever seeing anything that resembled it. and i never even knew what a vampire was when i was 5 , nor have i seen something like that on tv, strange. but yeah that is so like me o.o although , i actually closed out myself from all my friends and my boyfriend because i feel strange around them ..

  47. Ever since I was 8 I found these puncture wounds on my neck and a craving for something unidentifiable. My throat is always burning, especially around humans. I have found myself being drop-dead tired during the day but wide awake at night. Also my physical abilities have increased astonishingly. I can hear the quietest whisper from across the room, constantly crave blood, the sun makes my skin burn and hurts my eyes, my incisor teeth are much sharper and longer than any human’s, I know when people look at me even if I can’t see them, people just kind of go into shock if they stare into my eyes for too long, and I get these little glimpses that I have no idea as to what they mean but they all look really old. My dreams are very vivid and they seem to show what is going to happen to me and people close to me the next day. My strength is like nothing you have ever seen before. I have a black ring around my irises, I can’t stand to be in close quarters with any person for long at all, and my teeth can go through anything so they are basically unbreakable knives. I can feel a lot of what other people feel and I seem to be able to influence the way other people feel without being aware of doing so.

    • I crave too!

      Ever since just a couple of months ago,
      I have had the undeniable urge to take
      a long nap during the day.

      At night I am completely awake.

      Sometimes I even see my own aura.

      I haven’t ever tasted blood,
      but I really want to.

      The sun doesn’t make my skin burn,
      but it hurts my eyes.

      I am ok in artificial light, though.

      I look older than I look and I always
      feel like I’m better than everyone
      beside on an intellectual scale.

      I don’t have good k9 teeth,
      and I’m not all that strong.

      All of my relationships seem
      to be really confusing.

      All of these stories really help me
      understand I’m not alone.

      • I can also make friends anywhere I go, but I never feel close to them. I have recently tasted blood, and I LOVE IT!!! I just really love running.

  48. I’ve move into new town. And this town is really sunny. It’s hard to be outside. And my mom do not understand why i’m hurt in my eyes when i’m outside. But she saw my eyes one night ago. And she said. Shit.. Why is your eyecolor dark red.
    “My eyes get sometimes dark red when i need blood.
    Or i’m thinking about blood. “I normally have dark brown eyes”
    And i was working today and i assidetntly cut my finger.
    And it’s was really good feeling when i put my finger in my mouth and i felt the blood taste.
    But my friend whas like.
    What.. What are you doing. Why are you like you are sucking your finger and enjoying it at the same time?.
    She do not know this about me.
    That i’m diffrerent.
    I don’t tell ppl that i’m vampire.
    Like. Hey. I’m vampire.
    I’m afrait that ppl think i’m insane or crazy.
    Only just one friend now this about me.
    And of course you guys 🙂

      FROM 6PM TO 8 PM


  49. hey newbie jus email at insnaeclownlover@gmail.com
    taimjames101@yahoo.com…i caan help i am a real vampire

  50. I always feel like no one is ever happy around me..when I run in sunlight I sweat allot…even in the winter…just the sun makes me sweat…me and my friends all have special powers and can’t even stand to see blood because were afraid that if we do we will start going crazy on that person and drink there blood. Most people are scared of me because I do my own thing and not care what others think ..at night when I walk in the woods sometimes ill just run and it seems like im flying I run so fast. I never sleep at night im always too hyper but when the sun comes up all I do is sleep and my mom thinks im crazy . Sometimes I cut myself just to have the rush of my blood on my tongue because it makes me feel so alive. I usually always have dark colors on and I am 13 and most people mistake me for 16….weird I know ….I have gold eyes and dark rings around them and I always black out when I concentrate to hard on onething and everything goes black except that one thing I always know who is behinnd me or beside me…I just get this feeling…..me and my friends all drink eachothers blood and this is the wierd part
    (Mostly me and chelsea)
    Ok if chelsea concentrates on one thing you can feel her like electrify you like buz you if you touch her……and I can protect people…like I can center myself to where if you are in danger I can take it all away with my mind like a shield and make you feel better…..but I don’t do that because then people would be atracted to me….I don’t want to draw attention to myself….do you think im a vampire?

  51. If you think im a vampire please amail me at carrierogers69@yahoo.com

  52. Hey its carrie agin I left out a couple details I can hear things very well and I have realy sharp teath….I can chew through anything…like today me and chelsea were sitting in the cafeteria and I got nervus cuz I smelled blood but I couldn’t figure out where it was comeing from so I panicked and bit a hole in my finger and started sucking on it…I have realy vivid dreams…but I only dream when that dreams going to come true and I often have dejavu when im around my friends..im always in my room and in the dark and my mom hates it…..I just want to be alone..I fell unbeatable and unbreakable…..when I was 5 I slamed my hole leg in a car door and it was fully shut and I just sat there and didn’t knotice till I tryed to get out…I feel like I was more powerfull when I was younger. But when I get realy angry I can do anything I hope someone can help me/…im so lost and need someone to share ideals with……but I don’t want some sycho just messing with me either….so if you realy have some advice for me please talk to me by email (carrierogers69@yahoo.com) I apriciate the people who take the time to read my letters 🙂

    • most of these things i fit into. i get deja vu all the time… and i find it hard to sleep. i feel alone and blood has a strangely appealing taste (i like the irony- ness) 🙂
      but i have no fangs as far as i know, and i look younger than i am (but im under 20) i can will things to happen. am i a vampire? 😮

  53. Well Lil. You can try by tasting others blood or eat raw meat. If you like that and your eyes change color when you smell blood or you feel desire by be near blood or smell blood. And feel more alife at nights . Well you are an vampire. But that is not one tipe of vampires that do exist. I’m an toreador,blood,and energy vampire. You have to find yourself girl and who you really are and where you belong to. 🙂

    – Good luck.

  54. hmm…
    Just how many kinds of vampire are there?
    i heard somewhere that all vampires have dark hair and brown/yellow/red eyes. true or not? mine are blue but they have wierd dark rings round he outside of the irises… which i also heard is a vamp trait. :/
    i have frequent dreams that i’m killing people :S not 2 sure if thts anythin 2 do with it tho 🙂
    my eyes sometimes go grey or purpley :S

  55. lol ima slay u all XD (joke)

  56. oh yeah… and what are the symbols at the side?
    the wierd geometrics?

  57. its Lil again 😉 just seein if the name change will make the shape pic change 😀

  58. Me again… Where are you all? lol
    Can’t sleep, and it’s really bugging me cos I’ll be soooo tired in the morining… 🙁 Any tips on better sleep?

  59. WOW!!! Most of these fit me, personally! My own friends even say that some of these tips suit me. I can list some of them but not every single one of them. Here we go:
    1. I’m almost always completely aware at night. I mostly sleep right through the morning all the time. I usually wake up anytime after noon.
    2. Extreme brightness really bugs me a lot for some reason all of a sudden. It used to not to.
    3. I feel like that I just don’t belong to in this world. Being around a lot of people makes me feel left out and alone making me be the ‘outsider’ of the group.
    4. When I get sick I do start to sound a little strange and and feel kind of severe
    5. My dreams are getting vivid
    6. My clothing style is rather dramatic at such times when I get ready to go to school or just going out anywhere
    7. People think I look younger
    8. A lot of animals get along with me very well
    9. I don’t have a lot of friends. Only like 2 at the most but I barely ever see them
    10. I can seem to tell how other people are feeling
    11. I kind of get a little woozy and or sick when the sun is shinning/daylight time
    *12.(another vampire symptom) I can see my skin glistening in the sun and I tend to move faster than usual. I used to be really slow at things

  60. My answer to everything was YES. Yes yes yes!!! But I can’t believe it. I do LOVEE blood. If I even get a tiny cut I suck on it forever!!! Reply, I want to know that I really am not the only one.

  61. 😉 i think its a good thing…
    but could i get slayed? or is that a myth?

  62. Karley. No you are not the only one. I do it too. If i get cut. I suck it in a long time until it’s stops bleeding. 🙂

  63. I might be moving to a new school but I’m scared they’ll know I’m different… O_O
    help? I don’t really want them knowing I’m a vampire…

  64. oh crap!!! *_* ima slay myself …jk…are u people sure this is all true if it’s a yes to all except to da one ” do spells they all work” cuz i dont do spells ( me catholic !!!) >.< omgosh… ok…my eyes are brownish but sometimes black…dis explains tht *_* i dont wanna be a vampire………. :'( although i love my pale skin hehe… i think i’m half vamp. only i’m sure of it…cuz sometimes i get all those strange stuff but then it stops…along with my thing… it skips strangely 5-7 months and yep timed to the full moon *_*
    once i broke my ankle and the doc. had it x rayed but then the doc. said mayb it wuz wrong cuz it strangely seemed like it healed itself in a day and then it wuz gone… X0

  65. hey basically all that stuff is me lol
    except the last one i am not llergic to any thing lol

  66. I do not and will not believe that I am a vampie!
    It’s stupid!
    It doesn’t matter if I just don’t match 3 of the requirements.
    I am NOT a VAMPIRE!!!!! And I’m sick of people telling me I am!!!!

  67. I need blood now.. I’m going out tonight!! Really.. It was so damn sunny day. Ugh.. “X” Why are you here if you don’t think you are an vampire?

  68. That’s what im thinking XD I mean if that x dude doesn’t think he’s a vampire why is he even bothering to get on this site?…unless he’s trying to make himself believe he’s not a vampire…hmmmmm…sounds like some issues….XD

  69. It is kind of weird that all of the questions are related to me (exept for the periods one). I am a female, and I do believe in vampires and anything mythical and sci-fi like. I’ve always had a specific taste for blood, ever since I was around 3 years old, I got a bad cut and was lost in my yard (it was a big forest 0_0) and my house was like a while away. I was mad at my mom for something, so thats why I ran away but I got scared and nervous so I was running and then I fell into a thorn bush and got a big cut and no bandages were around so I just bent down towards my leg and started sucking the wound untill it would stop bleeding…….but I only drink animal blood now 0_0

  70. its weird i never figured id b a vampire i crave for blood i just randomly cut myself and without thinking i just start drinking i love the night my mom can never get me to go to bed.when i was 8 i got really mad at my brother and i just like bit him on the neck idk why it was creepy i get mad easer then most ppl were i live and all of the above is true about me i can feel ppls feelings really well and taste and smell extremely well i never can get sick and i dont feel pain at all… no one belives me the sun burns me i feel sooo alone wats wrong wit me ?

  71. its justina agian i forgot about when i have dreams they usually come true the next day is that normal or not? and i have really pale pale skin people ask me if im a ghost cause my skin is so pale….

  72. hey people i have a question that i cant find out… if you die and then come back to life could that b a reason why ur a vampire? cause i think i died when i was 3….

  73. Its weird….ever since i turned 14…which was about 5 months ago….ive been craving blood….especially my girlfriends blood….one time we were at the movies and she let me bite her neck and one of my fangs sank into her neck and her warm blood rushed into my mouth….and i went into a sorta blood rage….all i did was run cause i was afraid i wuldve hurt my girlfriend even worse…..i do believe im a vampire….and i do believe there are more out there….i have so much more to say but i wuld sit here for 10 days….

  74. I think I might be a vamp, but I dont have fangs 🙁
    Does this mean I’m not? Or do some not have fangs? Or will they grow?

  75. Hi. Dear Lil. You don’t have to have vamp fangs to be a vampire. You can like blood and drink it and be an vampire like we are. Some vampires don’t have vampire fangs at all. And some have them. We are humans. But we are diffrent though. 😉
    Don’t worry sweetie 🙂

  76. Hi. I have to share one with you. And i hope you guys can help me. I’ve met soo damn cute boy. And we are really good friends and all that. I whould never hurt him. But when i see his neck and that yummi vain in his neck. I get so much water in my mouth. And one time when we where making out. He suddently said. Why is your eyes dark red. You have a dark brown eyes. And i of course didn’t say anything at all. But one thing. He likes when i bite him a little bit. But he doesn’t know that i’m a vampire..
    What should i do. Tell him so i whould not hurt him and scear him away later on. Or just feed another blood and be fill and don’t need more blood when i see him and go on date with him again?
    P.s. I really like him. And i don’t want to loose him. :S

  77. You have to think on it 🙂
    If he’s gothic or emo he might think it’s cool.
    But if you think he’ll think you’re wierd then keep it secret… or bite him! ^.^

  78. I don’t think I’m a vampire, but I’d like to be… can I get bitten? 🙂
    Can vampires be slain? :O

  79. “Lil” Yeah.. Maybe i’m gonna tell him. But i’m still not sure..
    I think i’m gonna keep it a secret a little bit longer.
    Till i’m ready to tell him who i really am.
    He knows almost everything about me..
    But not the vampire part lol.

  80. yayyy vampires!

  81. hey

  82. Aww 🙂 make sure to tell us what happens lol.
    its better than tv XD

  83. Oh, also: searchwarp.com/swa74654.htm
    …but only for those who don’t crave my blood.

  84. Hahha yeah Lil. I’ll do that..
    I don’t know it’s better than tv. But i know that vampires and be a vampire myself is yeah much better than watch some wannabe vampires in tv!!
    It’s just funny and silly what some ppl do to be a vampire.
    I really feel sorry for then. Like one guy was trying to creating a “real” fangs!! Hahahahahahaha 😀
    We are real though. 😉
    And we know what vampire’s stands for!!
    And i’ve always been vampire.
    And i love it!! 🙂

  85. lol ahhh i want fangs 🙁 i cant bite anyone with stupid human teeth *hmph*

  86. Hello my name is jesse im 13 and a vampire it funny but i never started craving blood to now and now it all i think of and im scard that im going to bite someone close to me and it hard for me tom make frends i need help

    • i know howyou feel “jesse” when i was at band camp i saw my friends blood veins and tried to bite her.
      i thought just stop your just trying to freak her out. theres my full story at the bottom.
      if you want to look.

  87. You could try eating raw meat, that’s supposed to help 🙂
    Or you could do what my friend does, and drink animal blood (yuck!)
    As for making friends, just act like a normal human, be funny and approachable.

  88. thanks for your help Lil

  89. I have had very strange things happen to me in life.
    I have ALWAYS been able to predict the future all of my life.
    (I answered YES to ALL OF THE QUESTIONS)
    (I am a 14 year old boy)
    I feel that sometimes, when I want something or something to happen, I just think to myself that it will happen and it always does.
    Everybody I go to school with thinks I am weird.
    I no longer have any friends.
    I seem to have an attitude that I think I am better than others.
    I also have problems with tolerating normal people.
    I always think to myself that they are so lame and so slow.
    I love to be up early in the morning.
    I like blood.
    I have strange dark rings around my iris on my eyes.
    I also have a lot of strength and can accomplish things at much higher speeds than anybody else.
    I can seem to read peoples minds at times and manipulate them very easily.
    I can seem to know people before I even see them in person.
    I have always been afraid of vampires all of my life until tonight when I realized I was one.

    • Hey if you have super strength,
      can you help me move this weekend?

      I just bought this washer/dryer and I can’t move it myself
      so it would be great if you could come help.
      P.S. I sense your aura.

  90. Yeah dick im the same exact way….your not alone…..everything you just mentioned is exactly what just happened to me

  91. being vampire is hard but we can stick it out, right?

  92. hey! someone stole my name -.-

  93. Dear “Dick Liberenth ” You are not alone anymore. You enter this page and it’s good that you know now that you are one of us. And you don’t have to be afraid anymore. Now you just have to know who you are. I’m glad that you aren’t afraid to vampires anymone.
    – Welcome new vampire 😉

  94. hmph! H… get them! they stolened it 🙁

  95. I’m having doubts… I have so many symptoms and yet I don’t crave blood?

  96. This is almost a tragedy.

    I am up in the middle of the night reading about “How to Tell If You Are a Vampire”.

    I really need to get a life.
    But there is no life for 13 year olds who want to be national merit finalists.
    Then again all work and no play did happen to get Jack his Bugatti.

    So here I am procrastinating doing a summer english assignment.

    Once I finish that I get to do more algebra, then geometry, & then algebra 2.
    Smart comes with this section of the family’s title.
    My mother got straight A’s through high school.

    My brother got 3rd place in International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF).

    My parents plan for me to go to state this year with my project.
    Just as my brother did.

    The only difference is that I am going to be valedictorian of my class.

    So at least with money, a job, and a life in my future I will hopefully stop typing in random words on Google and Wikipedia for fun.

  97. Wow. This thing knows me like the back of it hand. Im a vampire…….
    It feels great to know what I am.

  98. Yeah it’s good to know that you finally found out who you are.
    And to “Lil” I’ve finally told my boyfriend about who i really am. And he just smiled and told me that he knew it all the time. But he wanted to wait until i told him that vampire secret about myself. And he told me that he is crazy in love with me. And love me all. And it’s doesn’t matter who am. Vampire or witch or both. “I’m both btw” He just love me for who i am. 🙂
    So yeah. Everything got well when i finally told him my darkest secret. 🙂

  99. Awwww 🙂
    thats so sweet lol

  100. “Lil” Yeah it is. I’m really happy about that i don’t have to hide myself anymore 🙂

  101. Hey,
    do you have to look vampirey to be one?

    I’m pale,
    but that’s about all I have in common with the stereotype :/

  102. i am 13 and started puberty and i have alway liked the taste of blood. And I have noticed when I am out in the sun I get rashes on my arm.

    i love the night but i don’t mind the sun that much.
    But when I read that vampire have a dark ring around there eyes I thought it might be fun to check but to my suprise i had a dark ring around my iris.

    I don’t know if this means i am a vampire.

    But if it does I don’t know if I would excited or upset.

    The only thing i do know I am a nervous wreak and I am sure I will stay like this till I find out.

    I am just so confused.

  103. if you think i am a vampire email me at bellamacaroni@yahoo.com
    (p.s my mom made this for me)

  104. i answered yes to most the questions.
    So I’m a Vampire.

    I knew that,
    from playing with the ouiga board.
    this just confirms it.

    What now??
    How do I know for sure.

    Are there people I can contact?
    Like really.
    What now??

    And if this is for sure really real,
    I want a pendant,
    prefarable something custimized.

    E-mail me at xx_cutie_nf_xx@yahoo.com
    and I’ll know if you’re messing with me,
    so don’t bother.

  105. hummm
    Well, when I’m all around people like at school i feel very very diffrent from everyone i feel like im all by my self.

    And I can also predict when something happens …..like when in the pool
    when someone is right about to jump on right on top of me (im under water)
    I don’t even have to open my eyes to tell there going to jump right on me.

    i quickly get out of the way it’s very weird, and I love the night me and friend Kaylee (Kaylee thinks shes a cat -.-) creep around my house at night and often very often look for food to eat.

    Ii can also tell what we are having for dinner if I smell the air when the food is cooking i know its steak or something like that I love blood I’ve never tried someone elses …..
    I wonder my blood tastes so good

    I do often get cut and my friends think I’m weird and plus!!!

    I have the teeth of a vampire
    I have very sharp teeth I often bite my friends when we fight it just comes natural

    Most of the traits fit me
    I really do beleive
    I am a vampire

  106. […] THIS How to tell if you are a vampire […]

  107. […] THIS How to tell if you are a vampire Read it. Seriously. Especially the comments below. These people are serious. o_____o I have an […]

  108. Hemophagia, the consumption of blood (actual, or a desire that persists and is disturbing) is often a sign of a more serious underlying condition.

    You can spot one such condition quickly. When you next urinate, wait a few minutes before flushing. If the urine slowly turns to a color that can be mistaken for blood, you have one form of porphyria; if not, you may still have other forms, or some other condition.

    Your best bet is to make an appointment with a psychiatrist, who can then proceed with a differential diagnosis, or send you on to an endocrinologist.

    If you decide that you absolutely MUST consume blood, you should cook it first. The US Armed Forces Survival Manual states succinctly that raw blood will likely make you sick, so it should be mixed equally with water and boiled for at least a minute to prevent vomiting and to kill parasites and pathogens.

    Beef and pork blood should be available from a butcher shop inexpensively–tell them you want to make blood pudding.

    – according to a psych nurse from this link here:

  109. okay first i am 12 years old and have dark rings around my iris’s.
    My intrest for vamps started when i hit puberty.and i rarley bleed when i do its black.

    Whenever i fight with my brothers i automaticly bite them.
    I feel like i can run for hours at night because i feel so wired.

    Its so wierd…
    and ever since i hit puberty i have had this wierd hungry/thirsty feeling.

    I can smell a persons blood from a couple of miles away and it smells so good like pomegranite or something but i have never tasted it.

    I want to.and i always have this feeling in my gut when i know something is going to happen.

    I feel so alone…
    I’ve never told anybody about this.


      • i only drink my own blood cause i do not have fangs.is this ok? i want to have fangs . i do not want a dentiist to do it.

    • ur blood isn’t black ur just saying that to make people think u r a rare type but ur probaly just a wierd teen

      • and u probaly cant smell blood

      • how do you know if your a vampire
        its being so dumb being a human all day
        long all year long and all year long
        i lived for nine
        why cant any of you just bite me
        human life is so stupid i hate school
        and i have a little anoying brother
        that won’t shut up and i hate him

  110. ive been getting straight a’s since kindergarden and have incredible speed. i am a female.

  111. and not that this matters but i have pale skin and a lot of people like me

  112. Today at school i bit some 1
    He hade a cut on his arm and i was bitting him i don’t rember how it happend but lucky no 1 saw it

  113. I have 24 of the symptoms, and at a week long camp, I ate almost nothing.
    My skin is really light and it’s impossible for me to get a tan.

    My friend actually thought I was a vampire and I’ve been told I could play a vampire in movies.
    that’s me-

  114. OMG!
    I’m a vampire.

    HELP ME!
    Is there any way to cure vampirism?


    So i guess im a vampire.

    But I’ve never been bitten and my mom
    is kinda of psychic or able to see the future somewhat.

    But how an I one im only 11 every thing I have
    EVERY SINGLE ONE of the problems listed

  116. READ THIS!
    I have dark circles around my eyes.
    I have twevle sharp teeth.
    I can’t stand the sight, or smell of blood or i get this craving.

    I can’t stand having heard about it either.
    I hate sharp objects.
    They have to hold me down at the doctors office just to give me a shot.

    I can’t even stand having pencils pointed at me.
    I’m the fastest at my school.

    I can’t stand the sun.
    I can’t stand seeing blood veins.

    When ever I get around other people,
    it feels like i can smell thier blood.

    I don’t sleep at night alot,
    only at day.

    My friend uses a flashlight but I just run
    through the darkness like its daytime.
    Even with out a full moon.

    I didn’t give any of this much thought
    until my friend got cut.
    Then i started drinking her blood.

    Could i be one?

    I’ve done alot of research
    but this has helped me some.

    More than other sights.

    Can any of you give opinions?


    • um the stakes through the heart are myths vamps are like zombies they are the living dead so they can’t be killed with just a stake it takes fire FIRE the sharp objects thing is in your head kid take this advice from a real one k you need any halp you can contact me at criss_angel_135@yahoo.com

  117. my friend savannah w. is also a vampire no wonder why we get along so much i’ve only known her 4 about a 2 years and usally it takes a long time to be this close of friends. (and NO were not lesbians)

  118. i have most of these symptoms;
    & the weirdest thing is…

    i have real vampire teeth,
    two fangs on the top
    & on the bottom.

  119. Well, “michelle n.” I’ll have you know that my blood is good and i do like it.
    And it makes me very angry when people tell me i’m not otherwise.

    All my friends say i’m one, my enemies say i’m one even my mom say theres a strong chance that i am one and how do we know your not lying?

    I’m sorry but im a vampire half of the eigth grade says i’m one.
    I’m normly not mean you can ask my friend.

    I’ve had this craving for a long time not just a few days but for a long time.

    I’m thinking about getiing my self to bleed just so I can get blood.

    If you have anything to say email me at katiemiller101@ymail.com okay?

  120. i too have those problems listed.

  121. and one more thing: it is said that no one can get bitten and be changed, they have to be born that way.
    for all of you wanting to be vampires.

    sorry to burst you bubble but you can’t get bitten to be changed, gotta be born that way.
    and it sucks.

    your friendship could end your boyfriend or girlfriend might break up with you.people will’ try to kill you, and they will tease you. sure you’ll want to kill them but not me.

    i don’t want to be a monster.
    i may not be human exactly, but i can sure as h*** at least try to live my life like a human

  122. oh and michille, i’m fourteen so the next your little eleven year old a** decides to go barking up someone elses’ tree, make sure its not mine! GOT IT? sorry i also have a temper problem too.

  123. Okay any body who says if you don’t like your own blood your not a vampire is a BIG LOAD OF SH**!

    \Okay anyone who says that are not true vampires because their the only ones who know they don’t have a blood sickness or whatever.

    I have drinkin my friends blood before.
    I have al of those problems listed. and anyone who tells me that i’m not a vampire or otherwise is DEAD F****** MEAT OKAY!

    It takes a true vampire to drink someone elses blood and a true friend to be okay with the idea.

    So for all of you sh** wipes who say “were vampires because we drink our own blood” i’ve got news for you:

    OH AND MICHELLE, I do not live in a f****** imaginary world okay?
    Jesse your okay. since you said you’ve drinkin a guys blood before.

    Anyone who drinks their own blood is living in a f****ng imaginary world.
    The only time I ever drank my blood was when someone hi kicked me and I started bleeding.( in my mouth)

    • hey umm well i was temted 2 drink my dads blood b 4 when he started bleeding but i tried not to cuz i didnt want to freak him out the blood was everywhere and i had to step outside 4 a while

    • i want to drink someones blood. i do not have fangs. how should i do this. i am always tempted to.

  124. this i crazy its like they know me

  125. I answered almost all of those yes wow

  126. Ok I finelly told my best friend that i might be a vampire.
    I think she took it pretty well.

    Even thought I explaiened it to her thousands of times I am not crazy and she says she dosent think I am crazy I can tell that she thinks I am a little crazy.

    But the real problem is that my friend has a little bit af a big mouth which I didn’t cosider when I told her.
    how can I keep her mouth shut?

  127. I have most of those.
    But sometimes in the night i feel like i cant sleep.I think i am the last one sleeping.
    Also my eyes hurt in the sun.
    So when I can I bring an umbrella.

    One last thing whenever i have blood coming out i usually just suck it back up.

    My canine teeth are also where they are soppsed to be.
    They are in the gum spot.
    They`re still growing.

  128. im a Psychic Vampire same as this but feed off of emotions like love nagativet and positve making people sad happy or mad and we crave for blood to but not that much off of nagativite people that hage around me like me no reasone or they pro tend go to this site ok and read http://midian.mortis.org/real1.html

  129. i hate the old and new churhs becuse they think that we are bad and they stearted raceizom slavery aganst black and and they say that master bation is a sin but it is not XD http://www.jackinworld.com has a link for women to im a mXD enjoy the but i dont realy hae them now as much as the past

  130. oh and i have a great conection with a pets even if i get close up in there face they dont act mean even if they all ways ben mean they dont act tworeds me they are alll frindly to me i love pets even the mean one aspashaly

  131. vempiers are stronger in chi or ki or energy humens are halfe of what we are so they are level 1chi we are level2 chi we are all ways one stape ahaed of humans lol XD

  132. there are three types one what alucard is but they are extinked or hiding them there are what i am and there are bacice of this site there go to the first on i posted

  133. i craved for it sents i was 6

    i scraged my arem and it bled so i souck ed on it it tested so suest

  134. Dear Jaqueline.
    Yeah. You are like me.
    I can’t stay long in the sun.
    The sun hurts my eyes.

    And one more thing.
    My skin is very sensitive.
    The sun hurt my skin in the sun.
    And mostly my face..

    And yeah.
    My teeth are still growing.
    But slowly.
    But it’s not clever to drink your own blood.

    I’m not just talking to you.
    I’m talking to all of you guys now.
    I drank my blood.
    And yeah.
    It was painful.
    I started to shake and sweat.

    And I felt like i was gonna faint.
    I mean i though that i had a fever or something.

    So no.
    Don’t drink your own blood ppl.
    Just bite in a raw meat with fresh blood in it or something else.

  135. P.s. I can’t stay in the sun for like under 10 mins.
    Because then i get hurt skin..
    Yeah.. I live in a sunny town.
    And yeah i stay mostly inside on the daytime.
    But i’m out when it is dark outside.

    • i think i am a vampire. in fact i am 99.9% sure. should i tell my friend? if she wants proof what do i do?!

      • Yes, you should tell me. I am one, I am your friend, you told me, and nothing bad happened. You said the friend you didn’t know if you should tell was me after you told me.

      • i love licking my blood when i get paper cuts
        sometimes I lagh when I get punched by my stupid brother

  136. i hate mornings i cant go to sleep at night but i have to just to fit in or people would look at me wired all so i like acting normal way would you drink your own blood thats stupied ya it tasts good i lick my woons or cuts sheesh ask or make bule stacke next time its beeter that way oh well

    i miss the moon latley you cant see it were i live that offten but when i do it lights up the hole yardXD its fun whach ing i so hat the heat its like a masuna terned up all the way cants stand it but that suck Jaqueline train yor self ennder the pain ok

    i know it hurts but try to late pain come in with open arms train every day dont stuop even if its panin full ok

    dont like the heat but os what know the heat dose not bother me any more
    so tain your self ok god be with you

  137. i hate da ja vus they are soo anoing some time and then some times there not shsh i wish i can contrul them i hade them evere seens i was 5 yeas old never gets sike only once a year or 3 years befor i do get sick sun liht and heat dont bother me but it gets on my nervs so dont piss me off when im out side for hours on end lol i like to bite things i heal fast i wish 10x fast

  138. I am one no lie.
    I know the real things you need help just post reply okay
    I will try to help you all as much as possible

  139. 🙂 do vampires have to be all dark hair and red eyes?

  140. I got 29 of them and I
    always get these very
    painful headaches.

  141. hey I have some of those symptoms 2 freaky weird,
    message me if you’re a vampire on stardoll
    my name is tealin2121 thanx

  142. I am confused,
    I am not sure if I am a vampire or not,
    what do you think?

    I am 12,
    I am pale and I am abnormmally strong,
    stronger than my fifteen year old brother
    who I can easily throw to the ground if
    I am mad at him.

    I sunburn very easily,
    and I am very fast,
    my eyes are very sensitive to any kind
    of lights and I have good night vision.

    I recently tasted blood and I LOVED IT,
    I can even smell it like if I smell my wrist
    I can actually smell blood which is so weird
    and It’s the same with other people,
    I even cut myself to have more.

    My sense of smell and my
    hearing are very good.

    My teeth are very sharp
    and when I am in pain instead of
    saying ow like normal I hiss or growl.

    When I am mad my pupil gets really big
    and almost covers my whole iris.

    I can easily tell what people are feeling
    and people are either great friends with me
    or very scared of me.

    I have a weird connection with animals,
    most nights I don’t even go to sleep
    I just look out the window or watch TV
    because I just can’t sleep.

    I love the night and whenever
    I think about going outside at night
    I get a rush of adreniline.

    I answered yes to almost all of these.
    This is completley true.

    Am I a vampire?

  143. Oh and when I get sick
    it’s never normal so far I have had
    two illnesses that the doctors couldn’t
    Identify the problem,
    even after a biopsy and x-ray.

  144. ive been drawn to vampires
    since I was about 3 and I’m 12 almost 13 now
    I’ve been wondring and when I looked at this
    I had a bunch so now I have confermation also

    I get the twilight thing its kinda weird

  145. I am a vampire!
    I already knew but I wanted to make sure.

    For a vampire name go to emmadavies.net/vampire
    Mine is Memsahib of the Orient
    known in some parts of the world as
    Death to the thirsty

    Lean, modern, and vicious!
    Serial killer of vampires.

    Respond if you have the same as the last line.

    • Memsahib means ‘Dear Crone’ or ‘Kind Old Woman’ it is also used as a title for a married woman likeMrs. so shut up.

  146. My intrest in vampires started when I was about 7 years old,
    when I accidentaly tripped over my bike and scaraped
    my knee raw and a bunch of blood started leaking out.

    I really didn’t want anyone to see the blood
    and I didn’t have a nakin so I had no choice but
    to lick it off.

    Thats when I realized that I’ve been craveing
    blood most of my life back then.

    Now 5 years later,
    almost 13 I still crave blood.
    (thats my story.)

  147. Oh I almost forgot
    I like answered yes to most these questions,
    I can smell blood from underneath peoples skin
    and can hear sounds that are not in the
    normal human range.

  148. Oh I almost forgot I like answerd yes to most these questions,

  149. Alright all of these are right!!!!!!!!
    MY fangs are growing!!!!!!

  150. Another ‘Real Vampire’
    Told Me I Was A Vampire.

    && I Have About 98% Of All These ‘Symptoms’
    && Another Thing, Just Because Someone Has ‘Fangs’ Doesnt Mean Your’e A Vampire.

    Everyone Has What They Call Canine Teeth.
    So Dont THink Youre Special.
    But Mine Seem To Be Especially Sharp =\

    && People Think Im A Fucken Lunatic
    When I Mention That Theyre Blood Smells Good,

    Ever Be Hugging Someone &&
    You Feel Their Veins Pulsating &&
    Wanna Rip Their Throat Out?
    Yea, Me Too.

    I’ve Already Made A Few Friends
    Bleed From Biting Them.

    Without Thinking Of Course.

  151. iv hade 2 sleeping pills and im not tired and its 12 at night.

  152. dose eney one hear live in aus apart from me. if you do go to exmouth and we shoud meet.

  153. I have a question!

    Can being a medium
    be confused with being a vampire
    because I have a lot of vampire ‘symptoms’
    and I’ve been told I am
    a very powerful medium

    Just asking….

  154. I need help with all of this…
    I’ve always known that I’m different than others around me,
    though I never really understood why.

    The way I think is unlike anyone I’ve ever known.

    Everyone in my family but me is dark in complexion.

    At times I speak as if I’ve lived before,
    I feel like I’m from another time,
    and I am wise beyond my years.

    All the of the statement above I answered yes to,
    though I can’t get my head around it
    and I need straight up answers…

    Can anyone help me figure out
    for sure who I truly am?

    Please feel free to message me @

    Thank You


  155. Oh no
    I feel fangz in my mouth

  156. Itz cool that i am one but its kinda freaky
    I cut myself and drink my own blood
    also my clothes are kinda dramatic and

    at night i have alot of energy at school
    i told my teacher she gave me MY OWN ROOM
    she would not let me near her

  157. reply i dont care just DONT TOUCH ME





  162. HEHEHE

  163. Ok yeserday when i was hanging out
    with my best friend Courtney and all of a sudden
    it was like i heard her thought.

    When I told her she said that was exactly
    what she was thinking then asked me to try again.

    When I did I got it right again.

    Has this happenend to anyone else.

    • it has happened to me.

      one time my friend had a magazine
      and there was this thing to test for
      mind reading and it was a bunch of
      shapes and i would read her mind
      and tell her which shape she was
      thinking of. then i went to her house
      and we had a sleepover wiht a bunch
      of people. we wanted to see if it was
      just luck that i knew the shapes so
      they would think of something and
      they made me tell them what they
      were thinking.

      i got everything right and they would
      freak out and ask me how i did it.

      then one day at school my buddy
      said she still didnt believe i could
      do that so she made me read her
      minds right their and i got it right.

      then there was this girl and i was
      supposedly friends with her but then
      i caught her thinkin i was weird and
      planning to beat mea up on the
      last day of school.

      i talked to her about it and
      she admitted she did thik that .

      P.S. does any1 else see X.
      i have discoverd he is my
      creator and my lover.

      we will soon reunite and fire and i
      will go back to the way it was wiht X.

      he had created us in our past life
      and that is how she andi are vamps now.

      we shall reunite and become lovers
      with X once again.
      (We shared him for he loved us both
      and we both maried him and in the past
      life we both had children wiht him)
      o and we are making a vampire group
      to prevent vamps from messin up
      the balance of everything.

  164. Hi,
    I have most of the symptoms

    I have dark eyes and my friends
    say I have a deadly stare.

    I like the nite.

    The sun is just annoying.

    The blood in my mouth is yum.
    I am always hungry.

    a girl in my class started bleeding
    and made me hungry.

    what am I

  165. Am I a vampire
    please some one respond

  166. The world of man is built on feigning idolatry,
    submitting and bowing before the present deity
    for a blanket of comfort in a hopeless existence.

    They search for unanswered solutions
    of disasters and solutions,
    and abide by the prophets’ until their jars are empty,
    then turn like wolves and bite and tear until
    civilization itself is devoured and and
    a better solution emerges.

    Such was with Zoroastrianism,
    the Basque and Malta.

    Science is the prince of now,
    but eventually,
    as all solutions before it,
    it shall fall.

    The private sectors of the modern religion have
    search for a biological “truth” for vampire,
    and have posed V5.

    A disease to some,
    a step in genetic evolution to others.

    It is passable through blood,
    and carries vampiric traits.

    Whether this is what vampire is or is not,
    time will tell.

    What I can say is the list
    on this page is inconclusive.

    Many of those traits are common,
    even in succession.

    If you wish, you may email me,
    and I will answer your questions
    regarding your identity.

    I can guarantee you,
    that only a handful of the postees
    are actual vampires,
    and the rest are victim to self-fulfilling
    prophecy or media sickness

    – Mephisto

  167. i have very good senses. i always felt like an outsider

  168. how do you feed on energy?

  169. ok most of these fit me i have dreams about vampire ive seen different 1s every nite i love sleeping in day if i hadnt had school then i would but im 12 yeers old wats an iris somthing like that

  170. mi blood is reely good

  171. is it that thing around ur i

  172. oh yah ok yah mines blak i get mixed up its confusing

  173. its like the brown or somthing idk

  174. mines like different colors of brown its strange

  175. im realy bored but im not tired

  176. I have 32 of the symptoms listed.
    I have incredibly pale skin
    (my friends all say I’m too pale
    to be a normal human being)
    and I do not sparkle,
    but my skin is almost translucent
    and it seems to give off a slight glowing quality,
    a sheer luminescence.

    I have been told I am incredibly beautiful
    (although I don’t like to brag and I have self-esteem issues)
    and I am graceful.

    I can run very fast and I am much stronger than I look.

    I don’t have great eyesight (I wear contacts)
    but I have amazing hearing and smelling.

    Cats seem to adore me
    and I started researching vampires
    when I was nine years old.

    I love all vampire books
    and always compare and contrast
    all the differences and similarities
    of the different vampire myths.

    I tend to be on the dramatic side
    and my friends say I belong in the
    eighteenth century,

    in London in a palace wearing luxurious gowns.

    I always felt different.

    I don’t know who or what I am,
    and I just want to know.

    I think I might be,
    but I’m not sure.











  178. i have 20 somthing of those symptoms i couldnt realy keep track
    arnt some vampirs born on special holidays or somthing?

  179. i have all the this!…

    i have been researching my self
    for about a week now and one
    of the hypothesis i have is that
    i am a vampire but right now
    im trying to know if i was born
    with it or was i infected with
    the v5 virus because last year
    i had a surgery and then i catched
    a viral virus in the hospital and im
    not sure if it was that or was that
    i was born with the gene and i
    got the awakening on my 14th b-day
    because that day i coulnt sleeep i
    was hyper and i had this desire for blood..

    i cut my bff with a knife(accidentally) and
    i coulnt stop looking at the blood
    (i had this extrange reaction to the blood
    like i dint cared about my friend at all,
    all i wanted was to stare at the blood
    and i had the desire to drink it so bad)

  180. i got the awkening too it was really good
    ok so 1 day i was in class i was doing work and the sun shines at the window and it was on my desk so i put my hand in it and i started sparkiling it was freeky im not pale at all but i only have a little tan.
    im been researching about vampires after i startd reading books about them and i have the desire for blood i can smell and see way better than i used to .
    when my mom said there was no such thing as vampires i started crying i thought that was very offensive
    i have 4 sharp teeth that i noticed have been getting sharper .
    am i a vampire i have 29 of these symptyms ?
    also iv been saying wat other people were thinking, iv become way smarter well not way but a little every day, i love the night and i get reely hyper and feel like im going to go outside and grab some1 and suck thier blood?????????????????

  181. coming from a real one,
    Twilight is a joke

  182. thats wat i thought i meen vampires dont really sparkle that much right edward looks like 1 of those crystels from a chandelier!!!!!!!!!!!! i mean i do like it but i dont like the movie i swear im not making fun of any1

  183. all of these symptoms…..
    i have them…
    ive been researching on this
    stuff for quite a while now..
    and every website ive been on,
    ive had all of them…

    but the whole sparkling in the light thing..
    ive been told i sparkle..
    but surely, to me,
    it doesnt mean anything..

    its just from twilight,
    and surely, none of that is real.

    ive been..different..
    since i was a little girl,
    as ive been told, but i never understood

    what my family meant when they told me that.
    i didnt have a father growing up..
    and i still dont have one….
    yet when i finally started trying
    to get information on him,..

    i found out
    he was accused of murder…
    long story..
    but then my computer currupted
    and all the information i gathered
    on him was lost.

    my iris’s are a light brown color,
    and i have dark black rings around them,
    and many people have told me that they
    think they are contacts.

    im very pale and my skin is cold.

    when i walk into a room,
    no one notices,
    they say im like a cat,
    and they cant hear me.
    the sun makes me have dizzy spells
    and horrible migraines,
    and i often go out at night.

    ive been told ive looked14 years old
    for the past four years…
    and i just turned 14 this year.

    sorry for it being so long,
    but i had to get this out.

    am i really a….vampire?

  184. I also never knew my dad
    and i dont remeber anything
    from when i was little
    i felt like i never realy was little
    i have light brown eyes too

  185. WOOOOOW i have almost all of them (like 34)
    e-mail me at bloody.fingers@ymail.com
    plus i already knew i am 1.
    and im 14 🙂

    • im 14 too but my whole life ive known i was different,
      special if thats what u want to call it.

      ive never really fit in,
      and when i found out about vampires,
      i knew thats what i was
      and will be for my whole life.

      • ive got all apart from piriod and sex can a vampire tell me if i am a 11 male vampire

  186. oh
    i have 29 of those symptoms
    does that meen im a vampire


    shivers to the thought of sparkeling*

    you dont HAVE to drink blood i do often
    but you dont really need it EVERY day!

    Also that they never put in these stupid things
    we can make people fall in love with us and
    do basicly what ever we say!

    Its quite funny really!

    If you have any questions about vampire
    contact me at angie21397@live.com.

  188. i some times need blood
    and i allways feel like im strandid
    on a island

    i have 34 of thos symptoms and i have
    4 sharp teeth and they are geeting sharper
    every day and the sun always burns me
    and for som reason i can here what peaple think.

    • i understand the fang thing
      i have had fangs my whole life,
      and my friends used to think it was cool,
      until i bit one of them once,
      she never told anyone but after that everyone
      thought my fangs were wierd
      and so i felt like a freakish outcast.

  189. o my god so do i . i know what people r gonna say and all

  190. my mom thinks im some sort of a freak
    im the youngst in my family

  191. Greetings

  192. *sniff*sniff* oh its just raspberry jam

  193. oh crud the sun,HIDE!!!

  194. phew.good thing i found this coffin

  195. is that a human i smell?

  196. YUM!nom nom nom

  197. anyone want some?

  198. *silent craving*

  199. *morphs into black cat*

  200. mmm,rabbit

  201. *vampire again*

  202. oh midnite alredy,im still tired*silent craving*AND HUNGRY!MUAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!

  203. oops cant forget Batsy

  204. *yawn*

  205. lalalalalallalaalla…………………….mmmmm,TASTY!

  206. yea I have most these symptoms too.
    my family hates me.

    I have no connection with them.
    I feel lonely


    I was told that by my mom
    when she did a soul choosing “spell”
    and I know it worked because I have
    waaaayyyy to many memories….

    hey ppl email me at

    death.kitty@ymail.com or emo.lovexxx@yahoo.com

  208. Scary I have over half of these
    I’ve always had a feeling that I
    was a vampire

  209. Omfdsomg!
    I have all those!

    Plus my top teeth are taking forever to grow
    I glow in the sun literaly get no sleep have no
    emotions have great driving skills,
    better than most adults ever will be
    and am faster stronger smarter and more doranle
    (can take more harder hits)than ALL of my friends.

    I’m I really a f@#%ing vampire
    that’s good for 13

  210. OMFAG!
    I HAVE ALMOST (got!!!!)

    (if thats the whay you spell it)
    me freind keeps on blabering on
    that she is a vapire alonge whith her
    gay cuzens but noooo evedes heAR
    that she is !!!!!!!!!

    omg SHE LIDED TO MAWA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  211. I cant quite explain it but i want blood
    but im pretty sure im not a full vamp.

    Like the slightest bit of sunlight
    hits my eyes and it hurts.

    I want blood like its air ya know?

    i dont wanna tell my family
    because they’ll think i’m nuts
    so i dont have any clue where to go.

    and regina vampires dont fucking sparkle
    when they go into sunlight your obviously a fake…
    or just immature

  212. I like Twilight but I’m not obsessed with it.
    IN THE GOD DAMN SUN!!!!!!!!!

  213. hi its been for ever since i felt like i was happy but i told my mom that it is her falt but i was kidding and she started to freak out.

  214. i sparkel in the sun
    i cant sleep at night and can
    read ppls thoughts a little
    and i also take ppls energy

    i think but well i think im a vampire
    but i dont really know

    i have all of these exept msybe 4 or 5

    i feel alone all the time,
    amd i tend to hear ppls thoughts ,
    does that mean im a vampire?

  215. hi. ppl who don’t believe in vamps
    don’t read this and dont comment.

    I am a half vampire and my friend
    wants to become one.

    what should i do???
    should i turn her,
    or keep her a fragile human?


    • look dude
      if you are for real about this
      dont do it she will go crazy
      and wont know whats rong
      she will eventualy die
      and she wont get enough of your blood
      to gain any energy or ability
      so it would be pointless trust me
      i know from experience
      dont think im crazy ethir

  216. I want to be a vampire
    but I dont really know if
    I am or not!!!

  217. hi umm
    i have alot of those symptoms

    i wanna know if im really a vampire
    if so any place i can learn how do i test
    if i am

    ive always wanted to be one
    and have had an extreme interest
    in vampires everything about them

    im drawn completely to them
    an im interesteed in wicca
    and the true mysteries of the world
    can anyone help me

  218. p.s.
    I’ve found a site called
    are they for real

  219. I have all these symptoms.
    Its weird too,
    i not only love the taste of blood,
    but i can smell it.

    I can read minds,
    im a extremely fast runner
    i beat a car in a running race
    when it was going really fast.

    I’m extremely pale.
    My eyes change colors.

    I hate the sun,
    its weird again but it burns me o—o.

    Sorry if i sound like a physco-path
    but i think i am a vampire

  220. I’m a vampire
    i was even before i read this
    now I know for sure
    I have everything in the list
    about me except for the having
    periods part cause I’m a guy!

  221. I answered yes to most of those
    its funny cuz my brothers girlfriends
    cousin asked me if i was graduating
    from high school next year and I’m 13!

  222. Hi, my name is Briana Rene Coffey!
    I am here at this website because
    I believe i am a vampire.

    But i have not been turned
    so i think i might have been born one.

    I read alot of what the stuff
    said and i am about 9/10ths of that list.

    Im really scared and
    could use some help!

    Thank you!

  223. i have 34 of the symptoms

  224. Hey I found this website really interesting
    and I wonder if anyone could help me out.

    For the past week I have been feeling strange.

    on wednesday when i went to bed
    I woke up in the middle of the night shaking
    and finding it hard to breath but since
    then I’ve noticed changes.

    There is a dark ring around the iris
    of my eye and also the colour around
    the pupil of my eye is noticibly different
    to the other colour of my eyes.

    I have also lost most of my appetite for food.

    I found as well that i match with
    most of the things on the list.

    So do you think I could be
    showing signs of vampirism ?

    Thanks to anyone who
    replies it would be great help

  225. i am i vampire so is my dad and mom
    with are dead they died in a house fire now
    i live with my aunt telly witch
    is human i am thirteen i am vladimir tod

  226. any onw got o postive blood plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! reply i hungrey

  227. ugh it midnight i so craveing for blood
    any of ya vamps or not vamps no where
    any is reply now plz plz plz plz or ill
    have to bit my aunt nelly

  228. Me and a couple of my friends
    who are confused wether we are vampires or not,
    we did the questions are most of my friends
    had alot but i had yes to all but one,
    i have not tasted human blood,
    i wouldn’t know where to get it from,
    I am 15 in a couple of days,
    and my mum said when i was four
    i asked about vampires because as my mum
    considers herself to be one too,
    none of my friends sparkle
    i think that is just from twilight,
    i like glow in the sunlight,
    but as i live in Wales we dont get alot of sunlight,
    i am very strong and it gives me a
    pain above my eyes if i go out in sunlight,
    my six senses are enhanced to as well as my friends
    but what is strange for me is that i am quite clumsy,
    i have very pale skin which is weird
    as my dad is greek and my mum is from russia,
    i dont look my age i’ve been told i look 18
    and i have alot of male attention my friends
    tend to think i bewitch them lol
    i dont want to seem vain but i am the strongest quickest,
    smartest in my year.

    i love veins they trance me.
    i prefer night and love to go walking
    around 11 with my 4 dogs!

    i’m confused

    sorry its long.
    can i have any advice at all please?

  229. only 2 of those things about me are missing,
    i want to learn more about this

  230. should i tell my friend?

  231. umm. i believe i am a vampire too.
    i’m only 15 yrs old though.
    and i have been hooked up on vampires my whole life.

    But when i get near my boyfriend
    i can smell his natural odor
    and i get hyper and honestly i tend to kiss his neck alot and i
    i want to bite him

    i also run fast
    and i only get into sports for my fast reflexes
    Plus of course everyone smells good to me

    i don’t know if i should truly believe that i’m a vampire?
    am i? is there even a chance that i could be a vampire?
    if so please let me know…Thanks to everyone 🙂
    (but i do need help knowing if i’m one.)

  232. I know some people might think
    I’m mad but i honestly think im a vampire.

    i had 35 of the symptoms listed
    and i have been completely obsessed
    with vampires for 7 years.

    i am only 13 but since i was just 6
    i have been drinking blood.
    just the thought of blood gets me excited,
    its like a sudden rush of energy from deep inside me.

    i have always had fangs and used to get bullied for it,
    now people just laugh at me for having
    white skin..and im always cold.

    i havent been ill for 7 years, not once.
    and when i was ill before that it shoud
    have been fatal..but somehow i recovered.
    the docters were amazed.

    i dont no what to do tho,
    i know im different..
    people are always sayin im ‘not with it’
    and i feel like i dont belong in this world.

    i wish there was some way to get out
    of this seemingly bottomless hole
    of darkness and be able to show the world the real me,
    but i know people will be scared of me..
    and i dont want that.

    i find it hard hiding from everyone my intense need for blood,
    especially my closest freinds and my boyfreind.
    but so far i have succeeded..
    and hopefull il know what im suposed to do soon enough.

  233. About a month ago
    I had a dream that I was in a
    candle lit room with my friend.

    My friend was sick his dad
    and mom asked me to bite him
    because they knew I was a vampire.

    I bit him and the dream ended.

  234. i have almost every trait in that list
    i do not know if i am a vampire
    but after doing research on them
    i truly do believe in them now
    but still don’t know

    i have been told by my friends
    that my eyes suddenly flashed a bright
    red and my skin when very pale and
    they started freaking out then when
    i got back to normal they started telling
    the teacher and i had no clue what
    they were talking about and that has
    happened more than once
    but i have sort of like the taste of blood
    and i don’t know why and somebody
    in my school says that she is a vampire
    but my teeth are still sharper than hers

  235. and i only get in sports cause of my
    fast reflexes and i run fast and im compleately
    obssed with vampires if anybody is reading both
    of my comments i really want to know do you
    think i am a vampire because i truly dont
    know what to think please help me thanks

  236. ok I have all these symptoms
    execpt the sunlight one.

    I like the sunlight but it does
    hurt my eyes more than normal
    compared to other people.

    what do you guys think of this?

  237. omg I have all of those
    and I’m REALLY sensitive to the sun.

    the only one I don’t
    have is the sex one.
    I’M ONLY 12

  238. and i just LOVE the taste of blood.
    i make myself bleed just to have a taste.

  239. I have 36 of these
    ive had an interest in vampires
    since idk when i love the taste of blood.

    i hate going outside during the day
    something about it just makes me
    sooo tired but im always wide awake at night.

    I love to run around and
    sit outside duting the night

  240. I have to say..
    I wouldn’t think that an actual vampire
    would reply to an article such as this
    or any other article suggesting the
    criteria for being a vampire.

    And would an actual vampire shout out
    “Omg! I’m a vampire!!”
    “I have all those symptoms;
    I’m a vampire, email me.”–
    I wouldn’t think so.

    And if that is the case,
    then vampires are either incredibly hyper..
    or incredibly immature.

    Another thing; i
    f you search the internet to try to check
    if you are a real vampire,
    chances are; you’re not.

    Actual vampires usually realize they are
    what they are in their own time.

    I say this because my
    family has its own history.

    Being very intuitive,
    most of my family are able to cast minor spells,
    the ability of premonition, etc.

    Overall my elders were realized as witches.

    So to make this short–
    My family has done their research
    for the past 200 years and we know
    a lot about witches, wolfies, vampires,
    wiccans, and many other creatures.

    If you have any questions
    please email me at

  241. Hmm I have all the
    symptoms except the Sex

  242. I’m serious…this is creepy.

    I have 31 symptoms…

    Well…idk if im a vampire or not…
    I go to this website called vampirewebsite.com
    it has EVERYTHING u need to kno about
    being a vampire!!!)
    to see if im a vampire or not…
    n it says i am.

    It’s just hard to accept the fact that
    I could/am a vampire..
    It makes me feel like I’m going crazy! 0_0

    My name is Samantha and I’m 11.
    Ive had a special intrest in vampires
    most of my life (so far).

    I don’t go crazy over their beauty
    from in the movies,
    and how “hot” they are,
    I know those “vampires” aren’t real.

    I’m looking for the REAL vampires,
    because I want to truely know if I am one.

    I’m just NOT YET accepting that
    i could be a vampire,
    I want to know for sure.

    If someone could please contact me…
    (meh e-mail is

    perferably a REAL vampire,
    one that can help me figure out if i am one.

    I know im pretty young…
    so im not sure. Just anyone plz help me find out!

    Anyway, onto a different thing,
    these people saying that theyre sparkling in the sun…
    bunch of bull.

    Someones watched to much Twilight ;]
    btw reminding you its a BOOK that a WOMAN MADE,
    which turned into a MOVIE,
    so its NOT REAL!!!

    I have many more things about me than this,
    but i dont want to take up the comment time xD.
    Just contact me if u want to help..!

    Age: 11

  243. only when im drunk do i get a lil vampy
    but i sence stuff sober i love sex
    and just the taste of men all together
    but i find myself bored with them
    afterwards but i met a fellow vamp
    and he is a energy vamp and we feed off each other

    its so great girls if your a sexual vamp
    you need a vamp like mine he will highten your senses
    and bring you to new levels even for men
    get a girl vamp and try it its not for everyone
    but real vamps that have had this type of thing
    happen know what bliss i speak of
    see all you tonight kisses jaded

  244. yummy

  245. I’m 13 and i think i’m a vampire

    I have a strong feeling when it’s dark
    and i feel parched nothing can quench it.

    if any one has any answers you can reach me at chris.douglas13@yahoo.com

  246. i am 11 and i think i am a vampire
    i am extremely fast and strong and
    i have almost all of the vampire symptoms
    except a few and i love meat
    and when i was younger i had a craving
    to bite and i would bite my cousin
    a lot and he had a bunch os bite marks o
    n him and now i still have the same craving
    but i am able to control it a lot better
    and i like it when its dark and my eyes burn
    in the day time also the stench of garlic makes
    me jerk away last but not least i have kinda
    like past visions where for a slit second my
    eyes close and i shake kinda like i am vibrating
    but i dont see anything in my visions its weird.
    if anyone could tell me whats going
    on with me if i am a vampire or not.

    you can contact me at
    please answer me.

    • you do not have to contact me at my email
      you can do it on here please answer me i
      want to know if i am a vamp.

      or not also i forgot to mention this
      but one of my teeth is rotten but it
      already fell out but it was so rotten
      i used to suck blood out of it and i
      t tastes nice and salty also whenever i
      get a cut i suck the bloood till it stops
      bleeding then when it turns into a scab

      i pick the scab and drink blood out
      of the bleeding spot where i picked the scab
      and all this talk about blood is making me
      crave blood someone please help!!!!

      • If you are craving blood,
        then just go with it.

        Vampirism is just something
        that some people are born with.

        I know I was born with it.

        Sure we may not be like Count Dracula or Norsforatu,
        but we are,
        in the least,
        a new breed of vampire.

        But just hang in there.

  247. I have felt very out of place my whole life,

    I’ve always enjoyed the taste of blood,
    I’ve seen things before they’ve happened,
    I’ve read people’s thoughts,
    I love the night time,
    I hate the sun,
    I’m extremely pale,
    my eyes change colors and have
    turned pitch black once or twice
    maybe even more,
    my skin is severely cold
    almost all of the time,
    I often times find myself
    dreaming of hurting someone,
    I have feelings of deja vu almost constantly,
    my skin shines when I’m in the sun,
    I can pick up on emotions,
    I often find myself just sitting
    and staring into space and not
    remembering what it was that
    I was looking at in the first place,
    I look years younger than what I really am
    (I’m 19 going on 20 but I look like I’m 13),
    I’ve always been sensitive to those around me,
    animals seem to understand me
    and I understand them because
    I can have a full conversation with my cat
    and she always responds to my meows,
    and I have an evil creature residing in me
    that is nothing to be faced.

    I am most certainly,
    some sort of vampire.

  248. Message from my cat,
    who i think also might be a vampire,
    if this is possible.

    She always tries to bite my neck.

    Here we go.
    She is going to be carried onto the keyboard.

    and there we go!

    I have very long nails usually,
    but I just cut them.

    I cut both pinky nails into sharp points.
    (Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha
    [*does evil laugh*])

  249. ok thank you fallen angel for the advice

  250. for all you bozos fuckin vamps dont sparkl.

    i know im one.
    well i might be a full blood or a hybrid.
    my dad is totally one and im not
    sure bout my mom.

    im super pale,
    have big and sharp caniene teeth.
    ive always been interested in vampires.

    whenevr i see blood i tense up
    and try not to lick my lips.

    ive recently gotten alot stronger and faster.
    nothing hurts me.

    i feel the sudden need to bite or gnaw on stuff.
    i have a bad temper and could kill you if you crossed me.

    im alway hungry and no amount of food can fulfill me.

    im very …physical with me friends.
    they say at times i hurt them
    and they say my nains are like needles.

    People around me become tired and cranky.
    Anytime my mom is around me
    she almost always sleeps.
    its so funkin annoying.

    my friends only fight around me
    and they fight with each other.

    • Does anyone here live in Brentwood, Los Angeles, California, USA? Because if they do we should meet. Please tell me if you do like me.

  251. I have all of these symptoms.
    especially the one for the need to
    drink blood.

  252. about 2 months ago i had a hard time breathing. i felt like i was dieing. my heart slowed so much it thought i was dead but i grew stronger and sronger. after that i had a strong urge to drink blood could the e a sign of change.

  253. hello if you are reading this
    I’m Fire the vampire
    the same one above

    I just created an account.

  254. if any of you vampire live in Redmon Or. we should meet in the dry canyon.

  255. All of the people that have recently
    listed coments have seen Twilight.

    Sparkling skin doesn’t make you a vampire
    and neither does being pale or most the girls
    in the usa would be vampires!

    just because you watched a movie
    or read a book and you say you have
    all the quialities that vampires in the
    book and/or movie have that doesnt make
    you a vampire.

    So stop pretending cause it
    is pissing real vampires off!

    I know!

  256. I got my own account finally.
    This is ruledbyfantima.

  257. Miranda Mattlin it is great to here another
    vampire has an account on here.

    I was wondering if you have any questions for me.
    I might be able to answer them

  258. Sorry for the extra long comment,
    but I really need to vent and to have
    someone tell me if I am a vampire.
    So please!

    I have all of those above
    (except the sex one, I am only 12).
    I do often have a craving that I cannot fulfill.

    I love blood in general, the color,
    the sight, the smell, and the taste.
    It is hard for me because I am a vegetarian
    and I strongly believe in animal rights
    (Animals love me and vice versa and
    I plan on becoming a vet)
    so I cannot and will not drink blood from meat.

    So it is hard to deal with the craving for blood,
    I often find myself unkowingly biting my lip
    so hard that it bleeds and then I drink the blood from it.

    I have no one to talk to about this,

    I have one of those families that laughs
    at you whenever you try to open up and
    be honest about something or
    about your feelings.

    I am afraid if I talked to my mom
    she would send me to a psychiastrist,
    which I know we could not afford
    and that I do not need one.

    I have always loved vampires,
    I love reading about them online,
    and getting different fiction books about them –
    and then I find myself thinking how
    unrealistic they are!

    I never liked scary movies but whenever
    it was a scary movie about vampires,
    I would jump at the chance to see it and be like
    “Why is everyone so jumpy?” during the movie.

    I have never felt like I belonged anywhere,
    but I love reading about history,
    and I am obsessed with things like,
    ancient egypt, the greeks and romans,
    and I especially love learning about the
    gods they used to worship,
    I love to learn the ancient rituals
    of the gods and recite them.

    I hate doing things like this behind my parent’s backs,
    has anyone else ever felt like they had to hide their
    feelings and beliefs from judgemental family members?

    I feel like there is the real me that can
    only come out when I am alone,
    and the person that they want me to be.

    I never felt like I belonged in the family
    or even this time era.

    I have been the playful, perfect,
    happy little girl that my parents want me to be,
    and all the while I am miserable because I
    can’t be the real me because of how judgmental
    and criticizing my family is.

    I can’t sleep at all at night
    and then my mom gets mad
    because I won’t get up in the morning.

    I absolutely cannot go outside without an
    ultra dark pair of sunglasses and (if it’s summer) sunscreen,
    or (if it’s winter) a cout that covers all my skin.

    Number one,
    because the sun hurts my eyes so bad
    that it gives me extreme headaches.

    And Number two,
    because I burn so easily then even
    if I am outside for ten minutes in the sun,
    I get a sunburn so bad that my skin starts peeling.

    Both my mom and my dad have olive toned skin,
    along with my brothers.

    I am the only one with really pale skin.

    My eyes are brown,
    but I notice that they turn different shades of brown,
    and it doesn’t have anything to do with the lighting-
    one minute they will be dark brown and then –
    in the same room with the same lighting-
    they will be a red brown color.
    It is so wierd.

    I have de javu constanly.
    I am always being reminded of things
    that I saw in a dream a night or two ago.

    Just today I picked up a magazine
    and when I opened it to a random page,
    I remembered the exact same thing
    that was on the page in my dream.

    So to sum it up:

    I have extra long and sharp canine teeth.
    My nails are long, sharp, and strong.
    No matter what I eat, I still have an
    unkown craving for something.

    I never feel like I belong anywhere.
    When I am in a crowded room,
    I tune everyine else out like I am alone.
    I have deja vu a lot.

    I am very empathetic and can
    almost feel others emotions.
    The sight, smell, and taste of blood
    is mouthwatering to me.

    I am obsessed with ancient history,
    especially gods and godessess.
    I often try out the ancient rituals
    and I feel the energy from them.

    I love animals and they love me back,
    and they seem like the only ones
    who understand me.
    (Especially cats).

    I can never hold a steady relationship with anyone,
    that includes friends, family, and crushes.

    I am friendless right now,
    I am sort of a loner.

    I believe in past lives and reincarnation.
    I do a lot of meditating.
    Vampires are a huge interest of mine and
    I will relate anything I can to them.

    Electronics hate me.
    I need really dark sunglassess and
    sunscreen to even think about going outside.

    I love the night and the moon.
    I feel connected to it.
    (I know that sounds wierd)
    P.S I was born at night.

    I can’t sleep at night when it is dark,
    but when it is daytime I sleep like a baby.

    My skin is usually colder than others.

    I love writing,
    as you can see by my screen name,

    I am very mature,
    and I have an old soul.

    That’s all I can think of right now.
    So please help me!

    Am I a vampire?
    Reply and I will be very appreciative!

  259. I have all but one of those things
    because I am only ten
    I am not very pleased
    with being a vampire because it is hard
    to control your thirst

  260. Hi.I’m new to this.
    I umm I’m 90% sure I’m a vampire.

    I’ll tell you why.
    But I would appreciate any
    and all comments or suggestions.

    I am 20.
    People always think I am a freshman
    or sophmore in high school.

    My skin is really white.
    I have never met my biological parents.

    I was put up for adoption
    the day I was born.

    As far as I know my dad
    was never in the picture.
    He left when he found out
    my mom was pregnant.

    I’ve always been really strong.
    Physically and mentally.

    In junior high I was the fastest runner
    on the track team.

    When I got into high school people
    started noticing how strong I was
    so they put me on the track
    and field team as a thrower.

    I placed at state a few times.

    I only sleep 2 hours a day,
    during the day.

    I’m nocturnal.
    I hate the light.
    It gives me headaches.
    I’m allergic to the sun,
    I itch when I stay in to too long.
    I have a really strong immune system.
    I hardly ever get sick.

    I have a high tolerance for alcohol
    and other things that would harm
    others such as toxins.

    When I am in a room with alot
    of other people I feel alone and
    people are usually staring at me.

    I don’t like it.
    I have always preferred being by myself.

    I live with a room mate and
    I ask her to leave all the time.

    My senses are all very heightened.
    I can hear things beyond our world.
    I am a medium and can communicate
    with the dead.

    I can hear a whisper while
    being in another room.

    I can read in the dark.
    My sight is much better at night.

    Sometimes if I smell something
    I can also taste it.
    Like blood.
    The smell is strong to me and
    I can taste it in my mouth.

    I can sense things such as a presence,

    I have dreams.
    They usually happen.
    They usually involve people I don’t know.
    I eventually see the people from my
    dream in real life.

    My dreams are always vivd
    and detailed and cause deja vu.

    My nails are very strong.
    My room is dark and cold just the way I like it.
    My carpet is black.
    I have a ring of dark blue around the iris of my eye.
    My eyes change color depending on my mood.
    The colors range from a very light crystal blue
    to grey to vivid blue to navy blue to hazel
    sometimes green.

    I am an omnivore.
    I eat fruits and veggies MAYBE once a week.
    I depend completly on red meat.
    I do not eat fish.
    I ‘m not a huge fan of birds
    such as chicken.
    I eat steak 4-5 times a week,
    usually cooked medium-rare.

    I am very competitive and always
    want to be the best.
    My computer,printer, and room mates
    print do not like me.

    They always turn themselves on and off
    when I’m around.
    They also make really weird noises…
    Not to mention the fact that any computer
    I touch that isn’t my own usually becomes
    faulty and refuses to work properly.

    People have a way of trusting
    me with their life.
    I’ve never done anything to earn their trust.
    In a few cases I have attempted to lose
    their trust but it still remains.

    Babies and animals like me.
    Cats hate me.
    They attack me and I am not sure why.
    I often eat food and 20 minutes later
    it is as if I never ate.
    Food does not fill me up at all.
    I am always hungry/thirsty but I can
    never pin point exactly what it is I want.

    I have a huge craving for anything red,
    regarding food.
    Blood, juice, meat..

    I don’t sleep often.
    I also have a quick temper
    .I am overly independent

    .As I said before I have
    audiovoyance and precognition.
    Help me please.

  261. i have most of these symtoms.

    i hate the sun and i always have my
    bedroom lights off or only have one light on.

    i always have my fan on even in the winter.

    my dogs really like me and so do other peoples
    dogs but cats dont really like me.

    i heal like really quick,
    like i fell off my bike once and scraped my knee
    and like 3 days later the scrap on my knee was
    like almost gone.

    my microwaves and phones
    always act wierd around me.

    i can usaly tell when my sister is mad.
    i can stay up at night really late but
    when sunrise starts i feel really tired
    all of a suden.

    i can also hear cars come up the road
    at my house way befor they even come
    close to my house.

  262. oh ya and i have alway felt that my parents
    are not really my real parents

  263. oh my god i have all of them write
    thats all about me and i do believe
    in vampires

  264. hi agian
    i was ridining on my brothers ripstick
    and hit somthing i slid on the concrete,
    it was cold i was in shorts i thought it felt good outside,
    and well back to what i was saying,
    and well sat ther for a minute thinking
    wow that was funny and well stayed on the ground
    for 3 minutes and laughed then i got back up
    and played again,
    and me and my cousin were doing our homework
    and she had to do somthing on the computer,
    i told her to go to a website but she didnt want to
    she tried to hit the back button but it took her
    right to the website that i had told her to go to and,
    computers seem to go faster or something
    messes up

    sorry it was so long its just that well
    it was somthing i just wanted to ya know get out

  265. I dont know if im a vampire.

    I have most of these symptoms,
    so can anyone reply?

  266. i dont know if im a vampire.

    I get really excited when im around blood,
    or when i see a needle.

    My heart just goes on double time.

    I have a lot of the signs,
    and i am iron deficient.
    does that show that I’m a vampire?

  267. the more i thiink about it the more i see to be a vampire. like i stayed up till 5 am last night and i did not even feel tired at all the at 5:30 am (sunrise) i felt like i need to sleep and could not stay awake any longer. i was in a car accedent when i was 12 and i broke both my legs and my wrist. the doctors were a little suprised on how i went through pyscal thariph fully after 6 weeks and could walk fine. i just seems the more and more i think about it the more i start to feel like i might be a vampire.

  268. this is a lot to take in right now..i dont know what to do…can any one help…i have a lot of questions…please email me at mwalkertriguy@gmail.com….please i have so many question……

  269. hey matt,
    something similar happened to me
    except i wasnt in a car crash.

    3/4 of my blood doesnt work well since i have anemia,
    and my spleen got enlarged when i was in third grade.

    I recovered really quickly from the spleenomegaly
    (3 days) and i have preety good physical health.

    i recovered very quickly from a
    major surgery in less than two days.

    Just like you,
    the more i think about myself as a vampire,
    the more i feel like one.

    It is like my senses just came “alive”.

  270. the way you are with your surgery was the same way i was with my broken legs and wrist the doctor that put in my stiches said they could come out in 4 weeks and i took then out in 2. the more i come back to this site and read the symotoms the more i feels “alive” and like i belong.

  271. Same with me. Do you know if not having enough iron (with the anemia) is a sign of being a vampire? Also, about the thing with surgery, i also heal really fast, and my pain tolerance is really high. while i was in the recovery ward, i was the only person that wasn’t screaming from their surgery.

  272. ps, I have really good hearing, and i can sense when someone is really close to me.

    • i can do that too.
      like at school i can walk backwards
      through the hall and not hit anyone or anything,
      but sometimes i have to pretend to be a
      clutsy person so i dont freak people out.

      • me to i can do crazy things like that but I try not to because it makes my friends very scared.

        one a bully at school even thought i was on steroids or something because he could wip my but in the moring or day but as soon as the sun goes down he doesent know what hit him.

  273. ok so im only 15
    and i went through all those symptoms
    just out of curiosity and found that i have all of them.

    i really am not sure about it though.

    there was no dought in my mind
    that i applied to each and every one of them
    accept the pale one.
    one that i have noticed on alot of other
    websites thats not on this one was the thing
    about being abnormally cold.

    that one really really applies to me
    and the one about the unnamed thirst
    that i cant quench and the people
    not relating to me.

    i was just wondering if there is anyone
    that has a sure fire way besides drinking human blood
    to find out if im a true vampire or not.

    please respond.
    i really need help…
    thank you.

  274. ok i dont know if this is because i have a lot of irish blood in me or because i am a vampire but i just drank a whole bottle of wine, by myself, and i did not even feel on the edge of feeling a little itty bit tippsy

  275. if i have extreme anemia, and i dont have enough iron in my blood, does that mean i am a vampire? Also, is the ability to remember and understand a lot part of being a vampire (im in all AP and GT classes and i got a 4.0 GPA, or all A’s)

  276. i have 35 of those symptoms.

    i started to think i was a vampire
    about six months ago.

    my dad’s family may be
    a long line of vampires.
    my mom’s side: idk.
    ive always been intrested in vampires.

    i can remember everyting i read
    and have something similar to
    a photographic memory.
    i remember things from when i was two.

    i am the smartest girl in my class.
    i am very observent,
    noticing things most people dont.

    i can always tell how people are feeling
    and sometimes what they are thinking.

    i am very empathetic to others emotions.

    when i want something to happen
    it usually does.
    electrical appliances and i dont get along.

    i am approaching 13 and i have recently
    gotten a lot strong and faster.
    i can carry a 50lb backpack up 3 flights
    of stairs and not be tired.

    my stamia has improved tremendously.
    i jump down stairs and off stages
    and am totally uneffected,
    not shaken at all.

    i often act on instinct.
    i can bend my nanas metal
    spoons and forks.

    i kick and punch very hard,
    once i almost broke someones bone.

    my friends complain i hurt them
    when i poke then,
    that my nails are like needles.

    whenever im around blood i freak out.
    i bite my lower lip when i see blood.

    my heart rate acclerates.
    im very sensitive to pulses,
    heartbeats and vibrations.
    i can see auras naturally.

    im very comfused rite now.
    i am douting my sanity.

    knowing there are others like my,
    vampires, makes me feel better.
    think about this.

    is my logic sound or am i deluted?
    u will not be able to contact me.

    i intend to keep this a secret.
    thank you for reading this.
    sorry it was so long.

  277. I have all symptoms
    instead of the sex part
    i’m only 13

  278. Hi reina,
    Same with me. I do Tae Kwon Do and i have a lot of control in the air. I can easily do a flying side kick over 7 kids lined up. Also, i can launch myself six feat in the air after running up a wall. I can hear really well. Something really weird is that i can make my heart beat fast, slow, or even make it difficult to see it. At some points, i can even see it beat on my chest (even through my chest). I am a little older than you and i feel the same self-doubt as you. IDK if i am a real vampire, but i feel like i can do thing sabove the ordinary. Good luck

  279. thank you for answering me bob. i had the chance to go to my grandmother’s. i am positive she is one, so my dad must be. i dont think they know it, but i do. my mother complains i am always cold and my room is the coldest, and darkest place in the house. computers really hate me, my last comment come out in the wrong format. i tired doing something fallen angel suggested about the special ablities thing and it worked. i cut a cut yesterday and today it was healed. good luck to you to. i hope you find out what you, we, really are. thanks.


  281. I have 27
    One of my ancestors was vampiric

  282. Thanks for answering. I dont know if any of my parentd are vampires, but the vampiratic trait may be dormant in them. I Also heal really fast. Would the fact that my parents (and my uncle) secluded themselves from society to study, and maintained a 4.0 GPA show that they are vampires? They all spent at least eight years studying (12 years at most). My whole family is really intellectual, and we find it easy to do better than required for classes (draw diagrams for science labs, research more than necessary, etc.) Ps. i feel energetic at night, and cold doesnt really bother me.

  283. bob- i think vampire traits are genetic. now that i think about it most of my dads family are very intellectual-including me. i find it super easy to get As or A+s. most of my family has a 4.0 GPA. i an very artistic and love to question stuff about anything. i am somewhat social but like to be alone. i can entertain myself. i am devoted to the study of art, languages, history and science.

  284. I love Vampire to.

    I think they are sexy especially there eyes,
    but i dont think i want to be a vampire.

    I dont like the sun,
    cause i burn easily and sunlight hurt my eyes,
    suffer from allergies and the period thing.

    So what these things happen
    to alot of people and that does
    mean you are a vampire.

  285. I love vampires am sure alot of people
    will get some of the symptoms.

  286. I love vampires am sure alot of people
    will get some of these symptoms,
    but that does mean you are one.

  287. Hey reina,
    Same with me. I just won a state art competition and i love platos philosophy (questions everything).

  288. hey bob,
    thanks for answering me.

    today i was the pun of a joke and
    i almost ripped the kid’s head off.

    me and my friend have this joke,
    i always take her lunchbox,
    but i give it back!

    she saids she can barely see my hand
    when i move to take it.
    we had to tests today,
    and i thought both were really easy,
    but some kids were complaining it was hard.

    to years ago i won second place
    in a state art competition, too!

    i can predict events,
    i tried it today,
    and it worked!
    u should try it!

  289. i suffer from 15

  290. Hey reina,
    I have the same sort of thing as you. I have a short fuse, but i can controll myself really well. For example, my freinds always say that i am happy even after a big let-down, like a low b on a quiz.
    In addition, i have really fast reflexes. Once, when someone’s lunchbox accidentally fell from the table, i saw it with my peripheral vision, and caught it without thought. Also, i am in humanities (an college level course with English and Geography combined), and we had a unit test for three hours where we had to write over thirteen essays on different topics. I found it really easy since i rremembered all the stuff (like it was burned in my head). I added so many details that i couldn’t finish the last, and largest essay.

    YOu said that you won second in a state art competition. I won in one of those too. Also, last year, i got first place in my countie’s science fair and went to state!!

    Thanks for posting the thing on predicting the future. I’ll have to try that out.

    p.s., do you just focus on what you want to happen?

  291. hey bob,
    well since everyone is different you should try a lot of different “supernatural” thing. i found i got a lot of varied results depending on a lot of different factors. like when i am in close proximity with someone it works better than if i was far away. also, a direct line of sight gave me better results. i was better for me i focus on what i was trying to do. like i have a very vivid imigantion and memory, so i can get them confused. if i viasualise something i can literally see it happen, but i don’t SEE it. does that make sense?

    today a stack of papers fell, and while most people were achknowledging it fell, i caught it and put it back in place. i also dominate at games where you need to be quick and have good reflexes. once at a doctor’s office he tested my reflexes, i was like 7, and i kicked him.

    vampires naturally creative and musical? i am in the process of writing two books, but just for fun. i love all types of music and can play the violin, piano, recorder, gutiar, drums, and i am a decent singer. are you creative and musical, too?

  292. i don’t know if im a vamp because
    i love the smell of blood and the taste.

    i have the need for sex every day.

    I never sleep jurring the night
    and everybody i was with yesterday is
    avoiding me and i feel wierd when the sun is on me…

    Am i a vamp please reply ASAP!!!!

  293. hey reina,
    thaks for responding. I think i have done some of the stuff you have done subconciously. I also have a really good memory. However, whenever i visualize something, it usually doesn’t happen. For example, if i think i will fail a quiz, i Get 100 percent. Maybe i am not concentrating enough, or i have another talent. In addition, i can tell when something small is about to happen, and i have already discovered some connections between what you do one day and what happens the next day.

    I do believe that vampires are creative and musical. I play all the instruments that you play, except i play the fife, and buzikki. Also, i am a master at Tae Kwon Doe, and have helped my team win the state competition twice, Just like you, i have a lot of ideas. I have about seven books going on in my head right now. One is about a vampire who doesn’t know what he is until the girl he likes tells him about their (or our?) kind. Another book is about a kid (a karate master) who realizes he can control his surroundings, and is a master at using chi energy. (p.s. these sentences are just the beginnings, and they may be changed.)

    Again, thanks for responding,

  294. In addition, i have a really thick dark ring that surrounds my eye. I read on another website that this means i am a vampire, but i doubt it. Also, i have never had a girlfreind although i am not rude like other guys, and i help everyone who needs it. I just have a lot of freinds from both genders, and even these freinds sometimes ignore me.

  295. hey bob,
    both of the books i am writing are about vampires too! yesterday i literally read my cousin’s mind, but instead of hearing her think it, i did what she was thinking of doing. it was kinda creepy. i tried predicting the future and it worked most of the time. i also tried affecting what people were doing and that worked most of the time.

    i have a boyfriend and some of the boys in my class like me( i can pick up on their thoughts and what they are feeling through physical signs). i barely see my boyfriend, so its not serious. i still have a lot of friends who are guys and friends who are girls.

    my friends can be bitches and ignore me or give me crap. today one of my best friends was giving me crap, and i had zero tolerance for it( it was really bad crap she was giving me). i twisted her arm amd she still was giving me crap. i broke my pen in half.

    thanks for responding

  296. hey bob!
    umm……i forgot to say that i have brown eyes then a black circle around the brown. my eyes have get a red tint when i am angry, or they get darker. a lot of my family have a different color surrounding their iris, but none of them have brown eyes.


  298. Hey reina and Deja,
    Reina, i have mjost of the signs you describe, including the changing eye color. However, whenever i am mad, or haven’t eaten for a while, my eyes are really dark brown. However, if i smell blood, or if i have a cut and taste the blood, i feel alive, and my eyes turn into a reddish-mahogany color. Also, i can control my surroundings. Once, i made a dradel (one of my freinds is Jewish) that was about to fall off the table turn back to the center.
    Deja, Reina and i did not mention that we had sparkly skin. Also, we did mention being sensitive to light in previous entries. i also have many “ancient” people who like me, but some who would rather have me dead than being in the same country.
    p.s. my eyes do change color very distinctly. They are dark when i am hungry or angry. They turn reddish mahogany after i feed

  299. hey bob,
    thanks for responding. that drandel thing you did seems very interesting. i have to try that. i enjoy messaging you on this site, because i feel like you won’t criticize me on this stuff because you have most of the “syptoms” you have. when i smell blood my eyes turn black or reddish. i remember when i first posted on this site, i was so scared and nervous and…and worried. you awnsered me and made me feel like i belonged for the first time.


    Bob; thank you so much for being a friend and helping me see who i, we, are. thank you so much.
    DEJA; Good Luck. I have a feeling you’ll need it.

  300. hey bob!
    i forgot to say that you should try reading auras. the other day while half of our class was reciting the preamble to the declaration of independence(i aced it). i tried to see their auras and it worked. i was so beautiful to see bright colors surrounding them. it was amazing. also you should try looking at the moon or a light. i can see the rainbow of colors surrounding it, its amazing.

  301. Hey reina,
    Thanks for answering to me too, and just like you said, we have the same symptoms. Also, thanks for the message about reading auras. I’ll have to try that. (Do you just focus really hard on the people, or do you relax to let the colors flow in?). I can separate the different kinds of light surrounding a lamp too. Also, when you try to read someone’s mind, do you do the same thing as with auras since that sometimes happens to me. For example, i would be sitting in my chair and suddenly imagine one of my freinds thinking about asking a girl out. By the end of class, he would confess about his thoughts of asking her out.

    I have been trying to see what happens if i don’t drink any blood for a week, and i have one piece of advice- dont try it. You always feel hungry (even after dinner) and you can’t stay awake as late. For example, last week, i had to stay up until 2 o’clock for three nights straight for a test and i didn’t get tired. However this week, after not drinking blood for a while, i feel extremely tired.
    you made me feel like i belonged too. Thanks for being a good freind. I was scared when i first posted too, and you clearded that fear away. I’ll try to include you in at least one of my books!
    It was my pleasure to help you find out who you are, and to discuss different thing with you

  302. I don’t have a donor
    (and probably can’t get one because
    nobody knows that I am a sang),
    how do I get blood,
    because (ever since I first tasted blood)
    not having any is driving me crazy.

    Please, help!

  303. What is wrong with you deranged people.
    What are you even talking about.

    The only thing you are is in love with
    a fictional book called Twilight.

    There are more important things
    in the world than thinking you are vamp
    so go suck on a Lycan you freak shows.

  304. i have pale skin, love a+ blood or any other type,
    hate sunlight talk like one,
    hiss, like to travel,
    like bats and wolves, have sharp canines

    do anything for blood,
    fire, crosses, silver, sunlight and werewolves upset me

  305. heyy my friend has been comenting on my skin colour and eye colour recently , because i am getting paler and paler and my eyes change colour all the time for example this morning my , eyes were hazel now they are golden i dont know wat to do ???
    I need help fast tho because if i am a vampire i am worried i am going to want to suck everyones blood including my best friends I am also getting prettier and am looking like a year 4 when im year8 , I cannot live on human food much longer i feel the need for blood i have to drnk it but where from someone plz help me !

  306. hi its me again its really weird i can now also smell everyone so much more luckily my friends blood does not smell as appetizing , but there is a boy who is fixated on me he follows me around everywhere help ?

    his blood smells so sweet and good and he has asked me out 1 million times . i want to kiss him to get a taste of the blood but i have to fight that crave back i nearly bit him yesterday .

    heres why i think i am a vampire ,
    my eyes change colour like 50 times NO LIE during the day , every year i get paler, dark rings are underneath my eyes , i love the taste of my blood and crave anyone elses , i would do anything for it i would fight for blood till the end , i need to have blood somehow but have no clue how , and am the fastest in my class , i dont have to breath for over 3 mins help me i need to know how to feed on blood .Just thinking about blood makes me …… grrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll i need it help me someone

    • the person you talk about
      is most likely the one who you were born for.

      if no one’s smells better then
      his he is your perfect match

  307. hey bob,
    when you read auras you need to use your peripheral vision. you need to focus on the person, but don’t strain your eyes. this takes practice. when you first try it the area around the person will seem lighter, possibly white. after practice you will see color around the person. if you close your eyes you will just see color, and this is the person’s aura color.

    before i knew i was a vampire i went years without blood. i was tired at night and was always hungry. after i started blooding just a little bit of blood i was able to stay up later, and wasn’t as hungry. this might have to do with the fact that im not a full blood, but i can survive without blood.

    bob, thank you so much for being a friend and wanting to include me in one of your books. i promise i will include you in one of mine. i want to tell you this, remeber i was every scared when i first posted this, so i used a fake name. reina isn’t my real name, it’s Lauren. i was so scared i was worried about what people would say and do. i was brought up to fear predators on the internet, but you are not a predator, you are a friens, i am extremely sorry, i really am. please forgive me. sorry, sorry, sorry!

  308. when i said friens i meant friend, oops. sorry again.

  309. sometimes i have moods like the one
    i was in when i sent last time i had eaten
    a whole bar of chocolate and was hyper
    when i said the boy bit sozz

    • you need not worry
      you will find the will
      not to attack the people
      you care about but all the same
      you need only to remember
      the guilt and consequences
      that come with every slip.

      you could live on animal blood
      insted of human like i do.

      it is not as satasfting as human blood
      but it will keep you alive

  310. Fire the Vampire,
    Where do you get the blood from?

    • i am a young cook so i get the blood from the meat as it cooks or if it is still patrualy raw i will squeeze out the blood. i have not been able to hunt a live animal yet due to them hiding for the winter. but come spring i will try to catch an animal for blood

  311. Fire the Vampire,
    Thank you. But my only problem is I’m never in a kitchen alone, so i can’t get blood from uncooked or cooking meat. I find eating fat from meat is an okay subsistute. I get human-vampire blood from myself when i pick at scabs or get a cut. However, I don’t get a lot of blood. I can’t go hunting for animals because, 1) I don’t like killing anything and 2) my parents would freak that their little enviromental girl wanted to go hunting. How would you hunt? Do you have any more advice that would fit my sinaero? I have posted other coments under the name of reina and i encourage you to read them.

    • to answer your hunting question stelth is the way to go, tackle and bite the neck of what ever you are hunting. if you are in the kitchen and the meat is burgers and your parents are cooking them in a frying pan you can get the blood off there and then clean the pan in the sink. i know about all your other comments. -Jamin

  312. be careful and i have a uncanny sence of the truth and know what others think. -jamin

  313. Hey Lauren,
    I just wanted to thank you again. p.s. My name isn’t Bob too. I am really sorry :(. I won’t tell you my name since i can never trust the internet (all electronics hate me).
    I also wanted to talk about something really weir that happened. My family just started opening our fire place, and we were watching a movie the other night. At one point, i got so mad due to what the character faced that if think i may have re-started the fire. Before then, the fire was just embers, but when i god really mad, fire just erupted from it.
    Thank you for helping me adjust,

  314. oh my gosh…
    i have like all theses symptoms
    but not for long for about a year now..
    thats creepy…

  315. Fire the Vampire,
    Thank you so much for answering my qustions.

    Hey Bob,
    Thank you so much.
    I was so worried I would never hear from you again.

    I thought you were pissed at me.

    I praticed mind reading with a card trick and it worked.
    I had the person select one of eight cards that were layed out.

    Then I touched a stop on their neck
    where it could feel their pulse and closed my eyes.
    Then I made them think of the card.

    I had this gut-instinct to pick the card they picked,
    when I opened my eyes.

    When I selected their card the were shocked.

    I then practiced mind control
    when we were playing Rummy 500.

    i would think of the card I needed.
    I would either picture the card,
    or picture the person putting it down.

    The only thing was after they put it down,
    I was so happy I forgot to make sure the
    next person didn’t pick it up!

    Thank you,
    thank you,
    thank you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I thought that you would never post a message to me again,
    and you are really the only one I am comfortable talking
    about real vampire stuff to.

    Sorry this was super long.

  316. Just because you read twilight,
    you suddenly think your a “vampire”..
    Yeah right.

    I mean i have all of those apart from 2.
    And i dont go around acting like an idiot.

    1.Firstly vampire skin doesnt sparkle
    (I have xtremly pale skin all my life and omg
    guess what i could be a vampire but the odds are
    none of us are.

    2.This is purely what people believe vampires are,
    when infact if they were real,
    i doubt they want there lives thrown across pages,
    and if they do there they clearly dont want people
    to know they exist.

    3.Yes i am a twilight fan,
    But even tho i have all those,and probably others do,
    its because if you look it up most of those things are
    Very COMMON things people have.

    I have Aniemia but it doesnt mean im one of them,
    if there real wait for them to say when they come,otherwise

    STOP thinking ur one when your not.

  317. Hey lauren,
    Im not pissed at you since you gave me so much support and have been a good freind. I have tried making things happen and predicting things that will happen. I found i can do both of these, but i really have to meditate for a bit. Also, this page says how vampires are really secluded from people. It is sort of the same with me. I have some freinds, but not many ones that are really my freinds. Even these freinds sometimes ignore me. I never show my feelings and i am really good at hiding them.
    Plus, I tried to see what would happen if went without blood for more than a week. It made me really dizzy without blood, and i couldn’t concentrate at all.After two weeks, i got a papercut, and sucked the blood. The improvement was immediate. It felt like i had an adrenaline rush.
    I only feel comfortable talking to you about vampires too. I hope i’ve been helping you through these chats.

    p.s. Anon, how do you “know” that we aren’t vampires. Me and Lauren have never said that we were definately vampires. We have only been talking about some factors that may prove that we are.
    p.p.s. I have extreme anemia, meaning that 3/4 of my blood doesn’t work at all. If i traded blood with someone else, they would be in a coma, and i would be able to stay awake for seven days straight.

  318. hey bob,
    Thank you for giving me support.
    Thank you so much for being a good friend.

    You are like my closest friend
    even though I have never meet you.

    I am mostly a loner but I act social
    so people don’t think I’m depressed
    or suspect anything.

    Most of my friends can(and often are) bitches.

    You are the only person I can really trust
    and talk to about vampire stuff.

    I have gotten better at reading minds
    and controlling people’s actions.

    I have also discovered I can see with
    other people’s eyes and I can pick up
    on other’s emotions.

    At first it was just visions
    but now I can control seeing with other people’s eyes.

    It’s seems kinda weird at first to see yourself
    in a different way like that.

    Mind reading and mind control are limited.
    I can read minds at a distance,
    but can only hear what”s going through
    their head at that minute.

    Mind control is extremely limited.
    They actually have to want to do what I tell them to.

    I can only get vibes on what someone’s emotions are.
    It is not they are sad, or happy.
    It’s vibes.
    If I’m reading their auras,
    their aura color changes.

    I have tried doing a lucid dreaming techinque.
    It is where you stay half awake though the night
    and control your dreams.

    My problem is I become so tired
    at some point(usually around midnight)
    and sleep takes over.

    Also sometimes I run out of an idea,
    so I purposly let sleep take over.

    You should try it.
    Have you tried reading auras yet?

    Like I said before,
    I might be a hybrid so I can go longer without blood.

    However at the 36 hour mark,
    my eyes become darker,
    I get dark circles under my eyes, and get paler.

    I drink just a little blood every night,
    so the changes aren’t noticable.

    Once a week I drink about half a cup of blood,
    and my complection returns.

  319. Hello my name’s Yuuki,

    So i have great trouble of finding
    out wether i am a vampyre or not!

    Ever since i was little i was different from my
    friends and the kids around me.

    I would always be intrested in history
    and loved to play with animals and when
    ever some one would bleed my nose
    would start hurting on one side.

    Anyway as I grew up I started having
    these weird visions and lots and lots of deja’vus.

    They would be of a different future
    or even past and it would always involve me
    and someone being a vamp and then
    in the dream i would too at the end find out
    that i was one.

    I’m not that pretty at all
    and not very thin either
    but when people touch me they say
    i am very cold although i feel very hot inside.

    Also lately for the last two years
    every now and then my gums would
    swell up by the teeth that are vampyre fangs….

    and yes I too hate sun in hurts my eyes
    very very much although i don’t like wearing sunglasses

    i would hide in shadows.
    I love the night usualy when it gets around ten-ish
    i get very energetic!!

    and then during the day i wish i could
    just curl up in a corner and sleep….

    I’ve always had a craving for blood
    but ever since idk i think when i turned 14
    i had a greater intrest in it! r

    ight now during winter is when i crave it the most.

    At this point I am 16 and I seriously
    do not know what the hell is going on
    with me and my body….
    I did read the top page and got a
    whole lot of them right on….

    anyway if anyone would please help me!

    I really do hunger for blood i’m always thirsty,
    i drink so much water lately that i g2g and
    pee all the time but it still doesn’t stop my thirst!

    Please any one help….
    i really want to know if this is it
    or am i just going nuts

    With regards…
    helpless Yuuki.

    i forgot one thing ever since
    I could talk i have always felt lonely
    and that even though i was surrounded
    by family and love i didn’t feel any of it at all!

  320. Hey reina,
    thank you so much for being my freind.
    It does seem like you are my closest freind since i can talk to you about anything.
    I have some really bitchy freinds too who talk and laugh with me one day, and make fun of me the next. I basically have no social life, and i try to keep an enthusiaastic desposition. My freinds have no idea of what i really am an i guess that is one of the gifts i have.
    I realized that i can do more than i credit myself for. I can tell what someone is thinking, and even “control” what they think. I have tried reading auras too, but it doesn’t work too well for me, probably since i haven’t had blood in over three weeks. I just don’t have any sources.

    I can control what is happening, or how things move too. and i have been able to see through other people’s eyes subconciously for years.

    I have to try that dream thing, except i don’t get more than 3 hours of sleep a night anymore.

    p.s. where do you get your blood from?

    Hey Yuuki,
    I know it’s overwhelming and a bit hard to understand at first. I just wanted to say that i had most of the symptoms you describe, so if i am a vampire (which i am not certain i am), then you are one too.
    An interesting thing about the Deja vu’s. When i was young, i used to always dream about something that would happen in a few days time.
    I hope that you get through this.

  321. Hey Bob,
    Now that I have been talking to you I am pretty sure I am a vampire, but not a 100 percent. Something happened to me that was really weird. One of the books I’m writing, I choose a title. The title was the exact same title of another book, I had never heard of. A book I am reading, had a dream about, expect the dream was slightly different. I am not sure if it was me seeing the future or I had read the book before in another life. Today I made the wind speed pick up. I have a lot of different abilities, but they are all limited.

    I get blood from myself. When I get cut I suck that blood. I pick a scabs and suck the blood from there. I am afraid to drink anyone or anything’s blood other than my own. I am worried I might contract something.

    Please try to remeber my real name is Lauren. Thanks for being a best friend. None of my friends or family know that I’m a vampire. None of my family know they are one. The trait in them might be recessive, but dominant in me, so there is no garuentee they are like me.

  322. I think I might be a vampire,
    and this might be totally off subject,
    what is it called when you can
    taste things that you smell? >.>

  323. And I can taste it extremely accurately.
    Like, I can define what it is
    and what not.. >.>

    Don’t care if this isn’t vampire related,
    I just wanna know what it is.

  324. Hey lauren,
    I can’t talk right now since
    my parents don’t know i go on this website,
    and i don’t think they would let me.

    Thanks for the advice and support.

    Now that i think of it,
    you are the only person
    i have ever been this open to,
    in the sense that we share very
    similar traits and have had similar experiences.

    Once again thanks

  325. Hey Bob,
    You’re welcome.

    My mom, dad, nana,
    and my mom’s boyfriend don’t know
    I’m on this site either.

    They would kill me if they found out.

    My mom would ground me
    if she knew I put my real name
    on this site.

    Thank you for the advice and support.
    You are also the only person I have ever
    really opened up to,
    my parents and I don’t see eye to eye
    on a lot of topics.

    We have a lot in common,
    and it’s kinda like I’ve meet you before,
    like we were made to live the same life
    and have the same experiences and symptoms.

    I remember a few messages ago you
    said you don’t have a girlfriend,
    and your friends can be bitches.

    You are the closest thing I
    have to a best friend,
    and you have never been a bitch
    to me and I hope I have never been
    a bitch to you.

    Wherever your future girlfriend
    or wife or soulmate is,
    they’re one pretty lucky girl.

  326. I have 30 of those symptoms
    and I’m starting to freak out
    will somone please email me
    at jonasbrozfan727@gmail.com,
    and tell me what they think or what to do!!

    PLZ HELP!!!!!!!!
    I’m freakin out!

    And I have a huge craving for blood!
    I almost bit my dad!
    respond soon!!!

    • Dear oksana,
      I read ur post and i was very intreuiged to respond! I had the same cravings to taste blood of my closest friends and family but then i would just think or do something that pleases me the most (and i’m not talking about sex) i would listen to music or draw anything that calms you down…once u compleately forget bout it at the moment your fine…at last you will need to try and control this urge at some point but as u prolly heard before…it comes with practice! anyway Oksana hang in there and like me seek help and comfort with yourself and the people on this website….
      good luck ;P

  327. Hey Bob,
    thnx for the support…
    i’ve been feeling very sick lately
    during the day so i couldn’t respond quick enough…
    anyway i was out walking one day
    to school in the morning and this lady
    walked past me and i thought i could
    smell blood on her i swear
    when i turned around i was going
    to atack her and drink her up but
    that really suprised me and i just ran away
    as fast as i could…

    heh my life is a total bitch…

  328. I did this cuz my friend told me too.

    I don’t like vampires I’m more of a werewolf
    kind of person but non the less I have 22
    of these symptoms,
    but i still don’t believe vampires exist.

    People that do this are the people
    who are obssessed about Twilight.

    Once again my friend told me to do this.

    I eat steak but medium well,
    last year when I was a “twilighter”
    I started doing these things like drinking
    bits of blood but I found out that people
    that do that are idiots because that can kill you so,
    thats all I have to say.

  329. hiieyyy its audrina whats up people=]

  330. im 13 and i have 22 of the symtons
    i am more alive at night and i hate to get up
    in the morning and sometimes
    dont get up untill 3:00 .

    i can always know when some one
    is not very nice and hides what there
    capable of but its only in men.

    i always look dead.
    i carnt contole my anger
    and i think im going to harm someone.

  331. i just found out something
    i have a really wierd thing about death

    i always talk about it and draw it
    i dont know if im a vampier or
    im just being stalked by the devil.

  332. Hey Yukki,
    Hey. It’s ok if you hsve a craving for blood, it’s natural. I have had those cravings. I get blood from myself. I have bitten my dad and mom. If I can’t get blood I eat undercooked meat. You should try it, it helps control the cravings. When people run near me I smell their blood. My veins are very accented, and they almost torture me.
    I have posted several other comments under Lauren and reina. I encourage you to read them. They start on November 30.

    • oh thank you so much for the support if i couldn’t talk to u guys on tthis website i don’t know what I would do! and I’ll definetaly start reading them!

  333. Sorry I spelled your name wrong, it’s Yuuki.

  334. Dear oksana,
    I read ur post and i was very intreuiged to respond! I had the same cravings to taste blood of my closest friends and family but then i would just think or do something that pleases me the most (and i’m not talking about sex) i would listen to music or draw anything that calms you down…once u compleately forget bout it at the moment your fine…at last you will need to try and control this urge at some point but as u prolly heard before…it comes with practice! anyway Oksana hang in there and like me seek help and comfort with yourself and the people on this website….
    good luck ;P

    • Thx for the help and I left a few separate comments that i need u to read asap plz! I have so many question, and they are pretty much all in the next few comments of mine. and the reason the are separate is cuz i forgot u could reply

  335. uhhh sorry… don’t mind the comment above i accidentaly put it in the wrong place!

  336. There is one power I know I have which is to will someone to do something. Like at school the other day I was experimenting, and this kid was texting, and I started at my teacher, and concetrated, and in my head I was screaming catch him texting, and then a few seconds later she caught him!! I was stunned. I also have tried to control the weather, and lately I have only been able to make it cloudy, so I am trying to strengthin my ablilities to control weather. I know I am a vampire because I had 30 of those symptoms. If anyone has any advice on how to control weather, or have any other advice on any other powers I would be very appreciative if you emailed me at jonasbrozfan727@gmail.com, and tell me.
    And I’m not some goth chick , and Im not fantisising about this like some twilight luvers do. I am serious.

  337. Reply to the comment above soon!!! plz!!

  338. Sorry to keep leaving so many separate comments but i forgot to add can being a vampire be hereditary from long down the line or does it have to be from just recently hereditary. Because I am now just starting to experinece these symptoms. I was just curious. And also is there a specific way to know if ur a vampire other than reading a list of symptoms?? One more question, does losing the teeth where your fangs come in at the same time singal that someone might be a vampire?? Thx for all ur help respond soon!!!! 🙂

  339. If anyone has any questions, or needs help email me at jonasbrozfan727@gmail.com!

    – Oksana 🙂

    • dear oksana,

      (btw i love ur name) you just need to control ur powers and the thirst unfortunately we all kno its hard to get blood so i would cut my self but u can also try to pay somebody idk anything as long as the other person has given u premission and make ’em feel comfterble, the blood that way taste better and u don’t feel terrible since you just figured this out…..anymore questions just ask i’m here 🙂

  340. its really weard
    i have all though’s symptoms.

    i sparkle in the sun and it is hard to hide it.
    i crave blood alot.

    please if u no how to stop it tell me.

    my fangs come in when another vampire is around.
    i have a big family and i think they know do i tell them?

    i also have two children
    named gabbi and diamond

    sincerely daphne

    • If you don’t want to tell them you don’t have to but if you do then just casually bring up the paranormal then guide the conversation towards vampires. Then if they atsrt to go wacko and say vampires arn’t real just move on. But if they seem to believe they are real explain to them calmly what you are. And if you are craving blood try to steal some blood bags from the hospital if you have any relatives that work at a hospital or blood bank tell them u need it for personal reasons. Or try to do something to distract the cravings. And for the sparkling try to see how much you sparkle, and maybe try sunblock. I have trouble with that also, and sunblock helps most of the time. If you have anyother question just email me at jonasbrozfan727@gmail.com 🙂

    • Dear Daphne,
      First of all calm down you wouldn’t want ur children freaking out…anyway try to see if that big family of yours has any past history with vampires you could ask them questions about that but they might wonder why would you ask and you would need a side story like ‘im writing a book soo i need some refrance’ ur a smart woman i bet you can find something…..if they don’t respond without ease they are probly hiding something so then you could try to find out stuff on internet local newspaper of where they live (make sure if they lived where they do now for a longer period of time or the magazine thing might become a challange). To tell u the truth there is no way of stopping this but there is a way of easing the craving. If you get a cut drink the blood, eat uncooked meat, sushi is good too thats what i eat, and well as some of us said on this website either get it from a blood bank or pay someone. But nevertheless just calm down and continue your usual life style….hope this works…

  341. plesese!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I CANT STAND IT ANY MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Try to do something that pleases you, or something that will distract you. Like listening to music or reading, or drawing. If worst comes to worst try to steel some blood bags from a hospital, or feed on yours self. If you have any other question email me at jonasbrozfan727@gmail.com 🙂

      • Try very hard not to bite somone close to you.. Trust me.. They will remember what happened.

      • thanks i ende up cutting my arm and getting some blood so Im Fine now
        THANK YOU!

    • hey….like oksana said listen to music, read a book, draw what ever pleases u in the moment and preocupy ur self with that otherwise there isn’t much to do just try to ease the feeling jason and try to calm urself whenever u have a craving for blood

  342. …I have all of these,
    does that mean I’m a Vampire,
    or is it only a clue,
    just a ledge to hang onto before I find more info?

  343. Hey Oksana,
    I have been on this site for a while. I have a lot of other comments posted, and I think you should read them. I have also experimented with controling people’s actions. I was shocked when it worked. I was playing Rummy 500 and I needed one card. I was thinking about it so hard the person actually put it done. I was shocked and amazed. I won the game :).

    Believe me you don’t want to bite anyone at all. They will hold it over your head and won’t forget it. I feed off myself because I have no other option. I also eat the fat of cooked meat and eat steak that is medium rare. Any advice?

    I have experimented with several other abilities like mind reading, controling actions, effecting emotions, seeing with other people’s eyes, and controling the weather. They have all worked but they can be VERY circumstancial.

    At this point I’m postive I’m a vampire, but I don’t know if I’m a hybrid or not.

    • If you could email me, and tell me some tips on each power you just listed it would appreciate it alot! My email is jonasbrozfan727@gmail.com. And for the advice on eating continue to feed on your self just to keep you from going ravenous. It might not hurt to try rare meat. It will quench your thirst even more. I’ve tried it. If you have any other question just ask! 🙂

    • hey quick question what do u mean hybrid??? i sorta think that im a psychic vamp but still not sure…any help??

      • Sang = Drinks Blood. Increased senses and abilities.

        Psy = feeds off emotions. get psychic abilities like mind or weather control.

        Hybrid = does both. usually all abilities, but weaker to begin with; if u train, u’ll get them as good or even better than a Psychic’s or a Sanguinarian’s.

  344. i think i finaly found it…..i searched up more and learned that i might be a psychic vampire…one that feeds of peoples emotions and can too feed of blood but not very necessary…..if anyone here is one could yyou help me understand this more??? please

  345. I think it might mean that you don’t have to drink blood, but you just have to pay very close attention to peoples emotions, and that you are sensitive to the emotions around you, but I’m not 100% sure.

    • Now I do know what that type of vampire does. They will start a normal comnversation ,and then the energy comes atoumatically, and then after your done talking to them thay seem tired. Also you have to make them use posotive emotions in the conversation.

      • I know a few other things about
        Psy’s that I didn’t tel you yet :P. Your not ready.

  346. Hi everyone! It’s Oksana! If you have any question don’t post a reply comment, or a sparate comment because I haven’t told my parents anything, and we are going out of town, and I can’t let the rest of my family see, so just email with your questions at jonasbrozfan727@gmail.com. I will post another comment when I am able to get on this website without ppl knowing. Yall understand why I have to hide this. 🙂

  347. Hey Oksana,
    Here are those tips you asked for:
    Mind Reading-mind reading just comes naturally and you csn’t control it. I will either see what they are seeing, think of what they were thinking, or do what they were thinking of. It comes naturally for me and I can’t control it.
    Controlling Actions-controlling actions takes a little pratice. You neeed to think (almost scream in your head) of what you want them to do. You could also picture what you want them to do. It works better on people in your family or people in the same sex as you. Also if you are touching the person or can feel their pulse or heart beat it works better. A direct line of sight a gave me better results.
    Effecting Emotions-effecting emotions is really the same as controlling actions. Instead, just think of the name of the emotion or think of how you would feel experienceing that emotion.
    Seeing With Other People’s Eyes-It’s definately the easiest for me. I just need to close me eyes, put myself in their place and when I open my eyes a picture of what the see and sometimes feel is fresh in my head.
    I really can’t give you any advice on controlling the weather because I haven’t gotten any extremely solid results. I might be a result of a physic vampire and a “regular” vampire. My mom always falls asleep when I am around her. It is so freakin’ annoying. However, after I drink blood I feel awake.

  348. I need help people. please email me
    at mtrocianko@yahoo.co.uk with any tips.

    I’m not sure if I’m a vamp,
    but I’m usually cold on touch.
    I really need help,
    cause I always since I was 13,
    I wanted to be a Vampire…
    and I started to act kinda strange…
    kinda gothy :P.

    I want to be sure if I’m a Vampire…
    I might be a Hybrid,
    as I love blood,
    and I have a small mind control thing.

    • Saromin,
      I tried to email but it didn’t work.
      So I am leaving a reply.

      I think you might be a hybrid,
      because they don’t have storng powers
      but do love blood.

      To see if you are a real vampire
      try practicing mind control.

      Just stare at a human or animal
      and scream in your head what
      you want them to do ( animals are easier).

      If you have any other questions email me at jonasbrozfan727@gmail.com.

      P.S You don’t have to be goth to be a vampire. I’m not. And I am a vampire.

      • I’m not goth, just slightly gothy/punk. like wearing full black, thats al, yes, every day I wear black gloves, even if it’s warm 😛

  349. If you read my comment abou tme going out of town
    I will post a separate one before i leave tomorrow morning,
    then you will have to only email me
    at jonasbrozfan727@gmail.com.

    Please remember to not post a comment
    asking me a question.


    I have to hide this from the rest of my family,
    and if I am just on my email they won’t suspect anything.

    at jonasbrozfan727@gmail.com!!!!!!

    You all understand why I have to hide
    this from the rest of my family,
    cuz if they found out they would freak out!!!!

    Feel free to EMAIL me any questions you have!!! 🙂

  350. hello agian guys and girls i havnt been on for a while
    because my mom took my computer and i am a vampire
    or maybe kind of a werewolf
    but whatever i am im not obssesed with twilight
    it just some wierdo movie that had girls going
    for the vampire tricks

    if you have no idea what i mean neither do i
    im just typing im in my own world
    more i can read minds better now
    i stay up almost all night

    i have a stronge bond with dogs aww how cute
    they are i can cause pain to animals.

    i have no emotions anymore

  351. hey ppl, does it mean anything, if while your screaming inside for blood because you didn’t drink any in a almost a year, you faint? just wanted to know. I remember I once fainted in church (Probably cause of the lack of air (too many ppl inside)) 😛

  352. Ok ppl I’m about to leave to go out of town so don’t forget to only email me!!!!! at jonasbrozfan7272@gmail.com

  353. i have spme of these symptoms
    well nearly all,ibe always been intrested in vampires,
    ever since i can remember
    but now i seem to be more curious
    and wonder if i am one or
    i used to be in my past life,
    to be honest am confused.

    dont know what to think.
    i need some answers….

  354. i forgot if any one can help me heres my email becka_boo456@live.co.uk

  355. all but 5

    im not joking i do drink blood
    i have very long nails extremly fascinated
    by vampires everyone avoids me
    ( probably scared ill bite them )
    i have only one close friend

    from brandon

    • Hey Brandon,
      don’t worry about not having any friends…trust me ur better off with the one u have b/c not too long ago i lost all of my friends but the two closest one i have now….they all left me b/c they thought i was a weird person and unfortunately one of them saw me drink blood from my ex and when i drink it i do get a bit wild so she told every one and now all of them think i’m a weird vampire whore! but anyway u should keep that friend close don’t ever loose him/her b/c u might one time be in the need of having someone thr….


    • vampires are very real

      I have thirty five of the symtoms
      if there is any one who feels they are
      the only ones you are not I have two cousins
      one is 13 and the other is 10

      they both are vampires and so am I !!!!!!!


  356. i have 22 of those symptoms.
    i only have one best frend
    people tend to stay away from me
    sometimes i dream the future and it come true
    i love animals and animals love me
    i like to stay up all night and sleep during the day
    and i really want blood

  357. i have been always intrested in vampires

  358. oh and if u have a comment email it to rozyte@hotmail.co.uk

  359. Karoloina,
    Hey, I’m sorry but I can’y email ANYONE.

    I have 35 symptoms.
    I have had future visions, too.

    I love animals, but I prefer cats and horses.
    All animals love me,
    but dogs avoid me at first.

    I stay up extremely late, like until 4 in the morning.
    I sleep until noon and take constant
    naps during the day.

    I drink my own blood and eat medium rare meat
    (so my parents don’t freak out).

    A few days ago I ate uncooked calarami.
    It was really good :).

    But the one problem was there
    was no real taste and no blood.

  360. well i dont nap but when the sun is out i like to stay inside and do nothing.And whenthe sun goes down i want to go out of

  361. i want to go out of my house because i cant stand to be in one place.

  362. hey guys,
    Sorry i couldn’t be on for a while, and i see that i missed a lot. Lauren, thank you so much for your support, it has helped me through this process a lot. I really hope i have helped you as much as you have helped me since, if that isn’t the case, i am really in debt to you. Also, i know your future husband/ soulmate will be very lucky to be with you. THanks for saying that to me.

    Hey guys, as i said, i haven’t been here in a while, so the replies have piled up. I don’t think i could respond to all of your messages in less than threevolumes. If you want some 1 on 1 talk, just ask me directly, and ill help you to the extent of my ability.

    Once again thanks lauren for your help, and suport. I hope you don’t hate me for not responding in such a long time,

  363. i can belive that i have all of thoose feelings
    and i cannot belive that im a vampire

  364. me and my brother have the same feeling
    and some how were r strange and weird
    in the same time:by sam im 12

  365. i cant belive that im a vampire
    i mean i got all of thoose feelings

  366. Hi ppl if you need any help email me at jonasbrozfan727@gmail.com! 🙂

  367. hi ppl, it’s me again. since a few months ago, now if I stay up to 23:00 |I can’t go to sleep afterwards, and (if any of u r doctors) I sometimes start breathing really hard and uncontrolably and twiching and stuff… sometimes (if in the church) I just faint, cause there’s probably too much ppl inside, and I find it hard to breath (nobody els does… probably some rare illness (no, I don’t have asthma)) I fainted last week… it was awsome! but I don’t want to try that again… plz help!

  368. pls help me!!!!!!!! i wanna be a real vampire……
    idont know if i am…..
    so can anybody tell me…
    i confess…
    im 10 years old!!! 🙂

  369. I’ve got all of these.. But the problem is that it startet 14 days ago….

  370. I have all the symptoms.
    dose this mean im a vampire?

    If it dose that is cool.
    now I know why I get this filling
    like I’m going to bit people when
    I look at someone’s veins for too long
    or I see blood

  371. after now long would i defenetly find out that im a vampire?
    And how would i find out?

  372. could anyone help me!!!!!!!!!!!? i am sooooo hungry and to be frank it scares me to drink blood of someone else and i just keep on eating food and i’m still hungry i ate like the whole fridge and im soo hungry usualy if i ate a normal meal i would be full but now i am getting hungry and very thirsty and im very scared!! two nights ago i was in my bathroom with the lights of washing my hands and when i looked up to the mirror my eyes changed into a weird shape and they turned dark red!!!! plese anyone i’m very scared! …..scared i’ll do something very bad….please help me….

  373. Hi Yuuki, I wnted to reply and say that since your eyes are turning colors obivously that means you are hungry. Well if you are hungry then simply make a tiny cut on your finger( and I mean tiny cut), and drink from that. It won’t make you completely full but it will satisfy your hunger for quite a while.

  374. hey ppl, 1 thing: if I really Am a vampire after all, then it’s awsome, but I don’t think vampires are bad, while all I want to do is hurt… don’t know why, I used to be different, but now All i want to do is hurt ppl… does being a vamp make u do that? if so, then no ty…

  375. There might be a power like that. Try to picture yourself hold that item in your head, then whatever place pops into your head try looking there. Tell me if it works.

  376. Vampirism is both a curse, and a blessing.
    use it right, and you’ll obtain REAL freedom; use it wrong, and you’ll never be happy.

    in my opinion, it’s just a test. a test to see if your will is strong enough. afterwards, you either get the reward, or the punishment.

    • to true,
      to true.
      at the time
      of the 12 second
      of the 12 minute
      of the 12 hour of the day/noon
      on the 12 day
      of the 12 month
      of the 12 year
      of the 20 century
      the power of the world will
      shift to all of us (vampires)
      and the time of human
      rule will end in ash.

  377. Bob,
    O my God, I’m so happy to see you posted something. I thought you were in HUGE trouble because your parents found out about this. I have committed myself to not killing humans of animals, so I am drinking my own blood and eating raw meat and getting blood from raw or cooking meat. I’ so happy right now. You understand me like no one else. You are not and never in debt to me because you gave me the greatest support ever. If I didn’t give you enough support I’m the one who’s in debt. A few years ago I went to a terapist because I seculded myself from everyone after my grandfather died. She helped me but it was nothing compared to what you have done for me.

    Bob, this my sound weird and stupid but I think I have a crush on you. I understand if this freaks you out. If you read this and never want to talk to me again I understand.

  378. er, i have all the symptoms on here?
    (except for the sex ones..)

    i always thought that everyone experienced them.
    no joke. im very young,
    like not even in my teens.
    i’m only 12!!

    my parents always worry about me.
    ever since i was a little girl.

    i have a very strong passion for romantic,
    old-fashioned things.
    is that weird?

    i have lots of friends,
    but none of them understand me.
    except for one.
    shes a year younger than me
    but she really does get me.

    her family is like my family.
    always there for me.
    i feel like they know me better than anyone else.
    even my own family.

    people call me goth but i’m really not.
    if anyone knows wat’s wrong with me,
    please e-mail me at jessica.paulson@rocketmail.com

    it would be really helpful!! 🙂

  379. hey lauren,
    i think i have a crush on you too.
    Don’t worry, you aren’t indebted to me.
    You are the only person i have
    ever opened up to this much,
    even more than my family at some points.

    I hope you really do feel the same for me.
    Like you said about your therapist a few years ago,
    my parents have sat me down for dozens of talks.

    However, they never had the same effect
    as talking with you.
    I really feel like your are the best freind i have.

    Thank you so much,
    and i hope you continue tolking with
    me over this website.

  380. awwwwwwwwww how romantic.
    i suggest you give each other
    an email address.

    lauren, you and “bob” have the choice
    to have a future together or separate.

    i see 2 paths in front of you.

    one leads to unhappy lonelynes
    the other to a happy romantic
    relationship with “bob”

    • fire the vampire can help me plz
      i dont no if i am one but my eyes
      are sesitive to sun or bright light annd
      i allways tired wen it day time but at night
      pass 8 my eyes turn black and i am full of energy
      and i can climb abnormally fast

      i climbed a 9 ft tall fence up and over in 5 seconds
      k so just email me at britton.hollander@gmail.com
      k thanx and plz give me some ansers

  381. i have 26 of the symptons, am i a vampire?

  382. oh, i forgot to put i’m 5ft 8 and i just turned 12

  383. Bob,
    I can’t give you an email address
    because I don’t have a email address of my own.

    I will continue to talk to you through this site
    until I get my own email address.

    I want to meet you
    and don’t take that the wrong way.

    Fire the Vampire,
    I’ve talked to you through this site before.

    I know you only mean to help.

    But I have two things to say and
    I am speaking for myself only

    1) If you are genunily trying to help us,
    thank you and I personally want to express my gratitude and

    2) If you are being sarcastic I don’t need your sympathy.


    • i am just here to help all who need my help

    • i saw you two you and “bob’ together. you can make an account on gmail for free no one in your family will know this goes for you as well “bob”

      • Hey fire..
        um im kinda new on this website
        but im about 103 soooo …
        hey i was wondering if you could help me,
        so if you could contact me as soon
        as possible that would be marvelous.


  384. I have 23 of these symptoms!

    I also have very pale skin,
    and it does naturally sparkle a little.

    I have fang like teeth and
    I’m 11 years of age.

    Someone like me wouldnt realize this young.
    Please can someone tell me if i am a vampire?

    I really need to know what I am,

  385. Lauren,
    i have an email adress,
    but my parents check it every so often,
    so i can’t use that.

    I might be able to get a new one just for this.

    I want to meet you in person too.
    However, we may not live near enough to get together.

    If you have a skype account,
    then we can definately talk over that.
    If not,
    then we can continue communicating
    through this website,
    until better options open up.

    Fire the Vampire,
    i have the same two ideas
    for what you meant as lauren does.


    I think i may have told you this before,
    but my real name isn’t bob.

    I’m sorry,
    but i still can’t tell you my real name.

    don’t take this the wrong way,
    I know you are someone I can trust,
    but this site is open to everyone else
    who has a computer.

    If the computer got a virus
    from someone who saw my name,
    then my dad would be able to trace
    it back to this website,
    and the website would be blocked
    from our computer.

  386. sorry about the sarcasm
    but i do mean the 2 paths are in front
    of both of you you will have to choose
    eather to be together or find another way to be happy.

    happy new years.

    at the time of the 12 second
    of the 12 minute
    of the 12 hour
    of the day/noon on the 12 day
    of the 12 month
    of the 12 year
    of the 20 century the power
    of the world will shift to all of us
    (vampires) and the time of
    human rule will end in ash.

    humans will still live but
    not as the superior race

    • how do you know that

      • i have the ability of the sight. i see the future. i have this power i see this: the ground shaking, people running, buildings falling burning, meators hitting, clouded skys and i see us vampires standing on a hill over looking a city witch city i don’t know but it is a repetitive vision

      • it is a burden more than an advantage.

  387. i can’t help it i feel like im the only one
    like no one is there to help me
    i luv all the advice and all but it doesn’t help
    me too much I did what oksana told me to do
    and i am still thirsty…

    and yesterday i almost bit my cuzin
    on the neck and my mum on her hand
    I can’t stop its like this huge trance is in me…

    and now officialy i can’t sleep during night
    its like a torture when im trying to fall asleep
    but i can’t and exactly at 6:00 a.m.
    i fall asleep and i won’t wake up until noon
    and then i walk around looking like a zombie
    tired and all untill 10 p.m.
    and thats when i want to go on the prowl….

    i wanna leave but then i can’t b/c i know i will turn bad,
    very bad if i leave……
    i’ve seen it in my dreams….
    anyone….any help…please……..

    • I know I told you to get it from yourself, but unless you feed from the source your hunger will never be completely satisfied. Even if you drinks from blood bags it won’t be satisfied. I have hd many dreams of myself to, and thats normal. If you look farther below this comment you will find mine about my dream. Just keep hanging on, and don’t wander off that will be the worst descision ever… Trust me. I would know.


  388. Hi
    I have all of these
    (except the sex ones)

    I’m only 12.
    am I a vampire?

    someone help
    I don’t have an e-mail address
    so contact me through this site.
    (I put a fake e-mail)

  389. i have 32 of these and im starting to get really scared
    i dont realy like people because i just dont
    and the only people i like is my group of friends
    and i dont even really connect with a few of them
    but i mean when ever i got a cut i suck my own blood
    just because i like the taste ???

    and anytime im with my friends theyr always
    like omg i feel tired and i only go out after 5 cuzz
    the sun hurts my eyes and in the summer
    i only go out after 6-7

    i rarely go out in the day and when
    i do i wear dark clothes that cover me up
    even if its the sunnyest day ever

    i hate the sun it gets on my nerves
    im not realy alergic to enything only a few things
    and i get sunburnt soo easely and when
    i do go out when its sunny i goo as red as red
    can be and i am alot paler that my friends
    they’re all average skin toned and I’m nearly white
    and i dont understand well apart from that my
    mothers the same but shes not pale :/

    I need to know if i am one or not ??? :/ x

  390. I have some of that sympthons
    but I’m not a vampire I can see aura
    can use a little psi energy and the dog
    hates me but when I’m looking in their
    eye straightly they bark on no people
    they just bark on it and the dogs
    hate me even they see for months they
    always bark me like a angry at me
    and I feel tired at day and more active at night
    but I sleep at night I sleep around 12:00 to 1:30
    and theres a time I don’t sleep for a whole day
    but I don’t feel tired I just sleep 12:00 after
    that day and when I have a bone fracture I don’t
    feel pain and when I thought something it will
    happen a accidentally thought I mean a thought
    that I’m not willing to say

    can u help me what its mean?
    and sorry for my bad english I’m Filipino

  391. hey guys,
    i don’t have much time
    but i think you guys may be vampires
    (from my limited knowledge).

  392. I have every single one of those symtoms plus i hate the sun.

  393. OMG i have all the things ecept sex part im only nine
    but i cant get blood and also i have two growing teeth
    that look sharp and vampire any one that has these email me at princess_maryrose@hotmail.com

  394. I Think that you all are stoner’s,
    that have a bad case of Anxiety, Depression,
    Paranoia and partly Psychotic.

    I Have Alot of these urges and stuff.
    But I Am also a very crazy person that has
    i bet half if not more of you have also Studied ASTROLOGY,
    or maybe Half Of You Have also played the Quija board,
    maybe messed with tarrot cards.

    i have spent probably totalled up around 3 1/2 years
    of my life in jail, detention centers, shelters, etc.
    I live a very troubled life,
    that i wish i would die sometimes,
    but i am still here.

    i have to go now,
    BOTH OF MY VEHICLES Heater Cores are frozen.
    2 of my computer harddrives crashed,
    my brother messed my truck up!

    Damn my life sucks ass and still no good luck.
    well ill check yall lata. ~Peace~

  395. i have been a vampire since 6 years old i am now 21
    all my life ive hade dreams of the same woman
    every nite never vague i was turned by her

    she called me her prince every nite i see her
    it seems real i can feel and touch her even taste her
    her blood is like fire on your tounge
    burning down your throat i was small and about to die
    as a kid from a strange sickness my skin was yellow
    and stuff my eyes too when she came
    i saw myself older with her with 7 children
    all daughters we made love and she bite me
    after i woke up bleeding from my neck
    so bad they couldint stop the bleeding

    my parents said they couldn’t enter the room
    and it was cold as ice when they touched the door
    at the hospital i was pronounced dead for 1 hour
    i awoke in my death bed my parents freaked when
    i woke up i remember there faces

    it haunts me to see there faces but every night
    for 16 years ive dreamed of her every time we
    are happy i feel warm alive she calls me her
    prince even spirits do and worst of all demons
    as well her name is ashira shes black
    beautiful green eyes she wears old Egyptian style
    clothes wears a gamed crown at all times tells me
    im her king she even speaks a different language
    which i entirely understand she also never lets me
    see women ever seems they stay a few months
    and disappear when i call there family’s
    i get no answer happened 10 different times

    i no longer date in fear of losing another 1
    all my life i thought it wasn’t real until i saw her
    for real in person told me to only speak the
    language of old to those of royal blood line thing
    is there aren’t many when i speak it to those who
    seem to be they never understand me she caught me
    1 time trying and i never saw him again ever he
    was my best friend they found him dead 30 miles
    from my house decapitated this shit freaks me out
    we are meant to suffer a long time alone
    many years alone somtimes until death

    i love her but i hate her she says she gives so
    much why ask the world for more when she bears
    all i dont fear bieng what i am i embrace it i love it
    and hate it thats how its supposed to be not every
    moment in our life will be embraceable we take in
    what is necessary to survive 16 years is nothing

    i lived before this with her always.
    i died in battle with the Romans
    she has shown me my hunger for dominance
    i plagued the world in hatred we nearly drank
    this planet dry i never want that again not only of
    blood but of undead as well i also practiced
    necromancy before i was turned by her the first time
    she cares nothing for mortals they are just food
    the fuel to our burning desire for blood
    the true meaning of vampirisim is living beyond death
    drinking to fill the deep desires of lust
    and hatred all in all it is a gift we must all embrace forever
    i have learned alot with her not only about myself
    the world and its forgotten history i have been to
    her library millions of pages of spells history things
    that make the skin on your arms crawl even people
    who will become like us everything and every one
    has a story a book even i know when my family will
    die even my freinds it hasent been wrong the hour
    the date the cause so far my oldest in my family
    shows signs of her passing and yet i embrace it i do
    not fear it a true vampire even young has no fear of death
    the uknown or what is to be even there own familys death
    but enough from me i dont expect a reply or for you
    to even belive me truly i dont care we never should for
    we have no heart to care we are empty hollow even we
    only belive we feel but that feeling is hunger deep hunger
    wich will always be there embrace it drink deeply or die
    become what humans call insane i have said enough
    take it how you like embrace or forever feel alone in
    your own darkness …………….

    • hey…this sounds RETARDED, i know, but she has a library ashira..the name is familiar..i know this post is old, but does that library actually exist? where? i really don’t want to sound foolish…

    i think i am and thts sweeet!!!!

  397. none of you probably know me
    but i need help whenever i am around poeple
    i feel total adrenalin and anger and its
    hard to control myself

    • hey. idk what to say about the anger thing, but i am having major deja vu. my friends house has graffiti from before she moved in and it says jacob hunter. your name reminded me of that. bizarre.

  398. Hey guys,
    I just wanted to add that i am very nocturnal, and that whenever i am around people (expecially if they’re excited) i wake up. I haven’t responded in a while due to too much homework, so just ask me personally for any advice.


    p.s. Lauren, where are you? i hope you’re not in trouble so we can keep on talking.

  399. Hey guys it’s me again I’m back from vacation, and I have a question.

    Well I had this dream the other night and here is what happened…
    I was in the dream and first my friend had cut her finger open and she was squeezing the blood out, and I kept telling her to stop, and she qouldn’t and my stomach started clenching up, and in my sleep I could even feel it!

    The feel was so realistic the dream was so crystal clear it seems like it was real!

    And so when she was squeezing her finger my stomach started to clench up, and then in my dream I looked away.

    Then my dream jumped over to me in the living room, and my dad was sitting on the couch and then all of a sudden my stomach was extremly clenched up, and I couldn’t control my self, and you wouldn’t believe how real this feeling was even though I was asleep!

    and I jumped across the room to my dad and was about to bite him when in my head in the dream I kept saying control myself, and then I backed away from my dad, and my mom was standing there in my dream and I kept saying give me a blood bag give me something to help.

    then thats when I woke up.

    but will some one email me at jonasbrozfan727@gmail.com to tell what this dream means????

    because the past two nights I had a dream that I was a vampire, and the one before i just told u about in it me and my friend were vampires but thats all i can remember.

    so please email and tell what these dreams means
    ASAP!!!! 🙂

    • well my opinon is that is going to happen or something like that is going to happen trust me

    • I’ve had a similar dream, but mine didn’t keep flashing about, and it didn’t involve alot of blood…
      Me and my friend were vampires, and we were at school. There were to other vampire wannabes, who were trying to convince everyone in the class that they were vampires.
      Me and my friend were angry about this (It was spookily vivid) and so we gave them a test.
      If they were real vampires, the water they touched would turn red (not to blood, just red).
      So all four of us did the test, me and my friend proved real, and the other two girls prooved fake.

      Does this mean anything? The same dream’s been recurring for a fortnight now. It’s starting to freak me out, though I wouldn’t mind too much if I was a vampire.

      Please reply!

  400. i just noticed that i cant stay in a room
    with a lot of people and if i do me throat
    starts burning and i get headaches.

    But when i go do another room
    it all goes away in a few minutes.

    Please help!!

  401. and i started lisining to piano music but i used to lisen to R&B

  402. try and stay away from other people or steal some blood bags but ive lernt to deal with it and things get alot easier if you train youself to deal with it

  403. uhm…….
    you really shouldnt tell if your a vampire…….
    and fuck the twilight lovers…….

  404. oh crap…
    I really need blood…
    y do I HAVE to have my lizard in the room…
    sooooooooo tempting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • i am so sorry saromin…………….
      i have to live with 4 cats also my mom
      and grandma and sister and my sister
      smells SOOOOOO good

  405. If anyone needs help please email me at jonasbrozfan727@gmail.com. I’ll be happy to answer any questions. 🙂

  406. i am a vampire if you some one talk to
    i am here to help

  407. If anyone would like to join my coven called The Shadow Crypt
    (crypt=another name for coven).
    Please email me at jonasbrozfan727@gmail.com .

  408. Hii
    i have 32 of these and im starting to get really scared
    i dont realy like people because i just dont
    and the only people i like is my group of friends
    and i dont even really connect with a few of them
    but i mean when i was extramly emotinal and cut myself
    id be so temted to start drinking my own blood and once i did
    and it just felt like i couldent stop until
    the littlest bit of scence came to
    me to stop :/ and when ever someone near
    me falls over and cuts them selves
    i just have to leave otherwise
    i might get to tempted and jump on them or something

    and anytime im with my friends theyr always
    like omg i feel tired and i only go out after 5 cuzz
    the sun or eny light dose sting my eyes
    and in the summeri refuse to go out till it gets dark because
    when i do go out in the sun it burns my skin so easely

    i hate the sun it gets on my nerves
    im not realy alergic to enything only a few things
    i am alot paler that my friends
    they’re all average skin toned and I’m nearly white
    and i dont understand well apart from that my
    mothers the same but shes not pale :/

    This all stared happeneing after a nightmear
    i had about an attack going on and i was
    the victim and i got bit on my legs and my arm
    and one bite on my neck and i woke up
    with marks all over me

    i need to know for sure

  409. I have to admit, I have watched Twilight, and I like it. Though I know that it is nothing more than someone’s wild imagination.
    What do you think about these traits?

    1) Don’t fit in to any kind of group in school
    2) Never feel a need to fit in, just be yourself
    3) People are curious about you at first, but then tend to avoid you
    4) People tend to hate you one minute, but then won’t leave your side the next
    5) People seem to feel safe when they are near you
    6) You have an odd urge to growl if you get contradicted
    7) Rarely get angry, but scare the hell out of everyone near you when you do
    8) Have a gaze that people find hard to look away from
    9) Have a dark ring around your iris
    10) Have a murderous glare that people cringe away from
    11) Hardly ever feel the cold
    12) Eyes are sensitive to sunlight or bright light
    13) Find you don’t really care what you look like or whether anyone from the opposite gender is interested in you
    14) Have subtle changes in your eye-colour daily e.g. blue-grey-watery green
    15) Natural chatter gets on your nerves
    16) You tend to crave solitude

    I have all of these traits, and believe I have some vampric blood in me. I may be of a different type. Let me know if you have some of these traits.

    • u read my mind i feel all those things every single one of them. its like u know how i feel and stuff.please email me back rozyte@hotmail.co.uk thats my email i would like to talk to u more.

      • By the way, karoloina, my email isn’t working…do you have another way of communicating?
        Let me know.

    • Sorry, I have a few more traits I’ve com up with,
      17) The ability to ‘tune out’ to the presant times
      18) You can will something to happen, and it ususally does

  410. im90% sure that im a vampire but that 10 % im still not sure can anyone help me please i need help
    if you can help me email me Rozyte@hotmail.co.uk

  411. Karoloina,
    I’m not anywhere near as certain as you are,
    but I’m sure that I’m different.

    And that’s a good thing in my dictionary.
    I’ve never wanted to be ‘normal’.

    My email isn’t up to scratch right now,
    so don’t be offended if I don’t reply to an email right away.

    If you want to get something off your chest,
    email me at fearnbritt215@hotmail.co.uk

    That goes for everyone else as well.
    I’m not afraid of what I am;
    even if I’m not sure what I am yet!

  412. By the way,
    All six of my senses (Yes, 6) are enhanced beyond normality,

    I have an accute sense of smell, e.g.
    Whenever I come home from school
    (I have to go to school because I don’t think my mum
    would believe me if I told her I thought I was a vampire
    (and, yes, I’m British))
    anyhow, when I get home from school,
    I can always tell if one of her friends have been round,
    and who they are by just using my nose.
    Is that normal?
    I don’t think so.

    I can read writing at font size 4
    (It doesn’t go any lower than that)

    I can hear the ringing of a phone o
    n low volume even on a plane as it’s taking off.

    I can tell when someone’s near me,
    even when I can’t hear or see them,
    and never bump into people unless they bump into me.

    I can break down every taste in every food
    that I eat (I don’t have to like it)

    I can feel every grove in a wooden table,
    or a scratch in a glass.

    Let me know if you have similar senses to me.
    This is so exciting!
    I’ve never spoken to people like me before!

    • we all have similar senses to you

      • I’m sorry if that sounded vague, but I’m not 100% sure that I’m a vampire…
        I was just double checking if you know what I mean. And it seems that if everyone on this website has exactly those senses, then I must be a vampire.

  413. If anyone would like to join my coven called The Shadow Crypt (crypt=another name for coven) please email me at jonasbrozfan727@gmail.com!! 🙂

    • do you think that it is a good thing
      if my friend is starting to realize
      that i am a vampire?

      he is getting really suspicious

      should I tell him we are realy good friends
      and I am pretty shur he knows after i freaked
      out when he fell of his bike and started to bleed

      WAT SHOULD I DO!!!

      • tell him
        BUT HE WiLL think you are crazy

        TRuST me
        he might go along with it .. Thinking its a game

        he will never think u r serious

  414. I have midterms, i can’t help right now, sorry.

  415. Hello everyone. I would just like to speak to an expert because i have some (31 to be exact) symptoms of being a vampire. By the way, i have been having visions lately! and most of them are coming true! not all of them are clear… some of them are also bad news and i cant control them or stop them from happening… i just dont understand it. also. most people will hit or fight for self defense but i BITE. my sibling was irritating me and i bit her wrist. not just bit her, but her wrist where all that warm, fast, blood,- where her blood was. please consider my case. also, could someone tell me if i am somehow related to ashira?

    • hey whats up
      im dee
      i know that u might think you are a vampire
      but this only means your ancentors were vampiries
      and you still carry that trace of blood in your vains

      a real real vampire is allergic to garlic and feel sick while going out before 6pm … also loves to eat or drink their own boogers or sexual body fluids …and will stop at nothing to get what they want .

      now the ashira comment .. well you aint related to her if u are white .. the bitch was dark skin .. was killed ages ago .. its all history . WE ARE THE FUTURE

  416. this is amzing .. i had my doubts but now im sure
    im 24 years old .. i live a abnormal life . i hide in my room from the sun during the mornings … NOT CUZ it makes me glow … or it makes me red !! but because it makes me weak and feel sick to my stomach
    i also cant process garlic in any type of food. i wil trow up right away and red dots will appear in my face. i have achived a goal
    wich was to be able to switch into human mode.. and be a weak mortal ..i have not yet been able to control the switching times
    it seems to happen on its own…

  417. please email me at vivalabam420x@aol.com
    24f. and i got the answer you need kid

  418. Hello my children.

    I have been speaking with the gods
    and they say troubled times are coming.

    be warned

    • i have seen it too darkness will come soon.

      • Hey,
        I need some advice…..for the past week or so i have been having these weird vivd de javu-ish dreams….One of them is of the day that you have mentioned before the 12/12/12 12:00…well at that time I see my self lying in bed and as the clock sets its time to what you said I wake up and bite the man that I am in bed with…and then all I see is me looking up satisfied for the first time in my life….then it skips to me standing on some ruins with the bodies of my loved ones laying on them and I just look forward, but behind me there is a man. Some man that I can feel is very powerfull. He just stands there looking at me….waiting.
        I’m seriously troubled and don’t know what to think of this…so if you could give me some advice here please!!


      • well that dream will either happen or something like that will happen if you confused email me

      • As have I..

    • what kind of troubled times look im may be vamoire or human help me

  419. the year of judment is coming
    who will go … who wil stay

    only those with the power to see beyond the walls
    will walk among the rows and will see the truth

  420. Hi Ashira emial me at jonasbrozfan727@gmail.com. It’s your sister Savannah Silver Winds. I have been talking to Celdaron, and he has been alot of help. So please email me when you can, and tell me more about these troubled times that are coming.

  421. if you are our queen you would know me
    personally you have tormented me my entire life
    ever since my rebirth dreams of death and destruction
    yet you find time for me always in someones house
    usualy a mansion with palm trees with bodies
    around the grounds of it slaughtered and drained
    entirely then you come to me we make
    love and i wake up afterward s the other side
    of my bed still warm like someone was there
    every night like a movie every day wondering
    if your real but like in past lives the same too bad
    i died in your arms once already yet you try to
    make up for the last war i put us through and
    this time we dont start it
    they do i didint need the gods then i dont need them
    now i will lead our kind to a better night of glory
    Rome has fallen without my help yes you warned
    me to retreat from them dont kill your brother in vain
    i doubt you are her cause if so what is our gods name
    we only have 1 and if you are her you would know
    exactly who she is it angers me our kind have
    forgotten her dee you are nothing but a class 1 not
    even soldier material or even elder like class 1 is the
    weaker of the 3 class 1 is closer to mortal then
    anything still phasing from vampire to human is
    a class 1 trait class 2 is soldier a born vampiric
    noble class always willing to fight and always up
    to do it and always blood hungry class 3 are elders
    wise men and woman almost born pure blood
    considered powerful amongst the rest weather
    control is there strong point mind control as well
    as knowledgeable to history and surronding around
    them can even tell a persons history in any life
    just by touching them then theres pure either
    king queen or coven ruler now adays just coven masters
    before you spit out your knowledge
    get your facts straight the more power you possess
    the hungrier you are going to get useing your gifts
    require energy dont fill it up or feed you become
    weak and unable to control your sense of reason
    and kill those around you such as our queen dose
    anyway hungry or not she pittys no human child
    or adult innocent or not kills at her own will i love her
    but hate her she kills those who will be the future
    and soon like i said they will start there war
    soon they will die when they do so do we without them
    we go hungry you do realize this us being dominate
    here in this world would be our deaths though i would
    love for it not to be so this war dose not end well
    no war dose but i will lead our kind to victory or die
    trying you who have seen this know they will blame
    this holy war with the afghans and who ever els was
    at war with them on us some of us have joined them
    in this war unaware of what will happen in the future
    to come i know lots of us have seen skulls even
    the reaper himself pass by from time to time
    those areas he marks as starting points of the war
    yes means your entire neighborhood will fall or rise to us
    hopefully it wont fall is all you can think right now
    we are in a stale mate with them we are at each others
    throats but no one been killed yet sort of thing but
    enough from me i grow tired of peoples ignorance
    and disgrace of our queen


  423. hello but once again my children.
    the darkness has not yet arrived
    but i am in fear for i am weakening.
    i have lost my senses and i know longer
    and seeing my visions clear at all.
    i fear for that i am dieing…

  424. Hey guys. I MUST speak with celdaron. email me at randomness870@gmail.com. Also, what is wrong with ashira? cuz if shes really dieng then she should tell her parents and call the cops or an ambulance

  425. She can’t it’s a vampire thing.
    Hi ashira! It’s ur sis,
    savannah silver winds.
    email me at jonasbrozfan727@gmail.com plz.

  426. know some people might think
    I’m mad but i honestly think im a vampire.

    i had 35 of the symptoms listed
    and i have been completely obsessed
    with vampires for 7 years.

    i am only 13 but since i was just 6
    i have been drinking blood.
    just the thought of blood gets me excited,
    its like a sudden rush of energy from deep inside me.

    i have always had fangs and used to get bullied for it,
    now people just laugh at me for having
    white skin..and im always cold.

    i havent been ill for 7 years, not once.
    and when i was ill before that it shoud
    have been fatal..but somehow i recovered.
    the docters were amazed.

    people are always saying i seem to detatch myself from the world,
    and that i can go suddenly moody/stressy for no apparent reason.
    my dreams are always about people i dont know and it sometimes freaks me out.

    i dont no what to do tho,
    i know im different..
    people are always sayin im ‘not with it’
    and i feel like i dont belong in this world.

    i wish there was some way to get out
    of this seemingly bottomless hole
    of darkness and be able to show the world the real me,
    but i know people will be scared of me..
    and i dont want that.

    i find it hard hiding from everyone my intense need for blood,
    especially my closest freinds and my boyfreind.
    but so far i have succeeded..
    and hopefull il know what im suposed to do soon enough.

    am i a vampire?
    and if i am…do i have any powers?

  427. i have midterms,
    cant be on for a while, sorry

  428. hey you guys i am sarah and if you need any help or just some one to talk to email me

  429. megan
    just by the dream part you explained… i can tell you are one of you us right away ….. you are not alone
    we are all going thru some type of process
    just be happy that at least we are aware of what is happening

  430. hey guys,

    would the ability to heal wounds using your mind make me a vampire? I had a cut from Tae Kwon Doe, and i tried to heal it (only after i sucked all the blood). After saying a sort of incantation, the wound was halfway healed.
    I can also see sharper details than other people. For example, on this cut, after it healed over, i could see really thin fibers going across it. Is that normal?
    Finally, my hearing is really good. I can hear my neighbors talking through my house wall, and over an acre of trees. Is that usual?


    p.s. Lauren, if your mad at me, i understand. If you were caught on this website, and are in trouble, i am really sorry. If you have just been away, just post something and i will hopefully respond (i still have midterms so i’m short on time).

  431. i am soooooooooooooooooo a vampire

  432. I got some of it
    i always ache when daytime
    but most of it i have

  433. I’m so vampire

  434. BOB .. sharp visions and hearing is common to vampires and warewolfs .. we will all figure out details by observing and watching events that will accour … one by one

  435. yukki !!
    your dreams might be trying to tell you something
    events will accour around the world
    this has started to happen already
    take the earthquake in haiti for example
    millions of bodies everywhere

    it seems like none belivers will fall one by one
    people who are no use to us …. not even to feed on.

    their soul is tainted . try to remember colors and things you remember seeing in your dreams then go and look up the meaning of dreams .. in a book or online
    feel what is trying to tell you .. maybe warn you

    you must not let this get to you .. you see we tend to dream
    of strangers we never even seen …
    it only means we are able to see someone else’s life
    and dreams …
    we have a power that during our sleep our soul travels far ..

    try to spend time alone and love being alone..find your self
    cuz only whom who enjoys their own company will survive in this world …

    The end is near but do not fear/ only the weak and the none belivers shall fall .

    • Thanks for the reply…and i’m looking up stuff about the dreams but nothing is helping me so far…and to tell you the truth I’m not really sure well not one hundred percent sure that i’m a vampire…but i truly feel like i am

  436. yeah well is not like is gonna be easy to figure out what lies within you … try to remember your past life
    … a real truly vampire has lived a past lifes
    maybe even more than one

    try to make a spell and see if it works
    we carry magical powers too

    • huh…yeah I have lots of these kind of flash backs
      of peolple i could have seen i guess from past lifes…
      recently i see one of a ballroom in the late 1850s
      I’m guessing…i’ve never tried to do any spells…
      the closest ive come to magic was trying to call ghosts
      with my two friends but that didn’t work out.

  437. to comment on the happenings around the world
    dee sorry bout before my other self tends to
    break loose alot but anyway she is right
    our life is our surroundings even in sleep
    i keep seeing huge waves
    on different islands in Hawaii waves that are building
    size a huge eruption causes 1 on each side of a certain
    island every one dead except for me
    i watched the whole thing from the water weird
    is to y i would be there when 2 giant tilde waves
    smack where im swimming

    i get pulled under and wake up
    on an island alone happened 2 nites in a row

    • I had the same dream 1 year ago and it was extremely vivid
      exept i was being chased by something or someone
      but everything else is the same

      • i have dreams were im being chased too and
        its by cops .. they seem to know my real identity
        and follow me and want to put me away
        i seem to be able to control my dreams
        and i can wake up whenever i feel like it …

        i think i can pull people into my dreams too
        and they always seem to think it was their dream
        …and it was really mines

    • please EMail at Vivalabam420x@aol.com
      i have some questions

  438. none of you know me for the past week
    ive been having night mares and most of its
    happening in small doses at different times
    and ive recently had one where all i see is destruction
    everywhere but i have albino white hair in it
    but i cant stop from wondering if this is to be?????????

  439. Celadron-thnx for sharing…
    and vancha u too…
    i had doubts that i was the only one
    with these weird dreams…
    anyway I tried some magic on a bad bruise
    and in the morning it was gone!

    i’m glad that it worked

  440. hey you guys i am sarah and if u want talk email me sarahsaurus@optonline.net

  441. hey you guys i am sarah and if u want talk email me sarahsaurus@optonline.net and i am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo a vampire

  442. hey celdaron email me
    at vivalabam420x@aol.com
    i want to ask you something

  443. OKay everyone listen up
    i i have discovered cold water in the northpole

    Check this out theres actually people out there that are hunters
    and they dont even know it
    its like they know
    i have gone in public a few times only to realize how people stare and then try to look into my eyes and then get scared
    i know for a fact theres people out there that know tooo and
    want to get us

  444. hey there people, I always wondered:

    Is Vampirism something you inherit, or what? Why do we get it?

    Second thing; if I talk about ‘always’ wanting something, or ‘always’ doing something, should I now count it from my half-human life, or since I became a real Vampire?

  445. Hi, I have all of those symptoms
    (except the sex thing, I am only 13).

    Sunlight hurts my eyers and gives me headaches,
    bad sunburns very quickly,
    and if I am out in it too long it makes me feel sick.

    I always feel alone even when
    I am surrounded by family.
    I never feel like I belong anywhere.

    I am very intuitive,
    and the spells I cast usually work.

    Dreams that I have often wind up actually happening.
    Electronics hate me.

    I have become suddenly interested in vamps
    since I hit puberty and I love the taste of blood.

    Even thinking about it makes my mouth water.
    I am always detached from the world.

    I make friends very easily,
    but then they just stop being my friend after a while.
    I heal quickly.
    I have been having some weird dreams lately.
    I can’t call them nightmares because
    I am never scared in my dream.

    I have this dream where I get these clips
    and snippets of fire,
    burning buildings, rubble,
    people dead and dieing,
    and water flooding onto the streets.

    It looks like a pretty big city with tall buildings
    and it is somewhere near the ocean.

    It is always in the middle
    of a storm with thunder and lightning.
    And I am standing somewhere looking
    over it all with some people around me
    but I have no idea who they are,
    none of them look scared
    and neither am I in the dream.
    I also see this when I meditate.

    What does this dream mean?

    for the past couple of days a raven
    has been following me where ever I go,
    and I have never seen a raven before in my life!

    I know it is a raven and not a crow
    because I looked up pics,
    and it’s call –
    which sounds like a croak instead of a caw.

    And the bird that is following
    me is definetly a raven.

    The first time I saw it I was at my neighbor’s house –
    because I walk her dog’s during the day-
    and it was flying right above me croaking.

    The next time I saw it,
    my mom, my brothers, and I were at the
    recycling bins in town (my family is green!)
    and it was sitting on top of a telephone post
    croaking at me.

    (Woah de ja vu I distincly remember writing this,
    maybe in a dream)
    And when I told my mom and brothers to look,
    it was gone!

    Could the raven mean something,
    a sign maybe?

    Thanks for reading and sorry it was so long.
    Email me at
    pbjcookie@gmail.com if you have any answers,

    • I see ravens when something strange is happening.

      The dream you speak of…hm…I think I remember
      vague images of the same exact thing, along with
      my friend who’s memory of it is probably
      a tad bit more vivid.
      Did you see any eyes in it?

  446. hey, ppl, see the ‘Donate Blood to Haiti’ thing?
    would it matter if its a Vampire’s Blood or Human Blood?
    Is there any difference?

    • Also, whenever I meet someone, I feel as if I knew them ages before, and some ppl I’ve met, I knew BEFORE the accuall meeting from a dream…

    you will be weaker and its
    a disgrace to ALL OF US VAMPIRES


  448. coment for donation of blood not only a disgrace but you would prolly kill or infect the person with direct injection of any of our blood they would not be welcome to our kind if they survived so basically the gift is worthless to them and they would not be entitled to our secrets they would be outcast plus the blood goes through tests itd never pass they know we are real it wouldn’t fly what i mean by they is every government knows they’d be stupid not too they call it a disease
    a cop off of vh5 technically vh5 is a mutation but this disease well our gift helps us they have done testing on it look around the internet for it our blood has cured hiv cancer even the cold but they cant duplicate it without using us as a source i know because ive been to the college they did it on very interesting what they came up with we unlike humans absorb our food through our
    stomach wich then feeds the blood directly into our viens and produces plasma high amounts of plasma wich helps us heal and become stronger it also at all times resales pure adrenalin into our muscular system our natrual steroid but unlike steroids it stays with us for a huge amount of time thus making us immensely stronger and faster than we look but still never donate it unless you want to feel responsible for an innocent outcast

  449. ok, thanks people! just wanted to know if a normal
    HUMAN can take a Vampire’s Blood without side effects.
    sooo… if they tested blood in school, then:

    1. would they know I am a Vampire


    2. would they explain it to me,
    or would they just ignor the fact?

  450. i got 28,
    lately ive been getting really higthened senses,
    i can tell when my heart beats by just listening,
    and lately my vision starts to blurr
    and pulse and then ill snap back to reality really fast.

    i dont know if thats relivant or not.

    im always craving something, and i like the taste of blood.

    im really strong,
    though sort of a klutz ,
    btu lately whenever i drop somethinng ill catch it.

    Most people think im 16 instead off thirteen.

    I get told to blink or too move alot because ill space out.

    Im a really fast runner. the sun kills
    my eyes so usually i stay in,
    i like the cold and my eyes change color with my mood.

    i dont connect with other people.
    Alot of times people will say something
    ofensive too me that my friends say would
    have started a fight with them, and
    i get a really strong felling that i have to leave
    or ill end up hurting them.

    when ever im around someone who bleeds
    i can literaly taste it.
    I can usually tell what someones feeling,
    and i can sit perfectly still.

    I can hear cars coming up the drive a 1/4 a mile away
    and have perfect vision.

    Could i be a vampire?

  451. Dee or anyone else….what do you mean our england blood??

  452. mr yukki
    where the hell do u think our ancestors are from ??

  453. None of you are vampires.
    You claim to be something you are not.

    Drinking blood,
    having sharp canines and craving blood
    does not make you a vampire.

    If at anything,
    a human being with the disease “porphyria”
    is more of a vampire than any of you people are.

    Quit the fantasies and get on with your lives.

    • Hey mr bear aka oso
      You dont know me
      you dont know who i am
      or what i am or what i will do to u
      in person
      now dont come in this website
      with that gay ass name trying to cliam u know
      shit when u are 12 year old fagget that likes bears
      and knows mexican spanish

      grow up kiddo
      and then come back
      and post and answer
      u indian

  454. ELSO shove a stake up your ass bitch
    you have no idea who or what yu speak of
    insulting my people no wonder you humans die
    you hate what is superior to you dont you….

    only you wish you were like us entirely
    so if you have anything to say
    shove it right up your ass
    how dare you insult any of us
    that disease is a human disease
    a faliure to become pathetic
    like a human would say
    just to piss us off
    well you got my vote asshole
    get over your own self
    and stay off of here

    pathetic beings like you
    will be the first to die in
    the war to come

    is it sad your life is pathetic
    must be if you got the nads
    or what ever the fuck you are
    I stand for them I will die for them
    just like the days of old
    when you feared our kind entirely
    or have all forgotten written history
    backwards like humans do to fit there
    own truth and desires pathetic we had enough…..

  455. hey celdaron
    You hear this idian bear loving mexican coming in here
    all jealous of what we are
    !!! what a pathetic human being
    he deserves to meet one of us

  456. nah, thats a bit too harsh…
    although I DO want to rip that guys dick off,
    then shove it up his own ass,

    I think it’s a bit too harsh MEETING him…

    by saying that…
    did you mean to do what our ancestors did?
    I mean… bite him?

    Wouldn’t that be just evil?
    he would DIE a VERY horrible death
    while transforming,
    wouldn’t he?

  457. is Vampirism a unit of inheritance, or what?

  458. 28 thangs omg
    ive have felt this way for years
    add me at buddy_man_45@yahoo.com

  459. What an asshole ur el oso!

    i hope u have some part of ur brain
    still working and listen to dee and celdaron!!

  460. I Have Almost All Of those Listed….
    Believe It Or Not Im Not Sure If I Like The Taste Of Blood,
    However When Im Pissed Or Hurt (Sad/Upset)
    I Have The Urge To Bite Insted Of Fight….

    Lol Im Facing Felony Charges For Pushing A Kid
    Into A Wall And Accidentally Cutting His Ear Off.

    It Was An Accident His Head Hit The Wall
    But When I Saw That Blood I Freaked Out And Ran
    From The Cop At School.

    But At The Same Time I Felt Immortal XD

  461. Last night seemed like a normal night
    but it wasnt
    The Future Was shown to me
    something is going to happen like many of you have said here
    IN my Dream last night
    Planes were crashing , people falling out of windows and only houses
    protected by barriers stood still
    i saw orlando fl
    i saw theme parks fall to pieces , why must i dream of what will happen
    how soon will this happen …
    i dont know

  462. if anyone has questions and has a messenger my yahoo is celdaron3 feel free but if i find humans on there expect a nasty greeting

  463. kk, I’ve added u Celdaron

  464. yes dreams if it feels entirely real
    then it was the spirit isint always with the body
    if its not youll feel cold in your chest when
    its summer and 100 degrees youll feel it
    at nite its most active takes you forward
    or backward to somthing importent to you
    now adays for most its war

    i have lead a few in my souls time
    ive only lost to 1 place rome but now rome
    has fallen all on its own

    humans wrote history backwards
    to hide the truth but none the less
    we see it those who are sensitive to it
    see more than they should if we go to war
    i will proudly hold the dark flag once more
    to our enemy and lead us to victory
    like before or die trying our goddess
    has lost her true form but still counts
    on us lost or not to see her children rise again
    hunters have killed her rencarnation
    hung her head high on a pole
    i have seen so in dreams she is vulnerable
    when feeding cant control herself
    they spotted her and killed her she
    loses her imortality when desprate
    and takes from an inocent reckless
    and hungry killed a child never kill an innocent
    if in my regament and i catch you you will die
    a most painfull death every year
    it could have live you will lose somthing
    from yourself arms ears
    i dont care never kill somone pure
    though the child was dead for her
    its blood is inocent just be carful
    when this breaks out no one will
    be safe and watch what you eat yes
    hunters kill inocent people to get us
    just like our queen so on a better note
    be prepared it will start sooner than you
    think might have already too so just be carefull

  465. Hey celdaron Buddy
    Im sorry but i gotta call you out
    Did u stop taking your meds?

    first of all us vampires
    dont kiss and tell !!
    you got too much too say
    and u try way too hard

    wake up …
    war is not the answer and demonology
    is deader than dead / u satanic shit head

  466. if you must know dee just because your upset
    with me dosent mean im satanic far from it
    demonlogy is not my strong point
    and to begin with tell them exactly what
    you eat every day like you told me you are
    more creepy than i ever will be i speak the truth
    weather yu or any one els wants to hear it
    well its up to you mate

    and by the way i was born in london
    for your info and raised in america
    so just pipe it down ive never called
    you any type of name or used vulgarness
    towards you if anyones satanic it is you mind
    you being a vamp is anyway so count yourself
    as 1 anyway cant be like that give it up either we
    stand together or die alone

    if you havent seen yourself maybe its hard to acept
    i am a prince like most people i tell guess its good
    that way all wil see in time i dont see you helping
    our people as much as i have

    i answer there questions tell them the truth
    how ive felt in the situiation cause i have experinced
    alot in my 21 years of being like this

    i cant but help seem to feel some jealusy
    from you but every one cant like every one
    i guess i dont hate ya if you dont like what
    i say you got my im say it and my email
    wich ill gladly give to anyone celdaron3@yahoo.com

    i really dont care where i stand here
    i give my views just be respectful but comment
    like oloso need disrespecting it is toward al of us
    any way i ask stand tall with reason or stand down
    with nothing

  467. when Fire, Water, Earth and Air meet time and space will join to create a place between our time and the time of the past, where there is no time to save and only time to destroy.

    this is a prophocy has come.

  468. no not angry just concerned lol some dont like the truth lol

  469. can vampires hold their breath for longer? cause I just held mine for 1.9 mins 😛 sorry for asking, just finding out what u get as a vampire… btw, if I am a vampire, does that mean that one of my parents/grandparents if one too? (if so, can Vampirism skip someone in the family, like greatgrandad-grandad-skipped dad-me?)

  470. AND YES i EAT KIdS like YOU FOR BreakFAST

  471. BY the WAY
    thanks for asking BUT no I DONT WANT TO BE YOUR LiTTLE girlfriend

    is CALLED
    A compulsive liar





  474. wtf??? only psycho vamps bite ppl… calm down dude

  475. hey before you come in here trying to take sides
    find out whats really going on

  476. I Think you personally know me.
    if you do it aint funny and when
    i find out you will pay for your decite
    i will not be played with or made here
    so be warned im not kiding that comment
    yu made made me think hmm sound
    and looks familiar dont worry the
    emails being traced as i speak

    im no dummy its weird that yesterday
    i knew all this and let it play out i
    asked certain question to arise some answers
    horribly familiar and insecure if
    i think who yu are is right oh decoded
    email bullshit i know exactly who because
    theyve said it in the past such paranoya
    and desperation but if im mistaken all
    apolages and right we dont kiss and make up
    i harbor all my scores towards others to be correct
    im usualy never sorry its just a game of who see what
    im no fool though well see this truth in the end
    whoever yu might be those pictures yu sent i
    kept the others you sent first yu dont look
    the same and when you said yu hade no
    more is when you spilled the beans im
    on fire arent i…..

  477. SOMEONE is got paranoia written all over their face

  478. who are YOU Hiding FROM cELDARON ?

  479. am not takin his side. I beleive u, dee, but calm down, and don’t get psycho enough 2 bite anyone… they’ll remember u 4ever…

  480. 🙂 i am a vampire
    email me at

  481. dont you all feel stupid
    he is a prince and I’ll tell you a secret
    I sent those comments with his email
    hehehehe love it hes under hypnosis

    yea I’m good at that dee can kiss my ass
    if shes got a problem fucking babe eating freak
    yea I saw the pics you sent him think it was him not

  482. I dont think im a vamp
    I’m not strong im not fast
    I can jump really high and
    climb like a goat but
    I have horrible cravings for blood
    I can usually keep it under control but
    I acts up alot and i have freaky powers
    I just dont no can someone halp me !!!!!!!

  483. guys quit it you know dee
    is only celdarons friend westly
    you guys are asses
    you too tara

  484. Wow lots of drama

    Thought this was a nice site at 1 point
    and if what ryan says is true thats low very low

    I agree with Celdaron though he had to pretend
    to be a woman

    Celdaron must be pissed he calls him a friend wow

  485. glad someone here is civil towards him
    tara went over board i think but yea real low
    even if he were just talking on here whats it to you
    sounds like you stalk him or something
    and thats just gay

  486. war what kind of war celdaron sounds to me its serious to you ive seen alot but war do the humans think they can beat us believe it or not id like to meet you in person id like to see within your mind if you dont mind i believe you kinda sucks some dont believe people have seen it ive seen it just want to know if you are a prince if you are keep it on the down low

  487. i think celdaron should start a coven sounds to me hes a leader not a follower is his friend jealous aaaw to bad so sad some friend tara needs to be tamed celd sounds to me shes proud to be yours but needs an adjustment very mean cant blame her but damn babe eater very harsh

  488. i need taming sounds hot but were at his friends house lol kinda hard too when its not your house but still sounds fun anyone who has a problem accepting hes a prince is just jealous but hes my prince haha
    vampire or not my prince i have boobs i win think he cares if im in charge i got boobs im in charge girls tell your man i got boobs im in charge if he cant see that dump him hehehe

  489. ill join the coven celdaron
    boobs rule i listen to boobs my gf has big 1s
    course i listen nah shes good to me so far
    im 24 been a vamp since i can remember
    ive seen war ruins even battles maybe
    even fought with celd prolly
    i saw rome in my dreams we lost
    3 days 3 nites the 2 leaders fought
    if im correct if not celd tell me

  490. yea your right stevothevamp
    3 days and nites was a draw

  491. I’m still young,
    but if there will be a war,
    then I wan’t to join it.

    I KNOW I was made for fighting
    and commanding,
    I just wan’t to kill all that stands
    in the way to victory.

    But what type of war?

    you mean war where we destroy humanity?

    we should leave them a croner to breed,
    so we have food.

  492. lol its a good idea but no we only witness
    some of there destruction and cause some
    of it as well know this they will strike first
    1nce again they will seek to destroy
    themselves and the innocent look it started
    years ago the bad guys are no different
    they still bleed the same
    and die the same our duty
    is to make sure the innocent stay
    alive the wicked will be the food or
    for some eternal slaves others whatever
    we choose you find 1 you claim 1 kill it whatever
    its destined to die someone pure is obviously
    a child or someone with small mistakes
    and are willing to repair them easy
    enough you wont kill someone
    cause they said your mom sucks
    obviously the wicked will be the hostile
    1s seeking unimaginable goals believe me
    the world hasn’t changed at all sure technology
    has but human nature still the same destined
    to destroy themselves such weapons are
    born through hatred towards each
    other thus war breaks out all things we
    know it will only get worse as time goes
    on all humans care about is who is better
    than who yes im long winded but for a good
    reason understand we dont chose our fate but
    we can measure up to be the best of it fate also
    cant but what you do with fate and how you meet
    it can be changed all i say is this be careful dont be
    quick to tell everyone who you are we work best alone
    or with someone as determined as us i will answer
    as much as im allowed to im no king yet our queen
    deems me to young but for my own coven i would
    only hunters would try to kill off my people as
    quick as possible speacily the high ranked
    somone i know has seen the raven i tell
    him be carefull he was almost taken by
    hunters luckilly the dogs he was
    walking warded them off and
    hes only a young 1 imagine
    if they found a high ranked
    person this kid is a class 3 and
    hes young very young but anyway
    embrace the shadow and beware the living

    • the raven?
      what to you mean?
      my friend and i see ravens
      in our sleep and our minds eye all the time.
      and they always show up when we are talking
      about certain things even though there are
      almost NO ravens where we live.

  493. nicely said Celd guys just let this end
    be theres not ours I’m 1 of Celds
    higher ups his friends stand with him
    I will follow him to any end

  494. men and there war
    I have boobs I say kill them all
    no some are cute no doubt humans
    can be pleasant at times
    when I’m draining them

    but its willing so dont panic Celd
    lets me feed on him why not
    he likes it I do too feels good
    when your in love but
    humans wont be so lucky

    I had the pleasure of being turned by him
    I’ll remember it forever it was so romantic

    I barley noticed he had bit me
    wish I could do it again xD forgot cant go back….

  495. So he does have a coven
    I want in plzzzzzzzzzzz me stay long time
    or are yu guys a serious group
    I’m kinda the funny guy 0.o

  496. Tara is right
    boobs rule lol

    men wont last without um
    I wish i was turned like that
    must feel great
    aww comon dose he have a brother

    I got big 1s lol
    nice body and blonde
    if not bad news for me
    and no I’m not after royalty
    just she said it like it was horribly exciting

  497. y not a red head celd sorry tara i
    gotta ask how did he pick you up
    anywho ill be nice vampires usually
    have more than 1 gf comon whats it take
    i live in Rhode island whats your number

    i know girls askin guy out weird
    but anyway dont let her hog ya
    i bet i got bigger boobs than her
    seriously what your numba o.0

  498. Up to him Amber but what makes you think
    you got it I actualy love him sounds to me
    your a horny girl looking for an important being

    Well important to me Prince or no Prince
    I love him I get massages after work
    even foot rub hard to find guys I’ve known before
    wont even do that

    i get dinner when hes over breakfast
    good cook but I give it right back
    will you…..

  499. will you 2 hit puberty already
    come on girls give it a rest before it escalates

  500. Tara dont brag plz its between me and you
    what we do amber thnx but no thnx
    I have a wonderful woman I love her to death
    wish shed let small talk go but other than that
    plus redheads are cute but I likeum dark
    all over dark some are good tan
    but mostly blondes tan

    I love chocolate women
    the browner the better
    no offense I think the pic you gave me
    was cute but no even though shed let me

  501. dude just remember what the queen said when your older your hers
    all others wont have you when you hit 30 its all over no more your hers so have your fun now it wont last lol

  502. theres a queen is it true
    ashiras been on here
    I dont believe it the queen
    wouldn’t be dieing anytime soon shes immortal

    I was just reading start to finish
    I think shes a hoax could be his friend again
    trying to ruin himIi still wanna meet you Celdaron
    the mind is a powerful tool

    I could tell you a few things
    or even help with your questions
    if any

  503. Hello.
    I would like to say.
    Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Saga
    is based on real life.

    I am the daughter of Isabella Marie Cullen
    and Edward Anthony Masen Cullen and
    I am a vampire.

    We are good friends
    and since we moved on from Forks, Washington,
    we try to keep in touch via email.

    My mother’s life is perfect,
    according to her.

    When my mother and father met it was awkward,
    my Dad didn’t want Mom to get hurt but,
    stubborn as she was,
    proceeded and they fell deeper
    in love every second.

    I am kind of breaking the rules
    by saying all this but i wanted
    to get my story out.

    Thank you.
    Rennesme Carly Cullen. x .


    • I’m not completely against the idea of vampires (I may be a lamia myself) but that’s just plain ridiculous. Twilight is NOT based on real life, it’s based on a DREAM.

      I know, compared to everyone else on this website, I sound rather posh, and I’m not doing it on purpose. I’m British, so that may have something to do with it.

      I have twenty-seven of those traits, and some more rarer ones. See my list somewhere above to have a look.


  505. i guess everyone here likes to be lied and touched by him


  507. hes at it again damn must suck being the bad guy quit it

  508. wow smart guy eh grow some nads bro and stay off of here

  509. jealous no pretty girls like you
    fucking fag quit bothering him
    we know who you are your his old buddy
    so quit with the dee

  510. New to the site
    and wow you must suck Dee
    I bet you arent even a vamp

  511. you know his old buddy
    must have nothing better to do
    than to pout
    that we like Celd GO PRINCE

  512. Wow lots of drama
    and now it seems from only 1 person
    you know kid it could be considered harassment
    towards him dee I know ive been a in law for a bit
    on another note been a vamp 32 years love it

    Weird dreams and sex desires hell yea

  513. looks like I’m siding with Prince im black
    what an insult asshole and if you are black fuck you nigga
    leave the man alone or be cursed by me personally
    am i a class 3 prince i control fire water and air

  514. Hey guys,
    I have a lot of work so
    I can’t talk for a while,

  515. p.s.
    where’s lauren, its been about
    a month and she hasn’t been on.
    I hope she’s not in trouble.

  516. I dont know what i am and what
    i might be i have the symptoms of
    werewolf and vampire,
    my anger in unstopable
    its almost impossible for me to calm down,
    ive always had the craving for blood.

    the 5 sences are storng with me
    i am fast can see far away and many
    of other i dont have many friends
    i have my est friend Joesph.

    my father was never around
    but off doing drugs,
    my family is Cherokee, Shawnee,
    Dutch, Scottish and Irish
    need help and i need it now
    please can somebody tell me what i am please




    • whats going on i get back from midnight holiday and i get this shit nasty things from you look stop telling stuff to confused me wtf fuck you vampire loser im keeping my problems to my sefl vampire problems if you at least say sorry bye

  519. we gonna take it to next level playa
    ima show i can make ten oher screen names too

  520. Such paranoia deserves a medal dude

  521. wow you need a chill pill dude whatever

  522. id love too see him actually prov this
    lols what a bad man he really need help

  523. oh i looked it up ha if its true dumb ass prove it

  524. WTF

  525. sorry for your trouble miss rose
    but i didn’t start this all my friends
    say he is shady anyway

    I really dont what becomes of him
    he dose this it isn’t the first time I’m not the only 1
    who has seen this i give my views and opinions
    to help and he cant stand it I havn’t spoke to him
    in months theres a reason y your an ass to me
    and every person you meet wes or have they
    lied to me you had to pose as someone else
    to get at me we knew who you were chris and
    I knew the first time you were on here dude he
    told me about your fake emails dude you did it
    to him very sad and now not only do you insult me
    but every one on here stop harassing every one we
    get it you need help and i certainly advise you to stop
    before it gets out of our hands and you end up in jail
    for harassment thnx to candy here i know this and to top
    off somthing the class 3 i mention is a girl not a guy lols
    but still she should be careful shes pbjcookie by the way nice
    girl very strong indeed

    • sorry my brother changed my emails and i got agry at him i feel really bad now i dont know if im vampire h and i saw my sister drained from her leg left the blood there and at midnight i got up and started tasting but then i snapped out it and walked away freaky

  526. pplz, how about just this: we stop helping humans – they will destroy THEMSELVES eventully anyway. like the idea? WE won’t have wicked souls, cause WE won’t kill them, they’ll do it themselves eventually – they will spread some wicked killing desease that we will be immunse to.


    HALLWAY SchOOL loser


  528. your credit be low dude you insulted everyone here dude quit bothering us fake ass lycan who thinks he superior to us hes no vamp
    hes a god damn dog now sit and behave

  529. Listen cELDADRONKILLA,
    this site is for vampires and vampires only.

    Didn’t you take notice of the big white letters
    at the top of the page that say
    How to tell if you are a VAMPIRE?

    Can you understand that?

    If not I suggest you visit a doctor
    and get tested for retardation,
    because you are definetly showing symptoms.

    Stay off this site,


  530. I HATE HUMANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our FUCKIN Home Ec. teacher made ME the one to COOK all the bloody steaks 🙁 I felt like rippin her 2 freakin pieces! *cry* 🙁

  531. im sorry for all your troubles guys speacily maryrose if he wont apolagize i will very stupid of him but i am sorry your story was a good 1 lol storys are meant to reflect struggles in life

  532. saromin still waiting for your freind request lol and damn you had to cook them and hold back very mean of it yes i call humans it that 1 dosent need a name i bet you felt hungry im hungry thinkin about it

  533. ok, invitaion send

  534. wow i have missed a lot…
    nevertheless i have something to say…
    i have been seeing things again….
    kinda like what dee said,
    ppl falling out and airplanes crashing,

    i have the samething but now its not in dreams
    is these little flashes i have whenever i space out
    or think bout something….
    but the thing that bothers me the most
    is the man i saw in that dream standing behind me!

    i wanna know who he is!

    he was so damn powerful
    and i could tell he was a vampire
    but even though he was powerful
    he still had some calmness to his features!

    oh if anyone could help me find him
    please do help me!!!


  535. well to catch you up
    lol dee is a man we wont
    go there damn lycan but the
    dreams do have truth in them
    im not psychic but class 3s are
    monsterly strong any higher is god
    like lol peeps be seein alot me
    i try to suppress what i see
    unless i cant control it but
    what yu had was a 3 i
    can tell already lol

    class 4 are unable to control
    themselves when a chance for
    destruction arises i wont even get
    into 5s yu see a 5 run like hell but
    a 3 can handle it they are suppressed
    at birth from true power all at 1 time me
    on my bday it hasn’t rained for 21 years since
    birth ever cloudy but no rain clouds disappear
    when i wake up its warm and sunny always
    rains the next day thunder and lightning
    is heavy almost like every bolt has hit a house
    anywhere i go it dose this weird hu i tell 1 last story
    as a kid i was borde i was looking at the clouds and i
    noticed if i say a thing to somone or somthing id see
    it in the cloud faces smiling cars people just kid stuff
    i freaked all the kids in my class right out even the teacher
    she crapped herself lols kids really freaked it was funny
    seems even nowadays i can do it i make it rain snow
    even hail i can even throw water a good distance
    with my hands like a fountain never let me in
    the ocean yea i make big waves come on
    a still day not too big but big enough….

    • DEE iS A MAN


    • No offence, but your lack of use with punctuation has me a little confused, and I don’t mean that in a horrible way. What do you mean with class 3’s 4’s and 5’s? I’ve never heard of anything like that.
      By the way, what you mean about the weather, I think I’ve got a similar thing, but mine’s just pure will-power. For instance, my maths homework was in for today, and I tried to convince myself that it wasn’t, and then the teacher thought it was in for tomorrow. Weird or what?

  536. lol. 😉 what age do u get these powers?PLUS, can u get them if ur a Hybrid?

  537. WOW! iv missed alot to and like yuki iv still been havening visions
    and one troubles me a man comes running up to me asking gor help and his face is covered in blood and hes hurt but i just sit there and he dies. then theres a huge explosion and more come running asking for help…. but i just sit there.

  538. i think i was born half man and then i grew into a bisexual girl
    class 7
    wich is gay vampires

  539. Hey doofus

  540. still causing trouble i see but any way saromin hybrids are able to learn alot lol just ignore my friends comments guys being retarded
    if you want guys my im is celdaron3 saromin drop me a line on yahoo or something ok


  542. wats all this about hybrids and classes

  543. Sanguinarians – Drink blood. increased agility (speed, jump etc.)

    Psychic – Feed off positive emotions increased psychic powers (mind control, weather control, mind reading etc.)

    Hybrids – do both, but I think weaker… tho not sure.

    P.S. what type are u, celdaron?

  544. w8, can u send me a message to mtroscianko@yahoo.co.uk so I know wt ur’s is 9I tryed, but it says u don’t have a yahoo 🙁

  545. Hey there, I’ve been writing on this site several times, and no one’s giving me a straight answer. I’m going to try again anyway:
    1. I have ringed irises
    2. My eye colour changes daily. Not noticeably, but enough for me to notice, e.g. blue to grey to watery green and back again.
    3. I feel kind of isolated, and have no desire to fit in
    4. None of my friends are ever on the same page as me
    5. I sort of ‘zone out’ when I think about something else
    6. I have a strong urge to growl when I get contradicted
    7. Blood makes me feel hungry
    8. I’m the fastest in my class
    9. I have a glare that people cringe away from
    10. I rarely get angry, but scare the hell out of everyone when I do
    11. People find it hard to look away from my gaze
    12. People tend to hate me one minute, and then won’t leave my side the next
    13. They seem to feel safe when they’re near me
    14. All 6 of my senses are enhanced
    15. I have a very strong will-power

    Let me know what you think, am I a vampire or not? Will you please answer me?

    • I know this doesn’t help, but just so you feel someone’s paying attention: I’ve just started Vampirism myself… but you sound kinda like a lycan to me… tho one cud argue that you ARE a vampire… I don’t know, but u are one or the other, me saying it’s the lycan

      • I’m sorry to sound dense,
        but what exactly is a lycan?

        We British don’t do alot about mythical stuff,
        and now I’m paying for that.

      • Oh, right,
        another name for a werewolf?

        But I don’t turn into a giant dog…
        or is that just myth?

      • And thanks for the attention,
        it’s given me just a little peace of mind.

      • yw, and yes,
        a ‘Lycan’ is the same as a werewolf,
        or in otherwords a ‘Shape-Shifter’ 😉

    • Anyhow, I’ve thought of some more traits,

      16. Eyes are sensitive to bright light
      17. I have trouble sleeping at night
      18. Some people seem to be scared of me
      19. This boy in my class keeps starign at me
      like there’s something he knows about me.
      20. My hair is extremely thick,
      and is a golden-blonde colour

      • yea, that sounds like a lycan,
        tho (of course) I’m not sure.

        might be a vamp also,
        but that sounds lycanish to me.

        do u have any nightmares,
        if so,
        what are they?

        tell me every detail.

      • There was this one nightmare that I had a few months ago, before I found out about all this:

        I was in a stone maze, being chased by some sort of evil thing. There was me and a group of other people my age I didn’t know.

        The thing chased us in different directions, noe of us could see it, but we could feel it. One of the people got dragged under one of the walls, somehow, and then he died. None of us knew how, but we just knew he was dead.

        Does that help? I haven’t had it since. I haven’t any dreams since, in fact.

      • And the weird thing is, there’s something strange going on in the village where I live;

        There was an accident on a round about near where I live, and this car veered off the road, and the car burst into flames. It was just like he had swerved around something.

        And then there was a family found in their home, all dead of coure. Near where I live.

        Is it possible that I’M doing this? If I am a lycan, I could eb blacking out at night, and not remembering shapeshifting at all. It’s just odd that it’s all happening in MY village. My mum’s calling it The Village of Doom.

      • By the way,

        is is pronounced lisan, or likan?

    • Yes,
      that means you are a vampire,
      congrats! Welcome to the clan.

  546. well thnx celdaron but i am still confused….so a three is good or bad??
    and i don’t know if this is where i am suppose to look for this vampire but if anyone can help please do i really wanna find this man….i know i will meet him but i just don’t know when…

    Do u ever get the feeling like where ur heart is suppose to be it isn’t? btw i’m just asking since ur new to this just as i am so just wondering!

    hope u guys can help me

    • no, not yet 😉 just like the 4th month of the awakening 😉 btw, y r Humans soooo SCARED of things they do not understand? … it gets on my nerves slowly 😛

      • I know what you mean about humans. As soon as they see something like example a small storm they already freak out about it…same with that flu thing, and the stupid mistakes they make is just plain anoying! I just i guess started to awake and now i can be more anoyed with things…and btw how long does the awakening take???

      • a few years… and letar on, it becomes ‘unbearable pain’, but not PHISICAL pain…

    i like guys and girls
    please anyone email me at yahoo
    i will talk to anyone
    im very lonely and like young boys

  548. give me ur FULL email, celdaron, plz!
    PLUS, help me ppl,
    I REALLY need to know,
    if ur a vampire,
    does that mean that one
    of ur grandparents is one too?

    I recently had a dream,
    where my grandma and
    some other ppl I don’t know,
    told me I was a vamp,
    and tryed to teach me stuff
    (lol, too many computer games 😉 ), but just in case –
    does that mean anything?

  549. Hi, I know a lot of people are confused
    and have lots of questions so I thought
    I would post these,
    they might help you guys and clear some things up.


    Hope this helped!

  550. today aster school, there was a fight… lots of blood :)… altho I had to help my friends, and ignor it 🙁 it gets annoying being a vamp, but at least I can help my friends in a fight VERY well 😛

  551. to top off what i said a lycan like saromin said is a wear wolf but ignore the other me lols good job a class 3 is for those who are wondering is great they are controlled though so class 4 or 5 is basicly god like uncontrolled and dangerous class 2 is a warriors class
    common and class 1 is more uncommon than common nowadays theres less class 1 its a diseased class and not fully turned meaning half human and vamp saromin my email is celdaron3@yahoo.com
    saromin ill answer more for yu when you get on yahoo i needed or if anyone needs it you got my im

    • okay thanks but one last question bout this…u say that class 4+5 are god like, 2 is worrior…whats three?? sorry for all these questions but i might have mentioned before that i’m very new to this!!

  552. http://blogs.laweekly.com/style_council/weird/the-seven-rules-of-vampire-hun/

    gives u an idea of how STUPID humans are 😉

    so, does this mean I am:
    1. dead
    2. evil
    3. unkillable
    O…M…G… Humans really ARE freakin IDIOTS, arn’t they?

    • Hi Ashira but who are you
      its sad your dieing I’m confused
      I dont know if I am vamp

      I’m nine
      I may be human

      but what I have a bad days in class
      and people for some reason
      hate me

  553. children,
    hello but once more.

    I am afraid to say I am weakening
    and believe I am dying.

    Please be willing to make contact with me…

  554. humans are freaking retarded i had to get a blood test and had to watch them take my blood, i wanted to go on a riot!

    • yea, I know how u felt! had same problems with Home-Ec teacher. and somebody that had a fight… soooo much blood… and soooo much waste…

      • hey just out of curiosity saromin, are you a hybrid or what?
        and how do you know which one you are?

      • I am a Hybrid, yes. A hybrid both drinks blood, as well as uses his psychic energy. Look up Sanguinarian in Google, and also look up Psychic Vampire. A Hybrid is both of these at the same time, tho with lesser energy to start with, but u can gain more power as you progress through life 😉

  555. Hey guys its me. I had the weirdest dream last night. I had a dream that my friend got a paper cut and her finger was bleeding and i looked at the blood, and i literally could feel my body tensing up in my sleep. I don’t even know how to describe the feel it was so real. If someone could tell me what this means email me at jonasbrozfan727@gmail.com or even if it means anything at all

  556. how can u find out if u are a vampire

  557. i am only 11 but I have had sex

    i relate to all the 37 *p.s i dont know how many there
    are but i guessed*symptems and i…i think i am a vampire
    when i am at school a boy i like i feel like i have to suck his blood
    or any one i can catch

    i have two friends just like me
    we meet up and cut are arms,
    chest,or somtimes are necks.

    i am a… … … v..vampire but im afraid
    to admitt it so help me
    *crys*HELP ME!!!!!!!

  558. saromin the only think you are is a hybrid car

  559. ok so now i am soo deeply confused!!

    You might read from before that
    I had that dream about that vampire dude….
    well now i see places…
    well more like a place…
    an old apartment building and I’m guessing
    that on the first floor there is some sort of potions-
    like little shop…

    idk whats this suppose to mean
    but they just sort of pop up during the day….

    its weird and i don’t know
    if there is any connection btw
    the building and him….
    like iif its a way to find him or something.

    PLease if anyone knows or anything at all
    to help me please contact me on here!!

  560. cutting 1s self is never the answer
    but vampires heal exceptionly
    good are you that hungry or foolish
    of course im supposed to say its bad
    but we are vampiric
    look its not good but to each his own

    I’m not the 1 to judge
    i wont tell anyone here how to be or what to do
    its up to you not me be or become what you desire…..

  561. Bryce, u cud b a Vampire…
    Sounds like a Sanguinarian to me,
    what do u think Oksana?

    • wow, did I ACUALLY learn to spell that word?

    • do you really thinki am a vampire.
      oh and guess wat i am moving from my room
      to the basment cuz it is darker

      i stay up till dawn every day
      so i sleep during class haha.

      my teacher feelz like strangling me lol
      like she could even cach me hahaha

      • riiiiight… no.
        THAT doesn’t mean ur a vamp.
        PLUS ur too young to have started the awakening…
        I say ur Goth & Emo

  562. Hi. Tess,
    your dream (the one about the thing
    chasing you and some other people)
    sounds a lot like the story of the minotaur
    and the labyrinth from ancient greek mythology.

    The story is about a half man half bull monster
    (minotaur) that was imprisoned in an enormous
    stone labyrinth on the island of Crete.

    Every three to nine years seven young
    (as in kids or teens) men and seven young women
    from Athens were sent into the labyrinth as food
    for the monster,
    to symbolize Crete’s power over Athens.

    In the story Theseus (son of Poseidon
    and the successor of King Aegeas of Athens)
    killed the minotaur with the help of princess
    Aridne of Crete.

    That’s what your dream reminded me of.

    Also (this is beside the point)
    for those of you who cut yourselves to get blood,
    that is called autovampirism.

    Or you have porphyria.


    • Hm, I’d never really thought
      about it like that before,
      but now that you say it,
      it makes sense.

      What does it mean?
      Am I going to be chased by
      a minotaur anytime soon?

  563. Wow I didn’t know I had so many traits that of a vampire.

    I feel that I kinda am and I want to learn more.

    I am suprised about the sex and period thing
    because that happens to me,I’m only 13 and I crave sex.

    I’m not going to have sex until I’m ready
    but a few times a week I feel a sexual erge to mastrabate.

    My dreams are so real.
    And wow if you got inside my head
    you would go for a thrill ride.

    Dejavu happens rarely for me
    but that is a vampire trait that I have.

    I love the taste of blood.

    I dont want to freak any one my friends
    or family out by drinking someone elses blood
    so i drink my own.

    I really want to talk to people
    and get to know their vampire traits
    and simalarities to me.

    If any one wants to talk my email is jacksondominique80@yahoo.com. Hit me up!

  564. I want answers!!
    I am a vampire??

    I have never seen myself with fangs,
    well only in my dreams.

    I have some vampire traits.
    My email is jacksondominique80@yahoo.com

  565. I want answers!! I am a vampire??
    I have never seen myself with fangs,
    well only in my dreams.

    I have some vampire traits..
    My email is jacksondominique80@yahoo.com… Gurrr

    • no. lol

      nah, adunno,
      ur too young for the awakening.
      what I say is that u r both Goth,
      Emo and u have the thingy syndrome
      that makes u addicted to blood,
      that isn’t vampirism,
      and YOU r too young
      for becoming a vamp.

      • you are ignorent i was awakend late.
        some people can awaken earlyer than others

    but I have recently started to have dream
    where I realy need to go somewhere.

    I walk out of somebody’s house.
    I start walking.
    there is ALWAYS something freaky,
    like some creature,
    or bats that spray blinding stuff.

    I don’t want to die (or get blind),
    so I try to run,
    but I CANNOT move my feet.

    their NOT heavy, or anything,
    I just CANNOT control them!!!

    I sometimes let out a small scream trhough the dream.
    I try to run,
    I try to walk,
    and the creature (or bats) start closing in on me.
    then either I get poisoned,
    or the bats spray stuff into my eyes,
    and I know I’ll get blind for the rest of my life.

    I CANNOT run,
    and when I stop on he way,
    to shield away in my friends house,
    he’s not there!

    and sometimes, (I think,)
    the whole house INSIDE it demolished,
    looks good outside,
    but everything is burned and broken inside,
    just the walls,
    windows and roof stay.

    PLEASE help me get rid of this dream,
    and EVEN BETTER, tell me what it means.

    just thought u ppl can help me *cry*

    AND HOW TO GET RID OF IT!!!!!!!!

    I am now scared of goin to sleep,
    altho I’m 13… help!

  568. P.S. this dream ACCUALLY hurts me psychicly from inside… destroying my mind…

    • saromin,
      I know how u feel about this dream…
      i had similar one where i started to run
      but i would slow down and couldn’t move
      and something was after me too but
      im guessing a monster in human form…

      although i can’t really help you with this
      b/c i am struggling with my own that
      i can’t figure out…
      but i guess u could look up dream sites
      and try to connect the dots..

      thats what i did but humans r stupid
      and if you tell them u have a very realistic dream
      that could turn out as deja vu they tell u ur sick…

      nevertheless it won’t hurt u if u look it up….
      sorry for not much help but…hey!

      • ty, Yuuki, its good to know what at least somebody els is there to talk to, altho not that good to know that somebody els has this nightmare… I hope it leaves you soon. best luck


  569. ok so i am getting kind of worried….
    maybe its nothing but…
    ever since i started to look into the vampire stuff
    and realized i may be one,
    at the most unexpected times during the past weeks
    vampire stuff would pop up….ex.

    i was at my aunts and out of no where
    the channel turns to history channel
    and their talking bout vampires…

    another was that some guy friend of my friend
    started talking about vampires…
    and now the shows i turn on tv are about vampires….

    idk if this has anything to do with me
    but i feel like this is kind of trying to tell me
    something b/c i have never ever told anyone bout this!

    and btw….
    i am sooo pissed and my teeth hurt
    whr the fangs are suppose to be
    and well if anyone can help with either
    the vamp thing or the teeth plz tell me what to do!!!

  570. right i know this is wierd
    but i have all of these but they is
    something going on with my eyes
    my pupils are always big and my eye colure
    changes i can have deep green then hazel eyes
    it depends on how i am feeling

    i hate the sun because it hurts
    i burn easy and can go dizzy
    and come out in blotchs in the sun
    i also get major head aches and
    i have a great sence of smell
    i usally can smell anything that is
    probly 8 houses away

    i woundering is this normal ??

    if someone could reply i would be greatfull

    • I’m like that two it feels so weird
      and sun light dont get me started
      it just hurts so much and my eye colour
      changes to my emotions

      I just dont know if I’m normal
      it feels so wierd and right now
      my neighbors are having stew
      I’ll check

      I’m back they
      are having stew!

      I’m scared.

      • yeah its so wierd sometimes scary but i am proud of this uniqueness i even have extrdanairy teeth i have 3 sets in my jaw and my dentist just shaved my cannines for been to long and sharp but that waas 3 months ago and they are back im not scared of the supernatuaral i do sense things that other people dont i can even seeen are dark figure and then other people noticed but were scared but i could understand it and when i walk past the gravyard i get a warm feeling. i dont know if vampires are real or not they seem to be alot about these but they is a possible for anything ghosts werewolfs and even vampires mabye we find out when were older.

  571. I have an urge to drink blood now
    and I’m totally a vampire
    dont ask how
    I just am and I’ve been instrested
    to know since I was 1.

  572. I’m still waiting for my fangs
    to grow in but I’m fine with poking
    and my prey and then sucking

  573. I’m using a school computer
    and I know im having salmon for dinner!

    I just called my mom we
    are having it for dinner!

    I only live three blocks away!

  574. awakenings should never happen before 16 or 17
    and should always end after 23 during this time
    your miserable but late bloomers tend to have
    alot happen to them at 1 time

    dont ever push an awakening
    ever your life will be hell if you do
    but hell or heaven is what you make
    the bed to be sometimes you gotta sleep on it
    no matter the cause ill tell something freaky
    i had a spirit in my room making noise
    and moving stuff

    you know what i still fell asleep
    after that damn thing never bothered me again
    sometimes its simple guys dont make your beds
    so soon dont push your life and you can be a vampire
    at any age lols dont matter

    if bitten or inherited once you got it you got it
    for life there aint no going back…..

  575. i was born a gay vampire
    and now i seek my revange
    and look for a gay soulmate to share a drink
    of blood with this prince.

  576. yes, there ain’t NO goin back… tho even if there WAS a way back… who wud take it 😛 )I know it might only be the pure-born vampires that ain’t scared of this… but it’s wroth it..)

    P.S. is the Long-Life thing true? (shit… did I wright this before, or is it another Deja-Vu?)

  577. ok. quick, simple question: is there a Parallel world? coz if there is ANOTHER me, then maybe THAT is the reason fo rme ultra-realistic Deja-Vu’s? I can ACUALLY tell you WHAT is goin to happen next during my Deja-Vu’s… as if I lived them before, lol

    • that is a possability. there is said to be parallel world. perhaps you are half in this world and half in a parallel world

    • yea. but I mean as in: one you here, another you there. and you are somehow connected to the ”other-you’s” mind, so you can see what they saw. but they saw everything BEFORE you did, so u can see what they did, and then realise ur doing the same, o u can tell the future. maybe it was made for THIS world to be perfect, to learn on THEIR mistakes… but someething went wrong, and we can only get short glimpses… of their life… maybe we cud see what THEY did if WE used 100% of our brain, instead of the 10% HUMANS do. I’m not sure about vampires tho…

  578. Dear Saromni,
    Thanks for the reply and i do hope that it does in a way but i still really want to find that vampire guy in my dream….but i’m still clueless to what to do…good luck with urs!

    • It means that you are running away, and are scared of a part of YOURSELF. Next time, don’t run, be brave. turn around, and listen to what the chaser has to say, or to do. PLUS if nobody is THERE in the dream (exaple away on Holiday, or dead), then it means that if you do not face the part of yourself that you are scared of, then everyone will leave you, or be die.

      That is one of my FRIENDS Inerpretations, but it might not be accurate. Hope this helps!

      • hey i have the same thing happen to me i have de ja vu everyday and can predict what happens but i cant change it even if i succed something bad happends to come back from it

      • yea. It just tells you what to expect, but do not stop what was meant. ok, I guess you want explenaitions? ok: ever watched Final Destination? execly, u shud not stop what was meant, even if you know it’s evil. if YOU have seen it happen in a Deja-Vu, and not thro another source, then let it happen, as if u destroy the main plan, then another, cruel one will emerge. it might be just u being hit, but unchanged it wouldn’t be anything THAT bad. So just let it happen, at least u KNOW what to expect.

      • oki thanks for the help 🙂

  579. ALSO —- (this is what I think, but most likely wrong :P) if in the dream you have a weapon, then remember! ‘One that takes the the sword, shall perish by the sword.’

  580. wait…. Saromin to the comment about final destination and the explanation…so if that dream was like a deja vu it will most likely happen… and then t-that means i will be the one who kills them….
    oh…. welll i guess if it was meant then i can’t do anything bout that i’m also wondering cuz i was originaly born in europe…poland…does anyone know any vamps from there??

    • i have a pen pal there thats a vamp
      and she sent herself one time it was so funny!

    • listen: if in ur dream, you kill someone(u lok thro the killers eyes) it doesn’t NEED to mean u killed. but if it does,then u CAN try to stop it, but this is the most likly scenario: u become nice to everyone, and not get into fight, somebody laughs at u too much, because u became soft, and then u kill them, so whatever YOU DO, it will EVENTUALLY lead to Murder.

  581. i sense to guys like me and one is a real werewolf!
    and the other is a wizard but I cant tell
    can someone help me here?

  582. im having wierd dreams about a vamp guy
    I can describe
    hes has blue eyes his fangs aren’t even in yet
    and he always wears black grey or even sometimes hell
    wear a blue robe anyone know anyone like that?

  583. shit! has he got kinda brownish heir? what country is he from, if u know?

  584. Just out of Curiocity guys, did any of u hear about ‘Saromin Daugún Suation’? just wanted to know 😛

  585. Hiiiiiiii guys,

    I have the power to make people say stuff
    that they don’t want to say.
    I tried it today and it still works..

    One girl came up to me and asked to talk to me
    and she asked if I was a vampire,
    I said no because if someone knew
    it would be horrible.

    She keeps on saying she can
    see how pale my face is,
    she also says why I have fangs…
    I have to say that they are plastic,
    or else she would tell.
    It was close!

    I am a real vampire,
    but it’s cool that I’m not the only one
    so I feel a bit better now….
    and I stand out with my clothing too…
    If I had to buy one thing right now,
    it would be black weird clothing.

    P.S. I also have waaay more powers…


    • if you want you can talk about powers with me @ firethevampire@gmail.com. here is wiked power. you are going to be suprised. i have the ability to feel others emotions no matter the distance.

      • is it possible to have something like that
        but feel the way the person that you just
        spoken with does…
        cuz thats what happened today…
        Also I have a question…
        are there vampire hunters?

      • Yuuki,
        i don’t know but there might be vampire hunters.
        most likely not.
        don’t worry

      • lol, there IS Vampire Hunters 😉 Hunters get u for nothin, just for being proud of ur race, while Slayers get u if u kill someone, or drink their blood.

  586. Okay so I can become very strong when i need to.
    I sometimes sparkle but i always have the werewolf
    gleam in my eye.

    My frnds say that im a vamp cause
    almost everyday my eyes chenge color,
    just like that.

    People also who help me up
    or something tell me my skin is freezing.

    When i was about 6 my 3 yr old couisin
    got a cut on her leg and i couldnt help but get closer.
    pretty soon i was so close that my 12 yr old cousin
    had 2 pull me away.

    they told my gammie wat happened
    and she just looked at me for a long time
    with this look in her eye that said
    “I cant tell u yet…”

    I love 2 study vamps so comment
    and sya wat u think.
    cause i got werewolf features to!

    • THAT is not called Vampirism. THAT is called POSING. I mean, what’s WRONG wiv all u Twilight freaks??? TWILIGHT is a pile of BULLSHIT, might be a good film, I didn’t watch it but it is totally SHIT if we’re talkin about realism. Neither r u a Werewolf, cause in THAT twilight ALSO shows a pile of BULLSHIT

  587. twighlights fake but lets talk hunters and hybrids lol hunters bad come accross 1 up to you run or fight i like to fight also if yu wanna see your true form look deep into a mirror yu will see me ive seen more than 1 ive seen a black dragon a jangled clown the reaper and of course the demon within ive also seen light just because we are dark dosent mean we cant also use light humans just say we cant hybrids youll know who you are when you look deeply into that mirror in the dark dont be affraid its only you i saw me as a kid so i dreaded mirrors for years now i see the truth will you….also try not to go so deep try it in spurts it dose require energy for some none at all but be carefull dont let it rule over you just be proud of what you see no matter how ugly it is you none els but you if it help ask into the mirror must be dark i usualy light candles around myself i tend to go to deep candles will keep it at bay only for a bit and yes it pushes an awakening so try to keep it slow go to fast you might not like the new you so be carefull

  588. dont just look into it
    look deeply into yourself
    straight into the eyes look
    into your inner self let the
    room around you move dont
    look away look at it as if in a
    daze almost a daydream we vampires
    see in the dark if you cant guess what
    you prolly aint 1 or terribly under developed
    and need work a non skilled vamp sees in the
    dark after 2 mins of being out of the light some
    can read in the dark but the mirro thing think logicaly
    what makes you see the other side remmember a moment
    you have and try looking at yourself like that simple ive
    known peeps ta do it cross eyed then slowly uncross
    them whatever works i cant really tell you how you
    gotta figure that 1 on yur own me i slowly move
    my eyes in and out and see images start to
    combine if your face is messed up when
    you do this your on the right track keep
    going is all i can say….

    • erm… ok, this is what happened: I was looking thre for a like 10 secs, then I saw a Werewolf/Orc thing… but I saw myself before this… and I know that the thing I saw after (the Orc thing) wasn’t me, it was just the feeling you get… I felt it was trying to take control of me, and I cudn’t get my eyes away. Then I kinda saw it pokings it’s way OUT of the Mirror… (is this some type of creature that lives there?) then I got enough Will inside me to move my hand and turn the lights on, and it dissapeared. afterwards, when I switched the light back off, and I did the same thing, I only saw the different-me, and no more of that creature… what was it?

  589. hey celdaron tried what you said out above
    and i started to see images and my self changing
    and i was so memorised i was there i while i felt the past
    flowing through me and i seen a dark figure putting
    his hand out and now i see shawdos passing the window
    is this supposed to happen ??

  590. I have at least 19 of the signs
    my eyes are very sensitive to sunlight
    as a matter of fact i sometimes get headaches
    from the sun I often have cravings that are
    extremely difficult to curb
    minor injuries heal in about 12 -24 hours
    which is considerably faster than normal

    i look about 17 years old without a beard
    and i am 24 most animals get along with me
    very well i havent tried any powers yet

    I am stronger than i look i have probably
    2X the strength than i should have at my size
    can anyone give me a list of powers

    I can try and how much concentration is needed?

    • u’ve got a cool name ;). K.R.S. if u try to say it as one word, it sounds similar to ‘Curse’

      • try weather control, or mind control. just look into an animals (or humans) eyes, and scream the command in your head and concentrate on what you want it (them) to say/do. I tried it wiv my teacher. lol, the guy that was throwing rubbers at me has detension for the whole weekafter the Holidays end, because I made the teacher see him doing it, and also made the teacher hate him for something, lol.

  591. i told and warned you to not go so deep let yourself ease into it try it slowly for all you know you let your demon out candles are a must white only sounds to me you all got there but let somthing slip never loose your head trust me it fears you more than you fear it try comands next time ask its name in your head most i think have seen the inner demon n ot fun for a first timer never ask it for favors ever it will kill you in the end even though its you it seeks to destroy you well the inner demon if you ever see the reaper you pull out never look in the hood EVER unless you wanna drop dead……and yes shadows do somtimes slip its natural they should disapear at day break if not its a demon cleans your area with salt sea salt at best……

  592. Fire the Vampire and Saronim,
    Thanks for the help… I’m just wondering b/c i have this strong flash of me in my study hall just sleeping and out of nowhere come in these hunters…a team…and i have my iPod on so i hear nothing and somehow when one of them gets close i suddenly take my hand and grab the guy by the throat and crush it…and i give them a stear….and the song changes and i start to run around the school trying to get rid of them and then it gets funny and the flash has different endings everytime i see it….
    Any Help with this PLEASE!!!??

    • Try to avoid being there alone is all I can say. It probs means that you should avoid being on your own (the Hunters come), although you know you could survive (you grab one by the neck and kill him), but it would be much harder (you run around the school trying to loose them). Although I’m more satisfied with the interpretation that you are trying to run away from a part of yourelf (in a vision you CANNOT accually run away), but you should face it. Showing that it is the Hunters, it means you are scared of that part of your own personality.

      It is your own decision to choose wether it’s number one, or two… Though I’d say both 😛

      • hmm well there are humans there idk its kind of weird and i sort of want to see if they come and why idk….i’ll do what ever comes when it happenes.. thanks though 🙂

  593. some of these thngs are jokes not all vampires have a craving for blood and we dont need blood to live some can go forever without blood and u dont have to have fangs to be considered one and u dont have to have family members that are or were a vampire its a dna twist

  594. we know this lol diffrent things happens for others wich ill tell you this ones who live off of others are superior to all not because we drink but because they live the longest and are eldest if what you speak of is gods yes they somtimes do take on vampirism quit frankly you arent a vampire wich means in latin thee who lives off another or in other terms if you wanna break it down most humans do it the blood in steak meat and other things vampiric lots of people love the meat because of the blood in it meat however has no taste its the blood that makes it have a taste so technically the world and its meat lovers could be considered this
    so in all technicality we all have done it do you see man kinds biggest picture here now ill give you a hint try it somtime lick your hand do ya taste salty or try washing it you wont taste like nothing blood with meat makes a taste so before ya bust down our door like an ass think logically just others like myself and most peeps here are more inclined and admit to the world what they have become or becoming its beautiful to see such beings like us to be able to comfront your inner self to see not only you in the mirror you see yourself with those you love and maybye the future of your life or like us the destruction of the world yes long winded in this case alot on my mind assholes like you who come here acting like we dont know to those who actualy didint plz just sit and obsereve the world just sit back 1 day observe the nature of man kind so suttle so diffrent from eachother all 1 thing in common every 1 of them has a will to destroy what they have made but what they fear the most isint loseing there life its living time to time in there own hell they build there buildings high businises boom all over trying to defiy they are a disease a sickness all these things they do just prove it they populate to no end like rabbits all over the world sooner or later the bag will pop and they will move to another place hyroglphics in egypt state they were put here as a lost hope i think ive explained enough to my people our queen demands i say no more but still help only our kind with our problems and destroy those who wish any of her children harm our existence has been threatened for centuries its at its peak will you stand when the time comes dont ask when we all know the answer inside i need not tell you what exactly you already know stand for your race or stand down in fear of your own self yes i think lots of you fear for lives you will lose naturaly but times change be proud of what you are or becoming meet fate with honor and pride of being who you are not what people say you are i think all of you know the answer deep inside you are a monster stop fearing what you are live to it be damn proud of it do what you are made to do the aragance i hear is pathetic enough my people my honor for them it pains me to see how uneducated well the best way to fix a problem is to trust none and fix it if others around you will not they seek to see us dead id rather die trying to change that than sit here talking about it plz i your prince soon king yes for those who dont belive
    there is 1 fine dont belive go home and belive what you want i wont stop you but when war comes knocking at your door know not just i told you so but know all will be welcome back into the eyes of our queen and i she waits for her old king to awaken yes i look and sound and act just like him the old king of blood and destruction her 1 and only mate i will say no more she wishes me not to go on she cares for us all wether we feel her gaze or not just listen to the call once in awhile…..

  595. I didn’t see the reaper, but one thing I saw about MYSELF was a hooded shadow, it had a sword, and looked similar, but not exacly the same as a Nazgúl from the Lord of the Rings 😛

  596. yea, the Human Race practicly seeks to destroy itself ;). tho they say, that they are tryin to save this planet, while practicly it’s THEM destroting it. We don’t need light after dusk, while humans put their lights on max power even through-out the day! Now THAT is called wasting resources, ain’t it.

    P.S. Celdaron, please use some punctuation, as it is REALLY hard to read what you are saying. Thank you

    • I agree I just hate people like that i use to care and tell them to get a life but recently i gave up on helping humans around my neighborhood….

  597. lol, is it natural for Vampires to recodnise colours on Black and White films? coz I remember being a bit younger, and my dad asked me ‘so who are the bad guys’ i said ‘them, the Germans’ (no offense meant, it eas just a film) my dad siad ‘how do you know’ i said ‘becoz the Polish guys are green with a white and red flag, here, and these guys have black clothes with a german flag on it’. lol, I just remember seeing all the flowers’ and other thins’ colours XD my dad said it’s black and white, but I said u can still recodnise the colours pretty easily 😛

  598. haha! lol! r vampires pure invinsible, or what?! just did my usual twist-neck thing, and it just freakin snapped! ha! sht, this hurts a bit 😛

  599. I was just climbing a tree, then I decided to go higher. Afterwards, when I decided to go down, just nas I reached the bottom, I just went stiff, and cudn’t go any further, whats more, I had this feeling that I REALLY need to go back up. I was scared, that the moment I touch the ground, something will jump at me, altho I cudn’t see anything. I had this feeling it was a Werewolf. so I went back up, then when I went down, again same thing. I did this about 6 times, and then I felt that I’m still almost COMPLETLY paralized, but I found that this time I can control myself.

    Does this mean that there acually WAS a Werewolf, but afterwards it started backing off, and I felt I can go down now, tho it’s sill not safe? plz help me!!!!!!!!!!

    • hmm thats very weird maybe it was a werewolf or not but i bet it was something bad and u sensed it… i have something similar to this but for me is that my stomach feels like i have butterflies or my nose hurts. Its kind of weird but it saved my life a couple times 🙂 hope you don’t get hurt

      • yea, I sometimes get that feeling too, but usually it just parallizes me 😉

        wow I posted a lot XD

  600. lol, acually, USUALLY when I look inside myself thru the mirror, my Silhouette inside the mirror starts to darken, and then goes pitch-black. lol, does that mean I’m evil or something?

  601. I just went and did what I did yesterday. and this time, just before climbing down the tree, I heard a deep-voiced howl. very close. after a few mins, I saw a guy walk past, and accidently while looking at him, I noticed something with grey fur moving from the drivers’ seat of a van, to the back of it. I just saw the back of it tho. after another few mins, I jumped down, looked around. Silence. So I bolted it 😉

    • wow that is soo weird maybe it was a werewolf o.O who knows

    • were wolfs are one of the many possible creatures that can kill us. we may be strong but we are not immortal. so we can be killed. the werewolves would be the perfecet assassin to use agenest us

  602. i have all these symptoms. some times i can predict what will happen next. i am really strong reallly fast. and nobody can tell if i have entered a room. i sleep during the day and am awake all night. if i am up in the day it is always dark. i can see aura around people. i have found a substitute for the craveing of blood… bloody staeke its not as good but it gets the job done. and vanpires dont sparkle i dont know where people get that. vanpires are not always cold even though we are cold blooded we are not always cold. our eyes change colors. i see spirits, they talk to me and i talk to them. if there is anyone out there like me plaese reply to this.

  603. ok so i had a marvelously lousy day today!! i started getting headaches beyond belief that hurt sooo much b/c the sun was out and it was clear outside…it didn’t really hurt me but it did bother me a bit… anyway thats not the thing i want to tell u. I got these emencly great flashes of the same thing over and over again. It was me lookin at a train crossing and it was in Japan. There were cherry bloosoms everywhere and i could smell the woderful air and feel the breeze and then towards the end of it i could taste someones blood in my mouth.I have no idea what it means! But i can tell you for sure it felt like it happened like i was accualy there…it was beyond anything. Kind of like that dream I had with the vampire guy. I don’t know what to think of it. If anyone could tell me it would mean a lot.

    Also this is just some new things i’ve been experiancing. I am very very very hungry lately. I tried getting a cut but it would seal up fast and all i could get is two or three drips. I also got more whats the word. Well anyway its when I was walking today, music full blast, and out of nowhere between the lockers where i couldn’t see a girl comes out veryfast and I avoided her super quick. It was a little freaky. Also lately people told me horrifying stories the kind that humans would say “oh how terrible” or “omigod that is so sad” but i would just be “ehhh could happene anytime no worry” kinda a shock there b/c i used to care and frankly now i don’t at all… everything now just seems extreamly boring to me. Especialy the things humans do on daily basis.

    Anyway if anyone could help me with the freaky flash please do!!

    Thank You,

  604. Honestly what retard thinks
    vampires actually sparkles??!?!?!

    i mean what other story or legend
    has a sparkling vampire besides twilight?

    and for one vampires are born hating light
    but can emerge from it to drink blood
    or just make it seem like their life is normal.

    i answered almost all…….
    lets see……
    h/o got to count them………..

  605. 34

  606. What about this,
    I have an amazing will-power,
    I can make most things happen if
    I want them to happen,
    and no one’s any the wiser.

    I can tell who anyone is by their scent,
    my nose seems rather accurate
    when it comes to smells.

    I get very tired and get headaches easily
    and feel drowsy during the day,
    every day.
    Then I can’t sleep at night.

    I black out every now and again,
    then wonder how I got somewhere
    without knowing it.

    People either want to stick
    by my side constantly,
    or steer clear of me.
    Some seem to think I’m dangerous.

    I get angry rarely,
    but scare everyone when I do,
    and it’s becoming increasingly more frequent.

  607. yea, black outs, hapens to me all the time :P. And yea, I run faster at night than at day, lol, and get tired fast during the day. lol, Always wondered why this was happenning XD

  608. I Turned 13 in October and
    I always liked blood.

    When i get cuts i tend to heal faster
    then my friends at my school we
    play a game called scratch nd we
    scratch our skin off on our hands.
    ( i know..no purpose.)

    I hang with only 3 ppl at
    school and we all get alone fine.

    one of them is my girlfriend
    and we played a game called scorpion
    thts where u put ur nails into their skin…

    well anyway i did it to my gf but i barely did it
    and a puddle of blood was on the desk
    but it was a small one.

    I could do nothing but stare at it.

    I got into this whole thing when my grandma died.
    when i was on the bus (i sit in the back alone)
    i got a text message from her friend
    and she asked me what was under
    my nails and i said nothing…

    this is very creepy…
    can somebody help me figure out
    whats going out with my body?

    I think my gf understands me though.

    • Well, first off,
      I think it’s juat a little bit odd
      that you scrape your own skin off…
      and then you call it a game…

      But secondly,
      you either have very strong nails for a human,
      or you could be a vampire.

      If you could describe yourself more
      e.g. your hair and eye colour,
      what you eat what you drink etc,
      that would help distinguish you.

      Get back to me soon.

  609. ok, no matter if ur a Vampire or not, your Emo, thats for sure.

    But I don’t feel anything when looking into you. but ofcourse, I’m new, and my powers arn’t strong yet, tho usually I can tell if one’s a Vampire or not.

    • You seem to be very in tune to your powers,

      I’m still on the fence as to
      whether I’m a vampire or a lycan,
      so if you could enlighten me,
      I’d be ever so greatful.

      I think you’re human that happened
      to come across this website and thought
      ahead of yourself.

      When you saw the blood,
      I think you were shellshocked,
      and, like saromin said,
      you’re emo.

      • Well actually i was afraid to tell the whole story…when i saw the blood my nose flared and i told her to let me kiss it mabe it would feel better so she let me and i licked it nd i couldnt pull myself away…it was a rich sweet silky taste omg my skin turned a pinkish color…i rarely eat only when i feel dry but its a never ending hunger i stop myself because i think my stomach will explode…get back to me asap plz

  610. well i have jet black hair and hazel eyes nd i share most of these thing they have listed above idk…mabe im emo mabe im not…i have no reason to be emo…??

  611. and i asked one of my friends cani send you a picture of something and she said sure…so i did and she ssaid whats up with my teeth…you have vampire teeth…

  612. mabe i just have big canine teeth

  613. Even if your emo u could be a vampire nobody can tell for sure. unless ur an expert of course i’m not but its just a suggestion

  614. he is both. It’s pretty damned obvious. I probs learned more about Vampires than most ppl here, while searching all those webs with Vampires, and talkin to them. I waz just messin around wiv ya, mate, ur a Vampire. Tho it starts soundin more and more fake as u go along, especially the teeth part. Your probs just tryin to get ppl to tell u ur a Vampire. I don’t need all the bullshit, just ur first two or three posts, and it’s pretty damned obvious ur a Vampire, welcome to the community.

  615. I agree.
    You’re definately not a lycan, but most likely a vampire.
    Saromin, please enlighten me; am I a vampire or lycan? you never gave me a straight answer.

  616. Ok i had hell of a weekend!! It was great until i had a dream of me being a lycan but then it turned into a different one where i was during the warld war II. The natzies were talking me through a forest and then i sarted to run away and i did something weird and then just jumped through the trees and i saw my self killing one of them to get more blood b/c i was very thirsty…The damn dream was so real and i accualy woke up to my stomach growling at me and i ate like two hours before that (fyi i was in the car and just fell asleep, it was day so…) anyway my teeth hurt a lot now and my hunger has increased…. and the thing is i had another big flash. It has to do with the same man *im going to name him X* that i saw before stading next to me… If u don’t remember look at my comment on Jan. 17th. Anyway so it was of me screaming my lungs of in the middle of the road. I could tell that it was very empty on that street and that i was in the city…it looked similar to chicago or tokyo but without the lights. And i felt like i just did something terrible and i was about to faint…my knees fell to the ground and out of no where there he comes and catches me. His arms felt strong as hell and he gave off this powerful aura it looked a little green…there were others but thats the one i noticed the most…and then he just looked in my eyes and i blanked out… Thats all i saw. But what woke me up the most was that my throat hurt like hell like i was just screaming right after the vision went away…..

    I really would like help on this PLEASE!!!!

    im very desperate!!! help!!

    • My comment about myself if the one below you.
      Tell me who this man looked like.
      I might be able to help

      • Oh thank you so much…
        Well from the dream I remember
        that he was very tall more than 6 ft.
        He was not compleately white but that
        might have been b/c of the sun setting.

        He had shoulder long hair, jet black and a
        little bit wavy. He had a strong build.

        He had very pretty eyes but i couldn’t make out the color.
        His mouth was very rosy and lushious.
        In the first dream as I said before he looked
        at me with power and greatness but his eyes
        showed that he somewhat possibly cared for me
        and I could tell for some reason that he was a vampire
        and a very strong one too.

        And in the latest vision he looked exactly
        the same but he just was dressed as a common
        human but with a long trench coat.

        Thats all I could recall.
        I hope this is enough and once again
        thank you very much.

    • Your description of the man?
      It is exactly, to the point,
      the same man I see I think.

      I see im all the time,
      but instead of being my friend,
      he always taunts me.

      I see him in real life,
      and if he’s not there,
      I feel him.

      I know three or four people
      who see the same man, too.

      Email me about it?


      • Oh wow…
        well I’m not sure…
        and this is just a quick
        message because I don’t
        have much time but If you
        could tell me something about
        him I might be able to tell you
        if I know him…

        Its like I can describe him
        but when I hear about him
        or see him or even feel him
        I know its him.

        Haha I know it might sound
        rediculous but please consider this.
        Thank You!!!

      • hi i’m sam’s friend and
        i’ve seen the man for…
        well a really long time.

        like sam said he ‘s tauntig
        but latley i’ve been lead to believe ‘yion’
        as we now refer to him wants to tell us something.
        All of us.

  617. Hello everyone, my name is Hediceah Alondros.
    I am 445 years old.

    My mother is her Royal highness
    Mari ALondros.

    I just wanted to say that to us vampires,
    wanna bees are the most annoying type
    of humans that have ever been created.

    I could tell who is a wanna bee
    and who is a just a liar.

    Now as for questions and concerns
    I would gladly answer or help.

    If interested let me know.

    • heyy,
      could you email me at boonetehya@yahoo.com
      and tell me more about this vampire stuf you’re talking about.

      i think i am a vampire.
      i have mostly all those symptons.
      i jsut wanna get it straight.

      • ok well you have to find your own way then
        you will know or wait untill you get a vision
        or wait until something weird happens

    • My email is

      please tell me more about this
      because i truly think i am one…
      i am afraid of coming across in the wrong way,
      but because you are a true vampyre i trust you
      will sense i am NOT a waanabe whom you speak of..

  618. Yuuki, I said. Leaf or Sword? don’t help him, he will do it himself

  619. Saromin
    really i just chose that randomly…
    what does that have to do with this though?
    and what did u mean by saying
    “don’t help him,
    he will do it himself”????

    • cursed words.
      I cursed them,
      so that you choose the one
      that corresponds to you,
      sword representing a werewwolf,
      and leaf a vampire.

      Just chose the random representation.

      Though I’m not sure if it worked this time,
      as I’m still pretty sure you are a Lycan.

      Easy way to check –
      Ever transformed into a Lycan?

      if no, then you most likely are NOT a Werewolf.

      • *as I’m still pretty sure you are a Vampire

      • well i have never and i only dreamed about it once
        but that was cuz i saw the wolfman movie but otherwise
        i don’t think so but umm im still confused about what u said before…
        “don’t help him,
        he will do it himself”
        what do u mean!????

      • Only meant for nobody to get
        u to say one thing and not the other,
        coz even the smallest dissruptance cud
        cause u to say nt what u wanted to at
        the beginning…
        but yea,
        first test says ur a Lycan,
        while the rest say ur a Vampire.
        Probs ur a Vampire,
        or both

  620. I promise i did not make the teeth thing up…
    i just trusted her and i told her to give me a
    honest answer so idk but thats what she told me

  621. I have all of these and I get
    home schooled on purpose……
    isn’t that weird

  622. welll im atcully ten
    but if your vampire
    you can be thousands of years old
    and look like a kid but not remember
    you other life
    so yeah

    • if ur ten,
      then ur too young to start becoming a Vampire.
      it starts around the same time as puberty,
      that is why many refer to it as ‘Vampire Puberty’

      • saromin please respond to what i wrote above

      • actually, I’m 11.
        read my post.

        i agree with maryrose although her message
        may not have seemed convincing,
        that’s definitely my case..

  623. breaking news this earthquake thing
    i find it coincidence that the night before
    this i meddled with things in my sleep to find
    the next morning it actually happened yes i was
    going all out if you say very angry indeed if none
    heard the call then shame on you though innocent
    as it may be to me it was just a dream and i didn’t
    intend to cause catastrophe hundreds of miles away
    in fact i hit the wrong place wasn’t supposed to end up
    there but elsewhere i wont say where but obviously not
    there im more upset i missed my target wich being my first
    quake anybody would im more into 3 to 6 days of rain but
    somebody really just pissed me off say what you like ill
    smack afgan soon yea i know shouldn’t help um out
    but fact is 1 of them made me really mad growing
    up i figured id pay him back……




  624. I am a vampyre.

    Everything is true o me
    except the sexual sentiments..
    I have tested nearly all of the “powers”
    and all are true to me,
    except the weather affinity
    as well as the elemental one;
    which I have not yet tested.

    I have conducted a Wiccan spell
    which worked bizarrely well..

    and I have been obsessed with
    blood since my existence began.

    Not to sound tacky,
    of course.
    I always have visions that are most likely
    who I was in a past life is that is a valid theory.

    I have always felt soulless,
    yet many people say I have an old soul.

    I have always been much different
    than every other child in school,
    and only recently have I met only
    one person like me.

    Every tiny little thing I do
    seems to have a multiplied effect on my life,
    which leads me to believe that everything has a reason.

    It’s is quite infuriating,
    if you ask me.

    All the other children
    think that I am either scary,
    goth, emo, etc. etc.

    When in the sunlight,
    my arms used to sting.

    I always used to get scared.
    I always have been attracted to blood,
    again I say.
    I oftentimes force myself to bleed
    in order to taste the flavor of
    the ever-so-popular lifeline.

    I always randomly start writing things
    and barely know what I am writing until
    I reread it,
    which makes me think I have a thing
    for being used as a channel.

    Especially by those who are afraid
    to show themselves.

    this hasn’t been happening to me
    but my physical activities (especially running)
    seem to be greatly excelling.

    I also have always felt empty.
    even when I was smaller than I am.

    And yet again,
    I am 11 years old in 7th grade..
    Please reply to my plead.

    Blessed be.

    My email is:


    I know it is a ridiculous name,

  625. seems to me there are a lot of premature
    yes i use premature vampires
    and even worse lycans
    short for lycanthorp in Greek.

    i know these things seem real to you.
    but ask yourself this.

    would you give up your life
    you live now to lets say actually
    acting on your hunger.

    yes you get jail time but call me a fool.
    but putting you in jail

    yud have alot of food
    the more you drink the stronger you become.

    and well for those who are smart
    id feed on animals.
    not because i have too
    but if you havent notice’ you become
    like what you drink in 1 ta 2 weeks time
    youll hear like 1 run like 1 have the strength
    like 1 the sight like 1

    think about it for a sec
    say you drank bear blood thats 1 strong animal
    and intelligent as well and a perfect hunter
    or a wolf even better speed and agility
    more than a perfect hunter
    a tactical perfect hunter
    just some blood for thought here….

    • the things that you ask whether
      or not we’d give everything up in
      life for seem to basically imply power
      which is not what i seek.
      please forgive me if i misunderstood..




  626. Hunger… Unbearable hunger… Can’t take this any longer!!!!

  627. it is not power but a new life
    are we truly afraid to accept
    and forget who we once were
    to others or do you plan to hide it
    forever like a coward me ive told
    my family sure they think its curable
    but in reality it is not humans think
    anything they dont know about fully
    is either sickness
    or disease and curable sorry
    there is none you want out put yourself out
    save me the words and breath of talking to
    you cant accept it be gone
    end your pathetic life stop wasting
    your own time debating what you are
    and accept it if you have the symptoms
    great then guess what you know the answer

    have question ask intelligent 1s not oh
    whens the world going to end or what powers do
    i got ect ect reading about it research and making
    your own opinion is key here makes you think
    and you should think about it its a huge step
    that not everyone accepts i see alot here dont
    you know who you are too…

    • i suppose i misunderstood, then.sorry.
      i have already prepared myself to not
      have all these humans in my life one day,
      but do not believe i am quite ready,
      you see?

      several of my allies today are either a vampyre,
      lycanthrope, or pagan therefore i do not have
      many people i care about to forget.

      also, i dont care about them much
      though i wish them luck.

      i agree with the theory you have about humans,
      sadly enough.

      i believe i know yet i am unsure.
      i am afraid of falling into a trap,
      u see?i know that is ridiculous,
      but i seem to not be able ti help it.

      that seems my only real problem
      to get past at the moment.

      other than that,
      i totally see what you mean.

  628. Every day I feel like I don’t belong to where i live…
    My dreams seem more like the reality and the
    reality seem more like dreams…

    For the past week I’ve been feeling like
    I’ve awaken from a dream when I was
    clearly awake and talking with people.

    It’s just so weird and wanted to know
    if it’s normal to feel like that for a Vampire?

    And just like anyone else I’m starting
    to feel great hunger everytime I have
    a human meal (meaning any kind of food they eat).

    Also out of no where I could taste things
    that I have never ate before and even drinks…

    not to long ago I felt like I was drinking alcohol
    and I haven’t and accualy right now I felt like I just
    ate some kind of sandwich.

    Ahhh this is sooo weird.
    Please share anything of help 🙂

    • i feel exactly like you sometimes
      on that part about the dreams
      and reality thing.

      as for food?
      i am always thirsty and water seems no good,
      especially today for some reason.

      i am never really hungry,
      and if i am,
      it had a twisted feel to it,
      like right this second.

      • hmm really yeah i feel that dream
        reality thing today and its been increasing
        hey if you could check out the message I left
        you about that man!

        Please respond b/c today I felt like
        he was there not far away…
        I’ll explain this in a comment below 🙂

  629. Hey, just so u know my name on here
    used to be Sapphire but I figured I’d put
    my real name on.

    Anyway Tess,
    Are you planning a trip to Greece or Crete?

    If not then your dream was probably
    a vision of a past life.

    You might have lived at Athens in a past life
    and were one of the sacrifices to Crete.

    I’m not saying that there
    was definetly a half man/bull there,
    but there could have been something,
    who knows?

    I fyou have any questions
    email me at pbjcookie@gmail.com

  630. That man again…
    over and over and over again.

    This is just getting weirder.
    So here is what happened.

    Yesterday I was getting my bedroom
    ready for bed and as I was shutting my
    blinds it felt like HE was there I felt HIM….

    I felt like he was hiding in a car
    that was parked next to my building.

    And then today around ahh 12:20-ish
    I was in a class that had no windows only
    a door facing a hallway that was empty
    and I could feel him walk into my
    school and stand at the corner
    close to my room.
    It was soo weird.

    I felt like HE was waiting
    for me to meet him there…
    and I could have but somehow
    I just didn’t it’s very hard to explain.

    Anyway I sensed HIM.
    Now its the matter of
    acually meeting him
    and finding out what
    HE is and what HE
    wants from me
    and if HE could tell
    me if I truly am a Vampire…..
    SHARE!!! I really need help in finding this man…

    • Exactly my situation.
      he usually is standing on
      the point of the basketball
      hoop in the play yard or
      behind a barred door
      across the street,
      or watching me from
      the roof or simply at the threshold.

      this man…
      i need help too.

      i know many people who
      see the same man and feel the same,
      but they physically see him like hes really there,
      like they could touch him.

      • hmm well i’ve never seen him in ‘reality’
        only in my dreams and even today i have
        only felt that he was there….

        but the thing is that I feel like i am somehow
        attracted to him or he is to me…
        I could feel some kind of bond.

        In the first dream he stood as a powerful man
        but in his eyes I could tell that he was just waiting
        to touch me again… so damn hard to describe.

        I really want to find him…
        What to do?
        I am clueless

  631. SAROMIN,
    In the earlier comment about the leaf and sword…
    um what do you mean both.

    I didn’t know you can be both a Vampire and a Lycan??

    I only thought that some guy just made
    that up and made the movie Underworld out of it!

    Um if you could please expand
    on that that could help a LOT 🙂

  632. I think i might be one because
    i have a lot of the symptoms and
    when i bite down on something or
    I’m around blood my teeth get sharper,
    and sometimes i will get very very hungry
    and eat all day and i wont feel full.

  633. Oh and i didn’t mention this in my last one
    every time i think someone is going to say something
    they say it but it dont happen right away sometimes at
    school i will think of somthing and hours later someone will say it

  634. to Yuuki:

    me too,
    i never actually see him,
    only feel him.

    i think he is some sort of very Strong demon.
    i think he wants t tell everyone he allows to see him something,
    but idk what..maybe to warn us?

  635. Yukki –
    Samantha and I have been talking about the man.
    We definetly think he is a demon.
    A powerful one.

    We think he is trying to tell us
    something about the war and an evolution.
    He might even be controlling peoples’ minds.

    Maybe you had a past life relationship with the demon?
    If you feel that way about him then maybe you summoned
    him in a past life or something.

    If you have any questions,
    email me. pbjcookie@gmail.com

    • Oh wow…
      this just gets more intense by the day.

      I seriously have no idea.
      I am very much doubting
      who I am right now I mean
      if I have lived these past lives
      how come I do not remeber a thing about it?

      Also for the first time I have felt him out side.
      What I mean is that every time I have felt him
      be there either I was in a classroom or at my house.

      Today in the morning was the first time
      that I have ever felt his presance outside of walls.

      I don’t know if he is here to warn us
      or not or who he is to me and to the
      rest of us but I would sure as hell
      want to find out what is going on!!!

  636. i haven’t talked in a while
    and heres what i have to say to people:
    u can also ask a vampire on here
    personally to help tell if u are.
    well if ur okay with saying some
    small bits of info…..
    i found out i am but i haven’t
    tried my powers for i am afraid of what i might do.

    I think i might someone
    dear to me or just a stranger.
    What would u do if u hit a totally
    unimportant person but that person had a baby?
    i would cry i shame.

    anyway i only tried once and it worked good….
    maybe to good but it wore out.
    it was a protection enchantment
    to a medallion or necklace.
    i was only testing and it worked well
    now i renew it evey now and again.

    please comment on this and give advice…..<.<

  637. half half, tho not entirely sure what happens the 😛

    damn… need blood, and quick!
    didn’t drink any in almost 5 months now…

    Today, although my friends said it
    was cold as hell outside,
    I had 2 take my jacket and jumper off,
    and I couldn’t breath.
    thought someone made
    the whole ‘craving’ thing up ;)… damn,
    can’t take it any longer…

  638. Saromin–

    A vampire needs at least 1 tablespoon of blood
    a week to stay healthy and sane.

    If you haven’t had blood in that
    long its time for you to go hunting.

    That’s what I do when my donor leaves
    to see her parents (I go to a boarding school).

    I just hunt at night on campus.
    I’m serious.

    Rabbits are good if you need blood,
    not to hard to catch if you run fast enough.
    And if your afraid of disease,
    boil the blood before drinking it.

    For any questions: pbjcookie@gmail.com

  639. ok, so yea,
    I have this very strange thing:
    I do something,
    and either I’m bored,
    or my dad comes into the room,
    and I’m doing something I’m not supposed to,
    or I’m listenin to my Mp4.

    I’ll use the MP4 as a demo:
    I get to the, lets say, 3 word on the 15th line of the sog,
    then I start daydreaming,
    the daydream lasts about 5 mins,
    and by the end of it,
    I’m STILL on the fourth or fifth word of THE SAME LINE!

    or my dad is about to open the door,
    he pulls the handle,
    then I imagine everything with him coming in,
    then after 5 mins of imagining,
    I wake up,
    and he is still on his way of pushing the door open.

    is that some Vampire technique
    to quickly think of all the things I cud do,
    but in the same time it freezes the time
    to GIVE me more time to think,
    or what?

    • Well I think that may be one of your powers…
      to see to the future of what will happen to you
      in the next five minutes that could save you
      from something.

      Who knows but I can tell that
      this is a definate power.
      Good luck

  640. I wanted to test to see if i can control the
    weather but i dont know how.

    I know i focus on the sky but i dont
    know what to do after that.
    If someone here knows plz help thanx

  641. The man you see is your evil side
    trying to come out and take part or control your life
    you made him up and you can also destroy him

  642. OK so To the topic of the man
    that has been lately going around.

    Let me call him X since he is such a big mystery.

    So as I said and others did too,
    we all had felt X’s presence.

    What I have seen that I am
    about to share with you might
    be a vision of the future that
    could impact us all.
    So here I go…

    It all starts with the strong dream
    of me standing above my closest ones
    bodies and X is standing behind me…
    you know the usual fire and sunset.

    Well then it skips to a day that
    has a very fire-y looking sky and
    I was there with other vampires I believe.

    We were all talking about something
    and we were underground sort of there
    were bunkers everywhere….

    I think we were planning on
    attacking a pack of humans.
    I knew that I saw flashes of like a warning sign..
    sort of like fire drill.

    everyone started to scater around
    and the last thing I remember is
    getting in the car with X.

    Well thats all of that dream.
    But I have a feeling that the man,
    he will have some impact on all of us.

    All I could tell that he is greatly
    respected and as well feared.

    Who knows?
    I know I am just simply lost.

    So anyone have info on finding X
    or letting us talk with him please do.

    I know i have some kind of connection
    with him and I would love to find out more
    and so would a few other vamps on here!
    ANy info is great help!!!!

    • X is probably the one who will release all Vampires, but with difficulties.

      About the Leaf and Sword; you can “curse” words so that they are only used in a certain situation. for example: I gave you a decision, and in THAT decision, you could only pick the one what is assosiated with the requirements. The requirements are, that you can ONLY say leaf, if you are a Vampire, and ONLY say sword if you are a Werewolf, the “curse” lasting until the decision is made. Hope that helps

  643. i hate to admit it to every one
    but in my life i get points in my
    dreams where i destroy and kill
    everything even my own kind some
    see me as a world destroyer quit frankly
    alot of accidents have happened since ive
    lived ive destroyed alot of real life things
    unknowingly even started wars ive also
    the ability any type of combat you
    show me i can do it just seeing it
    done or even seeing certain
    powers but in my sleep its just
    horrible for me im destructive always
    i usualy fight in wars at night almost
    every nite or if im pissed ive made glass
    explode on people my aura is always
    changing colors right now yea im
    pissed and foolish plz dont blame
    earth quakes on me like my family
    dose i was in tears of rage that night
    before it happened the next day i got
    a mouth full on the phone from almost
    every one i know

  644. ok weather control is no joke
    yu wanna do it fine ill tell ya first
    remember when or what i felt like
    let it consume you if it enrages you
    back off youll be foolish like my mistakes
    and kill hundreds yea i feel bad and because
    i do itll cause another 1 later on i might just
    get lost in my feelings again so be warned and
    im not trying for innocent peeps im trying to end
    this frigin war maybe if its big enough instead of
    blaming me theyll blame god y not they do every
    day so a lil well huge sandstorm might blow them
    away and i hope unharmed both sides pathetic
    beings need no mercy anyway savages both
    sides nothing but point and kill pathetic
    even our own suffer this im tired of it
    kill each other not our brothers and
    sisters on top of it damn not 1
    day goes by i dont see them
    die pathetic as well is the
    other side hold our own
    too they let themselves
    be brainwashed for
    what death honor
    let me tell you
    she dosent
    pity those
    not on our
    side in this
    war our side
    i mean vampiricly
    linked to us and her i say ENOUGH….

  645. im 11 years old i have all those
    things including the sex thing

  646. im 11 years old i always crave blood
    it seems to me my teeth
    get sharper at night
    i hate being in the sun
    i can run really fast
    my 1 fav colors are red and black
    sometimes ill make my
    self bleed just to taste blood
    if i could wear black everyday
    i would im awake at night asleep
    during the day i love fresh meat if i wouldn’t
    get caut i whould suck blood out of everones
    neck i could find am i a vampire

    • Okay,
      the wearing black thing
      isn’t really anything to do with
      being a vampire.

      In what way do you hate being in the sun?
      Do you just have a negative feeling,
      or does it hurt your eyes and
      give you headaches?

  647. Ok, tell me, people: what does X look like? coz I’m the ONLY one that doesn’t dream about him, apart from once, when I wasn’t ACUALLY there, and I looked through X’s eyes. Might mean that I’M X, and that might be EITHER good, or bad. so tell me, what does X look like?

    • hey guys,

      i haven’t been on for over a month and i just wanted to say that i have been really busy with school.

      I just wanted to ask wether making an object disappear is an ability that vampires have, since i tried to give my sister an eraser the other night and right befor i touched her hand, it vanished. It wasn’t up my sleev, or on the floor, and we couldn’t find it at all.

      just an interesting story.

      p.s., lauren, where are you. I am so sorry if your parents caught you, but if you just don’t have the time, i understand. Please respond if your’e still talking with me

    • X as in the man? well, he is pretty tall, usually wears a black trench coat, and something covering his eyes like a mask. he a a really starnge nose and black shoulde lengthed hair. i think i seem him in multiple variations of the lives he has lived.

    • Well the X I had seen was very tall and strong looking. His eyes looked out of this world. Shulder long black wavy-ish hair…very serious/confident face and he wears normal clothing dark with a black long trench coat.. altho I have never seen him with a mask?? Lately I saw my self make contact with him…This flash only lasts few seconds and comes back several times….and it was of Me kissing him deeply and thats all I saw…just a glimpse!

  648. OMG! i finally know my power its electricity
    when im mad the light im around dims
    when im happy the light gets brighter.

    when i turn on a light a spark happens.
    and i shock people all the time and
    i got electrickoued and didnt die wow!!!!!

  649. I STILL cannot get any blood 🙁 5 and a half months without blood ain’t good for a Vampire, just realised I lost almost ALL my Psychic powers ;9. My friend at school is an Emo… shud I risk it?

    • Is that healthy?
      By the way, I only ever drink my own blood,
      and that’s about a teaspoon’s worth a week.
      I that okay?

      Can’t you drink your own blood,

  650. i really need some advice i am new at the vampire so can some one help me

  651. I have 31 of these symptoms.

    About 80% of the people on here are lying.
    Things like they know they’re vampires
    and they can acknowledge their “Psychic Abilities”.

    Vampires are people who feel they have no right to live.
    Their lives are always horrid because they are loners.
    Most of the people out there are twilight
    and vampire diaries fans.

    The only reason I even went on this site
    is because I started having an obsession with blood.
    And death.
    And Murder.

    It’s just weird if you’re like,
    ‘Oh, Im a Vampire!
    Being a Vampire is not a good thing.

    Think of it this way,
    you are not a Vampire
    if you relate to the phrase,
    “I just love blood.
    It tastes good,
    I mean,
    I never really even thought
    I was a vampire til I stumbled on this site.”

    So, stop pretending.
    Its weird and it creeps me out,

    • I am honestly NOT a fake..
      I hate fakes. I didn’t even bother to read the whole blog because of that. I’m completely new to the site, but not to this idea, really. Me? I’ve been like this my whole life. You can read my other posts if you’d like.

  652. O, if u want a real test open ur mouth
    and have a friend squish the center of your palm.
    You wont scream and ur teeth will get longer
    if u really are one.

  653. got a better test:
    make midnightluvr shut it,
    and do it the original way.

    u kno shit about Vampires,
    and I highly doubt your one of us,
    for obvious reasons.

  654. see?
    THAT is why I hate Humans,
    they know SHIT about what the world is REALLY like.

  655. Hi my names Lindsay
    and i was very interested
    in vampiers so i looked up
    how to become a vampire and
    i got this spell off the internet
    and the materials i had were 2
    white bowls, 1 candle, 1 cup of water,
    1 table spoon, 1 needle (to get 1 drop of blood),
    1 stand of my hair, a band-aid (to put on my finger
    where the blood was), and a piece of paper where the
    spell was written on. I tried to do the spell but i couldnt
    do it because i couldnt get the blood out so i decided to
    put all the stuff under my bed and try it later.

    The next day my dad
    called me and he said
    that he had a dream that
    in my room there was a bloody
    creature drinking from a white bowl
    (the ones that i had) and that my bed
    bursted on fire from underneath
    (i had a candle underneath my
    bed from the spell).

    So i went home and i found
    on my dresser a bloody bowl
    that had a bloody hand print on it.

    The question i was asking myself
    was how did it get from under my
    bed to my dresser with blood on it?

    After that i went to go look under
    my bed to see if my stuff was still there.

    everything was there except
    the piece of paper with the spell
    on it and the band-aid.

    The next day my dad called me
    and said he had another dream and
    it was about that he was looking through
    someone elses eyes and they were in my
    room and they were hovering above me and
    they were looking at a piece of paper which had
    the word vampire and power on it
    (which were words on the spell)
    and they had a bloody finger
    and had a band-aid on it.

    My dad also described the hands.
    He said that they were pale and had
    skinny fingers and long finger nails.

    My dad also described what i looked like
    and what i was wearing. He described the
    shirt that wore to bed that night in his dream.

    I also remembered that i couldnt find that
    piece of paper and the band-aid.

    What if that thing was contacting
    my dad through his dreams?
    Someone please help me.

    You can contact me at merllindsay@yahoo.com

    • Ask your dad the characteristics of this man, if he saw any besides the hands? I’m very much interested for some reason..

      • wrong answer.
        there is NO spells for becoming a vampire,

      • He said that he didnt see anything else except the hands cuz he was in the creatures body

  656. now this x guy sounds like a hunter to me some hunters are half like us
    you know so they blend in even make other people do things like us even
    even do it to us mainly women of young age id beware if i were you
    half bloods arent always friendly and kill at will with no minds i did try the palm thing sure if uncontrolled your teeth do grow still id like alot of you to try bet some of you wont be here when you do not everyone here
    is actually a vampire just lonely and trying to fit in wich is wasting our time wich is foolish to waste your life away hoping for an answer
    ill tell you kids straight up kill kill kill is all we think about women men even children slowly you rot without feeling or age to your body
    why because it slowly rots away and not your body your mind is consumed in darkness forever 11 year old kids will never know we dont choose kids to be vampires unless there is hope if you were 1 yud stay the same age never grow up think of that factor your body would stay the same forever never aging but your mind will no one can stop that ticker eventually youll be an adult in a child’s body forever lost to your own stupidity takes 3 days to turn if killed by 1
    it dont work like the movies kids being born 1 half human and vampire who are you blade get real yud stay in your mothers stomach an eternity shed suffer needlessly forever because you of her or your fathers stupidity dont you get it we are to suffer and live forever alone. 18 is when we take them not eleven unless you want to stay a child forever then be my guest (suffer well) is a saying we are taught through word of mouth to each other all im saying is this isint a kids fantasy come true but a horror we are monsters lonely hungry sexual beings children will never understand what it means
    until they realize in there mind they are trapt forever a vampires life
    is a sad violin playing in our cold heart forever and another thing if you arent an artist like drawing dancing or play an instrument well you will never know what its like or even be 1 for that matter liking the dark even blood is not enough oh i love red meat fact is we dont eat the meat just the blood from it ive wasted my time enough playing around here kids will never understand the true meaning you will live forever SO WHAT you live 10 years past your due date and tell me you dont wanna be dead your family gone forever do you really want them gone enjoy them while theres a chance and if your an only child sucks for you youll end your line cold even watch them die even feel the grip of death upon them youll see what i mean youll even feel and know before anyone who will die first and last how do i know i am 1 body and mind these human children dont know what the fuck there doing (WAKE THE FUCK UP)
    and sexual being of the night

    • i have a feeling that you figured much of this by your own logic?
      that last third about how a child can never know what it is like?
      too many generalizations. you dont know what you are talking about when you are talking about that. i won’t bother trying to convince someone of that arrogance through the internet, but please, open your eyes to the bigger picture. am i just spinning my wheels here?

      • It may have been like that at one point in this existence, but things are changing. This is a renaissance!

    • Well the X man is deffinately not a hunter.
      In the dreams I could smell it and feel it
      that he was a pure vampire.

      And a very strong one.
      He might turn out to be
      one of the leaders in the future.
      O who knows!?

  657. btw, when will Humans finally strike?
    I mean, killing them THEN will be just ‘Self-Defence’,
    won’t it?
    when r Humans gonna try and kill us?

    MAN that will be awsome 🙂 biggest blood-rivers EVER!

  658. lol, found some dark-green crystal-like rock. took me freakin ages, but by throwing it off VERY high places, I managed to smash a little bit off. Now, it was very sharp at the edge, and I managed to slice my upper hand with it. it healed almost instantly, but I got some blood out of it. a few drops will do for another few months lol. The STRANGE part, is that with this rock, or crystal, or whatever it is, slicing didn’t hurt at all, hardly even felt it. does this mean it was crystal that Vampires’ bodies react with to stop it fro hurting, or WHAT?

  659. Thats really fukin weird
    i hate the sun i always wear
    sunglasses when i go out,
    im always tired durin the even
    when i go to bed early,
    when i always look at someone
    i get off task and look at there and
    i snap out of it and i wouldnt know
    what im looking at,
    i have really really weird cravings
    like beef jerkey in the morning or everyday,
    when its i feel like a new me like my inner child came alive,
    i love to always hang with people,
    always try to have sex and talk about it and do it,
    get agrivated real easy,
    always sleeping during the day since i was 4,
    and sometimes wonder that am i human or not

    and im only 14 years old
    thats fukin scary

  660. I HATE SUN!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ahh there is no clouds
    nothing and even thought
    its a nice 36 dagreese F.

    The sun starts burining like hell.
    I was walking from school today
    and I thought I was going to black out
    for some reason.

    And after like ten min walking
    my eye lids started to sting and
    I got a huge head ache.

    Anyways didn’t really hurt at all b/c it all went
    away when I found out I’m a little psychic.

    So I was watching some TV and
    I was waiting for mom to call.

    Then I kinda forgot bout it
    but the remote fell and I glanced
    at the phone and thought
    “I hope mom doesn’t call yet”
    and about 10 seconds later the phone rings
    and its mom.

    Also for some reason
    I later thought that the junk mail
    people aren’t calling and thats when
    the phone started to ring and it was
    a toll free call!!!

    Haha its kind of cool that I could predict
    something that small.

    Oh yeah I almost forgot um about the X man.
    Again If anyone has info do tell b/c I feel
    something might come up with him soon!!

    • the sun does not burn us lol,
      it only blinds us.
      If it DOES burn you,
      then you arn’t resistant to UV,
      and u really need some medical help.

  661. sorry guys but i am no longer
    i have this demon following me
    telling me to drink

    i cant hes here right now in the darkest shadows
    following me i cant see him but i can hear and im the
    only one who can hear him ican here him breathing
    or something help me i dont know what he wants
    or what hes trying to do

  662. sounds to me x is starting
    to sound like d the vampire slayer the anime
    or just some lil girls love fantasy.sorry to tell
    you are names are full names.sounds suspicious
    enough a girl dreaming about a really hot guy
    that turns out to be a vampire.red flag
    TWILIGHT FAN obvious teenager
    girl desperately trying to be
    heard and like celdaron
    said your mind will
    grow well your
    will your
    body wont
    the number
    1 power we
    have is eternal life.

    you would never grow
    up body wise ever unless
    your a living vampire and
    unable to fully turn which
    you will die like a human.

    you will never be accepted
    by us unless your a full vampire.

    its a huge step for a being i think
    is why he said a child wont understand.

    most of you will think defiantly obvious
    immature child who wont take logic.

    and another thing all vampires
    like women all of them do.

    even the females like
    them males never

    like men only women
    females only use the male
    for other purposes.such as
    sex or food.

    males how ever will never turn
    a male ever well by biting them.

    they kill them and wait 3 days.

    ive lived long enough to know
    most of you are fakes trying to
    fit in a goth most likely lots of
    those do pretend i wont say names
    but i can tell celdaron is a prince id
    be tired too if people wont listen to logic.

    nobody wants to be the rat i understand that.

    but please stop with the love story’s and
    twilight crap the book was bad so was the movie.

    i dont know why the prince even
    cares about this site.his burden is heavy enough.

    ending the world is a huge task
    none of you can understand.

    waste of time in my opinion
    to try to make you understand.

    if the queen knew he was helping
    any of you specially non vampires.

    he would wish he never had the torture
    and pain his blood would spill to the floor.

    amongst others here too
    lower children would be put to death………….

    • Ok first of All I was the one who saw him in my dream and he is someone real and I hate all that twilight shit and I never lie when I saw him I spoke my true mind and I guess other people make him seem like that but I was just trying to see if anyone knew him b/c the way he acted around me was beyond anything and I just wanted to find out about him So if you really think that this is some made up shit then I’m sorry to burst your bubble but it ain’t. And no I didn’t even say he was hot looking and all that fantasised shit in those stupid movies I just asked b/c he was someone mysterious and Marris you little faggot I am not like some teenage girly girl fan like the one you speak of and IF i ever see you I should rip your heart out. So don’t piss me off even more. I am sorry that you can’t accept the fact that I possibly had a deja vu of some kind and very sorry to disapoint you but the whole comment that you wrote if full of shit. So next time you decide to write shit about someone you don’t even fucking know THiNK before you act or You’ll end up with your dick shoved up your ass!!!!!!!!!

      • and 2, I don’t think we ACually hav Eternal life,
        tho not so sure about this one.
        I think we arn’t immortal,
        but our lives are lenghened.
        Tho, obiously, I CAN be wrong.

  663. you know marris i can handle my own words.and how dare you threaten me with torture and pain.you will respect my decisions and what i say here and keep your mouth shut.i dont need a low blood telling me or my queen what our decisions will be.if you have a problem with me you know where i live.you want leadership ill gladly fight for it again if you wish this or this x guy wishes ill gladly put them in there place in combat
    just say when ive been waiting for a long time for an epic battle which surely you dont think you can win ill even take on both of you at once and im sure magically he will make a comment on here itll only prove he is fake a true vampire doesn’t talk it over he kills then asks question later many have tried all have failed.i say let the heads roll.


  665. you know yuuki i dont doubt hes real just dreams can be fictional not all of them are real even some that feel entirely real marris however has been trying to thwart me since his family is no longer in line for royalty
    threatening others here to draw me out he knows where i live he lacks the courage to challenge me id gladly kill him but my queen sees something useful in him after this im sure shell think otherwise i wont even have to raise a brow.

  666. if you would like yukki i can arrange a sayaunce which spiritual i can talk to anything or anybody i please i can tell you what you seek np at all just sounded to me like people took it the wrong way

    • Well I guess and I am sorry if I offended you in some way. I am just pissed b/c all the stupid humans that live around me and I hadn’t had blood in a long time and all I do is dream of it. And I guess the guy could be unreal but then I don’t understand why I sometimes feel like he had walked the Earth in the same places I did. I am so damn confused with all of this and have no one to turn to accept this site.

      • This man is noT afigement of an imagination I think,
        especially because I know several people who see the same one.

        I have heard a few say he is a demon,
        but that doesn’t mean he has to be evil.
        So basically, is truly there.

  667. the poor girl prince think of what you are doing to her.challenging you is not my goal and if you think the queen disagrees with me you are wrong.
    killing me would cause an uproar to our kind.even she knows that is why i alone wont take the throne by force but by vote i challenge you to that.see how many will follow you into war.you were a mighty warrior
    for that i commend you but a ruler never would i follow your orders even if it were to kill a hunter id let him/her live.these children you entertain must come to a stop.end the show to these fakes who wish to be.they will never follow you stop trying there’s no point in it they do not understand the logic there for deserve no further information from you.showing pity to low bloods is a sin to us you want my head ill see you in the elders court then.i doubt my head will roll off but yours will.

    • Poor girl don’t call me a girl like I am little!!! I am strong and I am something other than human and here is a challange you are going to loose because I am deffinetly going for celdaron! You little fucker! I swear….one day if I ever see you…I will deffinatly enjoy it!

  668. ignore him the court is a 1 person ruling she runs it so good luck and i doubt once she reads this she will care about your death yukki i like hearing your dreams reminds me of when i dreamed of the queen at a young age but mine was every nite and even day of the week until 18 ours was a love story i could make millions if i wrote a book on it so many times we did things then gradually i saw her dark side i loved another woman well if i do fall for another i dont stay long at all i leave
    i cant bare to tell them your child will never grow or even live entirely
    because of what i am i can never.

    • Thank you. And I would love to talk to you more but I unfortunatly have to leave now. And I can tell that I can trust you so I will definatly tell you about my dream. And when I tried telling my friend about the dream she also thought I should write a book. Ahh well sorry to cut this short but I will be glad if we could talk soon.
      Till then.

  669. marris do you actually think
    you would get a vote it enrages
    me to hear you threaten your future
    king i will personally send a group out for you.

    kill on sight.
    you will die like a dog traitor.
    my children please understand
    my heart goes to you all.and yes
    i dont like pretenders but the world
    has them all over.

    i cant stop them but
    if ever in my presence they do die.

    x sounds like my elite guard
    choosing a partner for later in your life.

    yes i waited hundreds and thousands of years
    for my loneliness to end i have a sweet boy to
    humans hes a man but our future our time will come.

    i see there is a fake me here ignore that bitch
    i do not grow weak or even die i am a goddess
    unknown to history is our way you know humans
    dont worship me and never will is why im not in
    books or storys

    i am the goddess of blood,
    lust and pain.
    know this i watch all of you
    even those who will become
    its in your blood you know
    who will turn who wont its
    all there i can smell it even taste it.

    but my hunger is only for 1 my prince
    will be the sweetest because he is meant
    for me when you find the 1 you will feed
    only on each other beautiful the feelings
    and taste when i tasted him it was exquisite
    every drop was intoxicating.making love was
    most precious every touch stimulating true love
    to us is better than a human can ever give.

  670. lol –
    Celdaron vs Yuuki,
    and Saromin Daugún Suathion
    left to the side,
    as always

  671. i dont think we are saromin makes me think you didint read everything
    we are not challenging each other merely having a basic conversation about a dream which to my knowledge is absolutely real my queen has confirmed him as a privileged elite meaning hes probably choosing a mate at this point in his long life or by chance just playing his cards around.

    • What do you mean by that?
      Ahh well Celdaron if you could find out
      about X whos name is apparently Yion
      I would much appreciate it.

  672. lol, just watched ‘Interveiw with a Vampire’. Have 2 admit – I’m surprised they got half the things right, unlike other films 🙂

  673. just wondering – if I bit 10 people, how much chance would there be of at least ONE of them Surviving, and Turning into a Vampire

  674. she has many and i and her have only told 2 people of it be specific lol there are 7

  675. I have a thought that I am a hybrid..but instead of being half lycan and half vampyre, I am half witch and half vampyre. Help?

  676. 7 library’s still active today the other 10 aren’t here

    • are they all in a condensed area, or worldwide? i would like to visit one. i have a vague image of your queen Ashira in my mind right now. you have triggered my psyche…

      i just, two seconds ago, had a flash of me being shot in the head with an arrow. executed again. i saw her. she was one of the last things before i died.

  677. these library’s only can be visited if she is there ive only been 1 time the entire time we’ve loved each other 1 time books of untold history even your own story 6th library the library of life and death tells the story’s of all mortals and immortals that ever lived on this planet and many more her only warning is never read your own or your true loves book you might not like what you see.

    • that’s interesting..
      yeah? i am mainly interesting in what her warning goes against. i know that i may not like what I see, i just want truth. i also would glance through her spell books. that is all i seek.
      true love? Ashira is awfully wise. send her my thanks. is there a way i might be able to access this library?

  678. Also, to all of you fakes out there, stop using the word symptom as if being a vampyre is an illness. Vampyres is a RACE! Not a disease.

  679. Okay Marris,
    get the fuck off your fucken high horse
    you pompus jackass!

    You treat us all here like we are fuckin dirt.

    You tell Celdaron that he shouldn’t be on this site
    but what the hell do you think YOU are doing?
    After your little episode who the hell would follow you?
    I mean come on!
    What the hell would you be proving by not killing a hunter?

    You would put us in danger
    and you would be unloyal to your own kind.

    You are the kind of filth that is tearing our kind in two
    so shut your fucking mouth or I will hunt you down
    and your worthless empty head off asshole.

    Stop freaking acting like you are some kind
    of fucking high power over us because your not,
    and if you think you are why dont you step up
    and see how many people are willing to kick your ass.

    Hi, I have also seen X.
    He is a demon-
    I’ve done my research.
    His real name is Yion.

    Your dream could be a past life vision,
    but I would need to know exact details
    (backround,scenery,clothing ect).

    Oh and the red sky
    (Im sorry, I forgot who wrote about this, lol)
    is caused by a supernova.
    It is to occur in 2012 like the mayans predicted.

    A supernova will occur up in space
    and it will turn the sky red,
    snow will be everywhere,
    water levels will rise,
    there will be storm clouds but no rain,
    there will be mass suicide and car crashes
    (from people trying to escape the snow).

    Vampires will be able to survive and maybe a few humans.
    I’ve had visions of all this and done research on supernovas.

    Okay and vampires,
    we have caps on the ends of our DNA
    that are much much much stronger than humans,
    allowing us to live much much much longer.

    • Oh thank you so much…
      Well from the dream I remember
      that he was very tall more than 6 ft.
      He was not compleately white but that
      might have been b/c of the sun setting.

      He had shoulder long hair, jet black and a
      little bit wavy. He had a strong build.

      He had very pretty eyes but i couldn’t make out the color.
      His mouth was very rosy and lushious.
      In the first dream as I said before he looked
      at me with power and greatness but his eyes
      showed that he somewhat possibly cared for me
      and I could tell for some reason that he was a vampire
      and a very strong one too.

      And in the latest vision he looked exactly
      the same but he just was dressed as a common
      human but with a long trench coat.

      Thats all I could recall.
      I hope this is enough and once again
      thank you very much.

  680. Samantha?
    Being a witch is a religion,
    not a um, life form I guess
    you could call it.

    There is no such thing as Half vampire half lycan.
    If such a thing existed it would be mutated
    and would probably destroy itself.
    Thats just something from the movies.

    • Like I said, it was just a thought.

    • Yes,
      being a witch means you
      are of the pagan religion.

      But only those who are able
      to tap into their magic join the religion.
      It is where we can learn control and secrecy.

      For example,
      those damn witch trials and burnings
      were the result of a few witches being careless,
      leading to themselves and mass innocents
      being slaughtered.

      That is why we dipped into our ancestry,
      learned ancient ways of control,
      so that bull wouldn’t happen again.

      • Wow! That was such an old post! O:

        Pagan just means that it isn’t Christian…
        I’m sure you know that though…
        Just thought I’d say you are,
        in fact,
        and can be Christian,
        or Catholic,
        or Protestant,
        or Presbyterian,
        or whatever you want
        (even Atheist) and practice witchcraft….
        because witchcraft isn’t exactly a religion;
        I think of it as spiritual.

      • oH SHOOT, i’M SORRY!

        Take back that last post!

        Yikes. x__X I hadn’t realized you
        said WITCH not WITCHCRAFT…..

        lol. but i guess that, yeah..
        you can be a witch with whatever religion,

        but idk what ur definition of a witch is;
        to me, it’s just someone who practices
        witchcraft in most situations so…yeah. 😛

  681. And (samantha) I was the one
    who told you about my vision of you
    being executed by the arrow.
    And the other stuff.

  682. LOL i love this bullshit,
    people are just crazy,
    first off there is no such thing
    as Vampires only weird Gothic
    people that are insecure and need to feel special.

    If vampires were real none of u
    are even remotly close to being one.

    No one knows about vampires
    but yet there is a entire internet
    community of them that i as a person
    can access at anytime and join but yet
    there is no med records nor anything else
    hitting that anyof u are different an any way,
    i am sure the cops are just okay with a
    vampire commuinity that has to live off
    of our blood 🙂 bunch of freaks.

  683. what a bunch of shit charlie cops
    do know and are prohibited to say
    a thing its our right you know jack ass
    sam about the library every vampire has
    the right for a 1 time entry for spells library
    5 or 4 should interest you spells even humans
    haven’t uttered and that work but as always
    be careful what you read some things are
    not always good to be opened youll know
    when you see it we all hold a key you
    must be in a dream state or no entry
    me she personally took me to it very
    large like a whole new world covered
    in books and scrolls but very neat history
    is seen and made there never interrupt a student
    or another soul if you happen to see yourself speak
    nothing to it its sorta get what you came for and be
    gone kinda thing for a second entry you must sacrifice
    some thing you desire as gose the saying knowledge isn’t
    always worth it bout the third time you go youll end up
    a student or test subject best get it the first time.

    And marris is no more her hunting party nabbed him
    i dont think he will be speaking to anyone soon

    • Is it required to be a vampyre
      to be able to enter this library?

      As in,
      a human wouldn’t find themselves there,
      but could a lycan?

      And this library is seen with the mind’s eye,
      or is it physically an actual library?

      4 or 5 books,
      or 4 or 5 spells?
      And if so,
      what type of spells?

  684. question for my queen whens my due date here if im that special i hardly see you now a days whats going on here you seem to be bouncin around every where

  685. and samantha a question just a question are you adopted just a friend asked me to ask seems he thinks he knows you here.

    • No, I am not adopted.
      I always feel like I am
      but I have proof I am not,
      so there is your answer.
      Who sought this information?

  686. Celdaron,
    Well I really don’t want to repeat my self so this is what I saw..

    “for the past week or so i have been having these weird vivd de javu-ish dreams….One of them is of the day that you have mentioned before the 12/12/12 12:00…well at that time I see my self lying in bed and as the clock sets its time to what you said I wake up and bite the man that I am in bed with…and then all I see is me looking up satisfied for the first time in my life….then it skips to me standing on some ruins with the bodies of my loved ones laying on them and I just look forward, but behind me there is a man. Some man that I can feel is very powerfull. He just stands there looking at me….waiting.” The man behind me is X. This was my dream.

  687. Yukki-
    I think you are having visions of the future,
    not the past.

    After the supernova
    and when most of the humans
    are gone I think Yion will be strong enough
    to have a permanent physical form.

    We are still learning about him though.

    If you have any questions
    about him just email me– pbjcookie@gmail.com

    • Oh really.
      All right now I am trying to figure
      out is what does he have to do with me….
      Ahh all I can do is think over and over about him..

  688. Okay so I’ve had some questions
    about safely drinking animal blood
    so I did some research and here is
    what you can do.

    First off make sure the animal
    you are hunting looks healthy.

    I mean you can tell if something
    is wrong with an animal or if it has rabies.

    Always survey the animal before hunting
    it to make sure nothing is wrong with it.

    Next: Blood spoils quickly
    and easily attracts bacteria.
    Make sure to use it the same day.

    Add red wine vinegar in a ratio
    of 1 cup of to every 6 cups of blood.
    This keeps the blood from thickening.
    And its safer.

    Deers blood is the most common animal blood
    to drink and they are pretty abundant.
    Hard to catch though.

    Also pig blood,
    or duck blood.

    But as long as you cook it right
    you can drink any animal blood available.

    You can actually buy some sorts of blood
    if anyone is interested in that.

    You can get it online.
    There are also recipes to
    safley drink animal blood.

    I try to do this when I can.
    Here is one.
    You can take out the rest of the stuff
    if all your interested in is the blood.

    (this means skinning it–
    I learned how to do that
    from my great grandma).

    •¾ kilo whatever the animal meat is.
    (this means skinning it–
    I learned how to do that from my great grandma).
    •4 cups of the blood
    •2 cups vinegar
    •6 pieces finger pepper
    •1 clove garlic, crushed
    •2 onions, sliced
    •1 tablespoon sugar
    •1 tablespoon cooking oil
    •1 teaspoon salt

    Mix the blood with vinegar,
    salt and lemongrass.

    Set aside.
    Remember always use blood
    immediatly so it doesn’t spoil.

    Clean the meat very well
    after skinning and removing the insides.
    Cut the meat into strips of 1×2 inches.
    Sauté the meat in a little cooking oil,
    garlic and onions.
    Add the blood and simmer until done.

    And there you have it.

  689. 5 and a half months without blood,
    gonna beat the record! (damn… can’t take it!!!)

  690. Okay the easy way to drink animal blood is to just add 2 cups of vinegar or wine for every six cups of blood and simmer it for a second.

    Just thought I should out the quick way on here 🙂 that’s how I do it.

  691. Help…please…I keep on feeling like the reality I am living in isn’t the real thing. I feel like there is something hiding from me and I also feel like I ve been there but in the past. Its hard to describe but I am sort of worried that I will eventualy pass out, like I almost did today, and end up in the hospital. What if they do find out that I am a vampire? Can they do that? and How? I am terrified that I’ll get exposed or wake up in the past…. HELP I don’t kno what to think of this anymore. And About Yion I think I’ve hear his voice.
    Not to long ago I was walkingto school and it was foggy and glumy (my fave weather) and I didn’t have music on and noticed it was quiet and I started to think of him and thats when I heard a voice whisper “Soon we’ll be together” and thats it… I am so confused that I don’t know what to think anymore.

  692. I guess Vampires have this feeling
    that everything is worthless,
    or it’s just my hunger.

    I go to school,
    come back,
    meet friend,
    meet parents,
    exam don’t count,
    I feel as if everything is just a dream,
    but it’s worthless.

    Does that mean I’m goin random coz of hunger,
    or does it mean that all Vampires have this?

    • ah i know exactly how you feel.
      like i get hella bad grades but for
      some reason i dont care.

      and then every day i feel sleepy
      and like im dreaming. nothing seems real..
      but then at night i feel alive and hyper
      and it takes forever for me to sleep,
      but life just feels really unreal

  693. Justin Mariñas SORRY ABOUT THIS!
    when you are reading this dont stop
    or something bad will happen!

    My name is summer i am 15 years old
    i have blonde hair,
    many scars no nose or ears..
    i am dead.

    if you dont copy this just like from the ring,
    on 5 more sites..
    or..i will appear one dark quiet night
    when your not expecting it by your bed …
    with a knife and kill you.

    this is no joke
    something good will happen to you
    if you post this on 5 m

  694. I have almost all of those symptoms,
    if you live in Canada, (Nova Scotia Preferred)
    could you book it to Halifax Nova Scotia and bite me?

    I am eager to be a vampire,
    I have been studying them ever since I was five.

    My email is vamps_rule1999@hotmail.com
    contact me if you are a real vampire.
    (fakers will be ignored)

  695. I have almost all of those symptoms,
    if you live in Canada, (Nova Scotia Preferred)
    could you book it to Halifax Nova Scotia and bite me?

    I am eager to be a vampire,
    I have been studying them ever since I was five.
    My email is vamps_rule1999@hotmail.com
    contact me if you are a real vampire.

    • ok mate,
      learn some more before you
      decide to become one of us.

      first of all –
      if u get bitten,
      you’ll most likely die,
      as ur human body won’t be able
      to cope with the transformation
      (not a shape change)
      which it was not expecting,
      and you will die.

      second of all –
      only about 7% of our population
      is willing to bite someone

      • Also, I doubt a vampyre is something you’d ever actually wish to be if you knew what it was like firsthand. It’s more like a death wish; what you are saying.

      • Can u be born a vampire?
        I was never bitten, (that I know about)
        but I seem to be a vampire…
        blood craving,
        clever intuition,

    • seriously how could you think any of us would ever do that to anyone!?Your an idiot to think some one will just fly over and bite you like it’s nothing!! Don’t wish it on yourself just live your happy little oblivious life and die like everyone else and stop trying! I’m sorry if I’m being harsh but your better off human and maybe you shouldn’t visit this site again. It will give some one like you bad ideas.

  696. hey strange morgan
    thank you for the advice
    and sorry for not talking to you soon enough
    and yes i remember having those dreams
    when i was only about 12 2 years ago.

    I cannot drink blood yet
    but have very strong cravings for it
    even though i am not full fledged.
    yours for eternity,
    Brittany Reed 😛

  697. lol,
    does nobody here change their name???

    my Vampiric name is
    Saromin Daugún Suathion,
    while I am NOT telling you
    my Human name 😉

    • I’ll tell u a secret, Tess isn’t my human name either.
      But I’m not going to be telling THAT, now, am i?
      Do I need a better vampric (or lycan) name?

  698. yeah some do if they prefer to and mine is arria barrall for instince. some choose not to cause u can get confused by having more than one name and it helps tell if the person talking to you is a vampire to.

  699. yea, but I don’t get confused 😉

  700. OMFG!!!
    I got almost ALL of thease sympoms!!!

    And ive been interested n antthang
    and evertang in tha supernatul sence
    i waz like 8!!! iz that wird?

  701. huh,
    i have most of them. ive never tasted blood before
    but i have a weird craving for it… the sun burns…
    theres alot up there that apllies to me. funny i knew it!:)

  702. Hello,

    My Name Is Destani Nicholina – I HAve Most Of These Symtoms & & Its Starting To Scare Me * I Know To Some People This may Sound Like Complete & Utter Bull Shit ! , But Its True * I Have SomeWhat Of Fangs & My Bestie Calls Em Freak Teeth Becuase I Was Chewing Om My Metal Tweezers & I Bit A Whole Through It – – & & I Have Read That Some Of You Cut Yourselfs Too Drink Blood ( I Myself Have Done That & Once My Friend Accedintly Cut Her Fingeer & Blood Seemed Out I Went To Reech Fo A Band Aid & When I Turned Around The Room Smelt Diff. I Asked Her If SHe Smeeled It & She Said No & Gave Me A wierd Look The Smell Was Wonderful & I Got A Wierd Hungry Feeling In The Pit Of My Stomach * & Thats When I Realized It Was Her Blood – – I freaked Out Bc I Got The Feeling I Wanted To lick Her Finger – So I Gave Her The Band- Aid & Walked Out Of The Room ! && Also ^ I Dont Think Im Haveing Visions But If I Feel That Something Is Going To Happen It Uselly Does , But Its Small Stuff Like I Know When one Of Myfriends Isnt Coming Too School The next Day . Bc I Feel itt In the Morning & Then They Dont Show ! & & Not Too Be Rude But I Dont Believe Most Of The Stuff That Has Been Said On Here . Like Having Visions Of Being On A Hill & Over Looking A Mayham of Desstruction ! . No Offense But I Believe 100% That Vampires Are Real && Im Finding That I May Be One , Idkk & & Who Ever Wants To Come On Here & & Make This A Game Then Fuck You Bc You Dont Know What The Hell Your Talking About & I Garrentee You This Is Going To Come Back Too you & Bit You In The Ass ( Litterally ) Love & Compassion , Destani <3

  703. I went to sleep with the window open and my iHome playing and eventualy I had fallen asleep but at some point I felt like someone was there. I felt him. Yion. Its like I saw it in my mind. Him getting in thought window and very swiftly getting to my bed side and he was about to reach out to me but thats when I moved and he disapeared.


    –Selene I sent u an e-mail under vampire_yuuki66@yahoo.com

  704. Thnks, I sent u 1 back.

  705. I hate people like you Destani,
    you get a few – ugh “symptoms”
    that’s just insulting you talk like
    its a freakin disease, poser-
    and you think you know everything.

    Well let me tell you,
    until you go through all of the pain
    and sacrifice that comes along with
    being a vampire then you can talk.

    But until then,
    get off this site because I am sick
    and tired of all of you fakes on this site,

    Haha “no offense”, *note sarcasm*.


    Wanted to put this on here
    for anyone actually wanting to learn
    about vampires before they decided
    they are one–
    I got a new email selene.v22@gmail.com
    (same Selene,different email 🙂

  706. I have 19 of those symptoms!

  707. ive had enough threats dylan
    suck it ill be waiting for ya.
    kill me i havent died even when
    i was hit full speed by a truc.
    i am a prince fuck yu come to me
    youll just be sucked clean of every
    last drop of blood i swear youll regret
    your words .sorry guys i will not tolerate
    this from humans

    fuck um all of um dylan your the worst human
    ive encountered how dare yu threaten even a
    LOW BLOOD of my kind scum.go back to lala land
    or end up dead aSS WIPE.stop wasting our time
    and be stupid somewhere els bad day to give me
    an email like that specially when im hungry im tired
    of not having human blood my awakening is don.
    early but done
    i can freely take who ever
    i want your first on the list bub

    • I don’t mean to be rude,
      but isn’t that a little harsh?
      You probably have a point but still…

      If you are hungry and tired,
      and a vampire,
      you’re still so much stronger
      than whoever’s offended you,

      Why let it bother you?

      Please don’t kill me…

    • Hehe,
      asswipe is like the funniest insult.
      Idk why I think that, I’m weird. 🙂

      • But seriously Tess has a point,
        humans are ignorant and afraid of what
        they don’t know or can’t understand,
        eventually they will kill themselves off
        and we’ll be rid of them for good.

        Until then I’m gonna try to ignore them.

  708. i have also emailed the guy
    who wants to be bit i think our
    queen should decide i gave him
    the ritual if he dose it she will decide
    the ritual if yu want to know is and always
    has been this if no one will bite she will with
    or without care too even children have been killed
    by her humans to her are pleasure pain and food
    food FOOD is exactly what hes gonna offer well
    the food part here it is to those that desperate
    to become secret leaked well only a true vamp
    with true blood in them will become from this
    its a form of true awakening like a straight
    bite literally to speed up the process
    entirely to full awakening lets see if
    hes got this very potential

    1.8 red or black candles
    2.1 mirror preferably a large 1
    3. a bowl of your own blood if its
    someone else s they will turn not you
    or worse die

    4.lite each candle counter clockwise
    5.each time you lite 1 say the following
    (ashira goddess of blood lust and destruction hear my call)
    say nicely and believable

    6.when you feel or even see her never
    look into her eyes very disrespectful for
    you are not her lover and make sure you
    really want this your heart and soul desire this
    more than life.
    if not consider yourself dead.
    if you feel pain and it hurts let her
    hear it let her enjoy your pain and
    suffering she bears a gift of a second
    life never i mean never hold it in

    7. after pains gone if you live drink
    the bowl of your own blood and let the
    ride begin babe its gonna hurt REAL BAD
    never in your dreams will you feel stomach
    pains like this like you’ve been hungry for years

    course its a crazy mans wish i say let him
    try let the queen show him true pain.
    dont worry you guys need to know this
    anyway shows im doing my job here

  709. this is for yukki
    here don’t be afraid
    hes probably your mate
    embrace it lol dont run hes
    probably whats best for you
    he knows it i know it we all do
    go with him dont be afraid ask
    him question im sure he will answer
    she did it to me sounds like what she
    did hes doin to you good for you entirely
    good news im happy for ya all of you should
    be too oki its sun up bed time

    • Thank You Celdaron…you really made my day 🙂
      After talking with humans…
      ahh well long story but it just proves that talking
      to you or saronim or selene or anyone like them
      makes me happy because they accualy understand.
      Thanks again.

  710. ok about the library for Samantha
    lycans can enter but seriously on a full moon
    sleep under it same warnings as before about
    the spells there are tons endless scrolls of
    um i got that spell from there yea i went back
    usually when people think of spells there
    actually connected to the library at that moment
    kinda like an entry put if yu want in sleep by the
    window under the moon in a SAFE SPOT your soul
    dose leave the body just think of how it would look
    actually be there in your mind let yourself wonder
    and drift i found out its actually every where you go
    only super naturals know the true link some never notice
    it those like kids who will actually disappear human
    report them missing there actually staying there just
    some cases and as you know never wanna go back
    so humans claim them dead when they dont want
    too after a long time anyway vampires just like
    every one els are not welcome every time like
    i said you gotta be respectful the more
    respect the more you’ll go there me im
    a prince i can go when ever and i can take
    1 person with me anyone i want but just 1
    and if your not respectful you’ll be a test subject
    real soon almost instant not only is it a library
    its a school most of you have been there as souls
    not everybody just the really gifted like i can move
    a city with my mind gifted o.0 i cant however would
    be nice but everything is learn able just takes a long
    time and most never see it no faith no game anyway
    any questions (email me here at) (celdaron3@yahoo.com)
    Samantha i hope you get in lol queens looking forward to seeing you.

    human witches and warlocks dont try
    you’ll die they dio not like fakes
    you will be a kids science project
    most of them study how humans
    are born get my drift youll end up
    with weird kids and beings in ya kinda
    funny to watch even guys as well funnier
    to watch then have it done too ya 1 flick of
    the wand if ya think yur a toad guess what
    yur wrong yu might have um in ya ill stop there
    kinda gross but eh dont be a fake and try to enter.
    not a good idea

    • Thanks a load. 🙂

      Is she really? Well I guess I am too lol

    • I seriously want to know what you mean by the library.

    • Celadron you are a prince are you not.

      I seek to know about our kind,
      and our gifts.
      yet I only can feel certain gifts,
      ones that relate to the future,
      or energies.

      Do you have a gift,
      in some sense of the word.

  711. tayley_rae –
    obiously ur not a Vampire,
    just a film/book-fan

  712. Oh my God,
    the weirdest thing happened the other day;

    There was this weirdo who ket hugging me at school,
    and wouldn’t let go.

    I was sane at first, just telling him
    to get lost and all that, but when he wouldn’t,
    i actually growled.
    No joke,
    a proper growl.

    Then I bit him.
    Not purposely,
    if that makes any sense,
    but I bit him on the arm,
    and drew blood.

    I didn’t taste any of it,
    but my stomach clenched a bit.


  713. By the way,
    I have dream-visions.
    Not all the time,
    and not every dream,
    and not even anything important.

    One where I got a dog
    (It happened the week after)

    One where I had to sit next to someone
    I didn’t want to (happened the next day)

    And then I have deja vu all the time.


    • There are no coincidences or accidents in life…..

    • No it’s not a coincidence.

      I have dreams like that too,
      and the de ja vu, it’s a natural thing to happen
      once you open up your third chakra,
      if you want them to be more detailed
      and clear you shoud try meditation and
      lucid dreaming skills ilke dream journaling
      or water/ dream therapy.

      There are lots of ways to remember dreams better too,
      some people say to drink half a glass of water before
      bed and while drinking it tell yourself that you will
      remember your dreams,
      then when you wake up you drink
      the other half and remember.

      After you have a dream always
      write it down in some way,
      some people like to draw some write,
      no matter how insignificant it may seem,
      it helps you in the long run.


    • Tess,
      Yuuki is right,
      you have found a small
      but some times very useful gift.

      I am like you but I don’t
      see things like you do.

      I hear things passing to me through time.

      Don’t be alarmed you will
      either master it or almost loses it.
      depending on conditions I have yet to discover.

  714. Your third chakra is your intuitive chakra,
    also it holds emotions like anger and hate
    but thats beside the point.

    Anyway your third chakra
    (the one in your stomach)
    is where your intuition comes from
    its also called the sun chakra,
    and its colors are reds oranges and yellows.

  715. Tess-
    Have you ever had a dream
    where you are stabbed in the stomach?

    • Umm….
      Might have done…
      I got eaten by a shark once,
      but it died as soon as it had
      tried to bite my leg…

      stabbed in the stomach?
      it’s possible. I
      ‘m not a big rememberer of dreams,
      but I’m having a sense of deja vu right now…

      • Oh because I read on a dream analysis
        site today that if you are stabbed in the stomach
        it represents the opening of your third chakra.

        I had a dream where my shadow
        self stabbed me in the stomach.

  716. lol, funniest part of Vampirism –
    see blood =
    feel hungry XD gets so annoying in school lol

  717. anybody play world of warcraft
    strange i ask but i like it just seeing
    if anybody els plays im a lvl 80 dwarf
    otharus on farstriders ALLIANCE rules babe
    horde sucks anyway

    if yall play i know human game
    but its fun i play on me spare time.

  718. I’m trying to draw the
    first dream I had about Yion.

    The weird thing is….
    I can draw everyone else except him.

    I don’t know what that means
    just felt like sharing it cuz apparently
    this website is the only outlet for me to talk
    about these things.

    No one else knows….

  719. I got 13 right on here,
    and i have liked vampires
    emmencly since i was very little.

    I seem to remember dreams of people
    coming at me while i slept,
    but i was sleeping.

    Animals love me,
    and the sun does hurt my eyes a little bit,
    but i do not believe that affects vampires.

    My freinds put complete trust in me,
    and tell me all of there secrets,
    (like on of them told me when
    they had sex at the age of 12.)

    I can pretty easily tell if someone is upset,
    or super happy, or mad.

    My friend Xyla claims to be a vampire,
    and i believe her.

    She is very fast,
    and she claims to be a not full grown vampire,
    but still a fledgling.

    She doesnt like to talk about it,
    she wants to be normal.

    She has an odd connection to cats,
    when i first met her, and i left school that day,
    several cats followed me home.

    she came to spend the night
    (I know,bad idea right)
    and a cat sat outside on the fence all night,
    staring at my window.

    When she came over,
    i asked her if she wanted a soda.

    She said sure,
    and i went downstairs to get some.

    After pouring two sodas in a cup,
    i took a raw chicken out of the fridge,
    and let some of the blood in the
    countanier drip into her soda.

    When her soda had turned resonably darker,
    i looked at the other cup and took a knife
    from the kitchen cabinet.

    Quickly, i cut my finger and let a
    few drops fall into the second soda.

    When i was back in my room
    i gave her the chicken blood soda
    and i held mine in my hand.

    i said “one two three”
    she took a sip of her soda
    and i pressed mine to my lips,
    squeezing them shut.

    But one drop fell onto my tounge
    and the flavor exploded into my mouth
    (sweet, sour, hot, cold, all at once, amazing).

    She looked at her soda carefully,
    saying “what flavor is this?”
    i told her it was new,
    and to try mine.

    We swapped glasses and as i took a sip,
    it tasted great,
    but not as good as before.

    She looked at hers in disgust.

    She said it tasted stale, horrible.

    After we swapped glasses back,
    i told her that i had dumped chicken blood
    into her soda.

    A normal person whould have dropped
    the glass immediatly,
    but she shrugged and nonchalantly
    took another sip.


    someone answer my questions and help!!!

  720. Sorry,
    this is my full name Kotah Nyx Cushway

  721. Last night i had a dream,
    but i cant remember it clearly…..

    I remember a boy,
    almost 15ish.
    He had black hair,
    combed back with a single curl in the front,
    a cute cirl.

    He had green eyes,
    a really deep green,
    like emeralds,
    clean cut emeralds.

    He wore a black t-shirt,
    but it was old and dirty,
    just like his ripped jeans.

    I think he wore…..hiking boots maybe?
    He said something,
    but i cant remember.

    I swear it felt like he was there,
    but when i turned around he was gone…………..

    I am a vampire,
    but i still beleave in God.

    Listen to me clearly,

    i hate it.

    You humans might think its funny
    and mysteriouse and cool, but its not.

    Animals love me,
    i have always loved vampires,
    and the sun hurts my eyes a little,
    but i do not beleive that affects vampires.

    I wasn’t always a vampire,
    it happened only recently,
    but i cant remember how.

    I only come up with blanks.

    i am quite new,
    and i don’t exactly know what to do.

    When i awoke though,
    my stomach hurt so severly,
    i almost thought i had died…..

    Someone plz help me out,
    im young and dont quite know
    how to hunt.

    Give me tips.

    P.S. Dont you hate it when humans
    say they have vampire “symptoms”?

    I mean,
    what are we,
    a freaking desease,

  722. vampire hunters………
    do they exist?

    Ive never had to deal with one,
    have any of you??????

    • Ok…I’ve read your comments.
      To be frank I’m not sure you are a vampire.

      I have a friend who loves the
      taste of blood but she ain’t a vamp.

      Second of all it doesn’t taste the same
      in a soda as the real pure thing.

      The second comment sounds pretty much
      as if a HUMAN read all the comments before
      well at least some and just tried to sound like
      you were one of us.

      Who cares if you believe in God.

      Many do others don’t some
      don’t even care at all.

      If you really want to know whats wrong with you…
      speak your true mind,
      clear your head and focus on what you
      really want to say because right now to me it
      seems like your just trying to be and not really are.

      Now I may be some what wrong about you
      being human or not but do the ‘clearing your mind’
      thing because it seems like you need to….

      Please don’t take this message the wrong way.
      You said you needed help well here it is…
      at least in my point of view.

      P.S. about the vampire hunters.

      I had the same question before
      and the person that answered it
      said that its a rare possiblity of
      having a vampire hunter walk on
      this earth…
      but she also said that it could be a possibility.

      WEll hope this helps….

      • Dont worry, i understand your point of view,
        but i truly am a vampire,
        or at least, kinda.

        I’m a dhampir.

        If you dont know what that means,
        it means im half and half.

        I didnt know if it would matter,
        you know???

  723. I understand your point of view,
    but i truly am a vampire,
    and not a human.

    Plus, ima vampire,
    not a speed reader,
    and im kinda lazy.

    I wouldnt have read all of the comments.

    I DID however,
    read the one about the “symptoms”,
    and its kinda offensive.

    It makes it sound as if vampirism is a disease,
    and i dont like it.

  724. Being a dhampir is kinda the same,
    but you arent really affected by sunlight,
    you know?

    Being part human and part vampire is hard,
    because it tends not to make you as fast
    or as good as hunting.

  725. plus, the think about my freind……
    i really just wanted to know if she waz
    lying to me or not.

    I havent told her about me,
    just in case she iz,
    so i need to know what u guys think.

    • Lol ok…
      im kinda off today so i guess…
      wait are you saying ur a dhampir?

      and i know…
      humans make me sick.
      but they never learn.
      and yeah if ur friend made a weird face
      like she didn’t like it then shes either
      human or something else.

      Thanks for taking the comment so chill 🙂

  726. than you for your opinion,
    and plz help me out on my last question

  727. damphir is hunters blood
    half vampire and human most
    of them hunt us why seek us out
    i think your trouble ive killed many
    hunters mostly psychic hunters trying
    to enter ones dreams the body cannot
    live without the mind you know not even
    us sounds to me tv got the best of you if
    i am wrong however which im probably not
    queen says you are so i listen my opinion really
    doesn’t matter over hers her children tend to fear
    each other and for good reason lots of traitors now
    a days must i demonstrate notice the one that wanted
    to be like us isint here or has stopped coming here she
    wont give me details but its not good details cowardic3e
    played a part in his matter….on another note if any of
    you speak a unfamiliar language at times like say
    shadow tongue yu best not or try not to utter
    them while angry shadow tongue consist of
    hiss like talk some dont realize they do it
    lots dont but bad things come from it
    when angry and its only uttered by
    awakened vampires experienced
    vampires some lycans pick it up
    early (seah ma dueth) means
    embrace the shadow i know
    a lil bit of it only lycans and
    vampires speak it or worse
    demon if you hear these
    words basically run
    there prolly not good
    words to hear specially
    if you feel yur being watched
    shadow tongue is for the truly
    gifted spell wielders and casters
    no humans know this language absolutely
    none i was told i could say those words because
    humans prolly wont say them right its not said how
    it sounds i will say no more on it just be careful plz.

  728. I think I could be a vampire….

    Ever since I became interested in vampires,
    I’ve started seeing ‘signs’ for it throughout me
    (is that an okay word?).

    I’m eating and drinking things
    I’ve never even liked before,
    and I’m still craving something else,
    something I can’t find…

    My glare scares the wits out of people,
    especially my friends.

    I freaked out my science partner yesterday,
    and I found that I’ve started baring my teeth
    at people when I’m really angry.

    I keep biting people when they’re annoying me.
    Not hard,
    an I don’t mean to,
    but still…that’s not exactly normal behaviour,
    is it?

    Can you reply?

    I want to know what I am…
    If that is anything out of the ordinary…

    I have psychic dreams and I can palm read.

  729. ummm, AGAIN,
    I AM a dhampir,
    but i assure you im NOT obsessed
    with hunting down vampires.

    I know what your talking about,
    but they are called “daywalker”
    wich is almost like a dhampir,
    but thats when a vampire feeds off
    a pregnnt human mother.

    My father is a vampire,
    and my mothers a human,
    so its not the same,
    but you are correct,
    most daywalkers are bent on
    destroying the vampire population.

    and yukki, thank you for clearing
    up the matter with my HUMAN friend.

  730. wait…
    human or (something else)???

    What else could she be??

    Could she be werewolf???

    she hates wolves,
    hunts them every summer…….
    so what could she be??

    • Lol idk there are many possibilities
      I’m not that very sure because i just recently
      entered this world and i am still learning 🙂
      but there could be a possibility she might
      have gotten it in her head too.

      Not too sure idk if you want to describe her
      more maybe then I’ll be able to help more.

      Good Luck

  731. well, she is pale,
    with big, dark brown eyes.
    She is really fast.
    She eats and drinks
    everything a human would,
    but she has some weird
    connection with cats.

    Once i spent the day with her,
    and after we left school,
    while we were walking,
    like 4 or 5 cats followed us.

    then, one time she spent the night.
    and a cat stared up at my window
    and sat there all night!

    • Hey…
      so it me again idk if my names gonna look diff or something
      *im writing from a diff place**
      anyway it may seem that she might be kinda like the cat woman o.
      O weird well sorry but for now i don’t really have time to be on
      here so e-mail me at vampire_yuuki66@yahoo.com and i’ll talk
      to u bout it on there!!

  732. i have 30 of these does that mean anything?

  733. hey guys,
    i haven’t been on in a while,
    my teachers are piling up
    a lot of homework,
    but i have some time for now.

    I just wanted to say that I’m here
    if any of you have any questions.

    I’ll try to answer as best as i can,
    but don’t worry if i don’t respond right away.

    As I said,
    I have a lot of homework.

    can any of you tell me if Lauren
    is ever going to respond,
    since she hasn’t been on
    since winter break,
    and she’s never gone so long
    without coming on here.

    We were really good friends
    when she was talking,
    so any responses are welcome.

    Thanks for your help.

  734. Tess– I have some questions for you
    please email me selene.v22@gmail.com

  735. Ok so all of you stop calling them “symptoms”.
    Get this through your pathetic human skulls:

    Being a vampire is not a disease,
    there is a medical human issue
    that causes humans to like the taste of blood
    but this is not what we are talking about here,
    there is a huge difference between human issues
    and being a vampire,
    got it?

    It is not called “vampirism”.

    Vampirism is a word for humans
    who want to be vampires,
    but ARE NOT.

    So in other words anyone
    who has “vampirism” is a POSER.

    Just because you drink blood
    does not mean you are a vampire
    so talk to real vampires and really learn
    about vampires before you decide you are one.

    Because most likely of you are all
    “OMG I am a vampire,
    I just KNEW IT!!!!”

    You are a poser,

    So don’t jump to conclusions.

    you have to,
    absolutely have to go through
    an awakening before you become a vampire.

    So just know that you will see signs
    of becoming a vampire before you do.

    Such as:
    Better vision,
    physical and mental ability,
    the thirst for something that may seem “unknown”,
    much better healing ability,
    and much more.

    You don’t just wake up one day and say
    “Oh I’m a vampire”
    because thats not how it works.

  736. Hey, i agree too.
    From what you explained selene,
    i think i am a real vampire.

    One of main things you said which
    i have was the thirst for some thing
    that might be “unknown”.

    Even through the consumption
    of huge quantities of food,
    i have never beenfully satisfied.

    It feels like i need something like air
    that is essential for my wellbeing.

    Also, i think i express certain
    psychic and magical abilities.

    For example,
    i can control what grade i recieve on a test.

    The odd thing is that i do this using
    the exact opposite of what people say
    helps in seeing the future.

    I convince myself that the opposite
    of what i want to happen occurs.

  737. Yuuki–
    It differs for different vampires.
    It can last 4 to 8 weeks and
    usually happens around puberty,
    which happens at different times
    for different people.

    Puberty can begin anywhere
    from 11-16 so it just depends.
    Hope I helped 🙂

    That’s exactly how I felt,
    till I learned that I needed blood
    and is usually the main sign that you
    are becoming a vampire.

    That’s weird,
    I’ve never heard of that happening before lol.

    But if its effective then good for you 🙂

    I have to really concentrate on
    what I want and then it just happens.

    One of the coolest things
    about being a vampire I’d say.

    selene.v22@gmail.com if anyone has a question.

  738. Whoa I have all of those symptoms
    except for the sex thing but that’s
    probably because I’m only thirteen.

    That is so cool I always
    knew I was different!!

    • Did you not hear what we’ve just said?
      They Are Not Symptoms!
      PLEASE don’t use that word.

      If you want any other words,
      use ‘signs’ or ‘traits’ or something like that.

  739. Ok, FREAKS.
    Forget it all.

    Is this some sort of RPG site?
    You people are idiots!
    You are not vampires and ‘dhampirs’.

    Selene is absolutely right.
    What is wrong with you people?

    Does it comfort you
    to call yourself a murderous demon?

    If it does,
    you should seek mental help immediately.

    I don’t dispel the fact that vampires
    exist but yet I own the courage
    to declare that I’m not one.

    Now if all you 10-year-olds have noticed,
    one of the rules is ‘
    * You have had a strong interest in vampires
    (in any aspect of the genre)
    probably since puberty onwards ‘.

    So they’re EXPECTING you to say, ‘
    Yeah, I read Twilight.
    I really enjoyed it.’
    (If you can say that you have 90% more
    courage than most people on this site)
    and to admit you’ve read Twilight and
    The Vampire Diaries and Anne Rice.

    All of you people are just INSANE
    in turning yourself to believe you
    are vampires with special powers.

    You’ll be the geeks in high school
    who are in the stupid clubs.

    By the way,
    I don’t want any
    ‘Oh, I am SO offended by this!

    Most of us on this website are truly vampires…’
    blah blah blah.

    Get off your high horse and down to Earth.

    Especially if you say
    “Oh, I don’t read Vampire books
    but I am very happy I am one.”
    or tell people
    “Thank you for explaining
    that to my HUMAN friend!”.

    By the way,
    I can say I have read all four Twilight books,
    all five Vampire Diaries books and I am
    planning to read the sixth,
    and I’m currently reading Anne Rice’s ‘The Vampire Lestat’.

    Let’s see if you “vampires”
    have the guts to say that.

    • Hey asshole read the very last post I put on here and see what you say about that!! I swear humans like you make me sick…you think your all and say things before you think of the consequences of it….anyway I’m not going to spend my time or waste my breath on a piece of trash like you just one wuestion though smart ass!!

      If you think all of this why even did you come looking for this site you twilight trash!?

      P.s. I did have the guts to say that….

  740. I’m very young but all of the symptoms
    happened or are happening to me but
    they are far more extreme
    like I went through 3 laptops in 1 month
    cuz they all malfunctioned.

    I’v had MANY past life visions.

    I trance out VERY VERY often.

    Instead of having one or two people
    who understand me no one does.

    I hate eating.

    I can predict the future and it happens.

    My alergies are horrible.

    I am very deep.
    My theroy is that I am a very powerful vampire
    I’m not sure why me since I am very young.

    I need answers someone please tell me.

    • You need answers? here they are:

      1- you’re arrogant, quote: ‘I’m a very powerful vampire’
      2- you’re exaggerating because you *need* to be different
      3- I suggest you start eating. Everyone eats food,
      including vampires, lycans, and shapeshifters,
      though they usually prefer something else.
      4- I can probably tell you that everyone
      on this site trance’s out often,
      including the human posers
      5- There are people who don’t get others.
      It’s a little thing called ignorance

      P.S they are NOT symptoms.
      Use ‘signs’ or ‘traits’ PLEASE!

  741. bloody freak eh sounds fitting for a fan of anne rice
    by the way i dont have to read twilight to understand
    IT SUCKS what lies ane rice told such lies you speak
    about my kind it makes me concerned about your
    nature that we are real ive lived longer than most here
    i wont hide it anymore ive lived since before your own
    mothers grandmother living off blood is what makes
    us strong and live longer without it we grow weaker
    and older by the day insulting none the less to my people
    yes most on here are fake but i know in some of them
    they’d make a great 1 better than those who are now
    a days so keep reading geek
    youll never know what its like youll only read about it
    and jealusy dose play a part in your mind but i and
    some others here wish to be open about it so what
    let the dreamer dream people like you destroy the
    dreamer well theres evidence here remember the man
    i gave the ritual too any of you remember why isint he
    here now o just a coincidence right he somehow
    disappeared into thin air
    i think not
    we have a queen ass wipe do that ritual ill tell her
    personally to drop you where you stand and feed
    on your blood or maybe we could harvest you make
    an example of non believers ever see your local bum
    disappear bingo hes with us in a harvest room my queen
    so kindly made for who humans to keep them off the street
    notice that bfreak are you missing a bum in your neighborhood
    gonna tell on us aww poor BABY he wants his local idiot back to
    bad pretty soon things will change ill put humans with homes up
    for harvest why.. humans been here longer than there due date
    hope you like big storms earthquakes and tornadoes the size
    of Everest not to mention waves the size of sky scrappers
    that’s just the beginning it gets worse been ordered to
    kill all survivors well human of course good luck to all
    my kind too bad bloody freak aint 1 of us

    • One thing on the survival through the “natural disasters” how are we vampires going to survive through it because couldn’t it also capture some of us and kill them…i’m just being curious… 🙂

  742. bloodyfreak–
    I wasnt insulting my brother and sister vampires,
    I was attempting to inform pathetic humans like you.
    Obviously it was to no avail,
    because well here you are.

    You do realize that vampires can be awful gutsy,
    so I suggest you getoff this site before someone
    like me who has a very short temper and
    a very small capacity of patience for humans like you,
    threatens to rip your head off,

    Okay I am only going to say this one more time,
    and if you posers dont get it through your head
    then I am going to give up on your pathetic asses
    because you are not worth it and I don’t give a damn anymore.

    GOT IT!?

    As Tess said,
    use the words traits or signs,
    symptoms is purely insulting,
    and if you even bothered to read
    the comments here you would see
    that we prefer them not to be called
    that and therefore it would be blatantly
    disrespectful for you to call them symptoms.

    I hope that was detailed enough for you to understand.

    Oh and if you “hate eating”
    I suggest you see a doctor
    cause you sound like you have anorexia,
    though vampires do have a certain distaste
    for human foods,
    we do eat it –
    though we much prefer blood.

    And since you did not mention
    a single word about tasting and
    feeling the need for blood,
    I can tell you truthfully that you
    are not a vampire,

    Plus you sound completely arrogant,
    lets recap shall we?
    “My theory is that I am a very powerful vampire.”

    Ok so you dont see any problem with saying that?

    You are exactly the kind of person I was talking about
    in my previous comment.

    People who think that because they get a few traits
    that they are magically a vampire,

    And you didn’t even list any of the traits,
    at the very most you have intuitive ability,
    but thats it.


    • i think its funny you made your name Selene
      because your obsessed with the fact that you
      want to be a vampire,
      you desire them when only you watched
      Underworld and wished you were Selene.

      Put your real name…

    • Hear, hear!

    • Selene….
      If you are what you say you are…
      Then you shouldn’t care period…
      I somewhat agree with you.
      But besides that….
      You’re a jackass.

      • Um…okay?

        This was quite a while ago,
        and I was in a terrible mood,
        what gives you the right
        to say that about me,
        when you don’t even know me?

        And I honestly don’t care anymore,
        let em say what they want to.

        I was upset with someone
        and extremely angry anyway
        at the time so fine you want me
        to feel contrite then let everyone
        on this site hear this :

        I sincerely apologize
        if I have offened anyone
        by this past comment,
        I was having a tough time
        and was already extremely
        upset when I posted it.

        I was-
        to put it in a nicer way-
        trying to say that people
        who come on this site
        and automatically claim
        that they are vampires
        shouldn’t do that,
        they should take their time,
        ask questions,
        educate and evaluate themselves
        before they decide that they are a vampire.

        There’s more to it than
        having a few of the traits listed above –
        alot more.

        Again, my apologies,
        this comment was posted while
        I wasn’t in the best state of mind,
        and I probably shouldn’t have posted it.

        Adam Draper,
        you happy now?

  743. i have 37 of these……
    i am confused about my self i guess you could say…
    ppl tell me all the time i am not normal…

    i have naturally long black hair that goes to my ass,
    my skin has always been pale..

    i actuallly get shit al the time for it,
    my eyes are turquois blue that turn grey when
    i cry but all the time there is a yellow orange
    circle around my pupil,
    and i love wearing the color black
    along with the fancy stuff,
    im not going to lie…
    i am high class other things
    are my teeth are amazing by the way,
    the most important thing is if i go out
    in the sun for too long i burn to the point i bleed,
    i have scars.

    You dont beleive me well talk to me!

    idk i am smart,
    i love when others are smart….
    i just dont know where i belong.

    What am i….
    wanna know more?

    email me chicks4chels@yahoo.com
    dont ask.

    • Just because you have the hair and the eyes and the teeth may not even mean your a vamp. And for that scar thing I believe ya but there is a disease Humans develop that makes your skin burn when your in sunlight…

  744. comon selene posers
    need a place too not
    here but somewhere truthful
    but i can understand the hard
    meaning behind you i wonder
    what yall think of me not that
    its important but would be nice
    i try to help when i can i stick up
    for most here because one day i
    wish to understand what drives us
    the most the animal we see ourselves
    as well most of you do most women dont
    categorize them selves as animals men do
    we are natures greatest love and fear they
    way she intended us to be our goddess wishes
    she never met these humans wishes they never
    came here so many years ago you know why there
    here its punishment not to us to them they sided with
    a demon on there last world and destroyed it
    now theve done it again they forget we saw
    past that forgave them even when no others
    had now thousands of years later they have
    forgotten there promise forgotten there
    own gods and goddesses even our
    goddess and her children will
    suffer greatly is what was
    told but she believed
    they could change
    now she suffers for
    it we suffer for it i say
    no more LET THEM DIE
    let them fall like every race
    has at some point no race lives
    forever specially mortals in spite
    of everything we have done for them
    they hate us for we are superior to them
    they mock our being here with war and destruction
    they promised eternal peace to our goddess WHAT DID
    they are they are world destroyers demon worshipers but
    now even they see no point in humans only to posses them
    let um fuck the human race i will stand for it no more let them
    rot in there own hell eternally they even take other religions good
    religions and turned it into christ humans once forced it upon each
    other think of this ritual body of christ blood of christ the true
    meaning and bite off is from Wicca body of the goddess blood
    of the goddess even the same words worded differently but
    the same meaning the whole christan religion is based off
    of Wicca ugly women never danced around a fire naked
    pretty women and men did christ says it was ugly
    women bah jealusy of power so what did they do
    THE NAME OF GOD i dont doubt hes
    real though i believe there’s many
    of them all come to see humanity
    burn betting even there downfall
    down to the date the years day
    and hour even the minute and
    seconds i say end them
    LET IT BE DONE if any of
    you believe what i have seen
    heard and realized and ill know
    ill know you are what you say you
    are let what i said into your mind see
    the endless history unwritten do to mans
    own fear of what yes if you haven’t guessed
    they day they DIE the day mankind ends they
    fear it more than anything if i was a murderer
    i killed this guy but before i did he told me hes
    not afraid to die id tell him this it wont end with
    you but your entire family down to the last child
    hed be afraid its only human you know we have feeling
    but ignore them why for our own good we are but 5 feelings
    hunger,love,lust,hate and loneliness forever more bitch forever
    more ok we are sick bastards but we understand the world better
    than all we are the children of the night mightiest in all our beloved
    goddess glory in our glory all i have to say is (ess maash dueth) to all
    our real vampires out there who understand shadow tongue and for
    the posers (deask meashas dueskas humanostas posorasas) means
    rot in hell human posers

    • what are you saying?

    • You are very right.
      Now that I think about
      it more and more humans
      are simply piece of trash with
      somewhat of a brain but they
      don’t want to use it.

      I’ll admit i’ve met one
      or two people in my
      life that were very
      different from the
      normal human
      and when it
      will come
      to the
      of human race
      I could only hope
      they survive but…
      Anyways I remember
      how I thought about the
      humans one night.

      I was listening to music
      and the lyrics kind of brought
      me to see the past and of how
      the human race has been destroying
      whats left of this planet.

      The next day the tv turned on to history
      channel and some humans were talking
      about the stupid 2012 thing and how they
      think they found some “clues” that were left
      to warn people in the future….after reading this
      I can tell that the human race has just gotten more
      stupid and greedy by the fucking day!! I swear. See if the Mayans,
      or who ever has that calandar, were so smart to warn others in the future…
      why the human beings find it now? This pretty much proves that the
      human race has gotten to be the most insulting kind of race living
      and I do feel like they feel thretened…especialy the Americans.
      Seriously I’ve lived here for quite a while and I rather move
      back and live in a tiny apartment with no food that live
      here!! Its terrible! They think that they are the superior
      humans to everthing and everyone. I still don’t
      understand on how they have survive for
      such a long time….to my point of view
      the race should have vanished a long
      time ago!

      And also to what you said Celdaron…
      well to everything…
      is just compleately right
      and I’m very glad that you
      take the time to tell us this.

  745. such anger in his words reminds me why i choose him
    he was a great warrior legendary amongst us
    i even choose to marry him in hopes of 1 day
    peace between us and the humans would again be restored
    it kills him inside to see so many blind to the truth
    he takes it too hard on himself
    i wish all of you to understand his meanings
    selene my darling the fire in your heart always prevails
    let them call it a sickness for maybe they truly are most of you here
    bear my gift selene,
    I even consider samantha
    as an honorary guest to us.

    my library is always open to you
    I grant you free entry
    but you must promise
    never look upon your own
    or your loves book ever .

    I tell you that because you don’t have
    the experience like me to alter it you
    could change how the future even ends
    because you did.

    when you visit these books
    wont be there its for your own good
    and ill tell you this say you read it now
    you know what happens now you wont
    naturally do what the book says because
    you know it wont be the same as if when
    you didn’t know there is always a chance
    you might get the timing wrong Ive seen
    it on other planets plus say it was good
    your feelings wont naturally be the same.

    but for the others ive mentioned
    there’s 6 more here 7 tomorrow probably 8
    shes not sure yet the 8th but listen to him.

    i cant always enter a mind here or appear
    to type im far to busy plz just listen to your
    prince it will be better in the end he is very
    powerful he might not know it but i do.his
    real name is for those who wish to know
    celdaron sha salkelas meaning prince of war in
    shadow tongue good night my children be well

    • Ok so im not trying to offend anyone here
      just need some clarification cuz I haven’t
      slept in a long while and don’t feel like my
      self for some reason…
      anyway I would like if some one would
      explain to me what Ashira said above her
      “wish all of you to understand his meanings
      selene my darling the fire in your heart always
      prevailslet them call it a sickness for maybe they
      truly are most of you here
      bear my gift selene,
      I even consider samantha
      as an honorary guest to us. ”

      Like I said I’m not really my slef today so….

      • I agree, I’m a little confused myself.

        I don’t understand about the library,
        and the books of loved ones.
        What does that mean?

        Please reply and explain to me in simpler english…

        I don’t mean to be offensive,
        it sounds fascinating,
        but I don’t understand.

  746. Chelsea–
    That is my real name actually,
    I was named after my Father’s grandmother
    who was born in Greece.
    Not all names are made up for movies you know.

    I agree with you about the christians Celdaron,
    I think they are all hypocrites and despise them
    for what they did to my wiccan ancestors.

  747. high class hu ill be the judge of that
    not too many family’s left that are
    high class meaning to us royal blood pure blood
    riches mean nothing to us
    our riches my dear are knowledge beyond the human veil of secrecy
    what i mean in all this of what i say
    is humanity was written wrong its history written backwards
    and thank you my love
    in my haste i have forgotten your teachings
    never let history slip when you know its not time to spill it
    you must understand they must know the truth here
    humans make up history as they go along it must end my love
    for all our sakes for our glory as children of the night
    (sakasmal dous) meaning forgive me

  748. You guys are right I am not even going to bother with humans anymore.
    Thank you Ashira, I promise not to look at my own or my loved ones (I actually dont have a lot of those) if I go, speaking of, how do you get there?

  749. This is to all who may think we’re wrong bla bla bla bla bla *you bore me**
    and to that bloodyfreak dude….. I admit I have read Anne Rice and
    watched the Underworld and any movie about vampires accept
    twilight (can’t stand it simply just the way their acting and the
    way the movie ahh won’t go into it just simply hate it) and
    any other thing made about vampires… True that all of
    them have lies in the way a vampire is, behaves or
    even lives his/her life but I enjoy them simply for
    the well enjoyment. Anne Rice has a way to keep
    you suspened in her book which I love but I also
    admit that they’re all lies thats why its Fiction
    my human child….and I like some action in
    my movies is that a sin?? Last time I
    checked in ur human world I don’t
    think it was. Like hell there are
    people here who stumble
    across this website and
    think that the “symptoms”
    define that they are vamps
    but that just right away defines
    them as humans and they fell in
    love with our world. I even admit
    that when I finaly figured this whole
    thing out I was excited that I was one
    but then the people here Fire the Vampire,
    Celdaron, Selene, Saromin and others opened
    my eyes to the real world. They showed me the
    real vampire life *in a way* so now I too see how
    humans take vampires so lightly. I could go on forever
    about this but thats just a short opinion of what I think
    and this is the last time I will explain my self to any human
    or someone that defies vampires.

  750. ill speak for my queen for now she is busy i cant even talk to her
    sad but shes kinda in the middle of planning a war out
    to those seeking the library first have you felt or even used your third eye thats the key for vampires
    the meanings i wish all of you to understand most of our kind
    and man kind wont survive those who have seen themselves in the future will those who havent probably wont
    she was speaking to those who would survive already in my area theres massive floods it will only get worse half the damns in my state have overflowed into the street and houses extreme heavy rain lasting 4 days at a time oh its just rain no retard its a monsoon again the mention of that to a human mass panic arises any person with a brain would say rain lasting more than 2 days is just rain 4 days its a monsoon prolly due to ice cap melting which they still ignore the president could pass the laws all he wants whats gonna happen when hes over his head in water there gonna say fuck your laws bitch i gotta live thus this country under water other navy’s will fight for the water ways only natural.plus count more crime everyone will fit that category at that point they will fight till the end to get food us how ever wont have too itll be all over the place staggering humans all over no law to bind us the country is lost jails will be underwater what they gonna put us in a ship in a cell we are to many any way you get my drift i hope

    • Yeah I’ve used my third eye before.

    • Oh wow. I had a dream once where I was in some weird little town where people who owned the shops lived right above them. Anyway what happened was that it got flooded from too much water in the ocean. And I also had another of me back in my hometown looking through my window (btw I lived on the 4th floor) and the water was a foot away from it. Eh felt like sharing it.

      Anyways if anyone can help me…how do you know when you’ve opened your third eye??

    • soon the human race
      will pay for their insolence.
      we will not help them.

      we will laugh as the fade a way
      in to the dark history of this plant.

      you are more right than any one else on this site.

  751. Hey guys its me again

  752. and to selene:
    WHAT THE FUCK???????????

    Whats ur problem?/
    first you say that were not real,
    then u call us your brother and sisters??????

    and isn’t selene a girl from a vampire movei????

    Go to hell!!!!

  753. To selene:
    And what right does your pathetic human ass
    have in critisizing what I am????

    Why the hell would I lie
    about being a danphir????

    i swear,
    if you EVER disrespect my kind EVER again,
    I’ll find you,
    and kill you!!!!

    I’ll leave it to the queen to get you!!!

    why did you have to get me all upset????

  754. I have all those symptoms! God..

  755. First off Kotah Nyx Cushway—
    I never said that vampires didn’t exist,
    in fact I am one so I dont see where you
    got that I didn’t believe in them.

    And second I never told you
    that you werent a dhampir,
    in fact I dont recall even
    talking to you before now.

    I think you might have
    misunderstood what I meant
    or something.

    Uh yeah I think so,
    but Selene is actually my real name
    (as I said before,
    I was named after my fathers
    grandmother who was born in Greece),
    also as I said before Selene
    is a name and not everything
    comes from movies.

    Sorry for the misunderstanding,

    • Dear selene: SRY, i did kinda overreact there huh?……. Sry, i must have misunderstood you, but sorry for yelling…….. I was kinda having a bad day

      • It’s alright, I’ve been known to overreact when I’m angry on here too, just look at some of my past posts lol. And most of the time I had been having a bad day too.


  756. Man this is bad
    I have half of those symptoms
    and all of a wolfs symptoms.

    I have to shave a lot
    and I happen to cut my toothbrush
    every time I brush my teeth
    cause they’re so sharp
    and blood comes out of my teeth!

  757. i have mostly all these symptoms
    man iz my life weird or what

  758. even my brother is one 2 i stole some energy from him

  759. wow..almost all of the symptoms
    listed above is with me…
    i think only 2 or 3 of symptoms
    dont work with me…
    but y sometimes i sparkle at the sun,
    like i have some glitters on my whole body…

    is it normal that my fangs are very long
    and sharp like vampires fangs.
    is it normal?

  760. What is it with people and ‘symptoms’? It’s really bugging me.

    Vampires don’t sparkle,
    that would just be too obvious.

    And plus,
    humans don’t have fangs,
    they have canines.

    It just so happens that they grow
    differently for everyone.

    For instance,
    I’ve got a friend with abnormally long canines,
    but, trust me, she’s no vampire.

    By the way,
    what does it mean when you can see images in water?

    I can look into a glass of water,
    and an image comes into my head.

    I’m not making it up,
    because the image is so completely random.

    I saw a girl in pain,
    clutching a necklace charm,
    a silvery grey wolf with yellow eyes,
    and a willow tree over lush grass
    and spring flowers.

    If anyone can help,
    I would be grateful.

  761. hi,
    i was little
    i liked to suck
    on keys and pennies
    because i liked the taste,
    i think i can sense prescences
    cuz alot of the time when im just
    sitting around in my room i can just
    feel… well its hard to describe, it feels
    like someone just walked in my room but
    no ones there, sometimes ill just ask my friends
    “why are u sad”? cuz usually they just feel sad to
    me and then when they say they aren’t i know they
    are lieing cuz i can sense their feelings, and even with
    my friends i still feel like a loner. my eyes are wierd they
    are a mix of green and blue and have splotches of gray and
    a dark blue ring around them. i always bite the inside of my
    mouth just for the blood taste and sometimes i bite myself
    just to see how far my teeth go in, i don’t break skin tho.
    and on weekends i stay up till 3 or 4 am then lie in bed
    till i fall asleep and even on school nights i stay up till
    twelve, and i feel like jumping out my window and
    running around a bit in my yard in the night time
    but juring the day i feel tired and just hang out
    in my room, the sun just bugs me! i also don’t
    like using flashlights at night cuz i see just
    fine and i have vivd dreams and alot pf the
    time i get dejavu. i also blank out
    sometimes and i have feelings
    about where things are, once
    i was looking for something
    and i couldn’t find it so i sat
    down and just concentrated
    and it felt like something
    was pulling me to my left,
    so i looked to my left and there
    sitting on the shelf in a bag was
    the thing i was looking for! and it
    has happened countless other times too.

    and im pretty sure this boy in my class was a vampire!

    he had white pasty skin and
    he was super fast and really strong,
    and once i was glancing around the
    class room and i stared at the back
    of his head for like half a second and
    he turned and stared back at me,
    he was never at school,
    but some of the other boys in my
    classed hung out with him at recess.

    but about the middle of the year,
    i wanted to test it so in class i whispered very quietly
    “i think you are a vampire”
    and i perposly picked off a scab i got
    the day before and it bled abit,
    we had to line up for something and
    he was walking past and he glanced
    over and kinda just avoided me the
    whole time even tho he had to walk
    past me a few times to get stuff,
    he just walked past every1 normally
    but when he got to me he circled more
    out so he was farther away,
    then after that day he rarly came to school
    and then the craziest thing was, he actually
    transfered schools!

    i don’t know if it was because of me
    or what but i personally thought he was a vampire,
    also he would do wierd things,

    i think at one time he picked the wood
    of part of his desk and colored it red!

    maybe just coincidence but i believe he was one.

    but me i know im not,
    well actually i don’t really know…
    i don’t think i am cuz when i see
    other people’s blood i just…
    well i stare at it but i don’t go and
    try to drink it or anything,

    i wish i was one tho…



    BUT REALLY iS Sick ANd dying
    And Has to take Pills AND he is ReaLLy FAT
    SO he doesnt go out and stays home On his CompUteR
    Lying TO kidS LikE You /

    not that doesnt mean that
    there isnt vampires
    somewhere .

  763. ever since i had teeth,
    i would bite people
    if i was angry with them
    or just because i found it amusing.

    i was interested with vampyres
    my whole life and i never thought
    that i belonged here with humans.

    i felt compleatly out of it.

    but then i found this and another website
    and i realized that all of these symptoms,
    well that i could relate to them.

    i find it bothersome sometimes,
    always having to wear sunglasses.

    if anyone has questions,
    contact me.

    ive been aware of myself
    being a vampyre for over two years


  764. ok i am relly confused
    i am taking a bunch of tests
    to see if i am a vamp.

    and i have goten all of them
    right i am so happy
    but at the same time i am scared
    because i am 9 years old
    please help me

  765. umm im not a vampire
    i just think ur stories r cool XD,
    i dont believe in vampires
    i just think wat i hear is interesting,
    if they are real,
    PLEASE don drink my blood lol

  766. i think all these stories r bull
    NO OFFENSE but they interesting,
    maybe all u could become authors 1 day
    rofl lmfao

  767. i have all the symtoms exept the sex junk,
    because i’m only 12,and i’m a girl.

    by the way Dawsman77
    i promice that i will not drink ur blood

  768. again with my x friend pest its getting old wes are ya jealous of me Mercedes wont talk to ya i wont your a pest leave us and my kind alone
    we had enough of your lil comments be gone grow up when you do get a job keep it for a week then we will talk about whos just on his comp all day 1 thing i have a job im an apprentice im actually putting my hours in unlike you buddy stay off here and out of mine and there lives
    (sheasa domasks)

  769. wait whp r u yelling at lawl?

  770. wait who r u yelling at lawl?

  771. that was fur hollyj

  772. ahh today i got cut, i tasted it……….
    im definetly NOT a vampire,
    i was throwing up for like an hour D:

  773. I NEED HELP!!!!!

    Tomorrow morning I have to go get a blood test…
    its for cholestrol b/c apparently I’ve never have it done!

    And now I don’t know WHAT TO DO!!!


    I will freak because I have started
    to get more nocturnal again and
    more hungry and thirsty than ever before!!!
    I really don’t know what to do about it!!!


    • okay first of all.
      YOU need to stay away from animals
      there mine I call them,
      and second bite sum1 and see how it tastes.
      It’s soo yummy!!

      My K-9 teeth are pointed bc i’m a werewolf.

      I’m a beautiful white girl wolf.

      I look just like a wolf
      you wouldn’t notice me as a human.

      The only difference between real wolf’s
      and werewolf’s is werewolf’s like ME
      for instance I eat meat off of animals
      AND humans AND each other when
      we get in fights
      I ALWAYS WIN!!!!!

      • Wow you’re arrogant. Lol, so basically you’re saying that you look exactly like a dog?
        And you think you’re complimenting yourself?

  774. ehh another wanna be vampy -_-

  775. YOu ppl acculllay belive you are vampire’s!!!

    X D That is sooo funny!
    You ppl who think you are
    vampire’s are over reacting!!!!!

    NO JOKE!!!

    I’m werewolf you know why
    I eat meat all day I’m a girl
    and i’ve got a six pak
    I’m getting meaner by the second.

    I killed a cow
    and ate it I only killed one person,
    bc I just couldn’t help my-self.

    I’m super fast I play no sports
    I never worked out and yet,
    I have a six pak.

    When I wake up I always
    find my-self soo pale and weak
    I never grow tired only in the day time. 🙂

    I love it dogs are afraid of me.

    I’m very attractive.

    My scent,
    my looks,
    and the I move my body.

    Watch out ppl I’m coming.

    • Hypocrite.

      You can’t tell US to grow up, laugh at us, and then claim you’re a werewolf. Seriously, you need to think of what you’re trying to say before u type it.

      Secondly, no-one on this site can really tell us what we are. Nobody knows everything. There’s no way to tell that vampires DON’T exist, and that goes with every other species possible. Myths had to start somewhere, did they not? And please tell me WHO could have come up with something like this.

      Phew…I’ve needed to get that off my chest for a while…

    • Also, I don’t think I’ve heard anyone more arrogant.

      I quote,

      “I’m very attractive.
      My scent,
      my looks,
      and the way I move my body.”

      Seriously, just because you think you’re mythical (I don’t for one moment think that you are anything other than a human, nothing else could be so big-headed), does not mean you can all over everyone else.

      • I agree with you Tess. And actualy from now on I think we should ignore all the stupid humans who claim to be better than anyone or anything else cuz in the end WE know the truth on who is.

    • not cool dude…….

    • You wanna see how mean someone can get? Well then keep posting here bitch and I’ll show you.

  776. if tess didnt believe she was a vampy i would like her, its not like i have anything against u its just that, y believe in mythical creatures if they do not exist, stick to the books and movies. we dont need any more people dieing bcuz ppl think theyre a vampire or a werewolf.

  777. Dawsman77 I think I just might drink your blood! Your such a stupid human. You are very lucky that right now I can’t hunt u down and kill you. To us your nothing but food. So I would try as fucking much as I could to please us so that we don’t kill you. Because its no problem.

  778. Dawsman77,
    As I said above, there’s no way humans can say that vampires, werewolves, shapeshifters and any other species don’t exist. How can you be sure? If you read the myths, they’re fast and strong, and incredibly stealthy.

    P.S. DId I ever claim I was a vampire? No. If anything, I’m a shapeshifter.

  779. Sorry guys for freaking out before……….. I was already havin a bad day and was having personel problems and i hadnt drunk in a while so….. yeah……, sorry!

    P.S. Haha i saw this on a website and i know twilight is bull, so listen to this its funny!!!

    So, edward is pretty and he sparkles huh? Ummm, duuude, hes not a vampire! Hes a MAN FAIRY!!!!!!

  780. Hey, what do you guys know anout Chakras???? Wait, did i spell that right??? OOps!

  781. Selene, im so glad its you, hey,
    i really am sorry,
    i did kinda overeact!

    Ive heard about chakkras before,
    but i dont really lnow much about what they do…..
    what do you know???

    • It’s fine, I do that sometimes too :).

      Chakras are the energy centers of the body.
      There are seven of them.

      The chakras take in the vital energy
      and transform it into the frequencies
      needed by the various areas of the
      physical bodies for sustenance and development.

      Each chakra is connected with
      one of the elements of earth, water,
      air aether and mind –
      mind being an instrument of consciousness.

      These elements are states of matter
      and NOT elements as we understand
      them in modern chemistry.

      They are equivalent to the terms:
      solid, liquid, fiery or gaseous, airy, and aetheric –
      which are somewhat analogous to the physical,
      astral and mental planes and sub-planes.

      The seven primary chakras are located
      along a central vertical axis of our spine
      and open toward the front of the body
      like a blossom.

      These circular energy centers
      are in constant motion,
      rotating, attracting energy –
      receiving or radiating.

      The 1st chakra is called the Root chakra.

      It is located between the anus
      and the genitals and is connected
      with the coccyx.
      The Root Chakra opens downward.
      When active with vigor,
      it is fiery red-orange in color.

      The 2nd chakra is called the Sacral or Spleen chakra.

      Located over the spleen, it is sun-like in color
      and opens towards the front.

      Sanskrit books always substitute the 2nd
      sacral chakra with that of the spleen,
      locating it below the navel instead of at the spleen.

      My research suggests that there is a danger
      associated with tampering with the spleen,
      so perhaps this is why they locate it below the navel.

      I don’t know.

      The 3rd chakra is called the Solar Plexus chakra.

      It is located about two finger-breaths
      above the navel and is directly connected
      to our astral or emotional body.

      Through the solar plexus chakra
      we absorb the solar energy which
      nurtures our etheric body,
      which energizes and maintains
      our physical body.

      This is where our emotional (feeling)
      energy radiates,
      particularly our “gut feelings.”
      It glows a golden color.

      The 4th chakra is called the Heart chakra.

      It is the center of our entire chakra system.

      It is located in the center of the breast
      at the level and vicinity of the heart cavity
      and connects the three LOWER physical
      and emotional centers to the three HIGHER
      mental and spiritual centers.

      Its color is chiefly green.

      The 5th chakra is called the Throat chakra.

      It is located between the depression
      in the neck and the larynx,
      beginning at the cervical vertebra
      behind the Adam’s apple.

      It starts at the cervical vertebra
      and opens towards the front.

      It is also connected to a small secondary chakra,
      which has its seat in the neck and opens to the back,
      but since the two chakras are so closely related,
      they have been integrated into one.

      Although it has a lot of blue about it,
      it is also silvery,
      like moonlight upon rippling water.

      Blue and green predominate.

      The 6th chakra is called the Third Eye chakra.

      It is associated with the pituitary gland,
      which is a very small,
      shapeless organ about 1/8 inch in diameter
      located in the forehead about one finger-breath
      above the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows.

      Here conscious perception of being takes place.

      It is the seat of our higher mental powers.

      On the physical plane,
      it is the highest center of command
      for the central nervous system.

      One half is chiefly rose-colored with a lot of yellow,
      and the other half is predominantly purplish-blue.

      The 7th chakra is called the Crown chakra.

      It is seated in the pineal gland,
      which is a small organ of fleshy consistency
      not much larger than the pituitary.

      The pineal gland is located near
      and behind the pituitary body almost
      in the exact center of your head at
      the level of your ears.

      The Crown Chakra opens upward,
      at the top of your head.

      Interestingly enough,
      medical science has yet to conclusively determine
      the physical influence this gland has on the human
      body (probably because metaphysics is beyond
      their rational thinking mind.)

      Although it contains all sorts of prismatic hues,
      it is predominantly violet.

      Each chakra is perpetually rotating.

      And then there are Nadis
      which are the channels
      that the energies from each
      of your chakras flows and
      connects to one another.

      Sorry this was a lil long

      Hope it helped.

  782. I have every single symptom
    from top to bottom because
    I always stay in the dark
    every animal loves me

    I’m a fast runner
    i can type really fast
    with out looking

    I always sit alone the school bus
    when we go outside I always stay
    in the dark and the sun hurts my eyes

  783. aww yuuki, u wanna kill me? thats so nice :D, does drinking my blood turn u on? or just cuz im “food” means im a retard? O.O

    • Okay you are seriously becoming an annoyance, you said yourself you don’t belive in vampires and yet you tasted your blood to check? Piss off idiot.

    • Yes do piss off…
      really to me ur nothing than the
      white stuff that acumulates an the
      corners of ur mouth when ur thirsty….
      so really just do us all a favor and fuck off!

  784. by the way yuuki does me being a human upset u? and if yes then y?

  785. Thnx for the info on chakras!!!! u have been a big help!!!

  786. I am 14 years old
    I have had some of those symptoms
    when I was younger and I still do
    I sometimes have had a craving for blood
    but i still dont know if im a vampire……
    I have most of those symptoms
    but i still dont know if im a vampire
    but i would really like to find out

  787. Just by looking at the comments
    some of these pityfull humans made
    I can tell that they never learn….

    Everytime I read that one of you fuckers
    has a “symptom” my jaw starts to get a tick
    because I want to rip your throught out!!

    Really you never learn…..

    Btw do any of you had
    thunderstorms this past week??? 🙂

    • Yeah this whole week its been raining,
      storming, or extremely windy here.

      • Hmmm what part of the world do u live in?
        Or at least the country….
        cuz It started to rain yesterday.

        Its kind of nice though because
        its by night and I like that 🙂

      • Yuuki – I live in the US. Lol yeah I like storms 🙂

      • haha cool me too.
        we had a momantary hail storm
        it was soo fun watching it 😛

      • 🙂 We had a major heat wave here
        (it had been extremely cold here
        for the past few weeks),

        I was outside for ten minutes
        and I got a the windows open
        and all the fans on,
        and then it’s supreally bad sunburn.

        Then there was a random thunder storm.

        It’s so hot we have all
        posed to get cold again next week!

      • Oops it I accidently put the sup part of supposed next to really lol.

  788. dawnsan dawnsan dawnsan
    yu know its rude enough your
    a human and worse your in my email
    in my box not trash mail
    you have the nads to piss even me off
    and yes being here dose just that
    cause really you sound as if you hate us
    wich is fine many do
    if we arent real prove it just like you
    say to us prove it human
    prove to us this is a dream
    a fantasy but there is no facts on it
    is why humans like yourself would never believe
    think for a second on this fact
    if there was a day the government
    just tells you straight out
    we exist not just to you but the world

    …………fucking mass panic……….
    so its kinda good of them to not tell you
    it hurts there pride as a whole you knew
    the whole time and didint bother to tell us….

    yea your daughters missing
    because shes one of them
    and well shes actualy enjoying her new life,,,,

    think here for a sec the moral thoughts
    of her parents now 60 years old and has
    2 other kids because they lost 1 not a great picture
    sorta like a Kodak moment with the cameras shutter
    closed kinda thing (well we took the picture
    what more do ya want) think how many people of
    ours in hiding or secretly but happily amongst you
    would feel half the world would lose money jobs
    prolly more deaths burning crosses ect ect

    just a mess but eventualy yea they will know
    or hopefully like the usa know it but pretend it
    aint there we know well i know the moral reason
    you only know what peeps tell you prolly what
    a movie tells you we have brains live a long time
    mature early sleep during the day preferable drink
    and crave blood live secret lives but hey i think ya
    get the picture so before you insult my people
    i could tell you a thing or 2 about your own kind
    youd hate to admit you miss what we see and do
    we dont care what you see and do is what the
    worlds problem is we as a people dont care
    bout practically anything you kinds race dose
    love the taste but hate where it comes from
    meaning if you cant get my drift for those
    who are incompetent and will ask questions later
    it means we like blood just we hate the humans
    it comes from just like humans do with hunting
    animals we are doing to you and its morally wrong
    to kill humans what do you think the animals a
    re saying to each other is why some like bears
    turn man eater funny as hell rebels rule i say well
    good day everyone sleep well

  789. wow what happened to saromin somethings up here he was a regular
    now i see some here who have the same talk patern i could be wrong
    but eh just a thought to all i was just wondering if you noticed is all

  790. omg, I have most of the symptoms…
    but I still am not sure if I am one…
    I mean I have tested myself lots of times..
    but I still feel unsure about it…
    unless people actually tell me I am one…
    so am I?

  791. I am a vampire,
    Even before i looked
    at this website i was :0

  792. I can answer your questions
    if you are ‘not sure’ whether
    you are a vampire or not.

    1- Have you felt out
    of place since you were little,
    almost like you didn’t belong?

    2- Do you scare yourself?

    3- Do people keep
    their distance from you?
    Do thay seem to hate you?

    4- Do you usually get your own way?
    If you don’t,
    can you change the circumstance
    to make it more agreeable?

    If you answered yes for all of those,
    you are ost likely to be a vampire.

    If you’re still not sure,
    e-mail me at fearnbritt215@hotmail.co.uk

    I don’t bite.

  793. Hello

    I really like being bitten
    when my fiance and I are intimate.

  794. I have A LOT
    of these symptoms.

    Not all,
    but a lot.

    A lot.

  795. Ugh….
    I had another realistic dream
    that haunts me just like the one with Yion.

    It was of me back and my great grandmas place
    and finaly i could go outside but it was very dark.

    The sky was black accept a strip of
    blue and purple together on my right.

    Then from this hill-y drive way
    comes a black wolf with another.
    and the black one came up to me
    and put his paw on my bare arm
    and looked at me and he had
    piercing ice blue eyes with a
    deep dark ring around it.
    and then they lead me to the forest
    by great grandpa but it was diff…
    there was an empty cirle there surrounded
    by trees and there was a bon fire….

    thats all i could remember oh and
    i remember jumping up high and
    what felt like i was floating for a few seconds.

    other than that that is it….
    idk what it means or not but it was so weird….
    and now the wolfs look…
    i keep on seeing it!

    • Weird,
      I had a dream a while ago
      where I was at my great
      grandma’s house and I saw
      a white wolf.

      That’s not the whole dream
      but I just thought It’d be worth
      mentioning the similarity.

      • Wow that is weird…. o.o

      • I’ve been dreaming of two wolves.
        But they both have blazing yellow eyes.

        The black one is male, with a white ear tip,
        tail tip, paw, and facial streak.
        The white one is spotless and female.

        Nothing comes of the dream,
        I just see them chasing each other through the woods,
        the woods near my house in fact…


      • Tess,
        In my dream I saw two wolves too.

        And I am guessing the female
        was the one who put her paw on me.
        and the one behind her looked different.
        But for some reason I keep on seeing
        those piercing blue eyes stare at me….

  796. im a vampire.
    i always knew i was different.
    im much faster.
    i am very stong.

  797. GOT 28 OF THOOSE SYMTOMS me and my bff have this physic thing where we tell the future this is no lie srsly

  798. I get what you mean, I constantly lose myself in those yellow ones of the male. The female seems more friendly, but the male is more intense.

    JUST TO taste it and some times
    i cant stop myself until i faint.

  800. my thirst has gotten so bad that i bite myself.

  801. let me enlighten those who
    are arrogant enough to call our gifts
    symptoms its getting on my nerves entirely
    we are not sick we are a healthy growing population
    stop calling the gift our goddess gave us symptoms
    it pains me greatly to see you consider yourself sick
    live with it or die fighting the unpreventable
    there is no going back there is no end to the tunnel
    ive looked centuries of us have looked
    im sure if they found it it would be known
    ive looked deep into our queens library
    nothing will turn you back
    its human nature that has blinded us
    to tell us we are sick
    they consider themselves a perfect being
    so any other being not normal to them
    is abnormal its called a disease a sickness
    i say if it aint broke dont fix it
    you feel right with it dont change it
    what makes you a being of power should make you feel great
    not diseased or sick use it to your advantage
    its your gift use it the way you want dont force the shadow within
    to reveal itself so harshly YOU ARE NOT SICK DISEASED OR DIEING
    to all you new comers dont waste our time here
    and most of all dont waste your own

  802. i don’t like how possers are saying that”OMG i have 28 symptoms”
    Get it straight!
    God we are a being a gift from our queen and goddess.
    Don’t shame us.We know who we are and we trust in our knowledge of our pasts and edven futures, our power to control weather animals(if they are willing) And even the mood of our world.
    We entrusted the humans with a peaceful world don’t demolish out trust for your own arrogence.
    I don’t meen to harm anyone in mind, i am only saying what has been said and what is on mind for a while.
    I trust all of you to right and celdron, selene, tess, and yuuki. You are right in so many ways.And wrong in some.You admit to your wrongs. And the helps us understand we are alike in mind and also not alike in other simple ways.
    Sorry to affend you if it has, i don’t mean any harm.

  803. anyone knows where
    to but some fucking blood
    im jesus christ im sick of this shit!!!

  804. is it just me
    or dos it seem very likely
    that some christian fuckup
    will find us throw this website
    and kill us all.

  805. I have more or less
    of all the traits o-o

    Can vampires change
    people into vampires?

    Or is that just movie

    • it depends on how much
      vampire blood you contain.
      like if you have more than like
      70% you can turn someone
      into a vampire.

  806. any other vampires live in fairfield Ct….. in the USA?

  807. ok,
    i have most of these symptoms
    (not the sex ones im only 14)
    and i dont belong in this time
    plz help i dont know what to do
    i cannot get axcess to blood
    and i almost killed my friend
    i am not supposed to be in this world

    help help email me
    @ emily_burushkina@yahoo.com

  808. i have about 29 of these symptoms.
    (im only 14) I almost killed a friend
    of mine which was terrible.

    I have drank blood from someone.
    but i dont no how people think of me.

  809. I swear on anything
    that you humans will
    regret calling us diseased
    or say that our gifts are symptoms…
    but as I said before I am done commenting
    on those people and don’t care…I just hope
    that you die in some freak accident! 🙂

    sorry for not really being on here for a while.
    I have been thinking about things lately and about Yion.
    I can’t get my head off of him.

    Everytime his image, his face,
    his body comes back to my mind.

    All i can think of is that everytime
    I see him in my mind I get a split second of peace,
    and love and a feeling that someone cares
    about me for once in my life.

    All I can think of is that day
    that I saw my self with him.

    All now I can do if just wait for it to come.

    Also I have been reflecting back
    on my life now and when I was a kid…
    I don’t know It just got me started on thinking
    about my whore father who I hate
    with a monstrous passion.

    I really want to go back there
    and tell him what I think and
    then do the most grusom thin–
    but then that time will come.

    Anyway what I am asking is for help.
    I really am getting out of control.

    Not to long ago I had almost ripped
    my mother’s throat out with my teeth.

    I really am getting madder
    and angrier by the minute
    and I really can’t control it.

    All I ask is peace and quiet
    and all I get is fighting and yelling!!!

    I need help please….
    I don’t know what to do anymore.

    • Hey Yuuki,
      You might want to find somewhere
      solitary to stay a while if that’s possible.

      It’s only me and my mum here,
      and most of the time,
      I’m on my own.

      I’m pretty much always in control,
      except when someone angers me.

      Also, try asteral projection.

      Selene taught it to me,
      and it worked a miracle.

      Ask her,
      she’s good at explaining stuff like that.

      Also, I don’t think Yion’s a bad ‘being’.

      There’s always an unexplicable
      presence around me,
      and I’m pretty sure it’s him.

      He always disappears around
      9 o-clock at night,
      and that’s when I’m the most paranoid.

      try the asteral projection.
      I can’t explain it well,
      so ask Selene.

      • Thanks a lot for the help…
        since for like the past week
        I had bad luck with computers
        I thought that my comment got
        erased but this made my day.

        I will try to ask Selene about that…
        And the Yion thing I’m also don’t
        think he is bad..
        I was marely just metioning that,
        since I am now I will share one thing though.

        Last night I felt him but much differently.

        When I thought about Yion
        I felt like something tightened
        my chest and my heart…
        it was very weird feeling…

  810. hey guys,
    i haven’t been on for a while
    since my parents have been
    looking over me like hawks.

    Also i had too much homework.

    what you might try to do which
    ties in with what tess said is to
    find a place you can call your own
    (under a tree, in your room,
    or anywhere where you don’t feel
    like your being watched)
    and just think.

    Like tess said,
    you can try astral projection,
    although i am pretty new to that.

    Another thing you could do
    is write in a journal about
    whatevery you like.

    I saw on a webpage something
    about using a notebook to write
    spells or descriptions of things around you.

    write about anything that interests you
    and keep your mind off things.

    Also, tess,
    i just wanted to ask if you could
    describe astral projection to me,
    or if you could ask Selena to teach me.

    It would really help.


    i just wanted to remark
    on something really interesting
    that is beginning to occur. In school,
    im beginning to really sharpen my senses.

    For example,
    whenever someone passes by me,
    i can feel a larga amount of heat
    emenating from them,
    as if they are sending out hot air.

    i am becoming much more sensitive to smell.

    I can smell a persons unique “aroma”
    from more than ten feet away,
    and taste it in the air when i am closer.

    Is this normal?

    • Hey, bob,
      I’ll try to explain the astral projection to you,
      but if you don’t understand,
      I suggest you ask Selene.

      Astral projection is the etheral body
      leaving the physical body for any
      amount of time.

      You have to imagine yourself,
      hearing, feeling, seeing things that you
      cannot see from your current point of view.

      Wait, here’s a link to a usefull
      sight: http://www.crystalinks.com/astral.html

      I’ve tried this three times so far.

      The first time I didn’t get back
      to my physical body properly
      and I was having wild mood
      swings the next day.

      The second time was a wonderful feeling,
      and I went anywhere I could think of.

      The tird time wasn’t as great,
      but I was tired, so…

      Let me know how you get on.

  811. i killed a deer today and drank its blood.
    someone saw me.

  812. I hear voices.
    This isn’t anything new,

    I’ve just thought about it.

    It’s always at night,
    just as I’m dropping off to sleep.

    Someone calls my name.
    Not as in a call,
    more like they were adding
    my name into a sentance.

    I don’t recognise them.
    I don’t know who they are,
    and I’m not imagining them,
    but I can’t hysically hear them either.

    • hmm…very intresting…
      I don’t really know what that
      might be but once or twice
      I heard my name being whispered
      right into my ear even though
      no one was around…

      maybe it might be someone
      calling you through
      something o.o i don’t know for sure.

  813. tess you just heard your vampire side in you.

    • Meaning?

      • its like a secound concius
        every vampire has one but
        don’t always hear it.

      • That… or it could be demons or the dead.
        Vampires have more intact with death than humans.
        It could be your Guardian.
        Just ask them.
        Don’t think that you’re insane.

  814. omg i swear to god im losing it.
    i can’t go outside for long.
    the sun is killing me a tell you…….
    well then again vampires aren’t the friendliest to it…..
    its worse that im at school
    and me and my friend go outside

    T_T i dont want to tell my friend
    because then she will think im weird
    and avoid me T_T

    • Telling in friends is hard.
      None of mine know,
      I just keep it to myself.

      Mind you,
      it’s easier to stay hidden
      when you live in not-so-sunny England.

      • that sucks cause the sun will then never leave……….
        its just hard keeping secrets from friends
        because well there ur friends. well i quess
        i have all my other vampire friend

    • i told two or three of my friends
      over facebook but then i thought
      they would never speak to me again
      so i lied and told them my cuz was
      just playing on the computer
      and all he said wasn’t true….
      and i agree with tess…
      I would rather stay hidden….
      esoecialy cuz its getting hotter
      here in the U.S. and very sunny 🙁

      • i tried telling one friend
        but they didn’t believe me
        so i just gave up on telling people.

        People will just think ur weird and avoid you.

        Right now where i live its almost summer
        so it means sun T_T something we all hate

  815. he guys,
    i dont have much time,
    but i just wanted to thank
    Tess for the website,
    it was really helpful.

    i found out something
    that was really interesting.

    In the practice of magic,
    there are tools called pendulums
    which im sure some of you have
    heard about before.

    These pendulums have different
    yes or no swings and can help you
    find things using a map.

    THere are some really good videos
    online about this so check them out.

    I tried making my own pendulum
    from some rock in my yard and
    it worked really well.

    These can help you see the future,
    answer yes or no questions and
    tell you where to find things.

    I agree with tess an Yuuki
    about not telling anybody.
    It is a lot better to just keep it to yourself,
    unless your sure the person your telling
    will believe you or is a vampire themselves.


    • Ooo I heard of them but never thought of it to work…
      hmm since you tried I might too.

      And yea the friend thing is very true.

      But see I told my most trusted friend
      but she still thinks im in a catagory
      called “insanely weird” and that everything
      can be explained with any
      human reson.. o.o i don’t really know
      what she ment at the time but I do now…
      so for all of you I would keep it to yourself.

      Its better that way

  816. ahhh so damn hot and sunny T_T …
    well thats sort of not really why i’m writing.

    I really was wondering if any of you have ever done this –>
    so lately I’ve been playfully biting my mom or my lil cuz as a joke…

    but at one point the skin felt so wonderful underneath
    my teeth that I couldn’t stop it!! And then I would look
    over to my mom and see how her lush vein is showing
    on her neck and I swear my body just suddenly jerked
    over to her and I had no control.

    Thankfully before I did anything
    I came back to my normal self….
    the next day when I woke up one of my eyes
    had a beer like color and the other was more
    green O.o kinda weird but what ever.

    Anyway I wanted to know if that
    has ever happened to anyone. B/c now
    all I want to do is BITE!!!

    • Well, for starters,
      I don’t think biting,
      even if it was only playful,
      was a great thing to do.
      It may have triggered something.

      And yeah,
      I want to bite and growl
      at people who’ve annoyed my,
      or are contridicting me.

      I actually did once,
      and I drew blood.

      I’ve managed to control myself since
      (I think the astral projection helps).

      By the way,
      if you try astral projection

      something happened to jolt me out
      of before I was ready,
      and now I’ve got wild mood swings.

      I want to giggle uncontrollably at some points,
      and cry at others.

      It’s not nice,
      trust me.

  817. well i quess since were all vampires
    here that we sooner or later will have
    to bite someone for the required blood
    to survive i quess.

    If u take a withdrawal of blood
    u could into a blood frenzy and
    if u see any sign of blood could
    make you go into a crazied blood
    frenzied and u would probably go
    right to them and bite them…..

    It has i think happened to me once….
    but the good thing was that we were
    the only 2 people in the room at the
    moment and after the thing happened
    he had forgotten what happened.
    so i quess that was a good thing
    that happened cause then if he
    had of remembered…

    well that would have
    been a bad thing <..>

  818. Tess right BE CAREFUL
    when astral projecting.

    You can’t let anything break
    your concentration or your
    etheral body will be left on
    the astral planes.

    Not to fear though because
    you can’t lose your etheral body –
    there is a silver line always
    attaching it to you.

    But an unsupervised etheral body
    on the planes could be in danger.

    There are alot of levels to the
    astral planes that you need to
    be careful not to venture off to.

    Astral projection is very useful
    in fact you can use it to feed if
    your imaginitive enough,
    but can be very dangerous if
    your not careful enough.

    If you need any info on subjects
    like this email me at selene.v22@gmail.com

    I get the urge to bite and growl
    (sometimes hiss) at people too,
    but I try to control it –
    I usually growl at people when I’m
    and what calms me
    down is playing piano.

    When you feel like this you
    should just do something
    that you like and distracts you.
    I also do lots of meditation
    and it really helps.

  819. Oh…Em….Gee… Im A Vampire O_o

  820. Hey guys,
    I just wanted to ask Lauren
    if you were the one who talked
    to me a long time ago or if your
    someone else.

    No offense if your not,
    but the lauren whom i talked with
    before a few months just stopped
    coming on and I’m worried something
    may have happened.

    i just wanted to comment about
    what everyone was saying about biting people.

    I have never drawn blood from a person
    and i think that i have gained pretty
    good control over my instincts.

    the need for blood has
    become unbearable and I’m beginning
    to feel really tired.

    Do you guys have any
    ideas on good sources?


    p.s. Selena,
    is it okay if i e-mail you
    to ask more questions
    about astral projection
    and other techniques?
    Thanks a lot.

  821. tess
    of the wolfs looked happy
    and they were playing
    its a good thing
    if not it mean danger

  822. do u think it’s problem
    when someone finds out,
    and that person never talks to u again,
    and/or just looks at u weird
    when you pass them ………
    quick question but
    what is Astral Projection?????

    • Astral Projection or Astral Travel
      is basically the training of your
      etheral (spiritual) body to leave
      your physical body so you can
      have an out-of-body experience.

      When you accomplish this you go
      out onto the astral planes or astral world.

      There are different levels to the astral planes
      and believe it or not we are on one now –
      we exist on the physical plane.

      There are many other planes,
      or some call them dimensions.

      As I said before astral
      travel is very intersting,
      and fun :p but also very
      very dangerous if you are
      not careful.

      If you need any more info
      email me at selene.v22@gmail.com

      • thank u for the information ^_^

      • Hahaha
        Astral Travel is REALLY fun
        But then again,
        I sometimes can’t decide
        whether or not if it’s my mind
        or the real world

      • Yay! lol
        I havent atrally projected myself.
        I really want to.

        I have tried but I can never
        get into that state.
        Nothing helps.

      • Well it is hard to do with out clearing your mind.
        a clear mind and a relaxed body is the key to doing it.
        it some times helps mediate.



  823. if werewolves are the only
    things that can kill us
    why don’t we hunt them down.
    and kill them all,
    i know where a pack lives,
    they’ve killed vampires i knew.

    their smart and fast and know our weaknesses.
    but i know theirs the best.

    • well that is very intresting
      and i actually wonder that too.
      but if we were to do this we’d have
      to train a bit and be smarter then them…

      • its easier than you’d think set a bait
        and then wait those pieces of shit to come.

      • Werewolves don’t hunt vampires.
        That’s more Twi-SHIT.
        There are hunters out there though…

  824. i’m starting to have difficulty’s sleeping now,
    i cant sleep during the day cause i go to school,
    that is the only time when i’m actually tired
    is in the morning T_T i cant take it im
    losing out on sleep,
    i’m starting to have mood swings,
    and im slowly going down in grades T_T

    Also there’s this voice i hear
    when im at school am i going insane????????

  825. Hmmm now this whole werewolf thing…
    it makes me wonder a lot.

    And what about like the hunters hunters.
    are they real??

    i for my self live in a very boring town
    there are pretty much non of our brothers
    and sisters around here nor our enemy…
    so I don’t really know much…

    that’s why I love talking with you guys on here.
    Anyway if anyone knows please share!! 🙂

    • I know what you mean.

      I’m taking a wild guess
      and saying that becuase
      this site is American,
      I’m guessing you’re all from there?

      Well most of you,

      in England,
      there’s pretty much
      no one with an open mind,
      so it’s mostly humans.

      I think I’ve come accross a
      couple of supernaturals,
      but none that I’ve spoken to.

      Anyone else had an e-mail
      from an allessandra g?

      She seems rather afraid,
      if you ask me.

      • I have,
        she is in the middle of her awakening.

        I live in the US but I wasn’t born here.

      • well yeah i live in the
        US but I wasn’t born here…
        and where I was born I lived
        for about 10 years…

  826. omg i have them ALL i am a vampire
    i once cut my self and sucked it clean
    i was sooo in love with the blood i want
    that blood now im really fast at running
    and can jump high i am pale and people
    tend to avoid me i love blood n my computer
    goes realllyy slow n my phone battery drains
    my best friend cut her self n i had to control
    my self not to suck it. what can i do im a
    vampire and im worried i might hurt someone
    but i want blood mmm blood n
    VAMPIRES DO NOT SPARKLE thats twilight plz
    know the difference.

    oh and i can change the weather n my freind
    couldnt see any stars out at all so i sent him
    this bright one he went wow i just looked
    out my window again and i see a really bright star

  827. am i a vampire morgan i sense blood
    and i want it i have all the symptoms
    but do not have fangs i can control the
    wind and can make people do things also
    i can make people like me n i can stare
    atr someone and they get scared also
    i love blood my friend cut herself n i
    left the room coz i was so close to drinkin it
    im not makin this up im a fast runner but
    some are faster n i can jump high i am
    not scared of anything n i love blood plz help me

  828. Shannon you indeed are a vampire
    if you have any questions ask away.

    • hi morgan yes i have a question.


  829. Zach jones what are some of
    the werwolves weaknesses.
    and where do some live?

  830. done some research
    and there mostly in michigan,
    ohio and there might be some in virginia.
    hpm and obiviosly their weakness is silver.
    and call me zack

  831. why do need to know are goin to hunt them?

  832. about the whole werewolf thing
    its personal for me but why do
    you guys want to kill them?

    • I don’t think we should,
      there may have been conflicts
      between vampyres and
      werewolves in the past,
      but I think that all supernaturals
      should at least try to get along.

      It would make things easier
      for the future that way,
      I think.

      • Hear, hear.

        I’ve got nothing against werewolves myself.

        And I agree,
        supernaturals should try to get along,
        at least.

        I don’t fancy being hunted,
        if you don’t mind,
        though I am a shapeshifter.

        By the way,
        I’ve found that the weather
        changes with my mood.

        Like today it’s dead sunny
        (the sun doesn’t bother me),
        and yesterday it was sunny,
        but the day before I was in
        a really bad mood,
        and it rained.

  833. about this wearwolf stuff
    they are allies not enemy’s some yes are
    they are the more wild and untamed and
    considered mindless to there own kind they
    cannot channel their rage so before yu try
    killing 1 think of what your risking your life
    yu never know if they are mindless until its
    too late dont get me wrong either vampires
    can be mindless too some more blood thirsty
    than others and horribly transformed
    but not uncommon

    ive heard its painful and uncontrollably
    at all times hungry mindless creature you see
    1 kill it if you can though wrong as it may seem
    if you dont itll kill even its own kind but unlike
    wear wolves who wont dare kill their own so enough
    about killing each other its out of the question kill 1
    unless attacked upon consider yourself
    a traitor to both our kind

  834. i have fangs i thought about blood
    drank some off mine only a little
    amount n now i have fangs n need blood
    i bit my pencil into quarters!!!!!!!

    help me some one tell me what
    im supposed to hunt n how to hunt them
    i need it!!!!!

    oh n i bit my wrist n now i have this rash
    that is red and has white bloches spreadin
    up my arm and im from england actually
    and to fire the vampire do you see me
    on that hill im about 13 i am like 4 ft tall
    with blonde brown hair that is mostly blonde
    i have green/grey eyes that change blue
    and have either a black or blue outline,
    if you see me then good.

    i dont know my power i can control the wind
    but that is it i think can someone tell me what to do?

    what should i hunt?
    i NEED BLOOD HELP!!!!!

  835. morgan i totally agree
    all you fagets who think
    u r vampires get the

  836. omg i have a blck bit
    round the colour in my eyes
    and i NEED blood i dont want
    to have friends coz i put them
    in danger i need help ok?

    morgan ur gd at this can u tell me
    what to do coz i dont know what
    should i get with blood?

    im stuck is raw meet poision?
    help meeeee i CRAVVVEEE BLOOD

  837. good peace is way better
    and i all ready have gotten my revenge.

  838. Lyan and vampyres don’t have to hate each other,
    and I think that there’s really nothing to ignoring
    our “natural instinct.”

    Not that it’s not there,
    but I think it’s time we all make peace.

    Several of us basically hate
    humans from what I’ve read,
    and by hating each other we
    are lowering ourselves down
    to a petty level.

    There’s nothing wrong with getting along..! 😀

    We don’t need revenge, just to carry our honor if anything.

    And yeah..these aren’t “symptoms.”

    Vampyres and human ALIKE
    are species (you know what I mean by that)
    and there is nothing wrong with being
    what and who you are,
    no matter what.

    And as for 2012,
    I basically hope it happens.

    This world,
    as far as I am educated, i
    s in desperate needs of renewal
    and a new age.

    We NEED change.

    Aren’t you sick of the lies in society,
    war, and moronic things like that?
    I sure as hell am..

    • Oui! That’s exactly how I feel, :).

      And I hope 2012 happens too,
      plus I’d like people to know that 2012
      isn’t how hollywood portrays it,
      the mayans say that 2012 is
      the end of their calendar,
      the time of rebirth and purification,
      not the destruction of the earth.

  839. what u mean 2012 i mean does that mean
    all humans will die and we will live,
    what can i eat too?

    i need blood but i cant really hunt can i?

    im in england not america.

    can someone help me
    isnt raw meat poison????????????????????????

    help me please!!!!!!

  840. tess what are you saying eh?

    im form england im a FRIKKIN VAMPIRE

    sorry i am a vampire i need to know what i can eat???

    • Firstly,
      count your blessings,
      that I’m holding a Howlite stone,
      so I won’t get angry and come and find you.

      I didn’t say I was the only
      supernatural being in England,
      what I meant was,
      that we probably have a tougher
      time coming to terms with it,
      and I actually said
      ‘Not many supernatural beings here’.

      Get your facts right
      before you accuse one of us, ‘kay?

      And thirdly,
      I’m a shapeshifter,
      not a vampire.

  841. Shannon- No one really knows for sure
    what happens in 2012 but we do know
    that it is supposed to be complete purification,
    what that means is a mystery for now.

    Raw meat is dangerous especially pork,
    but they say it’s safe to drink the blood
    you get from animal meat safely if you
    add 2 cups of vinegar or wine for every six cups
    of blood and simmer it for a second.

    And I don’t think Tess was trying to say
    that all vampyres come from America,
    I’m not originally from America –
    I live here but wasn’t born here.

    She was just saying that because
    this site was american,
    she assumed we all lived in America,
    which is understandable don’t you think?

    She wasn’t trying to offend anyone.

  842. thxs selene n i mean for vampires
    i mean if we are vampires what animals are ok?

    n have no diseases i dont wanna hunt it,
    drink its blood to find out im not a vampire
    after all n die of rabies or sumat i mean i am a vampire
    im just saying do you think you could find out
    if red deers carry any diseases that would kill
    someone not like it could kill me
    i just want to kniow oh and can you find out
    whether they are ok to drink their blood
    coz I NEED SOME BLOOD SOON!!!!!!!!!!

  843. what is wrong with you
    guy is that the way it is?………….

    wait for all the humans to die out
    so you can replace them?

    news flash assholes were animals.
    not human, ANIMALS!!!.

    so shut up about 2012 bullshit.

    • Of course not,
      I have human friends in my dorm
      that I are like sisters to me,
      my human roommate was my best friend –
      but she was in a tragic accident
      the other night and I am still grieving her death.

      So don’t tell me that I am waiting
      for the day that the humans die out
      because that would be the worst day of my life,
      knowing that all the people I love
      like family would be gone.

      And that’s not the mayans said anyway!

      None of us said that 2012 IS going to happen,
      it’s a theory,
      think before you say would ya?

      What the hell is your point anyway?

      We were just having a conversation about it,
      not fucking worshipping the day the world ends
      if that’s what you’re saying.

      Maybe you should have read what I said
      about how it’s NOT supposed to be about
      the destruction of the earth.

      Calm down and don’t say
      another damn word about it,
      because now I am not in a very good mood,
      and you don’t want to push me.

    • zach no
      i dint mean that i was shocked
      i thought that is what u all meant
      n selene im sorry i dint mean to upset you
      i was just wondering thats all i dint mean
      to upset you really i dint so sorry
      but ermm may i ask what happened
      to your friend you dint loose control
      or owt like tht did you???

      im sorry by the way to all but plz
      dont hate me i thought thts what
      u lot meant so i was shocked n i asked sorry

      • selene i dont want the humans to die
        out that IS NOT WHAT I MEANT AT ALL
        i thought that is what is going to happen
        not that i want it to i dont want it to happen
        and now i know it wont i am sorry ok? i am not
        worshipping the day this world ends no i dint
        mean tht i thought tht is what was going to
        happen and i was worried and so what if i push
        you not like i will but so what? we are both
        vampires so we cant really kill each other not
        really i mean im not gunna push u coz i dont
        want to fight with ppl i have found and are the
        only ppl like me

        i have been wanderin for many many years
        and have now found ppl like me, im not
        making offence but you missjudged me
        i dont want it to happen at all n im glad
        its not gunna so dont get mad k? coz
        then id get angry n then it could get bad
        so sorry but u gotta apoligise too for
        misjudgin me so im sorry but are you?

  844. Well all deer carry deer ticks,
    which carry lyme disease,
    whch can kill you.

    I did a little more research on it
    and basically you can drink any
    animal blood except birds and deer
    as long as you boil the bacteria out.

    They actually sell a product called pork blood
    (I meant before that that the raw pork meat was unsafe)
    which is exactly that –
    boiled pork blood in a can –
    I don’t know if it would be in your
    regular grocery store or not though 😛

  845. OKi…..
    I see you guys have gotten on the 2012 thing….
    well just a thought so please don’t get all fisty!

    So didn’t Fire the Vampire said that :
    12 year, 12 month, 12 day, 12 hour, 12 min, 12 second…
    is when us vampires will become the superior race.

    And just to point out she didn’t
    say anything about destroying anything…
    sounded more like a rebirth to me.

    PLus I had that dream…
    and it seemed that everyone was still alive,
    well accept the family that was killed and
    laying before me,
    anyway it didn’t look like the destruction.

    Oh and also the whole
    “on the 21st day of december of year ’12 we are gonna die”
    thing is NOT going to happen.

    there have accualy been proven
    research that nothing is or will happen…..

    I don’t know if I believe the whole thing
    but I know that a good outcome will come. 🙂

    Anyway on the other hand…
    I wanted to talk about Yion.

    I haven’t “heard” from
    him in a while until yesterday..

    I was walking out of my school building
    to lunch and held the door for a person
    and when i looked back in the glass
    I saw something like his reflection…

    he was standing side ways and his head
    was facing down and then turned to look at me…

    but when i tried to see if
    he was actually there it disappered.

    And then today I got a little tinge
    down my spine at the same time…
    like as if telling me he was near..

    I don’t know what to make of this…
    completaly weird.

    And i know this message might be weird
    but thats because i had the weirdest two days ever…

    not only about Yion but I just felt
    like my body or my mind was havin an
    out of body experiance and wanted to
    show me a diff plane…i
    dk very weird.

  846. sorry selen i was wrong i misunderstood you.

  847. sorry selen i was wrong, i misunderstood you.

  848. look no offence to anyone
    i just dont get it ermm look
    yh im a vampire so does it
    mean that in 2012 all vampires
    will awake and come together or
    something i just dont get it fire i had
    the same vision and i went hunting in
    my SLEEP oh n in the vision we were
    looking down on a town but tht was
    not destructed by us but by other vampires
    EVIL vampires i saw on a bit that the evil
    vampires will come forward n we may
    have to fight for the lives of all of us
    and the humans but i think thats what it
    means im not sure yet i went in to a trance
    and drew the vision and it said the cold
    ones will strike they are coming let the hunt begin !!

    but what does it mean?

  849. sorry i wont bring it up anymore
    n ill chang subject now so here
    my speech for you




  850. Shannon-
    I wasn’t upset with you,
    I was upset with Zach Jones
    for a second but it was just
    a misunderstanding.

    You were asking a question
    because most people don’t
    know that 2012 isn’t about destruction,
    and I explained it,
    I wasn’t upset about that.

    You can even look at the sites
    I posted up there if you want to know
    more about the mayan prophecy.

    No I didn’t lose control,
    her idiotic sister crashed the car
    when they were driving with another girl
    from my dorm.

    Her sister was talking on the phone,
    and she lost control and drove i
    n the woods dowhill.

    She and her sister died,
    and the other girl was in a coma
    for a while but she’s awake now.

  851. sorry selene
    i thought you was mad at me
    and im sorry about your friend
    by the way was she a vampire
    if not cant you bite her n change her
    i mean sje sdead right cant us vampires
    bring them back by biting them?

    just a thought oh and to all
    can you email me at shannon.waters1@virginmedia.com

    if your with me on my message about
    fire’s vision if you havent read it,
    then its two up from the box where
    you write stuff coz i need to know if ur
    wiv me selene are you wiv me?

    • I wasn’t mad 🙂

      Thanks….no I can’t ressurect the dead –
      I can call back her spirit to talk to –
      but I can’t ressurect her physically.

      If it happens,
      I will be ready to fight, yes –
      but none of us know for sure
      what’s going to happen –
      if anything.

      We just have to be ready if it does.

  852. i need all your help n im not saying this
    coz i am im sayign this because i need
    your help so to all vampires can you
    email me at shannon.waters1@virginmedia.com
    coz i know what is going to happen in my n fires
    vision since we both saw it we are going to
    and i keep growlin coz i go huntin in my sleep
    and so when i wake up im craving more n im going
    to a sleepover tonight and i sense something bad
    is going to happen like im gunna have to leave the room
    i see it now. someone is going to cut themselves
    and im going to growl and have to leave the room
    and after i leave the room i will hunt it will be
    my soul that hunts for me but i still feel the blood
    and taste the blood thats what usually happens at night

  853. theres now bad vampires
    there just regular vampires
    and purebloods,
    who are animal like and hunt humans
    more often and regulars are more
    civilized and can control their
    cravings or instincts.

  854. Um…… A lot of white people have this stuff…
    Sorry, but vampires aren’t really ‘real’
    but it can be considered real if you believe it…
    As in….
    If you believe it, then your body does too.
    Any human can have all of these.
    But it’s your choice to decide
    whether or not be be a vampire.
    It’s fun.
    It’s insane.
    But don’t go to far because
    (to believe) that there are hunters
    out there who will kill people l
    ike these so called ‘vampires’.
    Just don’t take it to far and have fun!
    I know a lot about vampires.
    E-mail me if you have any questions!

    • What the hell do you mean “white people”?

      Let us put this in simple words:
      You are not a vampire,
      you do not belong here,
      you have no right telling us what is or isn’t real
      because you obviously are clueless.

      Samantha is right,
      why would we email you to ask you questions
      about our kind when you don’t even believe in us?

      “Have fun”?

      You think all this is a fuckin joke?

      Well I’m sure you’ll find it hysterical
      when a vampire tracks you down
      and rips your throat out.

      I’m positive that if any one of us
      emailed you all you would give us
      would be stereotypical hollywood bull,
      so fuck off asshole.

      • Hear, Hear!

        you must be angry.

        I’ve never heard you
        use language like that before.

    • Human Scum!!!!
      Who are you to say this to us
      u piece of food!!!!!!!!!!!!

  855. so adam draper
    you are not a vampire then???????????

    N I MEAN IT!!!!!!!!!





    • I am no vampyre,
      I don not think,
      and I am here.

      But I do not think I am a human,

      I suppose you do not have
      the ability to sense them,

      just stop.

      You do not alone
      decide whether or not something is real.

      I agree that if your mind believes
      it your body does too, though.

      Completely right.

      No one needs to ask you questions,
      especially if you don’t actually fully believe this.

      There was really no point,
      that I see,
      in you coming here.

      • samantha you are a vampire
        well i sense you have some
        of the genes anyway
        i think you are a half cast you know,
        half human half vampire

        well im a full vampire so i sense you
        have vampire in you if you could answer these questions
        i would be able to tell more about you

        1: do you love and crave the taste of blood?
        2:are you a fast runner and good jumper?

        3:can you do anything humans cant have you any powers?
        4:do you have fangs i mean not all do but do you?

        5:do you have any of the things above?

        can you tell me yes or no
        or i dont know in an email at
        and tell me your answers
        also if you have the things above
        then can you tell me what? thanxs xx

  856. adam so help god
    if post any more of your bull
    on this website about vampires
    not being real.

    Then I will personally
    rip your heart out and bleed
    you dry so back off.
    cause what you said
    insults every vampire alive.

  857. I’ve just had a thought,
    but if any of you need a way
    to control anger
    (I’m not sayingthat any of you need it)
    you can try carrying a
    Howlite crystal around with you.

    It really does help,
    I know from experience.

  858. woooww and how dos this work exactly?

    • The howlite’s energy with come into you.

      Different crystals and rocks and things
      like that have different energy vibes
      and principals.

      • Yeah,
        each true crystal contains
        an energy that is different.

        With contact with skin,
        or you can even leave with
        a piece of your hair and it
        will send the energy to you.

        If you’re holding it,
        you can tell it’s working
        by feeling your own pulse
        beating rapidly against it.

        If it’s not in contact,
        you’ve got to have faith that it’s working.

    • Yeah,
      like I wear an amythest crystal
      for psychic purposes.

      If you want to look at the
      properties of crystals
      and gems you can go here:

  859. tess im sorry i was bad
    at someone at school
    who i nearly bit in front
    of everyone sorry ok?

    oh and may i ask what
    a howlite crystal is n
    how i can get them?

    • No problem, I have them days.

      A howlite crystal is a common type
      of gemstone that contains an
      extremely powerful calming energy.

      I don’t think you can find
      spiritual shops in every city,
      but the one I go to has a friendly owner
      who identifies the ones you’ve already
      got if you have trouble with them.

      Here’s the link to his shop:


      It’s in Nottingham, by the way.

  860. selene i totally agree with you
    may i ask where i can get a howlite crystal plz?

    i do not know where i can find these
    and i dont know whether this is a problem
    but i heard from a website that on a full moon
    vampires will hunt on that night
    and may not only hunt animals
    i mean cmon ppl the next full moon
    is on WEDNESDAY 28TH APRIL 2010
    WHICH IS IN 2 DAYS hello??

    i think something bad is going
    to happen then i mean in my dream
    i saw myself in the woods with evil eyes
    hunting nd i know its gunna happen
    so on wednesday im running away
    from home to stop myself hurting
    any on eand ill live in the woods
    for some days i nearly ripped
    someones head of today at
    school can anyone tell me
    AND QUICK BEFORE I HURT SOMEONE!!!!!??????????????????!!!!!!!!!

    • I’ve already answered your
      question about the crystal,
      so look above,
      and you could try meditation
      if you have a problem with your temper.

      I think the full moon thing is just a rumour.

      I can’t be sure, though,
      because I’m not a vampire
      (I’m a shapeshifter).

      Here’s some other crystals:


      Most of them are there,
      I’m not sure about all of them,

    • I think you can get it anywhere,
      or google shopping lol.

      I like to go to the little shops
      but you can’t find those just anywhere so,
      you can just look online if you want.

      The full moon thing is –
      as Tess said –
      just a rumor,
      we do however get a little testy
      or moody on a full moon,
      but it’s harmless unless your insanely thirsty.

    • Wednesday day is Mercury’s day, AND a full moon? Oh joy.

  861. oh and errmm yh about the thing hunting
    ALL HUMANS im only gunna hunt the ones
    that wind me up soo kieron forest adam draper
    N IM COMING SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Yeah, you really need that howlite stone, shannon.

      There’s no need to get so angry with humans.

      We all know that they’re ignorant
      and naive and most of the time,
      but nearly all of them have good hearts
      and don’t wish ill of anyone.

      ALL of my friends are humans.

      I do agree with you about
      some of the posers on here
      that think they know everything
      *cough* adam draper *cough*

  862. shannon…….
    i think you scared adam
    to the point of shitting himself
    so i don’t he’ll come on this site anymore.

    And about the hunting humans
    i personally hunt cristian fanaticts
    because they secretly kill vampires,
    werewolves, shape shifters etc.
    and they deserve pay back.

    And about the howlite crystals
    they do work and each vampire
    should pick their birthstones
    becouse they work best.

    • That is usually the case, yes, but not necassarily. I believe that everyone even humans, have their own personal gemstone that will work best for that individual. I’m yet to find mine, but I’m drawn to Howlite, personally.

      If you have any questions, e-mail @ fearnbritt215@hotmail.co.uk

  863. is anyone on this site a pureblood?

    • As far as I know,
      shapeshifters are born randomly,
      there’s no way to predict a shifter child.

      That’s how I was born,
      and neither of my parents know about me.

    • Do you mean pureblood in the sense
      that do any of us come from a line of vampyres?

      That sounded weird…
      but you know what I mean. 🙂

  864. have you told anyone your a shapeshifter.

  865. i consitter my self as a vampire
    i love blood i can smell miles away
    and i can run fast animals love me ect

  866. i have sharp fangs

  867. i have all of this going on in my life
    (expet the sex thing)

  868. Holyyy! I have missed A LOT!!!
    well i am too weak to read it now…

    it was too sunny today and ahh *falls on bed* anyway
    I wanted to say that I have heard my name whispered
    three times already an no one was around me
    that would accualy say it…
    so idk what the hell it was.

    Anyone else experiance that??
    Mmm finally cold 🙂

    • I hear that nearly every night.

      It’s weird isn’t it?

      You’re hearing it,
      but not through you ears,
      but your not imagining it either.

      Is that like you heard it?

  869. ok zach what do you mean pureblood
    do you mean like coming form a family of vampires?

    if so no its just me and ermmm yh like
    this howlite stone thing i live in bradford
    in england soo is there any way i can get one
    and zach im glad i scared adam hes
    a lowlife scrumous piece of food
    and i could really do with d**kheads
    on this site thxs im still gunna hunt him down
    any one know where hes from coz i need to know
    to kill him oh and yh how come there was a full moon
    last night and theres one on wednesday?????

    rwell i guess it could be fun huntin on a full moon dont u?

    • A full and new moon lasts three days.

    • first of all i want to kill him and secound a pureblood is when you contain no human dna every vampire has some human but not a lot so purebloods are more animal like and hunt humans more often. and yes huntin on a full moon is cool.

  870. oh and im realllllyyy thirsty now i nearly bit a horse!!!! help?

  871. i dont want to tess i hunt in my sleep
    but i want to hunt awake what should i hunt?

    i live near a small woods
    but you dont get many animal
    i can hunt there so what should i hunt???

    should i bite myself or what
    some one tell me what to do
    BUT WHAT PLEASE HELPPPP MMEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Like i said before, there aren’t many ways to hunt,
      you can either:

      A- Hunt wild animals
      B-Get blood from raw meat
      (like the kind you buy)
      Or C- Get a donor

      There’s really no other way,
      but I’ve found that orange/tomato juice
      and meditation helps ALOT.
      And I’ve heard milk too….
      but Idk if that works or not.


    • Oh and also,
      if you are skilled enough –
      you can hunt on the astral planes,
      it’s really handy.

  872. or just hunt humans.

  873. I wouldn’t hunt humans if you can help it…
    I think drinking a little of your own blood helps,
    but Selene’s theories seem the best way to hunt.

    Yeah, meditation helps with everything.

  874. yeah well dont ask a me ideas
    about huntin cuase im a pureblood
    and i hunt humans.

    it is what i was boorn for.

    but relax i only bite them
    erase their mermories and let them go
    exept for criestrian fanitics of course.

  875. I have almost all
    of the traits listed above.

    I am not sure as to whether
    or not I am really a vampire.

    I would love if someone
    could help me with this,
    as if it is true I would love
    to be able to start embracing
    who I actually am.

    I come from New Orleans
    who are known for their
    vampires and voodoo.

    Can anyone on this site
    sense these things to be able
    to tell me if I am a true vampire
    or if these traits are just coincidence?

    Thank you and hope
    to hear from you soon.

    • I sense something different
      about you than anyone else…

      I don’t think you are a vampire,
      but you’re not a human either.

      You could be a lycan or a shifter,
      but I can’t be sure.

  876. well….
    i am laughing atm =3
    u no y??
    coz people say that they “sparkle”.
    some docs say that its only the imagination =3
    and that theyre twilight obsessed -.-

    i have basically ALL symptoms.
    but i guess i have known ever
    since i was a little child
    (aroun the age of 4) that i am different.

    ive been wanting to find out about
    vampires ever since i was 6. :/

    • To your first comment,
      “I’m laughing because people say they sparkle,
      some docs say thats imagination and
      that they are twilight obsessed”?

      we all already figured that out,
      just so you know.

      We’re not daft,
      we know vampires don’t sparkle.
      Visibly anyway.

  877. i have 29 of those symptoms….. i think dats kool… 😀

  878. tess you talking to me?
    im a vampire
    what u chatting!!!!!!?????????????
    im a vampire

  879. Help i might be a vampire!
    I need to see a real vampire to talk to

    email is bbrocker97@yahoo.com

  880. i have so many of those symptoms
    and i get these weird visions that
    come true alot everyone says that
    I am different and that I look like
    a zombie or something because I am
    so pale I am also majorly clever
    aaah I just realised that I am a vampire……..
    but scary

  881. hey ppl! I’m back 😀 got my PC fixed…
    hate the fact tha all electronic stuff hates us 😛

    need help wiv something:
    my hands just started going really,
    and I mean VERY cold
    (feels like an iron pipe taken
    from rain when u touch my fingers)
    and they started to stiffen fro no apparent reason :/

    has it got something to do
    with me not feeding lately?

    P.S. woot!
    I finally started going pale 😀

    any help?

  882. ah…you guys…
    this is soo dreadfull…
    i can tell of what kind of burden us vamps have.

    I am soo sick of this
    and I can’t take it anymore!

    I swear all I want to do is rip people
    appart and kill! They piss me off so much
    but I’m handling that so thats
    not really the problem.

    The problem is that I can’t take it anymore
    with keeping this whole thing away in the dark!

    And then again I feel like i should wait
    for something and that all of this will be payed off.

    but i don’t know what to think or do anymore.

    I am so damn confuzed
    that i just want to be locked
    in my room in the dark
    with the music on….
    I am really going crazy!!!

    • guess it’s what we all just think :/ at least I do.
      I think it WILL be paid off,
      but how?

      These questions just keep on circling round my head,
      with dozens of answers comin up,
      but none of them correct.

      the most ‘believable’ one
      is that humans will soon pass,
      and it will be our turn,
      but what about the payment?

      I mean,
      the world only to ourselves is good enough,
      but it feels like there’s more coming…

      • Long time no hear!!!
        and yeah i think that too…
        it is soo confusing but
        then again makes sense

      • yup, long time ne hear 😉

  883. look yuuki i know how you feel
    i feel the same way what do we do
    i just dont know can some one help us
    what is our purpose in this world???

    so many questions and hardly any answers arrgghh

  884. oh and who is someone called sam
    i cant remeber his last name but he emailed me
    sayin hes gunna turn me into the police
    and vampire slayers what do i do i supposedly
    sent him a threatining email but i dint
    oh it could of been my sister
    or someone else

    I sent him one back apoligising
    and trying to tell him it wasnt me
    what do i do???

    if he turns me into
    a vampire slayer im doomed!!!


    • track down and kill him.

    • Don’t worry about it,
      a lot of these peole are just
      spewing empty threats,
      most of them won’t even go
      through with it.

      Most of them don’t even know
      how to contact vampyre slayers.

      And the cops couldn’t do anything,
      we’re not doing anything wrong.

      So basically these people
      have got nothing on us.

      If you are still worried about a hunter
      finding you then carry a pocket knife,
      small pair of scissors,
      or even a key with you.

      Any of these can easily be applied
      to three sensitive areas:
      The jugular,
      The eye, the inner ear
      (it’s more effective than it sounds).

      If you get attacked but don’t
      have any of those items,
      you can still go for the eyes –
      just use your fingers.

      You can knee the stomach or groin.

      You can kick in the kneecaps.

      Or take your palm,
      face up,
      curl in your fingers a little –
      not all the way like a fist-
      bend your wrist back,
      and use the heel of your palm
      in an upward thrusting motion
      to the nose.

      You do this hard enough and
      the bone can puncture their brain.

      If the person has longer hair,
      you can grab it and slam their
      head into something –
      but this really only works
      wth longer haired people.

      You can email me
      (at the address listed in a comment above)
      if you have any questions
      about fighting/self defence,
      I took lessons for about four years.

  885. ppl, please anwer to my previous question :/

    btw, anyone here remember me? long time no ‘write’ lol

    • I remember you.
      You were the first person
      to answer my queiries properly!

      By the way, what question?

      • just look above 😉

        quote: need help wiv something:
        my hands just started going really,
        and I mean VERY cold
        (feels like an iron pipe taken
        from rain when u touch my fingers)
        and they started to stiffen fro no apparent reason :/

        has it got something to do
        with me not feeding lately?

        P.S. woot!
        I finally started going pale 😀

        any help?

  886. am i a vampire cause i have fangs
    and almost all of the symptoms
    could you tell me if i am or not
    i would like to know

  887. Is there anyone here who could sense things
    b/c i am getting worried if i am a vampire or not…
    long story but it just worries me

  888. Hay I’m pretty sure
    I’m a vampire but
    I’m not quite sure,
    I have a lot of the symptoms
    but it doesnt bother me to go
    out in the sun

  889. I told some friends of mine
    that I was a Wiccan, and now
    they all think I’m going to hex them
    just because I have influence over
    situations so they turn out how I want it to,
    and have the ability to control a pendulum.
    Please help, what should I do?

    I quite like it,
    and some of my influences do affect them,
    and it’s rather cool,
    but none of them are very open anymore,
    so it’s harder for me to control a situation.

    Whatever i went to a HIM Concert
    and there was HUnters There and saw me
    and started to beat me up
    they trew me out and kicked me
    in the ribs and i got up
    and ran
    THEY WERE security guards that worked there at
    now we know .. its true .. this hunters know our weakness
    like i have a bad elbow and one of them was trying
    to squeeze it to pop it out like he if he knew i had a problem there
    I HAD DRANK BLOOD and Was aware that
    something was gonna go wrong . ….
    didnt really know just had a gut feeling
    so i was prepared for whatever .
    it took all 4 security guards to get me out of there
    and they kicked me soo hard when i was outside
    on the floor and tried to keep my purse and info
    but cops came and helped me and got it back from them
    i wanted to press charges but i just left in a taxi
    im a girl thats only 18 years old
    and i dont know what i did to deserve
    getting trown OUT OF THERE for no reason
    aND ARE trying TO DESTROY US
    and they dont even know they are hunters
    is just inside them like an instinct @@

  891. and yea, I got MANY psychic vamps saying that I’m a vampire with some other special, unique stuff. Just need an official confirmation. Anyone?

  892. Tess, you said that u had the MAZE dream… more detail please? colour, textures, feelings, sound the chaser was making, if u knew u cudn’t get out? anything, ty 😀

    • pronounced ‘L-eye-can’.
      and I don’t know if u killed everyone,
      but tell me one thing:
      was there any pattern?

      like the death getting
      closer/further away from ur house?

    • It was all really dull,
      like death was present all the time.

      The maze was a series of low stone walls,
      and I remember climbing on some of the walls
      to try and avoid being eaten.

      It worked,
      but then I had to watch all
      of the other people die.
      It was awful.

      The walls were grey,
      and made you feel like you
      were constantly being watched.

      The chaser was roaring-slash-screeching
      from wherever it was,
      but it sounded like it was coming
      from everywhere at once.

      It only ever did that if it had caught someone,
      otherwise it was deadly silent.
      None of us ever screamed.

      I had a constant feeling
      of doom when I was running,
      and hopelessness when I’d managed
      to get on the walls.

      I remember watching one of the kids
      who was with me being dragged

      I have no idea how it did that,
      and the monster looked like a triceratops.

      • hmm…hmm… sounds to me like it was more of a warning – the hopelessness wouldn’t mean that you cannot win. No. In fact it means that you are scared of the chaser, you fear making it stronger. The roaring-screech sounds like it was trying to show you that you are in a helpless situation. And the presence of death… I think it acually WAS death, and, if I’m thinking correct, it also WILL be. the cracks on walls mean it’s old, but looking deeper shows they area also voulnerable, and the reason of you being there is to stop the chaser from going out of the place it was locked in. If people got pulled under the wall, try n’ go there too, but by your own will, and see what you can find… was there a ceiling? By the way, just a thought going through my head, but I feel like it’s worth to ask: do you know any old place that you are scared to go to, that is voulnerable to attack, and that you feel lured towards, while being pushed away from at the same time? I suspect it was not an accident being there, but that it was a mission to stop the evil there, but it went all wrong… what were you wearing? I do not tell you to stop your company from going there, no, I think it was the ‘be careful’ type of warning, which was just to show you what could happen if you did not succeed…did you ever have a dream about your village bing burned, attacked, or people in it killed? that could be the follow-up dream, even if it appeared before this one… please answer the questions, and I will try to help as much as I can!

      • I had this dream about a year ago and I haven’t had it since.

        I was wearing the normal jeans and T-shirt kind of thing.

        I’m afraid of the old wooden shed in my back garden,

        there’s a feeling that there’s evil there,
        even though it seems ridiculous.

        I have to go in there to fetch the lawn mower,
        but keep my eyes down and spend as little time
        as possible in there.

        I remember one of the boys I was with
        was the same boy as the one who’d just
        dumped my friend.

        He’s red-haired and I remember it
        coming off in the dream.

        One of the other kids took it
        and put it on like a wig???!!!

        That was the only thing humerous about it,

      • check the ground of the shed…
        how big is it?

        ground/cement/wood/other as floor
        (if other, please tell me what)

      • The space is tiny, and the floor is cement.

      • just have a look, k? 😉

      • I had a look,
        what am I looking for?
        It’s tiny and the floor is cement.

        It’s got apsolutely no aura,
        if that helps,
        and I’m quite good at reading auras.

  893. these are all so true i feal left out alot
    and i love the taste and smell blood i love
    to think i want to dead
    alot of temper i get mad
    easily and throw spazz attacks

    • yea, thats a trait to get used to, u will ALWAYS get mad at Humans xD

    • btw, hey Celdaron, I just read the part where u said why u think I as off 😛 but I’m getting weaker and weaker… kept teh physical skills alright, but the Psychic skills are going away each day I do not drink blood 🙁 hardly any rabbits here mate… once I go back to Poland for Holidays, I’ll get some with my bow-n’-arrow 😀

    • Dont worry humans are not worth it!!!!!

      they do tend to wind me up,
      but just walk away from them
      b4 u do something u will regret.

      also look out 4 some one called rowan
      she is a vamp hunter and you cant trust her. 🙂

      • and u said that the day after
        she wrote something on here o.o
        (btw this is to annalise)

      • well saromin had already answered,
        if that is what u mean,
        but i just wanted to reassure her 🙂

      • sorry yuuki, i misunderstood u!
        i saw rowan had written something
        on here and she is well known in our
        area as a hunter,
        i just thought i would warn
        u not 2 talk 2 her.
        (ignore my last comment plz)

      • oh lol i was just wondering b/c the
        dates and all is kinda messed up
        on my computer

  894. I got MANY psychic vamps saying that I’m a vampire with some other special, unique destiny or something along those lines :P. Just need an official confirmation. Anyone?

  895. ty Yuuki! for saying I opened
    your eyes to the real world 😀
    makes me feel better 🙂 even if i
    t turns out I’m not a Vamp,
    I still know a lot about them 😛

    • lol no problem 🙂 haha i accually
      was getting worried that u weren’t on…
      but i guess us and computers don’t go to well…
      mine always freezes and shuts down on me…
      and my relative has exact same and its perfect so…
      go figure!

  896. I was a vampire hunter,
    i know im an idiot.
    but my family has been dissapearing,
    i had no other choice.

    on one of my hunts i was bitten,
    and now i dont know what 2 do!

    sunlight doesnt hurt me
    but i get completly confused
    when im in the sun,
    HELP ME!!!

  897. so what your saying
    is that your a hunter right?


  898. people, PLEASE answer my question!

    I got MANY psychic vamps saying
    that I’m a vampire with some other special,
    unique destiny or something along those lines 😛 .
    Just need an official confirmation.

  899. “I am a vampire,
    Even before i looked
    at this website i was :0

    Shadow – April 6, 2010 at 6:23 pm”

    NO SHIT! I thought that ALL of us were Vampires before… does this mean that the web changes us? xD

  900. look ppl im not sayin i dont believe this but what if all of us on this site think we a vampires when we are not? i mean does anyone hunt when they are awake or are we all asleep when we hunt? i mean i really believe i am a vampire but what if none of us are and we get in serious bother when we try to do things like vampires?? some one help me i need answers??

  901. n like yh what if we are n what if we are not?

  902. well tess do you know the answer??? i need to know i still love the taste of blodd and have all of the above except the period n sex thingy coz im 12 n i havent had sex im a virgin n i havent started my period yet!!!!1 so what is the frikking answer i get stressed in the sunlight does this mean i AM a real vampire??? or is it all in our minds? SOMEONE TELL ME THE ANSWER!!!!!

  903. i know the answer i am a vampire i just popped a spot and LOADSSS of blood came out n i got it on my finger n sucked the blood and now my eyes have gone a really dark green then when i stopped sucking it, they went back light green with blue round the outside again coz my eyes change colour and i loved the taste so yh im a vampire!!!! YAY!!!!! at least i think i am can someone just tell me again that i am a vampire or im not im still a bit unsure

  904. The power of the mind is a powerful thing.
    If you believe that much,
    you probably will become a vampire.

    It’s the same with shape shifting.

    But, I do believe that true vampires
    and shape shifters exist,
    but on different planes.

    • hey this is a reply to ur earlyer comment Tess.

      it was when u said something “can’t you be both?”
      and u were refering to being both a witch and a vampire.

      well my response is i have no clue
      but if i could find out or anyone on here
      knows i would be glad to have that info
      and pass it on 🙂

  905. ok..so yesterday i think,
    i was sitting on my couch and
    i was eating a sandwich watching tv…

    and all of a sudden i felt like someone
    wanted to pull my pants off…
    (lol i know kinda funny feeling but it was so weird)
    and no one was there at the same time

    for that second i felt like i was being seduced
    but it was just when i felt my pants being
    pulled off by the top….
    idk what the hell it was soo i was
    wondering if anyone can help?

    • good piece of info:
      check if ur hands weren’t
      on your pants at the same time,
      and if u weren’t stretching xD

      • haha yeah noo both of my hands
        were on the sandwich and i was
        sitting in one place so i wasn’t streching 🙂

  906. no its fine, (btw this is to yuuki) computers do tend to hate us! mine keeps freezing 4 no apparent reason 🙂

  907. idk if im a vampire
    because i love blood
    animals love me im pale i hate the sun
    and theres so much more…..

  908. I have just recently discovered Wicca
    and i feel full of energy when i call on
    the elements and i was just wondering
    wheter people can have infinitys
    for the elements?

    • That happens to anyone
      who evokes the elements,
      it’s just the energy of their presence.

      But, yes, it is possible to
      have affinities for the elements.

  909. ok so today my mom
    said that shes going to shop
    for food and i was just drawing
    a picture and then in my head
    I saw that someone hit her
    and she died in the crash
    and when i told her that I would
    go with her and drive that “vison”
    disappeared and I felt that it wouldn’t
    happen if i drove….
    it was very weird…
    and i figured out that sometimes
    unintentionally i can make the clouds
    get bigger and cover the sun or
    make the wind blow 🙂 lol

    it might be just coincidances
    but i am not that sure

  910. hi guys its me vampire shannon here
    i just want to let Yuuki know tht i can
    see visions of what is going to happen
    and then i can stop them like i felt down
    today and it rained and like yh i juss want
    to know my talents thts all can sum one
    help me by the way how old are u yuuki
    if ya can drive??

  911. Does anyone know how to tell if you have any affinities?

    • Try looking into an element and concentrating.
      If that’s your affinity, an image should come
      into your mind (You may think you made it up yourself).
      If not, then try something else.

      That’s how I found mine 🙂 (Water)

  912. there’s this girl in our class.
    I don’t know, but I THINK she’s a vampire –
    pale skin,
    dark rings around the iris.
    Help, anyone?

    • She might be,
      but you can’t tell just by her appearance,

      What does she act like?
      What is her personality and all?

  913. Hey guys,
    i haven’t been on in a long while
    since i think my teachers are trying
    to kill me with work.

    there have been increasing
    incidents over the time i was gone.

    I tried to conduct an “experiment” to see
    what would happen if you didn’t drink
    blood for a long while.

    THe results where that i got extremely tired,
    dizzy and maybe even confused.

    After about two weeks without blood,
    i got sick,
    and usually i never get sick.

    Another thing i realized is that
    my senses where somewhat hightened.

    For ex. i could feel the heat of my freinds blood,
    hear his pulse, and smell the scent when he sat next to me.

    Also, i wanted to ask whether any of you know
    really good sources of blood that don’t
    involve killing anything?


    p.s. i wanted to find out if having an ability
    to charm people and hide your emotions
    is a part of being a vampire since i can easily
    make someone feel confortable as well as uncomfortable,
    and nobody can ever guess what i’m thinking or my emotions.

    just asking,
    and thanks again

    • You can buy bags of blood online,
      but I’m not sure what the situation
      is with your parents so..

      Or you can get it from raw meat,
      and they sell a product called pork blood,
      which is just boiled pork blood in a can.

      They might sell it at grocery stores,
      I haven’t check the one near my school for it.

      When I am thirsty and can’t get blood
      I usually drink orange juice or tomato juice.

      Or I recently tried V8 and it helped.

      Some say milk,
      but I don’t know about that.

      Yes I think all vamps can do that,
      I know I can.

  914. i found a dead vampire in the woods behind my house in the woods bhind my house. Either a lycan or hunters.

  915. My friend said she could
    see white wings on my yesterday.

    Not literally,
    but like she knew they were there in her minds eye.
    She also said I have a really bright aura.

    That was right after I pledged to Wicca.

    Now I feel like I have wings,
    though I can’t see them.

    • Hey Tess 🙂 I honestly thought i could see them,
      well not see them but it was like i knew they were there.

      • I know 🙂 I feel like I have them all the time now!
        I haven’t tried flying,
        but I think I’ll give that a miss…

  916. Suffer if you wish to.
    Survive if you can.
    But be free,
    as freedom is the key.

  917. hi PPL I HAVE A PROBLEM!!!
    a big one!
    me n my boyfriend my cousin
    and my mate were all sat in the woods
    n my boyfriend was sat close to me
    and i heard his heart beat does tht mean
    i AM a vampire and i keep stressin n panickin
    in the woods and idk how to get blood
    but ill give tht boiled pork blood a go
    idk if ill like it tho as human blood
    is better like but can someone help me
    understand whether i am a vampire
    i juss need a second opinion thts all taaxx

  918. and i stress n panick in the sun is wat i meant in the sun

  919. hey guys,

    thanks for the feedback Selene, it was really helpful. Anyway,in the time that i havnt been on the website, i came up with a question i hope one of you guys can answer. I wanted to ask whether being a vampire will prevent you from being in a relationship with anyone but another vampire? Sorry for asking such a personal question, but i have been turned down many times by really good friends of mine, and that has begun to stand out since now, most people think its the norm to be with someone. This doesn’t really bother me that much, but I was just curious.

    Again, sorry for asking such a personal question, but i am really curious about this.


    p.s. one of my friends from school left a few weeks ago to be home-schooled. She was smart, charming and had rings around her irises just like it says at the top of the page. Would it be safe to say that she was a vampire? Just Curious, and thanks again to anyone who answers either of these questions.

    • I can’t answer for everyone, but I’ve never been asked out in my life. I’m 14.
      Plus, I think being with someone who isn’t a supernatural would be just too awkard.

  920. is it just me, or is the sun getting brighter? I’ve got the feeling that something’s coming…

  921. THanks for the feedback tess.

    Im 15 and every girl ive asked out
    has said no although they were good
    friends of mine before.

    p.s. i said before that i think i can control
    what happens by thinking of what i don’t
    want to happen,
    and i think that that applies here.

    Whenever i get my hopes up
    since a friend tells me a girl likes me,
    she never says yes.

    thanks for the feedback.

    • You’re welcome. Happy to help. 🙂

      I think I scare people off if I’m honest…
      Could the same thing be happening to you?

  922. whi iz everyone ignoring me?!

  923. If I have 30 of those is there a great chance im a vampire?

  924. why is every one so fucking concerned
    with how many syptoms you have.
    it’s useless. either your a vampire or your not.
    it dosn’t matter how many syptoms you have

    • I’d keep an eye on your language,

      I’m probably a lone wolf on this one,
      but I don’t like it when people swear.

      No offence,
      but using that kind of language
      is just stooping below ground level,
      if u get my meaning.

      Nothing against you,
      i agree with you.

  925. wow……..srry guys ive been a little tense latly.


  927. selene could u rite me back
    i tld my friennd and somehow
    now the hole skool knows im a vampire
    and some people r yelling at me sayin
    vampires arnt real i dont beleive it but
    its really makin me feel bad tht no one believes

    • I feel bad for you,
      it’s horrible when you think you
      can trust someone then they go
      and do something like that.

      I’ve only told one person,
      she was my roommate and best friend –
      also she was Wiccan so she believed
      in real vampyres (not the twilight crap).

      It’s going to be hard
      but it will blow over eventually
      if you ignore it.

      You can’t make people believe,
      it will never work but as long
      as you remain adamant about your beliefs,
      no one else matters.

      So don’t worry about them,
      those people are ignorant
      and mindless.

      Don’t stress over what other people think,
      trust me it makes life for us a lot easier.

      • thnks do u have a facebook
        or myspace so we can tlk i tried
        to explain this to my mom
        and she threw sparkles on me
        just like the twilight shit

      • Yeah I do but I’d rather not give it out
        on here (I have a bad case of paranoia)
        email me and I’ll give it to you.

        Wow, that….sounds like
        something my Mom would do. :[

        That is – if I told her,
        my advice is to tell only people
        who A – Are not adults
        B- Friends who you would most positively
        absolutely trust with your life
        in the most extreme case.

    • selene i sent the message from yahoo

  928. I’ve been searching up vampires alot
    and I became interested last year when I was 9.
    I always look up symptoms on if you’re a vampire
    and I can relate to many of them but alot of people
    are saying that this is fake so I don’t know but
    I want to know if this is real or not.

  929. hey chelsea u ther its me ur sis

  930. hey anyone else has a feeling that
    something or some one might be coming…
    like something will happen….
    idk how to exactly explain but
    just think about it.

  931. me 2i hav that feeling alot like today
    i saw an image of a crash and on my
    way home i saw the same car in my image
    in the crash today it was kool yet freaky
    at the same time

  932. oh….well (britton) im saying a feeling
    that something big is comming and it might
    impact the world or just us….and (tess)
    i don’t think it is the 2012 thingy I’m saying
    something soon but not too soon….
    like towards the end of this year

    Whenever I get that feeling I see a “vision”
    of a man walking for miles and miles and
    that anyone that will stand in his way
    will get killed. Idk it weird……

  933. k well can you at least anser me
    i need to no if im a vamoire k plz reply yuuki

  934. sry vampire

    • well i can’t really tell if u are or aren’t
      but if you could tell me more about u not
      just the things that you think feel like vampire
      traits i mean like day to day….
      and who u were before and after you realized it….
      if u don’t want to share this on here then
      ur welcome to e-mail me
      at ***vampire_yuuki66@yaoo.com

      ***lol yeah i know cheesy and weird
      but i needed some other account for vampire talks 🙂

  935. i use my normal one hoping my parents
    dont find out cuz if i am one they dont no yet

  936. hey zach
    how old r you?

  937. We see the sun and look away
    we hide in our shadows
    because we feel this way ,
    we know some day
    we will fly away and tear off the flesh
    of the ones we hate,
    Forever our souls will wonder and seek a truth
    that we hate ..
    sour and sweet ,
    red and thick
    l don’t fear what you are …
    this is only the beginning
    We shall rise

  938. @Yuuki yes,
    something IS coming,
    you don’t only feel it PSYCHICLY…
    thinki about it, stop for a moment.

    Felt it?

    The dense air,
    not filling your lungs?

    • Yeah..

    • i know i don’t feel it psychicaly at all
      its just whenever i get the feeling i see that image……..
      and yes i do feel it

    • well i mean i don’t feel it psychologicaly at alll
      its just i see that image when i get the feeling.
      its like a seperate thing.
      and yeah i feel it…
      the dense air its not filling my lungs….


  939. i was born a vampire by a none vampire family

  940. I would just like to say i go hunting
    every night and humans are fucking delicious!!
    Does anyone else aree? >)

  941. hi ppl, im at school and ermm yh not going great evry 1 is soo nosy lol can anyone help me? im thirsty and soo peed off help me hunt???? what can i get to drink argghhh

  942. hey i have all ov those symtoms
    and i am at school i agree with
    shannon every one is so nosy i hate it
    and i really need a drink can some one help me?????

  943. If any of you guys hav a phone
    contact me at 808-354-3892
    thanx bye

  944. hi all, im doing an experiment
    to see what happens when you dont
    drink blood in two weeks ive done it
    for one week now n so far i have black circles
    around my eyes and are very dark,
    also i NEED BLOOD NOW
    my human friend knows about me so far
    only 4 ppl know two i dont tlk to any more n
    two who think im cool is is just me or are humans
    actually meant to be afaid coz my mates think its awesome?

  945. hi guys my mate is a witch is is good or bad?
    shes american like u n shes a witch what shud i do?
    is it good or bad coz i dont know?
    tell me someone

    • Witches are good.
      Vamps and witches get along just fine.
      No need to be alarmed.

      Oh and to Britton –
      Giving out your phone number
      on a public site is not a good idea.

      If a hunter checks this site
      and sees your number they can
      track your cell phone signal right back to you.

  946. aaww thanks shannon and Selene ..ily shannon …
    if u r all wondering i am the american witch
    ily shannon and the rest of ya xoxoxoxo

  947. i am the american witch ily shannon xxxxxxxxx

  948. well i can sence if its a vp or not
    and if its a hunter then i will find them
    so im coverd so if they do all no

    • yes but still that is kind of a reckless thing to do….
      what if they can mask their presence…
      then ur screwed …
      so just be carefull

    • I didn’t mean that they woud call you,
      tracking cell phones is easy and all
      you need is the number of the phone.
      They don’t have to call it.

  949. Are Vampires males good in attracting women,
    no matter how they look?

    coz if we are,
    it will make my life
    (AND asking THE girl out)) easier 😛

  950. can you guys attleast use my email account

  951. hi ppl soz ive been of for a while computer broke 🙂

  952. hmmmm…
    i have pretty much all of that stuff!

    Im really fast
    super pale
    i hate the Sun, it hurts my eyes
    I love night, i love the moon
    I always wear dark clothes, unless i wear neon skinnys,
    I know alot of people that dont like me,
    i get REALLY mad very easily,
    and i like to keep to myself most of the time

    Am i a Vampire?
    You tell me…

  953. i jumped like 6 ft in the air to day and almost got cot by a nabor so ya that was a close one the reason i jumped is because i wanted to get in to ttree

  954. Hey, sorry I haven’t been on for a long while,
    I’ve spent the week in London :).

    I went to a mind body and spirit event yesterday,
    and I got a reading done by this healer,
    and he said I was unique….
    I asked him why, and he said that he could read auras.

    And that mine was bright white,
    and in the shape of wings behind me.

    Then he did this pendulum test on me,
    and he asked questions like ‘are you an angel?’,
    and when my body replied with a yes,
    (It all depended on which way my body swayed,
    I don’t know the details),

    he asked ‘Have your wings been stripped?’
    They haven’t.
    ‘Were you demoted when you came to Earth?’

    So, all in all,
    I’m a human-bound angel shape shifter.
    That’s good to know. 🙂

    • Wow Tess thats amazing i wish i had come,
      the wings meant more than we thought then lol

      • yeah…
        He taught me how to do it,
        so I could set up my own readings,
        couldn’t i?

      • does he have an email account lol?
        sorry to ask, but I REALLY need to know
        if I’m a vampire,
        PLUS my life is lead by confusion,
        and I want it solved…

        btw, wb Tess!
        Maybe I’m special too lol?

        I always knew your something
        different than a Human,
        Vampire OR Lycan…

        If you could,
        (if he can do it from miles away)
        could you ask him,
        if u still have contacts,
        to see what I REALLY am?

        what race,
        what stuff,
        and mostly,
        how to overcome the evil lurking within?

      • Saromin,
        e-mail me and I’ll talk you through it. He taught it to me.

  955. that cool tess

  956. My head is freaked, my heart is joyous 🙂

  957. omg i have 40 of those yyyyeeeessss
    i wanna be a vampire so friken bad
    i believe there really r i think i saw one once
    true story not lieing if you guys dont believe me
    i want you to send me a email
    at lewischloe62@yahoo.com and call me
    at 2393694483 no lie really call
    or email me i swear !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • GET A LIFE!!!!! …
      no decent vampire would
      ever turn you into one plus we can’t…

      • we can lol.
        Biting and Blood Transfer 😛
        but teh first one would most likely kill you
        and make us have you on our concience,
        and the second one you (as you are Human)
        would be REALLY painful coz u were
        not created for the transformation,
        and once complete,
        you would be an ‘outcast’ in our society :/

        gd luck, Chloe!

    • Why the hell wouldn’t
      we believe that you saw a vampire?

      And I wish these ignorant people
      would start being careful what they wish for.

  958. wow thats freaky i have 40!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    and im 11 !!!! 11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now my life is awesome

  959. OK…………….
    i have like all those qualites
    and i dont know what 2 belive
    r they real or not.

    like i used not think they r real
    but now i kinda do like i have a sye
    on both of my eyes for being outside all day
    and night and i sit in my oom all day with
    just my laptop as a light and then like those
    dreams of dia sha vu yeah it happens
    alot alot alot like almost evrey night.
    and then im always active

    and electronics do not work well.
    and i have allergies when im outside
    i haven got sick in 3 years.and lots more
    oh yeah i stay up all night till like 6 and
    then i dont get up till like 4:30 in the day.
    so yeah………….

  960. hey tess can u tell me if im one plz
    im diein to find out and im not fully sure
    if i am one or not can u tell me thanx

  961. Hi I’ve got it!!!!

    the guy vampire I am waiting for
    and will fall in love with is coming!

    I feel it I am seriously thinking of going
    to boarding school and when I think of a
    boys and girls one I get a feeling in my
    stomach like I need to go there the one
    I’m looking for is there,
    oh and I’ve been gettin nausea
    in my stomach lately and find myself
    growling are hunters close by?

    I live in england email me
    at shannon.waters1@virginmedia.com
    if you have a answer to anythin
    I have wrote in this message thxs

  962. I have so many of these symptoms
    but I’m not sure about the sex ones,
    I’m not old enough yet,
    but I’m worried now
    and does it count if your skin
    heats up in the sun,
    but you still feel really cold?

  963. I know that Psychic Vampires
    have contact with both the Lord and his Son.

    Is there any way possible for you
    to find out what i REALLY am?

    I know that I’m a Vampire, not only that…
    something else deep, deep inside…

  964. thanx tess and can you reply
    to thta kj guy i think he needs it k

  965. Anyone interested in this
    pendulum test I spoke of above,
    please e-mail me at fearnbritt215@hotmail.co.uk.

  966. You guys watch too much Twilight
    all vampires aren’t like the dumb stories
    you make out to tell and being a vampire
    isn’t as great as you probably think

  967. Shut up GO your just mad
    cuz we believe you piece of shit
    did you no that we can find alot
    of us to get you so I would think
    about what your saying before
    you say it cuz I’m pissed get you
    freakin mofo!!!!!!!!

    Get fuck off this site
    if you dont believe!!!!!!

    GOT IT!!!!!!!!!

  968. I’ve changed my mind, I’ll put the theory for the pendulum test on here, so anyone can try it 🙂

    1- If possible, stand erect, facing north, shoulders relaxed, balanced flat on your feet.
    2- As yourself some yes-no questions you know the answer to, like ‘I am a girl’, or ‘I am a boy’. The way in which you sway for yes and no or true and false differs from person to person. Ask several known statements to be sure of the direction, before asking other questions.
    3- Start asking questions like ‘I am a vampire.’ or ‘I am an angel.’ or ‘I am a fairy’. If it sways a different way to true or false, your wording isn’t quite right. So say, if you swayed north for true and south for false, you said ‘I am a fairy,’ and you fell east, you could try ‘I am a pixie.’
    4- Once you have the answers to those questions, ask things like, ‘I am a hybrid,’ or ‘My wings have been stripped,’ or ‘I have been demoted.’

    That’s about all I can tell you, and if you’re still confused, reply back 🙂

    • Our Fate is planned,
      we cannot change that.
      But what we DO have,
      is Will.

      With a strong Will,
      and a wise movement,
      we can achieve anything.

      A king is not the one who
      can take over other countries,
      but the one who can give
      all away for his people.

      A king is not recognized
      by an act of strength,
      but a king is the one who
      can give his Heritage to a
      mere peasant if he knows
      that the peasant is a kind man.

      I hope you know what I meant.
      Thank you 🙂

  969. hi ppl my human name is Shannon
    but my vampire name is Opal
    so plz call me tht now taa,
    oh and about the 2012 thingy
    yh can someone give me the link
    to tht mythology website again,
    see im 12 but im actually 210
    n yh its me the same shannon
    i juss thought id give ya guys
    some more info oh and yh im a vampire,
    i feel adopted but i have proof im not,
    im waitin for something but dont know what,
    is it just me or is something coming?

    oh n yh im studying mythology
    so tht website link plz?

    • Opal,
      we all have the same waiting feeling 🙂
      we just have to wait and see what happens,
      do not push the time,
      or it will push you too

  970. Hi guys,
    thxs for calling me Opal,
    oh n thxs for ya replys to
    my message it really helps! taa

    from Opal

  971. hi guys yh look im half awake but i dont want to awake, i really dont want to im in love with a Human and i like it tht way, i dont want to be a monster i want to be human like every one else not what do i do?

    • you are not a monster.
      You are just as good as a Human,
      if not even better 🙂

      Humans are monsters,
      burning forests and waging pointless wars.

      Do not think worse of yourself or them.

      We can pair up,
      and your child will then most
      likely ALSO be a Vampire 🙂

  972. i know im a vampire
    i have most if not all of these traits
    i am an elemental i can control the wind
    its pretty cool i would like to control
    all of the elements

  973. tess i sent u an friend invite on facebook

  974. yh saromin taa thxs u know what?
    ur right im not a monster the humans
    are and what do you mean by pair up
    and my child will be a vampire?
    do u mean what i think you mean?

  975. hi saromin lol im 12 but
    yh got a long wait lol taa tho ha ha

  976. hey guys i bak on um tess
    i think there is a hugh time difference
    between were we both live k so i need
    to no wen you will be on facebook

    • Yeah, I think it’s six or seven hours difference :/

      I’ll usually be on between 4pm-9pm UK time,
      so that’ll be… 10am-3pm US time ??
      More or less?

  977. hi guys im a bit stuck.
    can you help me?

    its abiut the 2012 thingy,
    im doin some research n on a website
    it says sumat about the
    can u tell me what tht means plz?
    im a little stuck

    From Opal

    • They say that because in 2012
      on the solstice we will be in perfect
      alignment with venus,
      which I’m sure you know is
      named after the Goddess of love and beauty.

      Email me if you have any
      questions about 2012,
      I’ve done a LOT of research on it.

  978. hello fellow vampires,
    can you help me?

    I have 20 of those theorys.
    Does that count me as a vampire?

  979. oh ya,
    and opal,
    reawakening of the feminine
    means another chance to empowerment.

  980. guys i have bad news
    u GOTTA look at this site
    for me its real bad,
    idk if its true but no listen it
    must be look at this site:

    then tell me what u think

    this is bad very very bad help me ppl
    im going mad this is bad we must help
    the humans know what will happen and quickly!

    • Interesting…

      Even if we warn the common humans,
      what are they going to be able to do about it?

      I think the best we can do is warn them,
      like you said,
      and explain the power of positive thinking.
      With that,
      anything is possible.

      • Well, to me it seems like what
        happens is what should have happened,
        you know?

        They are just a race;
        the humans.
        It is a new age.

        Everybody dies;
        although I DO want the
        humans to die in honor,
        I just don’t know if that’s possible.

    • I dont believe that the world is going to end
      not yet anyway I think that is just suppose
      to represent the end to an era.

      The humans era maybe
      but it could be any type of era.

    • If 2012 is going to happen
      then it’s gonna happen,
      the humans won’t take it seriously
      if we try to warn them because
      they are scared of it and therefore
      won’t believe it.

      It is supposed to be a
      revolution for a better earth,
      if so 2012 will be a good thing.

      You can’t stop fate,
      if it’s meant to be then we
      just have to let it happen I guess.

  981. I used the pendulum test
    and it seems that im a fallen angel,
    but im a pixie too.

    My friend said that she could see
    black wings in her minds eye when
    I pledged to Nyx.

    But could that be because I’m fallen?

    Help please I’m confused

    • My friend told me that she
      saw dark wings on me too,
      and a dark misty aura.

      And I pledged to Nyx quite some time ago.

  982. selene wht does it mean wen
    u pledged to the nyx just aking

    • When you pledge to a god or goddess
      it means that you will follow them,
      it’s kinda hard to explain.

      the god/goddess that you pledge to
      is your main god/goddess that you worship,
      pray to, ect.

      I chose to pledge to Nyx because
      I’ve always had a connection with the night.

      • I have always felt a draw to the night a swell Selene.

        Thanks for clearing that up i was really confused.

      • I’ve always loved the night,
        and all the creatures of it,
        especially cats – I like cats. Np 🙂

      • I love cats too,
        something that creeped me out though
        was that we got a black cat before
        I discovered Wicca.

      • I got a black cat a while ago too,
        her name is gypsy.
        The black cat is one of Nyx’s symbols.
        Her temple is full of black cats.

      • My black cats called Amber 🙂
        Really i had just thought the cresent
        and star were Nyx’s symbols.

      • Yeah her symbols are the crescent moon,
        the star,
        the black cat,
        the bat,
        and the owl though she
        shares that one with Athena.
        She was also depicted holding
        a white orb once also.

      • It was hard to research her before
        I pledged because there aren’t many
        temples or much information on her.
        But thanks for that.

  983. o ok thanxs

  984. Hey Selene do u no of a site were
    I can find the truth about vampires

  985. yes i know but how do we warn them? its not like we can go on broad television and warn them is it? no because even if we do there not gunna listen to a bunch of ppl are they? no they wont so HOW DO WE WARN THEM OF WHAT IS COMING?

    and thankyou for telling me what the reawakening of the feminine means x

    • Exactly, even if we do warn them
      they won’t listen to us.
      The humans need to see something to believe it,
      and we can’t show them what will
      or will not happen in 2012.


  986. I think im a vampire
    idk can any vampire help me
    im confused

  987. am i a vampire im confused

  988. hi, oh my god what do i do?
    my best friend has become my ex
    becasue i am awakening
    and are not the same anymore,
    so now what do i do?

    ignore it and awaken
    and not care about it?

    or do i try to not awaken
    which will not happen,
    and then try to get her back or what???

    help me oh and HD,
    how many of the things above have you got,
    i need to know so i can tell you
    if you are a vampire or not?

    • It’s impossible to reverse an awakening,
      if it was then there would probably
      be almost no vampires in the world.

      The awakening comes with a lot of sacrifice,
      and being a vampire is a hard life.

      Sadly you just have to find a way
      to deal with it because there’s no turning back :/

      Sry if that sounded depressing lol,
      but it kinda is.

  989. you guys I am an American witch
    who lives in the UK in England
    just to warn u with Shannon …..
    the Crossbow Cannibal is a WEREWOLF !!!!!

    we looked on a news website
    and my friend Shannon sensed that he was!!!!

  990. hi guys this is BAD!
    ok remember the man who killed
    those prostitutes in shipley yh well hes a WEREWOLF
    i sensed it, have you seen him?

    omg this is bad,
    there is MORE out there and we need to be careful
    because they could come after us and destroy us
    well HA HA HA tht cracked me up because
    they CANT destroy us HA HA HA
    oh sorry got lost then,
    but seriously what do you think
    about it what shall we do?

  991. Hey this is the American witch
    I found out my name !!!!!!!!!

    Opal is my BMF so we should listen to her
    they could come after me and all of you guys
    so we need to all stick together and fight
    if they come and get us i love u Opal xxx
    u r my best vampire friend ever xxxxxxxxxx
    and me and u will always protect each other 🙂 :’)
    happy crying now xxx

  992. ily Aphrodite taa love ya too,
    lol, but yh u r right we need to
    stick together and i will NEVER
    let anyone harm you EVER
    its u n me Aphri u n me oh and
    yh im nearly happy crying too
    if I could cry lol

  993. I have 30 symptoms

  994. I need help!I
    am so confused.

    I have most of the symptoms
    and I have dreams of peoples eyes
    and there most red,black,topaz.

    My eyes are changing colors and
    I have blood cravings.

    I love to climb trees and i have a
    feeling some one is watching me.

    I heard there is a Morgan here
    and i need her help.
    I feel like i am going crazy.

    I can change peoples emotions
    by staring into peoples eyes.

    I can’t go to bed till 2 am
    in the morning.
    Help.If there is a Morgan here contact me
    at littlebabygirlprincess@gmail.com

  995. Opal
    true, you’ve got quite a long way lol 😛 I’m 13, 😛

    But we will outlive our Human lovers :/

  996. Aphrodite, Opal,
    do you honestly not know what’s coming?

    It’s damn well bloody obvious
    to all the rest of us,
    Vampires… War, war,
    I say.

    I hope that we will not kill too many Humans,
    but war is unstopable.

    If you don’t mind,
    I have a special task for you two;
    we NEED to slow the war down,
    at least until 2013,
    because in the last month of 2012
    our Human friends are getting
    an eternal ‘holiday’ from earth…
    We’ve GOT to stop the war until then,
    because afterwards,
    we won’t be able to kill Humans anyway :]

  997. when is the “war”

    • katie anne –
      super strong?

      most of us could easily turn you
      into squash for 3-year-olds to drink anyway ^^

  998. hey guys, its me,

    i haven’t been on for awhile
    since ive had lots of HW.

    can anybody fill me in on whats
    been happening since i dont have
    much time to check all the entries
    since i last commented.

    p.s. i am putting together the pieces
    of why i have never thirsted for blood
    as strongly as now.

    when i was younger,
    my parents would always cook rare/medium
    rare stake on the weekends for a party,
    and this stake would be chock-full of blood.

    we stopped having these parties
    as i got more and more HW.

    in the end we just stopped eating rare steak.

    a few days ago, we ate the rare steak again,
    and i can tell i am stronger.


  999. i agree wit Saromin we should wait

  1000. I am a vampire.
    But not just any vampire—
    I have been rideculed and banished
    from every vampire relationship
    I have been in.

    I say humans are fantasic!

    let’s band up against the other vampires
    and start our own nutral war!

    P.S. If you’re not with me,
    don’t use cuss words in your comment back.

    What are you so ticked off about?

    And anyway,
    cuss words are bad.

    So you need to stop using them.

    That’s not ok with me.

    And I am 22 and super strong
    so I can kill u with one blow
    of my beautiul lips.

    And I believe in the Bible
    and I hope you do too.

    I am praying for you.
    see you later

  1001. Hope you enjoy these
    scriptures as much as I do.

    Psalm 119:128 I consider
    all of Your rules to be right.
    So I hate any path that sinners take.

    John 3:16 For God so loved the world,
    that he gave his only begotton son so
    that whosever believe in him will not
    perish and have eternal life.

    Psalm 119:90
    You will be faithful for all time to come.
    You made the earth and it will continue to exist.

    Ephesians 3:6
    Here is the mystery.
    Because of the good news,
    God’s promises are for non-Jews
    as well as for Jews.
    Both groups are parts of 1 body.
    They share in the promise.
    It belongs to them because
    they belong to Christ Jesus.

    Don’t say bad things about humans
    because you were once them and always
    will be a part of them.

    Take this into consideration
    and turn to God for help.

    You can’t do anything without Him.

    I’m trying to save your life.

    When you die,
    where will you go?
    I will go to Heaven because

    But we have still sinned because God
    planned it that way for a porpose.




    • Please, please, please,
      don’t take this the wrong way,
      but i don’t think we’re all
      christian on this site.
      We have seperate beliefs and Gods,
      and some Goddesses.

      I’m honestly not trying to offend you,
      but also I’m a little bit offended that you
      said if we don’t ‘love God’,
      then we have no hope in heaven.

  1002. And about gods and goddesses—
    God is the real deal!

    He is greater and more powerful
    and wonderful than any manmade god!

    I have witnessed miracles performed by Him!
    He will save you and only He can.

    You gotta understand that when
    you die it’s either heaven or hell.

    No limbo,
    no between-world,
    no afterlife and you won’t
    become a god or goddess.

    You can either live forever in peace
    and love with God and angels or you
    can burn forever in the firy pit called Hell
    with no water to cool you with Satan
    and his demons.

    accept Jesus into your heart and
    know that He died for you—
    all for you.

    He knew what would happen,
    and He still took the pain.

    He even had a chance to refuse,
    but he didn’t because he loves us so much.

    If you don’t accept him,
    you will regret it and I know you will.

    read this and all my other
    post and consider your choices.

    Mine is God,
    what’s yours?

  1003. :O…I have most of these symptoms o.0

    No wonder why I keep getting head-aches
    everytime im in the sun…
    my eyes always hurt and I really hate it…
    but I feel so relaxed at night,
    especially when the moon is out ^_^…

  1004. Wow I have like all these but like 3 of them.
    And people vampire don’t fucking sparkle.
    You’re only saying that because it was
    from stupid fucking twilight

  1005. soon is all I can say :/ not an official ‘war’,
    but just half of our population gettin REALLY pissed off,
    and jsut add to that a bunch of Hunters who have
    convinced some generals that Vampyres are evil,
    and… well… you know what comes out :/

  1006. hi guys,

    how do we stop it until 2013?

    I will try when i know how to.
    oh and to Katie Anne i looked it up
    and a cross will not hurt us,
    that is a stereotype but it says that no
    vampire believes in God and there is no heaven.

    obviously this is my opinion about the
    no god or heaven and yes look Vampires
    do NOT believe in tht becasue they are not
    religious and i will NOT FOLLOW GOD
    coz i probally will any way but yh we are already
    IMMORTAL well i hope so lol but i will NOT believe
    in god and I dont think many on this site will either

    • Opal,
      how did u get on this world?

      you were born oput of your mothers womb.
      how did she get here?
      SAME WAY.

      How did every other person get here?
      SAME WAY.

      How did Adam and Eve get here?

      We also strongly oppose evelution.
      God loves you,
      no matter what or who you are.

      And another thing-
      why would you want to go to hell?

      Burn forever in a big pit of fire with no water???

      Not my idea of fun for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.

      We lied about our age,
      we will be 14 in exactly 7 days.

      Isaiah 41:20
      Them my people see and know
      that my powerful hand has done it.
      They wil consider and understand
      that I have created it.
      I am the Holy one is Isreal.

      And if ur saying humans are stupid,
      you’re calling yourself stupid because
      God created everything and everyone.

      What do you have against humans?
      YOU ARE ONE!!

      You still sin and breathe and do everything.
      So, yea, you like drinking blood—so what?
      I drink blood all the time because it’s good.

      I don’t crave it every minute
      of the day like a crackhead!!

      That’s it.
      I hope you look into the Bible
      more and want to learn about God.
      I’m praying for you

      I’m Katie Anne.
      My twin sister Annie is writing this with me.
      We are both Christians.
      We live in Mississippi.
      Bye 🙂

  1007. in my last comment i meant many on this site will either lol

  1008. Who do u believe in,
    Tess and Opal?

    You need to think about that.

    And whatever website you were on,
    is junk and bunk.

    Heaven is real and some
    vampires do believe in God.

    I’m a vampire and I believe in God.

    And about 2012,
    it’s just another year so don’t go all crazy
    on caffeine and sugar about the end of the world.

    God’s gonna take care of everything.

    Please read these verses
    and conssider getting a Bible,
    for your own health.

    Psalm 88:1
    LOrd you asre the God who saves me.
    Day and night i cry out to you.

    Isaiah 55:1
    Come all of you who are thirsty.
    Come and drink the water I offer to you.
    You who do not have any money come.
    Buy and eat the grain I give you.
    Come and buy wine and milk.
    You will not have to pay anything for it.

    James 2:7
    Aren’t they speaking evil things
    againgst the worthy name of
    Remember, you belong to him.

    Ezekiel 16:63
    “I will pay for all of the sins you have committed.
    Then you will remember what you have done.
    You will be ashamed of it.
    Because of your shame,
    you will never speak against Me again,”
    announces the Lord and King.

    • My star goddess is Eos,
      katie anne.
      I believe in Her,
      but I don’t think she can
      control everything and anything.

      Before you say She’s made up,
      you shouldn’t,
      because I have communicated with her,
      and she’s shown me evidence
      when she is present.

      Summerland is my heaven,
      and I believe it’s real.

      You have your views,
      I have mine.

      I’m not going to say anything more on the subject.

  1009. This is Katie Anne:
    I respect your beliefs even if I am against them.

    But, please,
    I’m not trying to offend you at all,

    My sister’s pretty ticked about this.
    She’s probably gonna go off on you,
    so be ready for the worst.

    I am still praying for you.

    This is Annie:
    me and my sister are VERY VERY religeous,
    especially on the internet.
    when we grow up we both plan to be
    cyber-preachers to people like you.

    we are not forcing you to believe in God,
    the only reaL God there is.

    We are simply warning you of what will happen
    if you dont change your religious ways.

    my sister wants to talk more. here she is .

    Hey, Tess,
    we’re not forcing you to do anything.
    We’re only suggesting.

    How old r you?
    Thats ok if you don’t wanna answer.
    I’m just trying to show the world the Truth.

    we are all humans here,
    so if anybody sends a comment with
    something bad about humans in it,
    lay off and shut your butt cuz nobody really cares.

    Also, no cuss words please.
    They poison your mouth.

  1010. cock shit fuck bastard mother fucker etc…
    im sorry i will swear when i want to
    yh so shut up and yh if i buy a bible
    it will be to BURN ITyh i said it yh ha ha.

    and i dont believe in anything there is
    okay srry i dont care if ya sis gets mad
    im a vamp so yh like i give a toss ha ha.

    sorry but i dont believe in god and never will,
    i believe in the greek gods and the roman gods
    so yh they are real thankyou very much ha ha ha

    • Opal,
      you don’t have to believe for me,
      i just want you to believe.

      if u bout a Bible and burned it,
      what would that prove?

      it would prove that you wasted your money.

      even if you dont believe,
      please dont swear on HERE.

      We are kids,
      we dont know most of those words.
      you are a bad example for children.
      here is my sis.

      Katie Ann::
      Opal, shut up.
      I don’t care for your rude language.
      You need God,
      I know it.
      How old r u, anyway, kid?

      Cuz you don’t need to be
      using that kinda language.

      I swear when I want to but
      I don’t cuss people out!

      Why are you saying ha ha?

      What do you have to be grateful by this?
      That sucks if ur happy about believing in gods.

  1011. Do u believe in God?
    Are you looking for a great
    book with action and adventure
    stories topped with killing and
    love and miracles?

    Go buy a Bible.
    It’s your guidebook to life.

    It’s the best book you will ever read,
    trust me!

    Do u believe in God?
    I do.

    I’m 13,
    about to be 14
    (so is my twin sis, Annie).

    I’m making sure you
    know where ur life is going.

    Are you sick of living in infected
    empty bliss and selfishness?

    Ask God for help.
    God is not a human.
    He is everywhere at 1 time.

    Pray to Him and He’ll make
    your life wonderful.

    Hi, Saromin.
    I think u and I could be friends.

    Anybody who has questions
    or wants to learn more about
    God and the Bible,
    please comment.

    Thnx, Bye 🙂

    i am with Opal on this one…
    also Opal i will ask my mom if i can with you
    xxxxxxxx ily cya tomozz at skwl xxxxxxxx


    see i can swear but then again i am a witch lol ….
    i am with shannon all the way ily shannonxxxxx
    cya at skwl tomoz

  1014. annie:
    okay then

    katie anne:
    ok look god is an idiout he did not create the world
    he did not make me my parents did,
    oh n yh ok ill stop swearin and i will not tell u my age
    becasue i dont know u n ur a creep oh and yh dont get me mad,
    it could get VERY ugly,
    im not wearing my charm so i may just flip and kill you,
    n no i dont think many ppl wud get a bible ur not a vampire
    i wud of sensed it ur a scroungin little human like the rest
    ur a vampire wannabe ok?

    so shut up and get of this site
    and actually i cant wait for 2012 im starting to worship
    the day oall u monster HUMANS die out,
    ill hunt animals instead,
    but yh im excited to watch all u humans burn then
    i will feed on whateva blood u have then i will be happy
    FOR GOOD im not bovard if u get offended although
    no offence to the others but yh

  1015. Hey, christian twins.
    Don’t you DARE tell ANYONE
    on this site that you aren’t trying
    to force them into anything because
    that’s exactly the kind of crap you’re pulling.

    You have to understand that we
    do not push beliefs on people here,
    please respect that and stop.

    Don’t post your quotes of the bible,
    we don’t want to here them,
    if we did we would go out and buy the bible.

    Which by the way is full of stories
    stolen from the other religions, kemet, pagans,
    wiccans, babylonians.

    Jesus and Horus,
    an egyptian god where both born of a virgin birth,
    baptized, had 12 followers or disciples,
    performed “miracles”, crucified and then rose from the dead….
    Horus’s story comes over one thousand
    years before jesus was ever thought up.

    The Chaldean Flood Tablets from the
    city of Ur in what is now Southern Iraq,
    describe how the Bablylonian God Ea
    had decided to eliminate humans and
    other land animals with a great flood
    which was to become “the end of all flesh”.

    He selected Ut-Napishtim,
    to build an ark to save a few humans,
    and samples of other animals.

    The Genesis story describes how mankind
    had become obnoxious to God; they were
    hopelessly sinful and wicked. In the Babylonian story,
    they were too numerous and noisy. 

    The Gods decided to send a worldwide flood.
    This would drown men, women,
    children, babies and infants,
    as well as eliminate all of the land animals and birds. 

    The Gods knew of one righteous man, Ut-Napishtim. 
    The Gods ordered the hero to build a multi-story wooden ark.
    The ark would be sealed with pitch. 
    The ark would have with many internal compartments.
    It would have a single door.
    It would have at least one window. 
    The ark was built and loaded with the hero,
    a few other humans,
    and samples from all species of other land animals. 
    A great rain covered the land with water.

    The mountains were initially covered with water. 
    The ark landed on a mountain in the Middle East. 
    The hero sent out birds at regular intervals
    to find if any dry land was in the vicinity. 
    The first two birds returned to the ark.
    The third bird apparently found dry land
    because it did not return.

    Sound a lil familiar?
    This story was found on tablets
    that predates the bible and christianity.

    There are way too many more to list.

    We did not come on this site,
    preaching about Wicca,
    or our gods and goddesses and
    telling people to believe.

    YOU did,
    which is extremely disrespectful,
    this is a shared site –
    people are free to believe what they like
    and none of us tell them not to.
    Do you understand?

    Do not come on here
    and tell us that your way is the only way,
    because we did not do that to you,
    please show the same courtesy that
    we have shown to you.

    A lot of us don’t want to believe in your god,
    who objectifies women and relegates them to
    roles only slightly better than servants.

    Who speaks of pleasure although it is wrong.

    Who controls his followers through guilt and fear.
    But if you want to,
    that is your business and only yours,
    keep this site un biased please,
    the same way it was before.

    And if you think that for one second,
    you could defeat any of us, your wrong.

    I could crush you both.

    But this is off the record and
    has nothing to do with religious view,
    I would have said it to anyone.

    Now, if you would be so kind
    as to have a care for how you
    judge others and stop the preaching.

    We would be very grateful.
    If you would like to stay
    and talk about vampires,
    without pushing your religion on others,
    then you are welcome to.

  1016. hi yh thank you selene
    yes they are all copies in the bible

  1017. hi guys, yh selene thank you for sticking up for me,
    im glad that someone understands me and my views
    and you are right you know total copying for the bible
    hip hip hurray lol

  1018. Katie anne please bequiet
    I dont think anybody cares
    about jesus except for you.

  1019. Respect my religion and I’ll respect yours.
    Everyone just stop getting ticked off at me!!!

    You post your beliefs on this website—
    why can’t I?

    I’m proud of my religion.
    So is Annie.
    We just wanted to share what we believe.

    YOU people do it all the time
    so why you getting mad at me?

    Sorry, Opal,
    I didn’t mean to offend you anyway.

    I respect your belief even if I don’t agree with it
    and I won’t insult it as long as you don’t insult my God.

    same to you.
    I’m not so sure that’s true.

    Yea, sure,
    I’ll talk about vampires.

    Everyone just stop getting mad at us.

  1020. Im not trying to disrespect your reiligon
    can you please stop talking about it is all Im sayin

  1021. Sorry,
    it’s just that I don’t got many friends.

    I’m kinda a loner a little bit
    and I’m jealous of people who do have friends.

    Can we just start over?
    Oh yeah,
    and Selene,
    ur probably a grown person
    so I think you could fight us
    but I’m not scheming to destroy vampires.

    That’s just really evil.
    I’m really kinda lonely so I’m really sorry
    if I offended any of you (I know I did)
    and I just wanna start over.

    (But I’m still praying for you).

    You don’t have to like it.
    Please reply back. Bye 🙂

  1022. Opal,
    you don’t know anything about me
    or anything about what I am so I’d appreciate
    it if you stop making false claims.

    It’s kind of annoying.

    And I don’t know what I am anyway.

    Maybe I’m stuck in between.

    I’m weird,
    I know.

    But you don’t know me and I don’t know you
    either (I’m not a creep) so please bug off.

    And I’m not afraid.
    Bye :l

  1023. I would like to startover to.

  1024. Hello everyone,
    I haven’t been on in awhile.

    I am a 14 year old vampire
    going through an awakening.

    I started in Febuary and its still going.

    And the people who are saying all the 2012 stuff

    But I do believe something is going to happen
    but it could be many different things.

    One could be that the humans
    will fall and vampires will rule.

    Another theory is that a
    comet will hit the earth
    and change the earth.

    And theres one that says there will be
    a great transformation/change and I’m
    guessing if that happens it means more vampires.

    And than theres the Myan calender thing.

    And also it could be the end of the world
    leading to the judgment time of Jesus.

    I am a christain for my own reasons,
    I’m not judging anyone by what they believe
    but some christain vampires believe Lilith,
    Adams first wife was the first vampire and some says Cain,
    Adam and Eve’s first son was the first vampire.

    I don’t know who was the first vampire
    bufirst vampire but it really dosen’t matter that is the past,
    I just know it was one of them.

    I suggest that you people should do research on them.

    And vampires are not damned to hell
    it depends on the individuals actions
    through out their lives.

    And I also believe in reincarnation,
    I also suggest that people do research
    on reincarnation in the bible.

    And there are lots of things that people
    don’t know about and that God did not tell us.

    There are different dimensions,
    and alians and lots of other things out there.

    I pray that out of his glorious riches
    he may strengthen you with power through
    his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ
    may dwell in your hearts through faith.

    And I pray that you,
    being rooted and established in love,
    may have power,
    together with all the saints,
    to grasp how wide and long and high and deep
    is the love of Christ,
    and to know this love that surpasses knowledge-
    that you may be filled to the measure
    of all the fullness of God.

    Now to him who is able to do immeasurably
    more than all we ask or imagine,
    according to his power that is at work within us,
    to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus
    throughout all generations,
    for ever and ever!
    (Ephesians 3:16-21).

  1025. And Saromin, I AM super strong—
    mentally super strong.

    I don’t have to be physically strong.

    And I’m not stupid,

    I know there aren’t many christians on this site.
    No duh.

    What do you have against humans?
    What’s the big problem with em here?
    I don’t see anything wrong with them.
    They are about 1 of the biggest species
    in the known universe.

    They are just as dangerous as vampires,
    even if they don’t have fangs or see
    visions or drink blood or have super abilities.

    I have dreams that come true.
    I’m not sure what I am but I know that
    I’m telling you what I feel.

    Don’t send back cuss words.
    Even if you do,
    I don’t even care.

    Cuz I know me or anything affiliated with me
    isn’t anything like that word.

    Let’s just all accept that we’re equal,

    I read the other comments.
    I know people are PO-ed cuz of nothing.

    What’s the big deal?
    What did humans ever do to you?
    They’re not scared or afraid of you.
    You think that they’re a threat.

    We’re all threats—humans AND vampires.
    This is my opinion and my belief and if you
    don’t agree with it,
    don’t send me a reply,

    Thank you and bye 🙂

    • It’s not the human race in itself,
      it’s when humans don’t believe
      and that’s fair enough,
      but if they don’t believe,
      they should keep to themselves.

      It’s when they try to inflict their thoughts on us.
      Especially when they think they know everything.

      I’m sorry if that doesn’t make any sense.

  1026. Thnx, Nick,
    for giving me a chance.

    My name is katie Anne and I am on this site
    because I don’t know what the heck I am.

    I don’t have a clue whatsoever.

    I am 13 and I have a twin sister called Annalisa or Annie
    is her nickname (I’m not letting her talk cuz she’ll just
    get people more ticked off at me).

    I have dreams that come true and
    I really don’t know what that’s called
    or what it means.

  1027. If anyone is looking for some facts about vampires,
    symptoms, and a vampire awakening story
    this is a good website.

  1028. I recently had a VERy strange dream,
    just writing this REALLY fast,
    as every second I’m forgetting a part of it,
    so might make mistakes.

    I can remember that there was this
    strange creature outside my window,
    trying to kill me and my family,
    at the end I had confronted it in some way.
    I can only remember this :/ soz.

  1029. was w/e it was hairy?

  1030. Scary dream.
    I have had a total of 4 dreams come true.

    I was in 4th grade and the next day was pic day.
    I dreamed that my frend Jacob was gonna
    do a spiderman pose for the funny picture.

    The next day after the pics,
    Jacob told me he did a spiderman
    pose and stood up and did it—
    exactly like the image in my dream.

    Next I was lying in bed and talking
    to somebody standing in front of my closet
    (I don’t remember who).

    All of a sudden,
    they just stop talking and point to the floor and say
    “There’s a spider right there”.

    When I got up to make my bed,
    there was a pillow on the floor so
    I picked it up and there was a spider under it.

    Next I dreamed about a line in the tv show Full House.
    I woke up and it was really early so I turned on the tv
    and full house was on and right as I turned the channel
    the line from my dream was said.

    Next (the most recent one)
    I dreamed I was looking outside my window
    and my driveway was wet like it had rained.

    When I woke up,
    my mom told me it had rained that night
    and I looked out my window at the wet driveway—
    the exact same image in my dream.

    It’s freaky.

    My aunt’s a psychic,
    just thought I’d mention that.

  1031. o.e

  1032. I always feel like my life
    is leading up to some big giant event
    that’s supposed to happen and
    I’m just waiting for it to.

    I know it’ll be so big it’ll change my life.
    But Im not sure what it is.
    Does anybody else have this feeling?

    I can handle it,
    but I’m just wondering.
    And I know I’m not crazy so there
    has to be something that’s gonna happen

  1033. Dominique.J–

    I am soooo glad that there’s
    another Christian on this site!
    I’ve been getting cracked on
    just cuz I’m posting my beliefs.

    I’m Katie Anne and I’m 13.
    I have a twin sister called Annalisa
    but her nickname is Annie
    (I’m not letting her talk because
    she’ll just make people more mad at me).

    I believe in aliens and other diminsions,

  1034. I have that feeling alot too

  1035. Opal –
    No prob,
    just remember that you should treat others
    with the same respect you want to be given
    (although it’s fun to prove your point while doing so).

    Katie Anne’s beliefs,
    although wrongly projected onto this site,
    should be respected just as we want ours to be.

    So we shouldn’t insult her beliefs,
    and she should not insult ours.

    Okay Katie Anne?

    Katie Anne-
    You’d think that wouldn’t you?

    No, I am actually your age.
    But I’m a heck of a fighter armed
    with four years of self defense lessons,
    major animal instinct,
    an extremely hot temper,
    a lot more experience on the streets than you,
    and I’m not afraid to launch myself into a fight either.

    So I said that I could crush you both with full confidence,
    I say this in the most friendly way of course.

    I was not doing the same thing as you,
    I was informing someone about
    my beliefs because I was asked,
    then I was having a conversation about it.

    I was not sending a global message
    to the whole site telling people that
    they should believe what I did,
    or that my way was the only right way.

    Or telling them that I would pray to my goddess
    for them or that they should go out and buy the Wiccan Rede.
    Or reciting verses from the black veil.
    Or telling them that they would go to hades
    if they didn’t believe in my gods and goddesses.

    You were doing all these things
    except with the bible and your god
    instead (Which, by the way I appreciate you stopping),
    I was merely having a conversation
    between me and another person,
    it was not directed at the whole site.

    Please recognize the difference
    or else people will get ticked off at you.

    As said above,
    we will not insult your beliefs or put them down,
    as long as you show us the same respect.
    There are certain lines that
    shan’t be crossed on this site, okay?

    It would be best for us all to start over.

    We should all try our best to get
    along on this site and put aside our
    religious preferences unless having a
    conversation or answering a question.

    Is that alright with everyone?
    Dominique J?
    I expect you to follow the same guidelines
    and respect everyone’s beliefs,
    just as we will yours,
    without being biased.

    Katie Anne,
    please that includes telling us
    that you will pray for us,
    we are not saying that to you,
    we don’t need your pity or sympathy.

    Respect our beliefs and we will respect yours.
    And that’s all I’m saying on the matter.

    The dreams you have,
    Katie Anne, a
    re signs of clairvoyance,
    have you ever tried meditation?

    It can often help enhance a clairvoyant’s powers,
    and sometimes you’ll have visions while conscious.

    Staring at something directly often helps bring visions too,
    hence the crystal ball that some fortune tellers look into.

  1036. Thanks, Selene.
    Yes, I get the difference.
    Thanks for telling me nicely.

    Thanks for telling me
    what my dreams mean.
    I’ll try meditation. Bye 🙂

  1037. Clairvoyance is a form of psychic ability,
    isn’t it?
    I always knew there was
    something different about me.

  1038. 🙂 Yes, and you said your aunt is psychic?
    She’s probably clairvoyant too and the power
    was passed down to you through her,
    genetically that is.

  1039. hav u guys talked to tess lately cuz i havent seen her on in a while

  1040. Not recently

  1041. bob—

    I’ve been reading all ur comments
    and conversations with lauren and i think
    you guys are total soulmates!

    Don’t give up on her, bob!
    Keep trying to find her!

    You guys are perfect for each other
    (in my opinion). I’m really kinda sad now
    cuz she stopped commenting and u don’t
    talk about her often.

  1042. i need a good witch craft site any hav

  1043. Hi, sorry not to have commented in ages 🙂
    Although, now I’ve caught up,
    I replied to several comments above :).

    I agree,
    let’s start over.

    If you want Wicca, try this;
    If you want real witches, try this;

  1044. hi guys,
    yh selene i am sorry and
    to Katie anne this message is for you:
    i do not need ur frikkin pity ok?
    n what do u mean same to me?

    u r a wanna be vampire
    or maybe ur a shapeshifter
    i cannot sense it,
    i am NOT a wannabe i KNOW I AM A VAMPIRE,
    yes you are a creep srry but i have to say so,
    and i must apoligise,
    some of the things i said wasnt from me,
    its hard to explain but i blank out
    like not pass out but just leave the consciouns life
    and what i said just came then i sent it
    and it was after i read it back that i knew
    i had blanked out and what do i have against humans?


    i had a best friend and she was human,
    i had bonded and joined our souls together,
    srry thts weird but i can do tht, anyway,
    then she fell out with me and says she hates me
    and it has ripped our souls apart as we have drifted apart
    and now i have a bad temper that can go off at any moment
    so im sorry if i get REAL mad it is not my fault
    oh and to selene yh i am same as u
    i cud kill them both confidently too,
    i had training and all what you said
    and yh we are a like in so many ways

    thxs for now but plz try not to annoy me and

    • It’s okay,
      you don’t have anything to be sorry about.

      We all lose our temper,
      trust me,
      I do it all the time.

      If you ever meet a vamp elder you
      wil get so sick of them telling you
      about how important control is.

      And how hard it is for young,
      powerful vampires,
      like you and I.

      And we lose out tempers easily,
      which can lead to violence.

      We just have to be careful and step back
      before jumping on something someone
      said or did.

      It can often be resolved if we just calm down. 🙂

      And yeah,
      I know what you mean about
      humans being untrustworthy,
      and sometimes I even
      find them cruel and useless.

      I’ve had bad experiences with humans,
      really bad experiences,
      so I understand where you’re coming from.

      But I have also found just a few humans
      that I actually trust with my life,
      and you’ll find one of those someday.

      When it comes to Katie Anne,
      we should all just forgve and forget for now.

      It will be easier on all of us that way.

      Sure she might not be a vampire,
      but she’s interested in learning,
      and she’s looking for help and guidance
      in things that set her apart from the regular world.

      Same as all of us on this site.

      So let’s give her a shot okay?

  1045. Opal,
    you really need to learn to control your temper.
    Spend some time in the outdoors.
    Always works for me.

  1046. Opal,
    my buddie just calm down its kk
    i kinda like humans but they r weird
    and you know i love ya and u r like a sis to me now ………..
    and maybe some time next week u can come over
    and we can just chillax lol 😉
    ily opal xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    and if some of u r wondering i am a witch
    so u r all my friends on here and katie ann
    just stop being a wanna be if u arent a
    vampire witch werewolf or shapshifter
    get off this website !!!!!!! ily opal

  1047. Don’t get so upset,


    I already said i wanted to start over.

    i was just tryin to tell ya nicely.

    I know sometimes i can be a creep.
    I’m just a creepy person like that.

    And I’m not a vampire wanna be.
    I don’t know what the heck I am.

  1048. And,
    not all humans r untrustworthy.

    I have a whole group of human friends
    at my school who I tell secrets to all the time!

    Not all of em are bad.
    Just wanted to tell ya that

    I am not a wannabe anything.

    Somebody pleez comment back something nice.
    I’m kinda having a bad day here.
    I just feel all weird and mad at nothing.

    • Yeah you’re right,
      not all humans are bad,
      but a lot of them are.

      Like I said before I’ve had some
      really bad experiences with them,
      but I also have had a couple of
      really good human friends who
      I’ve trusted with my life and
      my biggest secret.

      I don’t think you’re a wanna be exactly.

      I think you’re…..lost.

      You need to try and figure out
      what and who you are,
      and if you need help or guidance
      as I said I will at least try to help
      because that’s basically what
      everyone is here for.

  1049. Thers werewolves on this site?

  1050. Thanks, Selene

  1051. Nick—

    I guess theres werewolves on this site.
    i mean i’ve never really asked or talked 2 one before.

    I know there’s vampires
    (duh. It’s a website for vampires) and witches.

    I’ve heard some talk about
    werewolves being a vampire’s enemy,
    but im not sure it’s true.

    There might be,
    secretly reading all our comments lol.

  1052. Hi,
    I’ve been doing some research
    into human or near-human telepathy,
    and, so far,
    it sounds like we do it all the time,
    without realising it.

    You know that look your best friend gives you,
    and you share the exact same thought?

    That’s telepathy.
    And you just catch a look on someone’s face
    and you know exactly what their thinking?
    Also telepathy.

    I’m working on it to try i
    t consciously and willingly.
    I’ll let you know how I get on. 🙂

  1053. that happens to me and my mom all the time.
    We’ll think the same thing and say it out loud
    at the same time.
    It’s very weird.

  1054. hi guys
    yh okay katie anne im sorry
    ill give ya a chance and
    tess yh like tried but life isnt going right
    for me at this moment so im sorry about
    my total laps of anger at some moments srry x

  1055. hi guys i need your help.

    i can bond souls and yes its weird
    but i can and my bond mate as i call them
    will not forgive me of something i have done
    but i dont know what i have done,

    anyway, she has ripped our souls apart
    and now my moods are changing
    im getting angrier more inpatient
    more hating humans and more wanting
    to kill a human for its blood
    i dont know what to do,
    my feelings are very where
    and i need my bond mate back,
    any solutions??

  1056. hi guys plz help me
    i dont know what to do???
    cmon guys advice plzzz

    i need help im breaking inside
    i dont know what to do?

  1057. hi guys look help me plz?
    okay i broke up with my bf 2 day
    n ive awakened but i still feel awful
    and alone y do i have these
    human feelings still?

    im a half vampire i think im
    still awakenin i dunno help?

    • If you’ve awakened but you are still
      having human feelings then yea you’re
      most likely a half blood.

      Although it could be because your friend
      ripped your souls apart and you have part
      of you “missing”.

      That’s completely normal,
      you have to be careful with soul bonding
      because it affects you even after you
      awaken and become a full vampire.

      I might be able to help find a solution
      but it’d be kinda hard to explain here.

      Send me an email and I’ll try to help.

  1058. First, what did you do that
    made your bond mate so angry?

  1059. I think you have all these human feelings
    because you haven’t fully awakened yet
    AND you still have a human part of you
    that you’ll never lose.

    Sorry about the breakup.
    Don’t feel too bad.
    You’re never alone.
    You’ve got us 🙂

  1060. Yeah we’ll all be here.

  1061. Nick – yea, it was furry :/ looked like
    some werewolf-thing, but more scary than that.
    Black fur D:

  1062. how do u awaken?

    • It happens naturally if you have a vampire soul,
      then it awakens around puberty,
      killing your human soul and replacing it.
      That’s how it starts anyway.

  1063. *sarcastic* YAY….
    i’m back to square one….
    to the lonely sleeples HUNGRY and THIRSTY nights.

    I keep on jabing my fingers to make them bleed
    and its starting to bother me…..and my “spirit”
    i guess changes between that of a human and vampire one……

    P.s. selena
    I don’t feel like singing back into e-mail
    so i’ll just ask on here…whats a centra demon.
    the one you mentioned in the last e-mail.

  1064. I think I know why we vampires don’t like humans!

    I read beforehand that some people said that humans
    were scared of us and that they always wanted to be
    the superior race.

    They’re not trying to threaten us—-
    they just don’t know what to think of us.

    They haven’t ever had another
    race to share the earth with,
    so they’re not really sure how to take it.

    They’re debating on whether we’re dangerous
    or not and some humans get aggressive and tell
    us that we don’t exist because they secretly think
    “well, they probably exist.
    They’re dangerous”
    and then they send back nasty crap because
    they want to have control of the situation
    and show us that they’re not scared
    even though they are.

    They’ve never had to get
    along with another race before.

    It’s always been just them,
    they think.

    We’re opening their eyes to so much
    more stuff out there that they only
    imagined was true and existed.

  1065. I’m a 14 year old female vampire,
    and still going through an awakening.

    Oh the things you others don’t know.

    The things I have experianced.
    I’m not pushing my thoughts on
    others but I am a christan.

    My parents are not they are other religions.

    I have lived many lives.
    I’m just starting to remember them.

    I’m so happy that I found a guy
    who has been my friend in a few past lives
    on the website AwakeAndDrink.webs .

    Awake And Drink has vampire
    facts vampire symptoms.
    Things for teen and adult vampires.

    Make sure to check it out.
    I can see energies, auras,
    and sometimes spirits.

  1066. Katie – just wait, its a painful process, but worth it in the long run 🙂

  1067. Nick – yea, it was furry :/ looked like
    some werewolf-thing, but more scary than that.
    Black fur D:

  1068. Dominique J

    all those websites are FAKE

    GO here

    TO all YOu confused Kids
    here your answer

    Now dont cry after you find out the truth !

    OTherS will find closure and feel better !
    some will panick and regret what they have become.

    • I am a fucken Vampire so don’t piss me off!

      AwakeAndDrink.webs Is not a fake
      website a vampire runs it.
      He made it so he can help
      out newly awakened vampires.

  1069. what the heck do you mean
    “now don’t cry after you find out the truth!’?
    Why would we panic and hate what we’ve become?

  1070. Dominique.J – what are we, Vampires…
    We are not some retarded,
    blood-sucking super-men,
    although that is what Hunters image us as.

    No, we are in fact yet
    another species on this world.
    Remember the Lord of the Rings?
    Read it?
    Watched it?

    Imagine that,
    only with a lot more types of types of creatures,
    not just four species.

    Now imagine that one of
    those thinks it is the all-mighty,
    and wants to destroy all else,
    for the simple reason of what
    I call the ‘Threat of the Unkown’.

    A war begins.
    All the species fight against each other,
    Vampires mostly hating Werewolves,
    but Humans,
    the ones who think themselves all-mighty,
    are scared of things they do not
    understand or cannot control.

    Then all the other species decide
    to hide and blend in with Humans
    (beginning of ‘Paranormal’ Activity which
    does not have anything to do with ghosts).

    I hope you understand what I have said,
    and that everyone else here also does,
    thank you.

    • Yes I’m well aware of vampires,
      I am a vampire myself and what
      I remember I have been the same
      in my past lives.

  1071. TRUTH BE TOLD –
    yea, I know of that site,
    been on it before 😉

    but seriously,
    why would I cry about what I am?
    I love my race as much as my country.
    The only thing that bothers me,
    is whether or not I know TOO MUCH…

    I know a lot about Vampires,
    more than a most of the people
    that have ever stumbled onto 22MOON.COM,
    and that IS kinda freeky :/

  1072. Saromin your dream means your gonna meet a werewolf

  1073. It is Annie and Katie Anne and we have friends over!!!!!
    ONe is named, Megan and Caitlin!!!!
    WE just had our 14th bday party!!!

    They, too like us,
    are kid cyber preachers.
    They strongly believe in
    the Bible and want you to also.

    We have to go now
    but we will talk to you later!!

    • Well good for you,
      but tell them not to preach on this site
      because we already had a huge discussion about it,
      and if I have to go through it again
      there is a very good chance that
      I won’t be so nice.
      Just a warning.

  1074. We were wondering if
    vampires could talk to the dead.
    Can they?

    • Anyone can conduct a seance
      to communicate with a certain spirit or entity,
      like a family member who passed away
      or someone you knew.

      But only mediums,
      ect can really *talk* to spirits
      if that makes sense.

  1075. Nick –
    do you mean as in I’m just gonna meet a Werewolf,
    or will it be a really bad/mad one?

  1076. hi guys

    nick –
    i hung around with my bf more than her
    and last night i tried talking to her but
    in the end she said she hated me and was
    NEVER going to be my best friend again
    so now i am doomed also it led to me
    loosing my temper which is really short
    and saying that i would kill her
    and knock her out and i SO regret that
    i want my missing soul back
    i want HER soul back any help plz?

  1077. OMG how cud this be?
    im awakening and my skin has
    suddenly gone paler and i sear it
    has i was tanned on my chest and
    now it is pale white hardly any tan at all
    and its spreading and my face is getting
    paler do u think it will make my freckles go away??
    i certainly hope so!

  1078. only 22

  1079. LOL I sounded so desperate back than when I posted as Domo.
    LOL now look I now know fer sure that I’m a vampire.

  1080. This sucks, I need to find a new donor
    because my old donor is a 7th grader
    and im moving on to 9th grade.

    Im hopeing there will be vampires
    and people who are willing to be
    my donors in high school.

  1081. Opal—
    you need to work on your anger issues,

    Someday they could get really out of hand
    and you could say something to somebody
    (such as your bf) that they would never forgive you for.

    Like when you got ticked off at me—
    I was seriously considering cussing you out too.
    But I didn’t, did I?

    • They aren’t anger issues,
      she’s awakening.

      The same exact thing happened to me,
      you can’t help it.

      There won’t be a “someday” because
      she won’t have that problem once she awakens,
      so go easy on her and don’t patronize her.
      You don’t know what it’s like.

  1082. OK by the look of the past comments
    i see i have missed out a lot.

    But i only have one thing to say.
    Katie Anne,
    you should leave and
    never talk to us again.
    Its for the best of you and for us.

    Don’t ask how and why I know this
    but just do there isn’t a great aura
    going around you and you do pose
    a threat not only to others but to ur selves.

    So leave now and never come back!!

  1083. how am i a threat,

    Just because I talked about God?

    I said I would start over.

    And I’m just trying to help people.

    so what I don’t know as much as I say I do,
    but I do know some things.

    But it seems like nobody’s taking my side at all.
    Nobody knows what I’m going through either.

    I don’t have to leave and never come back.

    It’s my choice.
    I’m not going through an awakening so no,
    I don’t know what it’s like but everybody else seems to.

    It’s like I’m the only one who
    doesn’t know absolutely everything.

  1084. What do u people have against me?

    Cuz it seems pretty obvious that no one
    agrees with me and likes me on this website.

    I was just trying to help.

    Isn’t that what this site’s for?
    To help?

    I may not be a vampire expert,
    but I still know a couple of stuff.

    And I’m not patronizing anybody.
    I was merely suggesting that opal
    get some anger issue help.

    I don’t know about half
    the junk that happens to me.

    That’s why I’m on this website.

    And if a website that’s supposed to help you
    tells you that you should get off this website
    and never talk to them again,
    then that’s being a hypocrite,
    if you didn’t realize that.

    • I don’t have anything against you,

      in fact I made an effort to settle things
      between you and the others on this site,
      if you didn’t realize *that*.

      Yes this site is to help,
      and I already pointed that out.

      I have been nice to you about this whole thing,
      and have been on your side pretty much –
      even tried to help you,
      but evidently you think you have to
      have everyone agreeing with you.

      You were not helping Opal
      by telling her to get some help.

      That was pretty insensitive.

      we don’t understand what you’re going through,
      but as you pointed out-
      you aren’t awakening.

      You don’t know what it is like to go through that,
      it’s hell.

      Sometimes you can’t help but get that angry,
      when you’re awakening you feel like ripping
      everyones’ head off so be happy that all
      she’s doing is spouting a few vicious words
      because it could be sooo much worse,
      believe me.

      It was pretty patronizing when you said
      “you need to work on your anger issues,
      kid. ”
      “considering cussing you out too.
      But I didn’t, did I?” I

      ‘m sorry but if you had said that to me?

      I would feel patronized,
      especially when it’s coming from someone
      who pointed out herself that she isn’t going
      through the same thing.

      I’m not stupid,
      I know when someone is being a hypocrite,
      and none of us are being one.

      If you didn’t notice,
      Yuuki said that it would be best for you too,
      to get off this site.

      And I know Yuuki,
      she’s very intuitive,
      and if she has a feeling that it
      would be best for all of us,
      I’m definetly not going to tell her she’s wrong.

      I’m not trying to argue or anything with you,
      it’s just not your place to speak to Opal or Yuuki like that.

      Yuuki was also trying to help,
      if you didn’t realize that.

  1085. Don’t blame me.

    I didn’t know what she was going through.

    I just thought it was anger issues.

    it was a simple mistake!

    And yuuki didn’t actually imply
    that she was trying to help.

    She made me feel like I was an outcast.

    How would you feel having that being said to you?

    Or have you ever been an outcast?

    You say it’s not my place to
    speak to opal and yuuki that way.

    What about the way opal spoke to me?

    I know she was all awakening and stuff
    but that still doesn’t give her the right
    to badmouth me.

    She could’ve just not commented back.

    And I was being honest when I said
    I was considering cussing her out.

    She cussed me out!

    If she can do it and get away with it,
    why can’t I?

    Or do you play favorites on this website?

    • I’m not blaming you for anything.

      Yes she did, and I quote:
      “Its for the best of you and for us. ”
      and “you do pose
      a threat not only to others
      but to ur selves”.

      So yes,
      she more than implied that she
      was trying to help you and others.

      I’ve been a f*cking outcast all my life!

      You don’t know me,
      so don’t try that crap okay?

      You don’t want to play that game with me.

      Yes it was wrong of her to speak to you that way,

      I defended you about that,
      but I was still kind to her because
      I know where that’s coming from.

      I’ve had outbursts on this site
      before and i apologized for it,
      she did too.

      If you didn’t notice it seemed she
      felt pretty contrite about losing her temper.

      My point wasn’t about you cussing her out,

      I wouldn’t gave a **** if you did.

      My point was what you said after that,
      “but I didn’t,
      did i?”.

      We don’t play favorites,

      But you seem do be getting an attitude
      with the only person who *has* been on
      your side on this site.

      I didn’t go out of my way to agree with others,
      when you did nothing wrong,
      or you were willing to start over.

      That was perfectly reasonable of you.

      But I am not going to stop defending
      the people who I know and trust here.

  1086. i didn’t say you had to.

    But lately you haven’t been defending me at all.
    I’ve been defending myself.

    And I didn’t know you’ve been an outcast all your life.
    It was just a mistake.

    I was kinda pissed off when i wrote it,
    so i didn’t really think about it.

  1087. Saromin –
    Is the werewolf bad in your dream?
    and Opal no friend would make you
    choose her over your bf

  1088. my bond mate has forgiven me
    now which i am so so happy about.

    oh and to katie anne
    this message is for you:

    Yes i am awakening,
    yes i was angry and yes i cant help it


    yuuki i totally agree with you
    she should get off this site
    before i get REAL MAD.

    katie anne –



    thankyou Selene for your support
    and im glad we are friends.

    hopefully you will stop me from
    ripping katie-whats-her-face’s head off.

    from Opal

  1089. nick your totally right,
    but its all sorted now.

    destiny has made us become bond
    mates again and really im over my bf thing.

    he didnt believe vampires were real any way
    so there is no point in still loving him if he wasnt right.

    im looking for a vampire BOY who lives in england
    that i can get together with because i feel one is coming
    or i havent looked propally,
    any one on here a vampire BOY living in england??

    hopelfully there will be. ?

  1090. Ok….first of all.

    All of us are going through something
    that no one else might know.

    So yeah you are not the only
    person who feels like an outcast.

    Sh*t I have been one too just like Selene said.

    So please don’t play the
    card ok!

    Second of all.
    I was trying to help you
    and if you can’t see that then its your fault
    and it will just hurt you even more.

    I was marely trying to warn you of what I saw.

    In my head.
    It wasn’t the best vison I have ever had.

    And yeah I know I don’t know you in person
    or anything but sometimes I can tell who the
    person is just through here and here and there
    I can tell things like me seeing that you are a threat.

    I don’t know what kind or what you WILL do
    but I am telling you that if you don’t want to get hurt,
    don’t want your friends to get hurt,
    and the people that are around us
    and us on this website then it is best
    if you do not make contact with us
    and this website.


    And I’m telling you this…
    If you don’t take that advice and thuroghly
    think it through and think that its best
    to leave then YOU might be killed.

    I’m not threatning you or any other thing.

    This is mearly what I saw in my “vison”.

    I’m trying to save your life and ours.

    And I will tell you this also.

    You are someone.
    You do have some kind of “power”
    but when you do figure it out,
    what ever it is;
    keep a balance and never
    use it for anything bad.

    Because I could see it consuming you.

    So please help your self and us.
    Just go on living a normal life and
    forget about this.

    And p.s.
    to you comment about how you
    asked why you’re a threat and then said
    “Just because I talked about God? ”
    well here is your answer.

    No it’s not because you talked about that.

    Some of us on here,
    before we realized who we are
    and what the hell is really going
    on around us,
    might have been Christian
    or believed in God.

    I know I did but then
    I realized what’s the real reality.

    I won’t go into it but,
    it wasn’t about god.

  1091. Katie-Anne,
    You think we have favourites
    and no one is siding with you?

    I’m bewildered that you didn’t see
    this coming when you keep mouthing off
    about being an outcast when every single
    one of us is an outcast ourselves.

    Selene already came to your rescue once,
    and don’t be surprised that no one will this time round.

    Whatever anyone has said to
    you has been intended to help.

    It’s fair enough if you misread that,
    but don’t mouth off about it until
    you know the details.

    I’m pretty sure I’m not alone
    in thinking that lots of others
    are getting bored and irritated
    when every subject gets turned
    round to you and we have a
    hundred more posts all about YOU.

    In my personal opinion,
    here is my not-so-nice list
    of what I think of you;

    -and just a little bit snobbish.

    Don’t take it personally,
    but I think you need to apologise
    or leave before you dig yourself
    a bigger hole to fall into.

    No one will help you out this time.

  1092. Fine.

    I’m sorry everybody’s acting like they hate me.
    I don’t need your help.
    You tell me not to take it personally.
    Do you really think I’m just gonna
    let it blow over?

    I don’t think so!
    That’s the problem with you people!
    You say crap and don’t even THINK
    about how the other person will feel.

    we’re all outcasts.

    Then again even outcasts have outcasts.

    I’ve had a hard day and
    I am ready to blow my top.

    you even admitted you had anger
    issues and I was just trying to help.

    And another thing,
    everybody tells me that I’m not helping.

    THEY’RE not helping!

    You’re the people who talk about
    you you you all the freakin time!

    You’re the ones who send every
    stinkin thing you’re thinking
    at that moment!

    you’re a stupid wannabe smart person.

    You told me so I’m telling u.

    Nobody can get mad at me for
    that because she insulted me first.

  1093. oh Nyx it seems I’ve
    missed out on a bit on here.

    I’m sorry if this seems a bit random
    but does anyone know of a woman
    named Bridgit who was the first to be
    hanged in the New Salam witch trails?










  1095. TRYING TO HELP??





    2 FACED,

  1096. You’re wasting your breath,

    God always saves.
    He saves you everyday!

    I’m not afraid.

    You don’t know where I live.

    You don’t know what I look like.

    You don’t know my last name.

    I’m sure your fangs are very large,

    You gotta understand that
    your threats don’t bother me.

    God bless you. Bye 🙂

    • Obviously You did not read my warning!

      Oh well.
      I am with Opal on this
      and Tess Hope that you have
      bunch of garlic and crosess laying around
      hahahaha but don’t even bother that don’t work.

      I see now that your fate has turned
      around for the worst of you.

      I told you to stay away you stubborn child.
      Now you will get hurt.
      I saw it.

      Anyways I bet your blood will taste
      just fine to those who will come after you.

    • I’m with all of them,
      and i really do think your in trouble now
      Opal is really angry and its aimed at you.

      And if the threats dont bother you well,
      just put it this way they should.

    • oh and btw we don’t need your last name
      or know how you look like We have other
      “powers” that are able to find any measly human like you.

  1097. You know what katie anne?

    You’d better get used to
    defending yourself cuz that’s life okay?

    You can’t depend on other people to stick up for you,
    because most of us don’t give a damn.

    You need to get some backbone
    and stop whining about people not taking your side.

    Right now,
    all you seem like to me is a self absorbed,
    immature, brat.

    Grow up a little,
    then maybe people will take you seriously.

    Don’t think that no one can hunt you down,
    you’re using a wireless network most likely correct?

    All someone has to do is tap into that wireless
    network and they’ve got your IP address.

    Then they’re that much closer to your home.

    So watch what you say,
    and who you piss off.

    I’m tired of coming to your rescue,
    and I have,
    it seems like you want everyone
    to agree with you about everything you say.

    Reality check –
    not gonna happen,

    Now you’re on *my* bad side,
    not somewhere you wanna be.

    Especially since I’ve had a
    rough week and I have serious pms.

    So fuck off before you find
    yourself treading deep water.

    Oh and acting like they hate you?

    No no no,
    no one around here is acting.

    You’ve pushed me over the edge,
    along with a lot of other people I’m guessing.

    you’re an outcast in a group of outcasts,
    that makes perfect sense *note sarcasm*.

    Grow up and learn that not everything is easy,
    you don’t get everything you want
    and not everyone will like you,
    that’s life.

    You don’t need our help,
    so get ready to be bashed on
    this site until it brings you to tears
    because I was basically the only
    mediator between you and Opal,
    and now I don’t give a shit
    if she rips your head off,
    because now,
    in my book,
    you deserve it.

    YOU won’t let it blow over?

    You don’t know how
    long vampires can hold grudges,
    and you’ve now made yourself into a target.

    I suggest you leave because
    now no one is going to help you,
    or try to defend you,
    or take your side. Or even talk to you.

    So what’s the point of you staying huh?

    You got yourself into this by mouthing off
    and expecting to get away with it,
    get yourself out.

  1098. btw: vivere solum, mori solum

  1099. to live alone to die alone?
    why on earth have you said that?

  1100. cuz it sounds cool. duh lol

  1101. Cool? Jeez, grow up!

  1102. i was being sarcastic

    • Wow, no,
      now you’re just being pathetic.

      • hi I’m Alexis and I’m 11.

        I have 37 of these traits
        and I can sometimes read people’s thoughts—

        what’s that called?

        Anyway, only my best friend,
        my cousin,
        and my big brother knows I’m a vampire.

        Is it ok if I say this?

        Please please don’t get mad at me!!!

        I’m Katie Anne’s cousin.

        But I totally agree with you guys!

        She was being a self-inflicted brat and a jerk.

        I’m staying at her house all week long
        because my dad’s on a business trip
        so me and my big brother Daniel and
        my little brother Kyle are staying with
        her and Annie.

        She said I could use her account because
        (and i quote) “I’m really pissed off that those retards!

        They can rot in their own blood for all I care!”.

        So yea she’s being a butthole.

        I need help on controlling my thirst for blood!!!

        Every time I get near somebody who’s bleeding
        I start to feel ravenous and I have to get away.

        Help me please!

      • I bet your around ten years of age
        maybe take or add a year or two.

        And seriously If you thought it be “”cool””
        to start a fight with real vampires,
        Katie Anne, then you are wrong!!

        We are not so nice…
        none of what was and still is written
        in books or shown in movies is true.

        They’re all lies based on imagination.

        There is one thing though that I can say that is right.
        Its that we LOVE blood and we will KILL for it.

        Especially people who don’t deserve
        to even breathe towords our direction!!!!!!!!!!!

      • not very obviuos sarcasm

  1103. hi I’m alexis and I’m 11.

    I have 37 of these traits
    and sometimes I can tell
    what people are thinking—
    what’s that called?

    Only my best friend and my
    brother knows I’m a vampire.

    I need help controlling my thirst
    for blood cause I get it all the time!!!!

  1104. Is it ok if I say this or will
    you guys get mad at me?

    I’m katie anne’s cousin.

    But I think she was being
    a total jerk and a brat!

    I completely agree!

    She told me I could get on her account
    so please don’t get mad at me!

    do you live in a foreign country
    because it sounds like it,
    I mean what you’ve written:
    words like “mate”.

    That word is sooo cool!!

  1105. We wouldn’t get mad at you
    just because she is your cousin.
    You can’t choose your family.

    It’s called telepathy.

    During my awakening I tried tomato juice
    or orange juice and meditiation.

    It helps more than you’d think,
    but it can’t replace the real thing
    so you can either hunt or buy raw steaks
    as long as you boil the blood before drinking it.
    Or get a human donor.

  1106. Ok. Cool. Thanks Selene.

  1107. I think Opal lives in England, as well as me.

    Opal, I’m sorry if that’s wrong.

  1108. wow I missed alot.

  1109. hi, yh tess i live in england
    where abouts do you live?

    id like to meet you.

    oh and to katie anne’s cousin
    dont worry i wont coem for u now
    i know u dont like her any more than we do.

    but she will pay so warn her while you can.

    katie anne:
    you will care about my threats
    when they are real,
    im gunna kill you and drink your
    snobby horrid stupid blood for the fun of it.

    you think that you can get away with this,
    im 210yrs old if you think im not
    gunna come after you,
    then you have another thing coming,
    ive killed many humans before,
    including my ex best friend’s cousin,
    i dint mean to but he wound me up
    juss liek your doing and then i practically
    drained him of all blood! s

    o yh u will be scared and i heard
    about ur little speech ( thank ya cousin alex!)
    oh n how the hell can we rot in our won
    blood are u insane,
    yes is the answer but i tell u,
    u will be rotting in your blood,
    it juss so happens that my human brother
    is gd with computers and can find out
    ur id n zip code with the click of a finger,
    gd luck bitch im coming to kill you now!!!!!!


    • Opal,
      Do you have facbook or something?

      I’d prefer to get to know you a bit
      better before telling you where I live 🙂

      No offence intended,
      but better to be safe.
      I can’t fully shape shift yet.

  1110. hi n yh katie anne ur such a BITCH!!!

    arrrghh humans wind me up badly,
    selene taa for ya help.

    my skin is getting paler by the minute,
    oh erm juss wondering but do
    vampires have to be pretty?

    coz im not pretty but i still wanna
    know whether you have to be pretty.

    any one have a answer?

    taa for all your support on katie anne
    oh and katie anne


    rraaaa u better be scared mate coz im coming,
    i shunt even call u mate coz im not ya mate n neva will be!

    • I dont think all vampires are
      pretty thats just stereotyping.
      I bet you are pretty most girls
      down-grade themselves when they
      are actually really pretty. 🙂

  1111. yh tess, i dont have face book i have these things though:

    msn and skype

    n thts it lol

  1112. do u have any of those?
    if not juss email me at
    thts not my real vampire name but its
    my human name but rwell lol

  1113. what you can make a vampire name?

  1114. Oh well the bitch didn’t listen to me.

    All I am saying is that I gave you
    warning and tried to help.

    You should have listened!

    Oh well now that you’ve pissed off
    the wrong side of us you will pay.

    Hope you’ve lived a good life
    because all I can see for you now
    little girl is your blood spilling
    on the floor and others devouring it.

  1115. can I help kill her too?

  1116. I wanna help too!

  1117. P.S.: katie lied about where she lives. She lives in Nevada, not Mississippi.

  1118. Thx for that tip 🙂

  1119. Whats the adress?

  1120. hi yh im DEFINATLY gunna help ya kill her
    coz yh like i said i would n now i will

  1121. Nick – yea, werewolf was VERY bad in the dream.

    Strange thing,
    was taht I seemed to know him.
    Also he had something in his eyes,
    something from a fantastical world, plain evil.
    I ended up almost being killed,
    as far as I can remember 😮

  1122. Youy by any chance know any buff short
    temepered cool then mad type of ppl?

  1123. People, I just totally WRECKED my knee xD
    blood everywhere lol.

    I made a photo, tho that was
    made AFTER I cleaned it,
    so not much blood left,
    most in my mouth now :P. strange thing is,
    I didn’t feel A THING when I fell and RIPPED the skin off,
    then nothing when I was running around again,
    altho it doesn’t look that nice :/ photo from phone,
    so not as bad as in real life 😛

    • I even ripped off little danlging parts
      of my skin to chew on them for the lols 😛

      • Okay thats slightly disgusting lol

      • haha wow.
        I bet you’re not going to go hungry for a few days.

        god I’m starving. I keep on eating food.
        I even ate raw sushi which was hard
        to get well convice my mom to get since
        I’m broke 🙁 and still it didn’t satisfy me.
        and its only getting worse.

        Damn if I had a car I’d go with
        Opal and whoever for a meal if u know
        what I mean hahaha.

      • Yuuki – yea, at least you can’t say
        I’m being starved to death 😛
        well, this is my first semi-proper feed
        in teh last 9 months 😛 with ya luck, Yuuki!

        last time I smashed off a sharp bit off
        a crystal and cut my hand from the top with it 🙂
        crystal cutts deep,
        so plenty of blood that was 🙂

  1124. 🙂 haha ewwwww 🙂

  1125. hi i’m amethyst

  1126. yea, kinda ewwww with the skin, but the blood… yum! I’m uploading the pic soon, if u wanna see it 😛

  1127. Ooo and Saromin I just remembered
    back wayyy up the comment list some girl
    named midnightluvr said something about a
    test that you can do to find out if you are a
    vampire and then you said that she should s
    hut up and “how bout do it the original way?”

    what is the “original way”??

    • yea, I remember that lol. I meant drink a mouthful of blood. If you vomit, then MOST LIKELY, or a little chance that not ready yet. If u drink it and feel strenghenned or at least you don’t vomit, then yea, you are a Vampire 🙂

  1128. oh, and Yuuki, Nick,
    go on my website for a kinship
    (guild, clan) in a game.
    There is online chat and nobody uses it 😉


  1129. oh, and Yuuki, Nick, go on my website for a kinship (guild, clan) in a game. There is online chat and nobody uses it 😉

    http://thedunedain.kk5.org/#/online-chat/4539676197 (no www.)

  1130. What about the Nick way?

  1131. Hey..Obviously,
    I haven’t been online over here for a while,
    although I have been reading the
    comments through the email.

    I doubt posting my negative
    thoughts of Katie Anne will help.

    I have been doing much active thinking,
    research, contact, etc. etc. which has to do with Yion.
    Hm…What else…email me!


  1132. Only few can know Nicks way 😉

    • plz! plz go on the website and register!
      just call yourself Nick, I’m Arobomir.
      only I am on chat right now 😛 go to Forums – Online Chat 😉

  1133. I’ll tell you…..someday

    • well I also have ways 😛 how
      do you think I get away from a
      crowd of 20 bikers without a scratch? 😛

    • plz, Nick!!!

      go on lol.

      nice to have an online
      chat with people like you 🙂
      Yuuki, you too, plz!

      • Ahhh lol I love how nick just randomly posted
        “how bout the nick way” hahha idk just seemed
        funny to me at the moment and I’m sorry but
        I wasn’t home till now so I registered as Yuuki 🙂

  1134. Tried telepathy with britton over the atlantic.
    It kinda worked,
    to an extend.
    I could recieve, but not send.

    If you want to try it,
    find a friend and just think of
    colours or numbers to begin with. 🙂

  1135. Does anyone know a martial art
    that they would recomend people
    to start off with before trying any others?

    • Hm..My dad has mastered Wing Chun,
      and the basic moves that you can collect
      from it *can be* simple.

      As in the fighting per se rather
      than the movements and steps.

      He used to do it competitively.

      Because of the way I learn things like that,
      I wouldn’t focus on a certain art and master it;
      I would just hoard all of the different holds,
      defense moves, and attack moves into my head,
      from whatever fields that work for me, y
      ou know?

      • Yeah thanks Samantha,
        Its just i dont have any fighting gyms near me =\

  1136. tess,yukui,and nick i went
    on the site it good u should go on k

  1137. Soz britton,
    was offlinef or a mo :/ takin a shower
    with a wrecked knee can be painful 😛

  1138. as I said, it ain’t an acuall Vampire site,
    its for my guild on an Online game 😛 I’m gonna
    make a Vampire sire soon enough tho 😉

  1139. I’m a good fighter,
    altho I know only begenninrs Judo.
    It comes to me like breathing. I took
    out 2 Police officers,
    then a small gang…
    It’s easy enough for me 😉

    any help on the Werewolf thing?

    Don’t know any people like
    that apart from myself.
    I am not a Werewolf but a Vampire,
    but yea,
    it might be the strange thing
    stalking me for the past few months…

  1140. Im on and talking to my self
    anyone feel free to join now!!!! 🙂

  1141. hi, yuuki. I’m Amethyst
    (I know it’s a weird name,
    but it’s my real one)
    and I’m 12.

    I seriously do think I am a vampire.

    I crave blood all the
    time and I have 35 of the traits.

    I need help on this thing
    or else I’ll never know if I’m
    a vampire or not!

    My fangs are just starting to come in
    since puberty and I have to cut myself
    sometimes to quench my thirst,
    but it never fully disappears.

  1142. I also have strange dreams
    sometimes that seem so real,
    as if I was really there.

    Please, I need to know if I am one or not!

    It’s killing me!

    If anybody can help me figure
    this out or tell me what I am,
    please comment back.

    I’d greatly appreciate it!

    Sometimes I even have to keep
    myself from attacking my family members
    if one of them starts bleeding.

    I need to know how to control my thirst too.

    I’m really glad I found this site
    so I can finally get some answers.

    Oh, and,
    I agree with you.

    Taking a shower with a wrecked knee
    (or in my case, a wrecked shin)
    can be painful. 🙂 🙂 🙂

  1143. P.S. If I am one,
    I don’t know if I inherited it genetically
    (if you can do that) or if I just was born
    with it because I’m adopted and my parents
    died when I was a baby in a car crash
    so I can’t actually ask them.

    But I do live with a close family friend
    who strongly believes in vampires,
    and werewolves and is a witch herself,
    so I’ll ask her.

    she doesn’t mind me getting on this website.

    She actually encouraged it.

    if you can inherit it,
    I’m not really sure how it happened.

    And i know I’m posting a lot of crap,
    but I’m kind of bored and my story’s long. 🙂

  1144. need a site other than this to chat
    join mine no more will outsiders be
    welcome to us i started me own site
    to chat and talk our desires without
    confrontation go to darkalliance.com
    join my coven in peace took me awhile
    to make it right if interested send me
    an email i have to invite so no one
    unwanted gets in celdaron3@yahoo.com
    and of course celdaronkiller is a girl
    not my friend dose not even know who i am
    i met up with my friend she lives in Florida
    i got her myspace and facebook what a
    loser anyway send yur emAil to that address
    enjoy music photos and chat till ya drop
    basically enough games make a stand

  1145. I don’t know what’s up with me at the moment,
    random phrases keep popping into my head,
    and I can’t figure out why…

    Yesterday, there was ‘walking on the dance floor’?????
    Today there’s ‘walking on the wild side’?????

    I don’t get it!
    It’s not the sort of thing I’d be thinking at all…

  1146. it my birthday finally yes it the 15

  1147. Saromin – theres something that follows you?

  1148. hi guys wuu2? feeling happy for now
    lol nearly done with the awakening.
    cant wait loving it! lol

  1149. hi, i’m Amethyst
    (I know it’s a weird name, but it’s my real one)
    and I have 35 of the traits mentioned.

    I’m 12 years old and I seriously
    do think I am a vampire.

    I crave blood all the time!

    Even when I drink some,
    the thirst isn’t quenched.

    I also have fangs growing in since
    I started puberty.

    Sometimes I get mad for no reason,
    then be happy the next second
    (or is that just mood swings?).

    Anyway, I need help on figuring out what I am.

    I’m really happy I found this site to get some help.

    Please comment back.
    I’d greatly appreciate it! 🙂

    • Hello I’m 14 years old in this life
      but my soul is much much older.

      I’m a sang vampire.
      If you need help I suggest going on the website
      AwakeAndDrink.webs it could help you alot.

    • Check out the website AwakeAndDrink.webs

  1150. hi amethyst yh ur a vampire.

    if you have any questions ask away,
    ill be happy to help you. email me at:

    if youde liek to tht is x

  1151. Grr sorry this is late my computer
    is playing tricks on me again!!!

    Anyway Amethyst I accually like your name
    its not weird at all,
    its more unique.

    And that is a good thing.
    Well like Opal said I feel like you are a vampire.

    THe next thing that I will say
    is a pure opinion and there might
    be 5% chance that it is true …
    ok here it goes:

    I think that your parents might have
    been vampires so that you were born
    with it and they staged the car crash
    and faked their deaths of fear that you
    were a vampire and didn’t want that life for you.

    Now again note that it was my pure opinion,
    nothing based on facts.
    I don’t know but it might be
    a possibility to some extand.

    yesterday the weirdest thing happened.

    My mom was reading her book and
    I was watching Death Note on my little dvd player,
    and out of no where mom started to stare at me
    and I stared back at her and I was looking directly
    in her eye an in my mind i thought
    “oh stop staring and go back to reading your book now”
    and guess what she did that at the exact moment I said now!!!!!!!!!!

    OMG its awesome if I could do that to humans.
    But that was only one time still got to test my theory.

  1152. YES!!!!!!!
    I’m a vampire!
    Thanks soooo much for replying Yuuki and Opal!
    I’m so excited! 😉

  1153. oh god its happening

  1154. the war

  1155. How is the war happening? Did u see it??

  1156. omg i can feel something happening
    but dont no were its happening at.

    is that weird or not

  1157. It’s only the beginning of it. Soon it’ll unleash all hell.

  1158. hi guys,
    no wonder i have felt agitated all day,
    this war exactly who is fighting?

    i think i know the answer
    but i juss wanna be sure.

    what is happening so far can any one see?
    inform me plz?

    omg like i sense somat juss happened sumat bad…
    im dunno tho…

  1159. hmm..the war.
    Well I guess you could say its starting
    so far nothing really here for now,
    but once I say that something probably will happen.

    I wrote the letter last night
    and put it next to my window
    since its the coldest part of my room.

    I was just wondering how long
    it took Yion to reply to you?

  1160. all i see is hunters fighting off 1 vampire

  1161. well hope u guys got ur boxing gloves

  1162. do all Vampires get very sharp instincts,
    or is that just some?

  1163. All do

  1164. I have felt on edge all day
    maybe its the same thing
    and there was an un-natural weather
    occurrence in France maybe someone
    or something was unleashed…

  1165. The war is going to start really soon.

    All these “natural disasters” and signs
    that we are witnessing are leading up to it.

    We better start getting prepared.

    Will any humans survive?
    I don’t know.

    Will we be able to save any?
    I still don’t know.

    But we’ve got to start preparing ourselves.

  1166. hey guys can any of u tell us were it is starting

  1167. Im starting a clan any1 wanna join just tell me

  1168. ok anyone know shadow tongue!?!?!?!?! very important!!

  1169. Hey guys,
    anyone know what Niyax Vallil means?

    It could have been Niya X Vallil or
    Niyaz X Vallil as well,
    does anyone know what any of those mean?

  1170. Sorry, I asked the question in a wrong way –
    Do all Vampires get very strong instincts
    during Full Moon,
    or just some?

  1171. Yuuki – Shadow Tongue… Familiar name, I must admit

    • Sounds familiar to me, too.
      I feel like I’ve heard it before,
      but I can’t remember what it is
      or who I heard it from.

  1172. Vampire Traits:

    •Vampyres are not undead.

    •Vampyres are not Physically immortal.

    •Vampyres are not Demons,
    “of the Devil,” “Spawn of Satan,”
    cursed creatures,
    looked down upon by God
    or anything else of that nonsense.

    •Vampyres are not repelled
    by any religious symbols.

    ◦Ourselves being Christians,
    if Vampyres were repelled by crosses,
    then that would make life very
    difficult for us.

    •Vampyres do not disintegrate,
    dissolve, burn, melt, or anything else
    for that matter when they come in
    contact with holy water.

    ◦For any Catholic Vampyres out there,
    if that were true then I’m sure we would
    be hearing complaints by now.

    •Vampyres are just as likely
    to be “evil” as any human.

    ◦It depends on the up-bringing
    and their moral/ethical choices
    throughout life.

    ◦Even then, however,
    “good” and “evil” are only
    matters of perception.

    •Vampyres are not necessarily Satanists,
    Wiccans, Pagans, or polytheistic.

    ◦Then again,
    they are not necessarily monotheistic,
    self-defying, Catholics, Christians,
    Buddhists, Islamic, Jewish,
    or any of the other religions
    that we skipped over either.

    ◦The Vampyre can choose what religion
    he or she wishes to follow just as can
    any and all humans.

    ◦We are both Christians,
    so that shows you how wrong people
    are when they say that all Vampyres
    are Demonic.

    •Vampyres are not supernaturally
    harmed by silver.

    ◦Some are allergic to silver,
    though, but, then again,
    so are a lot of humans.

    ◦Besides, isn’t the silver myth
    for werewolves,
    not Vampyres?

    •Vampyres can be killed via stake,
    burning, decapitation, drowning,
    suffocation, starvation, a
    nd de-hydration as mythology
    tells us.

    ◦Then again,
    so can all humans.
    There is nothing “supernatrual”
    about death
    via a stake through the heart.
    Don’t believe us?
    Come here and we’ll show you
    just how “worldly” it is.

    •Vampyres do not turn to dust,
    rapidly decompose,
    or spontaneously combust
    upon death.

    •Vampyres do not and
    cannot shapeshift.

    ◦That’s right,
    no bats or mist here.

    •Vampyres cannot fly.

    ◦The only exception to this is when
    they are in an airplane, helicopter,
    or some such “flying device.”

    •Vampyres do not spontaneously
    combust upon sunlight’s coming
    in contact with their skin,
    nor do they disintegrate
    or turn into ashes.

    ◦Vampyres do, however,
    experience photosensitivity by which
    we experience frequent headaches
    and/or migraines when in bright light.
    (The sun is a very, very bright light.)

    ◦Vampyres also tend to burn
    (as in sunburns)
    more easily than humans
    when exposure to the
    sun is prolonged.
    Because of this many Vampyres
    wear sunscreen when in the sun.

    •Vampyres do not live
    only in the night.

    ◦While we tend to be more nocturnal
    than most (explained here),
    we must live much of our lives
    in the day just as most people must.
    You see,
    as it would turn out,
    there are far more day-shift jobs
    than night-shift jobs.
    Because we have to work for a living,
    we often thrive in the day,
    although night is generally preferred.

    ◦Vampyres also tend to require
    less sleep than humans on average,
    but this is not always the case.

    •Vampyres will only sleep in coffins
    if they are…
    of an “eccentric” nature…

    ◦There is nothing wrong with being
    a Vampyre and sleeping in a coffin,
    it’s just that most Vampyres
    do not do it;
    the only reason some do it
    (both humans and Vampyres)
    is because they like the literary
    Romanticism involved in it.
    The “image” it presents,
    if you will.
    Others frown upon this “image.”

    •Vampyres do not have to keep soil
    from their native land with them at all
    times when away from their home country.

    •Vampyrism is not caused by a virus.
    This is thoroughly covered here.

    •As far as we know it is impossible to “Turn,”
    “Change,” or otherwise “Transform” a human
    into a Vampyre.

    ◦While we think that it may be possible
    for the simple reason that it just
    “feels possible”
    (not a very scientific reason, we know),
    we have recieved no proof of such
    a thing’s existence.

    ◦We know of many (if not all)
    of the proposed methods by which
    one may accomplish this,
    but every time we investigate
    into such a case,
    it is nothing more than a
    Vampyre Awakening
    a latent Vampyre.

    ◦By “latent” Vampyre we simply mean
    a Vampyre who has not Awakened yet.
    We have done this in the past, and
    is covered here.

    ◦The only thing that we can be absolutely
    certain of is that being born one the only
    proven way that one may “become”
    a Vampyre.
    (If “becoming” is even an
    appropriate word for it.)

    •Vampyres are not
    bloodthirsty killers.

    ◦We are naturally designed
    to be predators,
    yes; we are bloodthirsty, yes;
    however, this does not make
    us bloodthirsty killers.

    ◦(Most) Vampyres take
    blood from willing,
    consenting Donors, from animals,
    or from themselves.

    ◦The few that do not obtain blood
    from one of the above sources would
    be bloodthirsty killers,
    and are called “Rogues.”
    Rogue Vampyres are shunned by the
    Vampyric Community and are always
    brought to justice.
    Whether it be by human law enforcement,
    Vampyres up-holding the
    understood codes,
    and responsibilities of Vampyrism,
    or by Hunters/ Slayers —
    these individuals are always
    brought to justice.

    •Vampyre have reflections.

    ◦Some of us can’t get enough
    of ourselves while others can’t
    stand their reflection.

    ◦Than again,
    that’s exactly how humans
    are as well.

    •Vampyres are not members
    of the rising,
    “Vampyre lifestyle.”

    ◦While some of us may dress
    similarly to the mythical Vampyres,
    most of us do not.

    •Vampyres do not have
    elongated “fangs.”

    ◦Many of us have longer canines than most,
    but there are a lot of humans who naturally
    have canines that would trump
    even the mythical Vampyres.

    ◦Some Vampyres will wear fake “fangs”
    because of some fascination with
    “completing the image,”
    but all of these individuals are either
    teenage Vampyres or adult Vampyres
    with the mentality of a teenage Vampyre.
    There is nothing wrong with this,
    but that doesn’t mean that we won’t call you
    “weird,” “strange,” “eccentric,” “over-the-top,”
    “trying too hard,” or “odd.”
    We reserve every right to do so.

    •Vampyres are not necessarily rich.

    ◦While some may be, most are not.

    ◦We all have to work for a living in
    order to pay the rent/mortgage/bills.

    ◦By far the recurring trend in the
    classification of wealth among
    Vampyres tends to be “middle class”
    and “upper-middle class.”
    We’ve yet to meet one that is
    “upper class.”
    (This is excluding the thieves
    who own Temple of the Vampire who,
    to put it plainly,
    rob people of their money
    for their own personal gain.)

    •Vampyres don’t usually
    live in mansions.

    •Vampyres do not live
    in mausoleums or crypts.

    ◦We can’t think of any self-respecting
    individual who would do such a thing,
    especially not a Vampyre.

    •Vampyres do not necessarily
    live in households of other Vampyres.

    ◦Some are members of
    which supply room and board
    for their members,
    but this is seldom the case.

    •Vampyres do not sparkle in sunlight.

    •Vampyres are not weakened
    by verveine.

    •Verveine is actually an herb
    used in making a kind of tea —
    it is not a Vampyre-repellent at all.

    •Vampyres don’t run
    so fast that we “blur.”

    •Vampyres don’t Feed from the neck.

    ◦This is because of all of the major
    arteries that converge about one’s neck.
    While many of us often fantasize about
    the idea of a free-flowing blood waterfall
    Filling us to a level of contenment beyond
    belief and then some,
    it is often something that we,
    as a species,
    shy away from lest we accidentally kill
    the kind soul willing enough to Donate
    to our needs.
    •Vampyres can cross running
    water with ease.

    •Vampyres do not have to
    be invited into a home to enter —
    it is merely proper etiquette to ask.

    •Vampyres do not live off of liters
    and liters of blood each day
    (although it would be nice).

    •Vampyres are colder
    than the average human.
    This is explained here.

    •Vampyres do have
    slower-than-average heart beats.

    •Vampyres do Drink blood,
    although it can be of any animal —
    not just humans.

  1173. Vampire Traits:

    •Have you been experiencing headaches
    increasingly often lately even though
    you have not been doing anything

    •Have you noticed a sub-consious
    aversion to bright light sources?

    •Have you noticed a newly-obtained
    nostalgic manner of thinking?

    •Have you suddenly become
    very self-aware?

    •Have you noticed yourself catching
    peoples’ eyes increasingly often lately?

    •When you catch their eye is it
    because you tend to look their way
    a fraction of a second before they
    look your way as if you “know” they’re
    about to look at you?

    •Have you noticed yourself
    eating an increasing number of fruits
    and (particularly) vegetables without
    any conscious change to your diet?

    •Have you noticed a newfound fondness
    of fruits and vegetables raw
    rather than cooked?

    •Has there been an unidentifiable change
    in the way you like your meats prepared?
    You’ve always had steak well-done,
    but for some reason or another
    you seem to like it medium now?

    •When you eat these
    not-so-cooked foods
    do the headaches go away?

    •When you are all alone in a position
    where you would normally feel lonely,
    do you suddenly find yourself feeling
    not-so-lonely —
    at peace, even?

    •Do you know what is for lunch/dinner
    judging by the smell of it when those
    around you can’t smell anything?

    •When you experience the smell
    of food or any other scent,
    do you feel as though you
    “can just taste it?”

    •Have your favorite meals and treats
    suddenly become more bland-tasting?

    •When you ask others about
    the new bland-ish taste,
    do they say that they don’t
    taste a difference?

    •Have you suddenly become
    dis-interested in food,
    yet eat a lot?

    •Are you still hungry
    no matter how much you eat —
    even if your stomach is full,
    do you still feel like you need to eat
    something to fill a “gap” of some sort?

    •Are you suddenly equally
    or more energetic at night
    than you are in the day?

    •Do you feel restless at night?
    Do you experience the urge
    to clean something or do something
    similar to alleviate this restlessness?

    •Do you suddenly lay on the shadier
    side of your bed or face the shadier side
    of your room when you sleep because
    it is more comfortable and doesn’t give you
    a headache like facing the light does?

    •Do you find yourself becoming
    increasingly irritable lately for
    even the slightest reason?

    •Despite the newfound irritability,
    have you always been a pretty
    patient person?

    •Have you become somewhat more
    cynical regarding certain aspects of life?

    •Does the phrase,
    “People annoy me,” sound like something
    you have recently thought or said?

    •Does thinking that come as a surprise
    to you since people have never really
    bothered you before,
    but now you find their impudence
    and insincerity quite agitating?

    •Do your eyes now turn between their
    natural color and a hazel-related color
    from time to time when they
    never used to?

    •Is that hazel-related color becoming
    more and more gold as time goes on?

    •Is there now a small ring around
    the very outside of your pupil
    that is the color of a fiery gold?

    •Does this gold ring flare out
    becoming brighter and larger
    when you get angry or are
    trying to persuade somebody?

    •Have you noticed that you have become
    more persuasive around the same time
    that the rest of these changes began
    taking place?

    •When you are around a group of people,
    does the group start off energetic and
    happy but becomes calm and solemn
    after being with you for a while when
    the members of the group weren’t doing
    anything to necessarily exert themselves?

    •Have you noticed yourself eating
    more frequently becaus of this
    mysterious “hole” that you can’t
    seem to fill?

    •Have you been picking up
    on the most random,
    and peculiar things like
    the average number
    of pencils in a pencil jar,
    or the average number of cars that
    get to go at a stoplight without ever
    consciously thinking
    about it?

    •Do you happen to just “know” things
    when asked a question even if you have
    no experience in the field?
    Are you usually right?

    •Do you find that you no longer bump
    into objects and people as often?

    •Now that you think about it,
    you always seem to side-step them
    at the last possible moment.

    •Now that you think about that,
    you realize that you don’t even know
    that there was something or somebody
    there until after you evaded the obstacle.

    •When people bump into you
    do you tend to catch yourself thinking,
    “Why didn’t they know I was there?”
    because you seem to always “know”
    when somebody is behind or beside you?

  1174. Wow, that was really long

  1175. My email is jacksondominique80@yahoo.com
    if anyone needs my help.

  1176. I’m signed in to the chat site as Weirdo
    k guys so if u see the name its me

  1177. LOL the only reason us vampires
    stuck with that name is because
    it was the only thing to call us.

    I found out how to tell if
    someone at school is a vampire.

    All true vampires have a
    darkish cloud around their aura.

    It will apear around their whole body
    and it will have a cold feeling to it.

    I have it and so dose every other vampire.

    And for all you humans on this site vampires
    are not evil! Vampires are not damned to hell
    unless they choose to disobey God
    or who ever they worship.

    For people who worship one God
    and believe in only one god and
    you do not believe in vampires
    I suggest you do reasearch on
    Adams first wife and also on Cain.

    And for humans who don’t believe
    in vampires because of genetics,
    research the V5 Vampire Virus.

    There are so many reasons for why
    Vampires are what we are.

    So for new Awakening vampires
    I suggest going on the Website AwakeAndDrink.webs
    and to also go on the websites that Zane put down
    for further reading.

    My email is jacksondominique80@yahoo.com

  1178. So, Dominique J.?
    You know all of the things
    that you put on that second post
    that was really long?

    It all applies to me,
    but I just don’t think I am a vampyre.
    Just that I am a..Oh,
    I don’t have a clue what I am. >.<

    Like Jade,
    I feel like I am making up my own
    reality because I'm too whatever-the-hell-
    Ia-am to face the truth,
    but then again, IS there a truth? *sigh*
    I guess that's my answer to it,
    not that it needed one,
    but you know what I mean.

    • I know exactly what you mean Samantha,
      I’m not completely sure what i am yet.

      And like you said i dont know
      if im completely ready to face it.

      • Yeah…
        It’s confusing,
        since no matter what I am,
        I make up my own reality,
        and that is all I am capable
        of experiencing, of course.

        Knowing this,
        I feel like a fool for making
        anything up in the first place,
        but I don’t even know if I am
        the one making it up! -.-

      • Try to do the body pendulum test
        ( you will see it if you scroll up)
        that might answer some of your questions

    • Check out AwakeAndDrink.webs
      i think it might answer your questions

  1179. Dom.J –
    I completely agree.
    How are we supposed to be
    ‘Demonic’ if I am, erm,
    on the ‘death-list’ of two
    demi-demons? 😛 fun, ain’t it?

    hate ppl who think so
    stereotypically of us.

    But we DO have
    a bit longer lives,
    that is agreed

  1180. Thanks for the link.

    I have a pendulum of my own,
    I use it all the time.

    Thanks for reminding me of it.

    xD I never thought of using it
    to find this sort of stuff out;
    it just hadn’t occurred to me.

    • Your welcome i was glad i could help 🙂

    • Just so you know,
      a body pendulum test is used with your body,
      not an actual pendulum…

      • Yes, Tess, of course,
        but by recommending the body pendulum,
        Jade also reminded me that I could
        use my own pendulum as well.

        Silly me hadn’t brought my pendulum
        into my mind for quite some time,
        you see.

        I s’pose I wasn’t specific enough my apologies. ^_^

  1181. Here is a website for sanguinarians

  1182. This is a good website for teen vampires

  1183. Another site for newly awakened Vampires

  1184. It is hard to go without blood,

    if your craving blood here
    are some blood substitutes.

    Also some of these may not work
    or sustain the craving it all depends
    on the person their selves.

    Also Sang vampires can psi feed
    to but it only holds off the thirst
    and dosen’t fully satisfy the taker.

    1.Rare or Medium-Rare Steaks


    (Particularly vegetables,
    and preferably raw.)

    4.V8 Splash

    (One would be quite surprised
    by the sheer power of conscious
    decision and serenity.)


    7.Chocolate Milk*


    9.Red Wine*


    11.Fresh Pineapple*

    12.Suck on Clean Pennies*

    13.Blood Supplements
    (i.e. iron supplements, etc.)*


    15.Orange Juice**


    17.”…red Gatorade mixed
    with a little bit of orange juice
    and beef broth and liquid
    (Try it,
    it tastes almost like blood
    and it’s VERY nutritious.)”**

    18.”…buy some larger rodents
    they sell at pet shops to feed
    snakes with,
    and feed from those.”**

    19.Chocolate Syrup**

    20.Tomato-based products
    (i.e. Ketchup)**

    21.Hot sauce**

    22.V8 Juice**

    23.Spicy foods**

    24.Tobasco Sauce**

    25.Hot peppers**

    26.Beef broth**

    27.Beef bouillion**

    28.Half-set Jell-O**

    29.Green tea**

    30.”…a few spoonfuls of
    orange Tang powder (dry)…”**

    31.Pulpy Orange Juice**


    33.Beef liver (cooked)**




    37.Beef broth

    If anyone needs help or advice
    my email is jacksondominique80@yahoo.com
    and I always have my Ipod
    so i’ll get your email straight away.

  1185. if any of you need help through your awakening
    don’t hesitate to email me or if you would like
    to talk or ask any questions

  1186. one thing im going to say is
    i wouldn’t listen to someone that
    hypocritical and idiotic…….

  1187. ◦Auto-Vampyrism:
    ◦The drinking of one’s own blood.

    ◦The transition state from human to Vampyre.
    This typically occurs at some point between
    two years prior to the onset of puberty
    and the age of 22.

    ◦Awakening Vampyres will undergo both
    physical change and a mental change as well.

    ◦Both “born Vampyres” and “made Vampyres”
    undergo this change,
    however a “made Vampyre’s” Awakening
    will not last as long.

    ◦The Black Veil:
    ◦In a nutshell,
    the Ten Commandments of Vampyrism.

    ◦The Black Veil is the 13 “rules to live by”
    for the Vampyric Community.

    ◦Many Covens will revise this document
    to suit their personal agendas,
    however the first one is the only true Veil.
    ◦Each Community has different methods
    of prosecuting violators.

    ◦Blood Bars:
    ◦Essentially clubs that serve blood.
    ◦These clubs are often operated one of two ways:
    ◦They are affiliated with a local Coven.
    ◦They are run by the local Coven.

    ◦Blood bars also serve as a
    meeting place for Coven members.
    ◦Although the main attraction is the blood,
    blood bars will almost always sell
    other beverages as well —
    both alcoholic and non-alcoholic–.

    ◦Blood Bond:
    ◦Blood bonds,
    though widely debated, do exist.
    ◦Once performed,
    a blood bond’s effects are eternal.
    ◦They can only be performed by a Vampyre,
    and serve many purposes, including:
    ◦The bonding of one’s soul to another.
    ◦To pledge oneself to his/her Coven.

    ◦In the case of bonding souls:
    ◦Blood bonds performed between
    two Vampyres are extremely powerful.
    One will only perform this ritual if he/she
    wishes to remain with the other forever,
    as the bond is unbreakable,
    and to be without the other is unbearable;
    thus why it is seldom performed
    outside of marriages or soon-to-be marriages.

    ◦Blood bonds performed between a Vampyre
    and a human result in the same end result,
    only much, much, much less adamant.

    They do, however,
    succeed in bringing the relationship
    to the next level.

    ◦In the case of pledging oath:
    ◦Due to the imperative effects of blood bonding,
    Covens will frequently perform a rite during,
    just before, or soon after induction into the Clan.
    This is to increase allegiance to the Coven,
    simoultaneaously ridding any desires
    to compromise the Coven’s sanctity —
    or at least make it emotionally more difficult to–.

    ◦Although self-explanatory as it may seem,
    many are not familiar with this phrase,
    and are thus boggled by it.
    It is not rocket-science.
    ◦It simply refers to the act of cutting
    the flesh in order to let the blood
    run freely (a.k.a. blood-letting).

    ◦They are not nearly as mystical
    as many would think them to be.
    They are simply a group of Vampyres
    who have decided to form a group
    in which they can feel free to be
    themselves without fear of prosecution.

    ◦Covens are based off of a
    heiarchial system with the
    eldest being the leader —
    as they would know the most
    about Vampyrism–.
    ◦If the eldest is a poor leader,
    or is not well-versed in Vampyrism,
    then the next most-knowledgable
    leadership figure is chosen to lead.

    ◦Covens will often form Havens for Vampyres
    to come and enjoy the company of their ilk
    from both within and outside the boundaries
    of the Coven.

    ◦A tasty treat.
    ◦Donors are humans who have
    willingly consented to a Vampyre’s
    taking of their blood.
    ◦Oftentimes some form of a “contract”
    is drawn up between the Vampyre
    and his/her Donor.

    admittedly, i
    f it were to be taken to court they would
    likely both be put in a psychiatric institute,
    the “contract” at least holds some merit
    to the fact that the Vampyre did not ravish
    a human for their blood unwillingly.

    I’m sure it will,
    prove both their insanity.

    ◦A smart Vampyre will have their
    Donor tested periodically for STD’s.

    ◦The ability to feel others’ emotions.
    ◦The ability to feel others’ emotions
    can be rather helpful if you feel up to
    cheering somebody up,
    or if you happen to be near a rather
    conspicuous looking fellow or two,
    however when you can’t make it stop —
    as it is difficult to control at the beginning–,
    it can become rather cumbersome.

    ◦Although this is by no means limited to Vampyres,
    we experience a drastic increase of Empathic
    capabilities about 4-6 weeks after Awakening —
    for “born Vampyres” anyway–.

    ◦The act of drinking blood or
    taking psi-energy to satiate one’s Hunger.

    ◦A “safe place” for Vampyres
    to relax around others with
    whom the can relate to.

    ◦Havens may or may not
    require membership to a Coven.
    ◦If it is run by a Coven,
    then there is a good chance
    that it is Coven-specific.
    if it is privately run,
    it may simply be an open invitation.
    ◦Although not all do,
    many Havens will serve blood.

    ◦Many will say that it is
    simply a desire to Feed.
    This is not necessarily so.
    ◦While we will not get into the
    specifics here as they are covered elsewhere,
    the Hunger, although it starts off as a desire,
    can –and will–
    turn into a need if not satisfied,
    which can be a very bad thing.

    ◦The act of seeking blood
    or energy via stalking animals
    or humans.
    ◦This may range anywhere from
    a “prowl through the night” stalk to a
    That guy smells reeeeally good…” stalk.

    ◦A cross-breed of Psi-Vampyre and Sanguinarian.
    ◦Hybrids are not trained Sanguinarians in Psi abilities.
    ◦We cover this here.

    ◦A sexual Vampyre (male)
    whom lives off of the energy
    derived from sex.

    ◦Includes all so-called, “Supernatural Beings,”
    ranging from Vampyres to were-creatures,
    to Faeries, to Shapeshifters.

    ◦Known also as Psy, Energy, Auras,
    Auric Energy, Chi, Prana, Ley, Life Force,
    THE Force *ahem*, Chakras, Karaneem,
    Illiaster, the Soul, the Spirit, Spiritual Energy,
    and Odic Energy,
    it is the energy that is all around us.
    It is the energy that coarses through all life.

    ◦One who is skilled in
    the Manipulation of Energy.

    ◦The art of Manipulating Energy.
    ◦Typically only individuals who are
    already quite skilled in Psionics are
    aware of this term,
    as most call it,
    “being Psychic,”
    rather than what it actually is —

    ◦Also known as Psychic-Vampyre
    or Psy-Vampyre.
    ◦A Vampyre whom lives off of energy.
    ◦From our experience,
    Psi-Vampyres are not Vampyres,
    but are merely humans who have
    convinced themselves that they
    have an “energy leak.”

    ◦This is not true.
    The aura of every single Psi-Vampre
    we have ever met was in the same
    exact condition as a human’s aura
    who can Psi-Feed.

    ◦Psi-Vampyres Feed off of others’
    auras in order to build upon their own.
    ◦We cover this here.

    ◦A Vampyre whom Feeds
    from unwilling donors.
    ◦Typically characterized
    as violent and unruly.

    ◦A Vampyre who must live off of blood.
    ◦Sanguinarians are the most
    pure form of Vampyre,
    as they were the first form of Vampyre.
    ◦We cover this here.

    ◦A Vampyre-hunter.
    ◦Slayers may be human,
    Vampyre, or any other type of Otherkin.

    ◦A sexual Vampyre (female)
    whom lives off of the energy
    derived from sex.

    ◦To Turn Somebody (“made Vampyres”)
    ◦The act of turning somebody into a Vampyre.

    ◦What happens when a
    Sanguinarian’s Hunger
    becomes too bad.

    ◦Our primal, predatory instincts kick in —
    completely overturning concious control
    of motor functions–,
    and will find blood since the body
    feels as though it is being neglected.

    ◦It can be controlled, or rather,
    constrained, with practice,
    however without a great amount
    of willpower one will easily lose
    memory of the event however long
    it may last –perhaps 2-3 secs,
    perhaps longer

  1188. know anything about shapeshifters?

  1189. Well i have every one of those
    but im the kind of person who
    thinks it unrealistic but then again
    I have all those plus all the witcha ons

  1190. I always wondered,
    why do my eyes change colour
    from green to blue every few months?

    • Yeah my eyes are brown but they change to gold,
      hazel, light brown and a sorta dark brown.

      But ever sence I have been talking
      to my soulmate Adam my left eye
      has been darker than my right.

      And when I say soul mate i mean soul friend,
      not my twin flame.

  1191. also, why can I expand my pupil
    while nobody else can?
    is this in all Vampyres,
    or just some?

    Does this mean that I SURELY am a Vampyre,
    or is this just personal?

    • I know a quick and easy way to tell if your a vampire.
      But it requires a picture of you.

      All vampires have a dark shadowy
      cloud around their aura.

      I am not strong enough to fully
      and quickly see auras around the
      whole body but my friend Zane can.

      If you can send the picture
      to jacksondominique80@yahoo.com
      I will send it to him and I will tell you
      what he says.

  1192. Tess –
    Shapeshifters is a common name for Werewolves,
    tho if u want the older meaning, jsut tell me 🙂

    • I have never seen a werewolf but my friend Ivan has.
      He use to practiced Satanism and he says we
      has seen werewolves eat humans.

      He thinks werewolves and Vampires
      are of the devil cause hes a christain now,

      I’m trying to tell him the truth
      about vampires and knowledge him.

  1193. Tess, Yuuki, Selene and all who
    went to the online chat thingy,
    plz come 2day lol. My friend…

    I want to let him realise the truth.
    everyone takes him as a wierdo,
    so nobody will care if he says 😛 anyway,
    I trust only him :/

  1194. Dom.J. – you forgot about something:

    Slayer – one who hunts Vampyres
    who have eitehr killed a Human,
    or have drank the Slayer’s blood.

    Hunter – one who hunts Vampyres,
    Lycans, Witches
    and all else for no reason
    but the fact that we are different

  1195. http://clans.kk5.org/# a website I made for Vampires,
    Lycans, Angels, Witches and otehr creatures like that :]

  1196. Tess, Selene, Yuuki, go to ‘The Destiny’ section 😉

  1197. Someone please go on Saromin’s website
    to the vampire section so we can chat

  1198. nice web saromin! 😛

  1199. ok this is wayyy off but Tess How do u do the body pendulum test???

  1200. thank,s Yuuki! 😀

  1201. Yuuki,
    here it is again;

    1- If possible, stand erect, facing north,
    shoulders relaxed,
    balanced flat on your feet.

    2- As yourself some yes-no questions
    you know the answer to, like ‘I am a girl’,
    or ‘I am a boy’.
    The way in which you sway for yes
    and no or true and false differs from
    person to person.
    Ask several known statements
    to be sure of the direction,
    before asking other questions.

    3- Start asking questions like
    ‘I am a vampire.’ or ‘I am an angel.’
    or ‘I am a fairy’.
    If it sways a different way to true or false,
    your wording isn’t quite right.
    So say,
    if you swayed north for
    true and south for false,
    you said ‘I am a fairy,’
    and you fell east,
    you could try ‘I am a pixie.’

    4- Once you have the answers
    to those questions,
    ask things like,
    ‘I am a hybrid,’
    or ‘My wings have been stripped,’
    or ‘I have been demoted.’

    hope it helps 🙂

  1202. Yuuki,
    tell everyone that I have
    lost connection to the web :/

  1203. i miss anything?

  1204. Dominique,
    u stil dodnt answer my question –
    Why can I expand/contract my pupil,
    while other people cant?

  1205. i can

  1206. I did not count how many symptoms I have.
    How ever I stopped counting because
    counting was boring me.
    I want to know how many of these symptoms
    you have to have to be considered a vampire.

  1207. hey guys is it just me or are the
    hunters getting a litter bolder.
    cause i’ve been seein them a lot these days

  1208. selene – Morituri te salutant means ‘Those about to die salute you’

  1209. hi.
    i havent been on here in a while,
    personal reasons,
    and i hope i havent missed anything good.

    as you can tell,
    we are facing a massive problem,
    the war.

    so does any one know
    what is happening with that?

    i really need to know.
    i had a vision where we
    would have to fight werewolves.

    do not ask me why i do not know.

    oh and does any one else think Twilight is just ace??
    its so romantic and amazing and breath taking.

    I’m on TEAM BELLA!

  1210. Is anyone else having trouble connecting to the chat?

    • Yeah, it won’t let me on.
      It says, “attempting to connect to server”
      or something, and it’s refusing to just frigging connect.

  1211. yea, workin on that lol…
    just gonna switch widgets 😉

  1212. well,
    gonna take a while,
    seems like the whole internet that uses
    that type of chat code is down

  1213. any1 know where to get toxic genocide

  1214. ahh havn’t been on here in a while…
    but i see i didn’t really miss much 🙂

  1215. k, all done

  1216. saromin something is going on with the chat :\

  1217. O god i’ve been feeling on the edge
    so much today and i don’t freakin know why!!!

    it’s just that I’ve been so freakin angry
    and agressive and I hate it!

    I don’t know why I’m feeling like this!

    Somebody please help me!!!!!

  1218. I have all of those except 2
    I am too young for,
    and the spell one
    (haven’t tried spells before).

    I haven’t tried those control the elements stuff,
    but I am going to try.

    My skin isn’t like the average pale
    people think about hen they hear/say pale,
    but it is pale to be MY skin.

    I don’t want to say I am a vampire,
    in case I’m not,
    but I have all the signs that I am one
    (at least the ones I’ve tried).

    I am not conscious about anything…
    I don’t know if I am one or not…


  1219. hi tess and all.
    tess i am on msn and skype
    if you want to get to know me more
    before u tell me your address
    or where abouts you live in bradford.
    my email address is


    have a look for me.
    if you would like to anyway.
    and to the rest of you,
    i havent been on in a while
    but what is happening with this war?

    what has happened so far?
    have we lost any of us??

    i certainly hope not or that
    means revenge and is there any
    more news on the k-a situation Saromin?

    email me if so.

  1220. OMG… thats me,,, as in all the signs…
    I cant believe it!!!
    Thats why I feel like a vamp….

  1221. For you guys who think
    that I believe I am a vampire:
    I don’t really think I am one,
    but I want to see what people say,
    like if they think I’m one or not.


  1222. Tess,
    if you didnt say you lived in England who did?

    i am so confused.

    Crap im making my bond mate depressed.

    we got into another fight but
    i dont even know what over,
    she’s turning mosher so she said
    she dint like me so i said its a gd job
    i hate moshers.

    And now shes depressed
    and dont know what to do.

    any suggestions?

    is it destiny or Nyx that made it this way?

  1223. Oh and to all,
    I really dk what is going on.

    All i know is my awakening is complete

  1224. I think I’m going through an awakening.

    God, this sucks!





  1226. The chat thingy uses a language very commonly used,
    so if similar chats are over-crowded,
    it also stops working :/

  1227. IMPORTANT –
    Yuuki, Tess, Selene, Samantha, Jade and I
    (the Legion of 6),
    we must continue to resolve the problems!

    the site is working for now, plz,
    meet me there…
    Time doesnt wait!

  1228. has anyone noticed that the longer
    you go without blood that the longer
    it takes to heal?

  1229. People!
    Get on Saromin’s website to chat! 😐

  1230. hi guys.
    saromin im on your
    website do u sign in then click on:
    “the forums” then you click on:
    “online vampyer chat”?

    i hope so coz thts what i did.
    can someone go online for me
    samantha maybe u can n help me out??

    plz reply quickly id like t chat to yas on it

    taa Opal xx

    • Oh, greeting Opal! 😀

      I am on the website right now.

      Se how it says, on the left, “Hone,”
      then “Online chat?”

      Click on the “online chat” link,
      not the “forum” one.

      Then you are led to the
      easily-used chat. ^.^ Meet ya there. *lol*

  1231. hi Samantha im on the dundean plz come online today i mean on the 28th plz im so bored tlk to me on it. Yuuki nick whoever else is on tht site go on it plz??

  1232. Hi guys,
    does any one know a website
    I can use to make my own website
    I’m trying to make a vampyre webbie
    if someone has a webbie they can give me
    plz dont hesitate

    thank you.

  1233. Opal, I think you’ve been using the wrong site 🙂
    We all use this one;


    There you go. Speak to ya soon 🙂

  1234. Yea,
    we changed sites (the other one
    was for a clan in an online game,
    we were using it temporarily :P)

  1235. Ahh sorry for not going on today ppls….
    had a busy busy day
    *looks over to bed**

  1236. I have almost every one of these traits,
    haha it is 5 AM and i am just now
    going to try to sleep.

    OK wheneveri

    go in the sun my eyes get
    strained and i get migraines,
    When i eat i want more,
    I have “feelings” or whatever
    you want to call it,
    that something bad might happen,
    then it does.

    Or i get Deja Vu all the dang time.

    I don’t feel like i belong anywhere.

    I can see very well in the dark.

    And i have a dark ring
    around the iris of my eyes…

    maybe im just freakin crazy i dont know,

    Please comment and leave your opinions

  1237. Hey people thanks for being there for me
    and its great talking about are other self
    xx I match most of the symtons exept 3 lol

    Brittany I have all those things as well freaky or what

  1238. Something’s going to happen to everyone. And it won’t be pretty.

  1239. Urrrr!!!!!



  1240. all i’m going to tell you guys…
    brittany, bliss, amethyst…
    is that when the day comes
    you’ll know which side ur on…
    and then you will see with whom
    will you fight 🙂

    don’t worry just let time do its thing…
    its not coming soon but its neither
    coming too late 😛 (if that makes sense)

  1241. Hi guys you may wanna check this webiste out…
    I was having a look and it tells you about slayers
    my bond mate is just my mate now as I
    unbonded our souls for good because

    I juss found out using this site have a look…
    you may need to…


  1242. that depends on who the bad guys are

  1243. I have this idea in my head
    that the war will *end* in 2012,
    not *begin.*

    I was chatting with Selene,
    and I misunderstood the idea she brought up,
    but that’s what had come to mind with the misunderstanding.

    Come to think of it, it would make more sense
    ( to me) if my misunderstanding is to be truth.

    The reason I think this is is that 2012…
    I have always thought of it like the
    beginning of a pure era.

    I’m not so sure why;
    I guess it has to do with the whole
    “new beginning” bit of it.

    If my perception is true,
    would there be a war the day it begun?

    Do you guys have any opinions you’d like to share?

    As for all the humans who will die…
    (Or anyone, really)…I’m not worrying about it.

    They’re (or we, I have no idea what I am, are)
    simply a species.

    Many others have gone extinct in the past,
    and many others have died in the past,
    and no one can change anything.

    Even if everyone who has even touched
    this sight vowed to never harm,
    it’s not as if that counts for very much of this world.

    Personally, though,
    I don’t think the humans will go *extinct*
    (or anyone, for that matter).

    I’m sure a *few* will survive that which will come….

    Even if there *wasn’t* such thing
    as anything supernatural and we’re all insane?

    The war would *still* start.

    Everyone is on-edge;
    everyone believes.

    And that’s what’s important.

    All those vampyre and lycanthrope out there?
    I’m sure the violent-minded ones
    have no mercy as to who they’ll kill;
    who they’ll feed on;
    the people they will meet.

    So…what’s the big deal?
    Lay back, relax,
    and do your best to survive. ^__^

  1244. Relax?

    I think thats gonna be quite
    difficult with a war going on lol

    • If you’re referring to me..?
      Yeah, relax.
      Not during the war,
      just don’t rush things
      and live this life while you can…

      What I meant was not to over-
      think the coming of the war…
      just let it flow.

      It might be hard for some,
      but I was just sharing my thoughts. 😛

  1245. EXACTLY!!!!
    let time just do its thing…. 🙂

  1246. I feel relieved now!

  1247. Hey guys have any of u been on tht site yet?
    if not check it out.

    oh and about the war…
    it has begun already Samantha,
    i saw a vison and it came true,
    i felt it.

    i have been feeling agitated for 2 days now
    until i realised what had happened.

    i came across a bad vamp the other day,
    in the woods but dont worry i got rid of it,
    Bliss if you saw tht smoke in the woods
    a couple of evenings ago it was me
    burning the remaining pieces of
    what was a bad vamp,
    so i started the war,
    well he did,
    he said his name was Uley or sumat
    pronounced quite similiar but then he
    launched at me so yh like i got rid of him,
    n sorta started it,
    sorry every one it was self defense

  1248. that’s ok. i woulda done the same thing

  1249. Yuuki, Selene, Jade, Saromin, Samantha,

    Please go on the online chat, we need to talk, pretty urgently.

    Speak to you there,

  1250. So this war isnt about humans
    and vampires its about vampires and vampires?

  1251. it was never between humans and vampires…
    i think it’s just a war between the species.

  1252. I feel alot worse now

  1253. Don’t feel bad 🙂

  1254. im not saying really anything…
    but u know who u are….
    just saying again get off before its too late -.-

  1255. Okay everyone,
    I have an announcement!

    Some of us have reason to believe
    that Katie Anne is Alexis and Amethyst.

    A while ago,
    Tess told me that jade had noticed that Amethyst,
    Alexis, and Katie Anne’s icons are all exactly the same.

    And as you all know the icons represent
    the person’s email address,
    all of us get a different icon for
    our different emails so no one
    can impersonate anyone.

    If you go back to Amethyst’s first comment
    you’ll see that her icon is the same as Katie anne
    and alexis’s icon,
    she changed her email later,
    probably noticing that fact,
    hence her icon changing.

    Since they all had the same icon,
    that means they all had the same email,
    which means they are all the same person.

    Also, as soon as Katie anne
    stopped commenting,
    alexis started to,
    and soon after alexis stopped,
    amethyst started to comment.

    in one of her first comments,
    made a point of saying that Katie anne
    had lied about where she lived,
    and said that she really lived in Nevada,
    but when asked for an address alexis
    stopped commenting completely.

    I don’t know about anyone else
    but that seems like a frightened Katie anne,
    posing as ‘alexis’ trying to mislead the
    vampyres that had said they want to kill her.

    And then amethyst started commenting,
    first just saying “Hi I’m amethyst”
    under the same exact icon.

    Then if you scroll way down,
    you’ll see the change in her icon,
    and her next comment.

    She made a point of saying that
    ‘amethyst’ was her real name,
    probably trying to cover up that it
    *wasn’t*, and I quote “I know it’s a weird name,
    but it’s my real one”.

    Plus no one had even
    questioned her on her name,
    so that makes it seem like a
    precautionary act on her part.

    She talked like she had commented before –
    “I seriously do think I’m a vampire”
    no one had even talked to her before,
    or told her that she wasn’t,
    except people talking to Katie anne of course,
    *hint hint*.

    She just seemed a bit to desperate to me,
    she tried to get on Opal’s good side as alexis,
    and as we all know Katie Anne and Opal
    had *quite* the falling out, yet again,
    I quote
    do you live in a foreign country
    because it sounds like it,
    I mean what you’ve written:
    words like “mate”.
    That word is sooo cool!!”

    Anyway, I hope this made sense
    to other people besides me,
    and may I just say – piss off Katie Anne.

  1256. I have like 40 of these!

    the sun burns me I cant stand it,
    I love the taste of blood
    I am very pale
    I’m always cold and I can see
    the future and I see my past life
    my dreams are very vivid.

    I could go on and on but I won’t.

    this is freaky is all of this true?

  1257. So…. pale girl where’d you find this website from?

  1258. Well, not sure if I am a vampire.
    I had about 26 of these (maybe more).
    I am interested in other beings I guess you can call them. I think I might be more of something else then a vampire though.

  1259. Hmm not sure if I’m a vampire or not.
    I got around 26 (maybe more)
    I believe in other beings I guess you can call them.
    I think I’m more of something else then a vampire though.

  1260. lol so smoothie shoppe!?!? anyone! lol

  1261. Hmm not sure if I’m a vampire or not.
    I got around 26 (maybe more)
    I believe in other beings I guess you can call them.
    I think I’m more of something else then a vampire though.

  1262. Listen, everyone, sorry but I don’t know who those people are. I’m not Katie Anne, either. Sorry if I caused any trouble or offended anyone on this website. I just wanted to know what I was. I’m signing off for good so that there’s no bad blood between us. Again, I’m sorry if I offended anyone or made anyone think bad of me, but I just don’t know those people you’re talking about. So, I wish you well and good health and I’ll be on my way. Maybe I’ll meet you in person someday and we’ll finally be able to be good friends. Maybe not. Anyway, goodbye and thanks. 🙂 🙂 🙂

  1263. Is it to late for the smoothies?

  1264. I like your idea 🙂

    • *correction*
      The smoothie thing came from my randomness,
      then Yuuki and I enlarged it. XD
      Pomegranate, raspberry, blood,
      and alcohol smoothie….

  1265. *drools*

  1266. hey plae girl,
    hate to burst your bubble
    but the sun doesnt burn us
    it just makes us headachey and unwell
    and it makes me stressed.

    erm im a bit lost can u all go on tht website
    coz err well whats this urgent message i missed it
    will you tell me,
    and sorry to every one about me kllin a bad vamp
    coz yh i started the war…oops sorry

    • Opal,
      I honestly don’t think you started the war….
      yet anyway –
      so don’t worry bout it 🙂
      We’ll see soon enough.


    so if you hear from a person named
    Yuuki it is still me just diff e-mail 😀

  1268. OK so it is I …. Yuuki. Still me but different e-mail 😀

  1269. -.- i guess not ohh well it won’t let me…..that means another e-mail i have to care for >:P

  1270. ehhh ignore the last comments 😛 heh heh

  1271. Well, not sure if I am a vampire.
    I had about 26 of these (maybe more).
    I am interested in other beings
    I guess you can call them.

    I think I might be more of
    something else then a vampire though.

  1272. Hey, I’m using Yuuki’s e-mail
    since mine isn’t working.

    Well, not sure if I am a vampire.
    I had about 26 of these (maybe more).
    I am interested in other beings
    I guess you can call them.

    I think I might be more of
    something else then a vampire though.

  1273. I might be a vampire because
    I have 20 plus traits there I think…
    but my skin don’t sparkle…

  1274. Yay!!! It works!!!!!!! 😀
    sorry u guys the thingy din’t work
    for her but now it does 🙂

  1275. Hey guys I’m sorry I havent been
    on for a while ive been doing some . . .
    soul searching I guess you could call it that

  1276. aphrodite, your back?? 🙂
    yay so glad,
    did ya remember my prezzies?
    lol if not im not bovard,
    yh see u at school too!!

  1277. im soo happy,
    aphrodite you have to go on skype!

  1278. i need the url for the chat site k

  1279. Hey guys.

    I have most of these symptoms.

    I crave blood,
    but I can’t get any blood.

    I am 13 and sometimes cut myself,
    just to taste the blood.

    Can someone please tell
    me a way to get blood?

  1280. this fad of being a vampire
    is a strong delusion that has
    come to the earth along with
    many other delusions to steal,
    kill and destroy many people
    there are no such things as
    vampires but there is of
    demons feeding you this lie
    to posses you and take your
    souls to hell

    they HATE God and they know
    God loves you and that he created
    you therefore they are extremely
    jealous and hateful of you,
    they infilterate your minds as an
    intoxicating drug changing the truth
    of life into a lie,
    you have to be strong to resist
    or your lost in this delusion doomed
    to a hereafter that isnt fun and games,
    wake up and resist the powers of darkness,
    say no to this lie turn to your Creator
    instead of the creature that hides from you
    in the darkness he is lulling you into destruction
    call out of God for help and light

    • Hypothetically speaking,
      I believe all the B.S. you’ve just posted.

      What if I would rather be
      connected with the Devil than God?

      Either way,
      you’re resisting equilibrium.

      Stop thinking we’re psychotic weaklings,
      or at least don’t bother posting again.

      Humans just need something to believe in…

    • Since I’m way too tired to talk to much I’m just going to say 3 things.

      1st, I agree with Samantha, and humans just make up lies like that about us because they need to have their own ‘logical’ reasonings.

      2nd, if you are Katie Anne or Dominique, fuck off.

      3rd, if you’re going to continue posting shit like this, don’t bother, you’ll just piss us off, kay?

    • Demons have nothing to do with
      the exsistance of vampire souls.
      God created me and everything.
      I am a vampire and I know God.
      I may not dedicate my life to him
      but I am on his side.

  1281. I knew I was a vampire
    but I was born into a human family
    so I’m lliving of my blood I hate
    the sun but I can go at night I fell alive

  1282. Selene yh im already
    pissed off just readin tht bul shit!

    Debi –




    • I totally agree with you Opal.
      No one should be posting comments like that.
      Besides, I thought god loved every living creature.

    • hehehehe…
      Opal darling friend just wait a bit more
      and you’ll get your fair share of killings 🙂
      I can’t wait as well hehe 😀

  1283. o.o

  1284. Heh…we got ourselves another Katie Anne….*sigh*

    Well then “debi” what do have
    to say to what I’m about to tell you?

    What if I told you that I did
    believe in God when I was little…
    I believed with all my heart…
    but then one day I woke up
    from this human DREAM and
    I realized that there is more to this
    shitty life then just following fucking rules
    like im some damn robot.

    And then I slowly realized even more
    that my life has beed fucked up from
    the moment I was born…
    If god was so great and loving
    why he make such a place where YOU HUMANS
    fuck everything up!!

    So just go back to your little dream
    and well in about idk..few years WE will
    wake you up from it…then you will see the truth.

    Anyway….DEBI ..
    I DID wake up and I am glad I did….
    And guess what bitch…
    I would never go back to that life ever…
    but fuck I don’t even know why I’m telling you this…
    you HUMAN scum wouldn’t understand.

    And the only THING thats intoxicatingly
    anoying is HUMANS like YOU and your stupid beliefs!!

    So what do you have to say to that?

    Btw I do agree with Samantha and Selene…
    hell..even with Opal and Blake.

    oh and P.S. I will gladly enjoy ripping your heads off….

    • woops I ment Brooke 🙂

    • I am not another Katie Ann!!

      I have nothing against
      anyone on this website!!

      If I have made anyone mad,
      I am sorry,
      I do not want to make anyone mad.

    • I am not another Katie Ann!!

      I have nothing against anyone on this website!!

      If I made someone mad, I’m sorry,
      I am not trying to make anyone mad.

      • “Btw I do agree with Samantha and Selene…
        hell..even with Opal and Blake.”

        instead of Blake I ment Brooke

  1285. hi guys,
    thxk for backing me up.

    yuuki you right and i feel so thirsty
    at the moment so maybe thts why i am
    going moody every so often,
    im gunna tell u somat personal okay,
    please dont laugh.

    on saturday –
    i cant rememeber the date-
    it was a full moon and i got pains
    in my stomach u know what i mean girls –
    two days later it started then when we had
    another full moon it stopped,
    so ive got everything on the list above
    except the sex thing coz
    (A im only 13 n B id rather not try it yet!)
    isnt tht weird?

    also any news on our war
    because im quite excited when i think of tht,
    killing people maybe even some humans
    makes me feel very alive.

    what will we be fighting?

    i know about the bad vamps.
    oh and about tht:
    i found out tht the bad vamps
    are actually called vordulaks
    well there is loads of names
    but vordulaks best suited how they act –
    found tht name n its meaning on a website lol
    so i juss wanna know about the war
    and what good vamps are called?

    any suggestions?

  1286. has anyone else hear about the murder in transyvania.
    almost 12 hunters went to kill offf a vampire family.

    i dont no what they did to get on their list.
    but they sent 12 hunters.

    are you fucking kidding the last time
    they sent that many it was to kill
    a pack of werewolves.

    if any of you guys watch out
    couse their getting a little trigger happy

  1287. hi Zach, please tell me you are joking. i never heard about it. did the vampyres survive? we have to get rid of the hunters! i declare a war against them. we need to get rid of them to live in peace1 who is with me?? i think if we do that then we would be safe to go around killing humans because there wouldnt be any one to stop us!!! i think thats a great idea! i am so going to kill hunters! ha ha prepare to die biatches!!

    • Why would you want to go around and kill humans? They don’t all suck…! Declaring a war would help no one. After you killed off the hunters, which you alone obviously couldn’t do (not that you’re weak, it’s just that..I mean, you heard Zach, 12? By yourself? I couldn’t imagine any of us doing that, and that of course isn’t the last we’re going to see of them)…It’s lowering everyone down to the level of the hunters in order to attain pleasure and freedom…We should all wait, and by “we,” I mean non-humans-and-hunters in general. I feel like it would corrupt the 2012 prophecy, if it did happen..So, I’m not exactly with you on that idea. It would just be wrong of me..

    • war on all humans is a bad idea you need to pick off the hunters off one at a time. no one surivied the attack.

    • It only makes sense to kill hunters,
      though i cant say killing off all the
      humans is a great idea.

      You have to remember that there
      is also the ones like me, a wicca
      (basically a witch) that would take your side
      in that predicament,
      not the other,
      and it would be totally unfair to kill us off.

      You ever heard of the burning times?

      We where there with you!

      They would break a witches bones,
      all of them, then put them up on a wheel,
      nailing them to it.

      Then, they wouyld set fire to the wheel on a pillar.

      Can you imagine that?
      It happened to vampires too.
      We understand.

  1288. Yuuki, I’ve been reading your comment about God and I started crying. I can’t believe you said that. You don’t have to be freakin mad all the time! Why are we all mad all the time? Can’t we all just be happy and in peace for once? This is our life so can’t we just live it? They aren’t rules, Yuuki. They’re guidelines to your life. God is not some evil dictator! I’m sorry that you stopped believing in Him when you were little. I’m sorry that I’m making you mad or whatever but this is how I feel and I will not just sit here while my God is being insulted! I know I said I would sign off for good, but I just had to write this! Yuuki, please don’t give up don’t God. He didn’t give up on you—ever! God loves every living thing: human, vampire, witch, shapeshifter, werewolf. He loves you, Yuuki. Please understand this. And threatening to rip humans heads off doesn’t do anything. I know I probably made you and a lot of other vampires on this site furious, but I had to make this comment. I’m not Katie Ann, nor have I ever known a Katie Ann in my life! I’m defending my God.

    • What ever little girl…
      I know what I know…
      and I wasn’t even talking to you!

      It was written to Debi….
      which the last time I checked wasn’t u…
      I’m not mad all the damn time!

      I am accualy very happy…
      Happy that I have other people
      around here who think and believe
      the same things as me…
      and that they know the truth.

      Don’t go around talking nonsense!

      I really don’t care about what you said…
      even though I am writing back.

      You seriously just taking up
      space for other people to write!

      And I’m sorry but there is solid
      evidence to know that u are Katie Anne ..
      Selene has explained this before!

      And btw…
      I didn’t stop believing in him when I was little…
      when I was little I loved him cared..believed…
      and then I woke up from the endless dream
      and saw the reality..
      that was about two years ago…
      I don’t care if you believe in him or don’t…
      I already said what I said above…

      So seriously just piss off..

    • Will you bugger off?
      i know that you’re very loyal to your faith,
      and that’s fair enough,
      but keep in mind that not everyone follows it.

      And you’re doing nothing
      but turning everyone against it.

      I haven’t got anything
      against you in person,
      you’re just a bit irritating.

  1289. im aware our kind is being thwarted by humans nonetheless hunters
    yes they were attacked a coven was found so trigger happy is right
    sorry i havent been here i hade a loose end to take care of it
    has come to my attention hunters are even on this site
    watch your words email each other

    just try to keep info on the down low
    i stopped because a hunter came to my area
    a few days back dont worry they havent changed
    there was of weapons yet still old fashioned
    and this god thing

    we were here before christ ever was
    before human kind just our former selves
    werent as appealing or in control of our thoughts
    breaking away from the old god was hard
    we too were once slaves to an evil god
    but his wife all our mother killed him
    and took the form of a beautiful human queen

    i will say no more you hunters
    need not know the truth just be aware
    id like to drain what you human know right out

  1290. well i know for a fact i am one
    i really like to go to the woods
    and my friends are super fit
    and i can out run all of them
    in a few seconds i can also make
    people feel pleasent sad or angry
    or any feeling depending on what
    tye of time i talk from the time
    of 1700 really makes them feel all
    like jelly in my hands.
    and my strengh is brutel

    i can lift just about anything
    its quite hard from humans to
    get the message through there
    thick sckull vampires
    DO exist because there talking to me!!!

    and btw all you assholes
    that dont think vampires
    are real die in horror

  1291. I will be honest.
    I am not a vampire.
    I am a wicca.
    We are different from humans.
    We are witches.
    Im not the one to say if vampires are real.
    Its not my place, but it IS interesting.
    Could i learn more?

    • It takes a human with an open heart
      and mind to be Wiccan if they’re human,
      but that doesn’t change the fact that they are,
      inevitably, human.

      Um….hm..learn more?
      You seem like an interesting person.

      • thanks. Im am an interesting person.
        Iguess i do count myself as a human…
        just…. different.

        Most of them are narrowminded,
        and could never wrap their minds
        even around the base of bieng a wicca.

        I really just came here to this site
        to listen to you guys,
        ask some questions, and putin my 2 cents.

        I find this whole thing interesting,
        and i want to know…..
        how did you guys BECOME vampires?

        I mean, ive heard f the ritual,
        but i could never complete it.

        I get too queesy around blood,
        and i could never get a whole bowl of my blood.

        I ust couldnt go through with it XD

      • Reply to Dakota:
        Ha. You’re quite flamboyant.
        That’s nice. (:

        That’s only because of how they are programmed. Every species has its flaws.

        I’m *so* glad you’re not like, “Holy shit! My skin sparkles! I have FANGS! Oh, by the way, you’re all fakes and I’m Wiccan.”

        As far as anyone here knows for sure, you are born one, and there *is* no true spell for becoming one. To me, that’s like saying there’s a spell for vampyres to be human, ya know? Wouldn’t that be odd? Maybe not; maybe not. But you see what I mean. Idk.

        Being a vampyre, I’ve heard and am pretty damn sure of, is not something you *want* to be. I mean..I myself am not one, but really..I don’t know. I suppose for *anyone* who is attracted to blood…it’s like a form of meditating, ya know? That’s what it would be for *me* at least. That single moment, when I am one with me..

  1292. isnt my icon pretty?

    • Hey Dakotah, I’d just wanted to say hi, i’ve seen from your previous posts that your a Wiccan, I am too. And yes you icon is really pretty 😛

  1293. when thunder storms happen and I’m there i feel some what charged.

  1294. Just because you have all of these traits does not make you, inevitably, a frigging vampyre, k? It’s like, there are more things besides vampyre, lycan, and human that someone could be. Not only that, but…maybe you’re just a misfit human? Not a bad thing to be. Just thought I’d say this. Just please don’t give me shit for it. Good luck to all you non-humans. x]

  1295. if there are hunters on this site, watch your back cuase i’ll be putting my knife into it.

  1296. hey hav u guys bin on yahoo lately cuz i foud a post that said 5/19/13 expect us!! and i no that they r talking about us right

  1297. Does anyone know how to tell the difference between a normal dream and a prophetic one? Cause i think i had a prophetic one last night . . .

  1298. Everyone on here is fucking stupid.
    You all have really big imaginations
    and wish you liked blood.

    All of you are probably like 11
    and watched to much twilight,
    go play with your barbies.

    • Don’t be so quick to judge, silly girl. ^_^

      I bet you’re insecure, and feel lonely deep down. Why would you bother posting something so..so…misunderstood like that, if you *didn’t?* I wish you would give reality a chance. Even if wanting blood is a disease, it’s real. There *are* people who have that “issue” and there *are* people who will start a war when the time comes, even if they *are* loonies.

      To everyone else, Samantha and I are two different people. Ignore the damned names.

    • Wow, well that was refreshing
      it seems we have another rebel,
      Dont judge us that quick,
      you’d be surprised about what you
      can find if you look deep enough . . .

  1299. I endure most symptoms above.
    I also have a blood-lust that is hard to control,

    i have a heart beat but i have tasted my blood
    and it tastes abnormal,
    a sour or rancid milk or just bad
    and despite my efforts when some
    one has a nose bleed or gets a cut
    i often have to leave and get some fresh air.

    In addition to the blood lust i often find myself
    gravitating toward bloody situations,
    like i am pulled toward the blood
    and i am sensitive to the sun,
    i burn very easily and badly.

    • Endure? Nce wordng. *cough*

      Vampyres have heartbeats.
      Why did you specify that?


      Isn’t that what bloodlust means?
      If you have bloodlust,
      it’s sort of a given that you’d gravite
      towards that sort of situation.

      Bloodlust doesn’t lterally mean
      you lust for blood to DRINK,
      it means you lust to cause
      the spillng of blood…mame…kll..

      With all good intenton,
      must say…In my experience,
      having vulnerable skin has
      nothng to do with being a vampyre.

      • Who are you??

      • Yeah bloodlust is when you would do anything for blood.
        It’s happened before for me but I was able to get through it.
        It dosent happen much anymore.

      • Dominique,
        bloodlust actually means
        “the desire to kill or maim others.
        It doesn’t literally have anything
        to do with blood,
        just the spilling of it.

        It has nothing to do with consumption of it.
        Stop talking about things you don’t actually know.

  1300. WOW I have missed quite a lot..

    First of all Samantha(with the very pink icon)
    don’t start talking shit like that…
    its just very pathetic of u…
    plus do we even sound like those wimpy
    so called “vampires” from twilight..
    no one gives a shit about that…
    and u know what not all of us are that young..
    plus age (the number) really means nothing …
    its the age of ur brain..
    ur thinking process that counts..
    well at least to me..so to me u sound
    ur a little 11 year old brat who is in love with Twilight! -.-
    anyway I wasted enough words on u…

    Britton can u expand on what u mean
    “they are expecting us on 5/19/13” but not on here..
    we wouldn’t want unwelcomed people to read
    about that post it up on FB or the clan web thing! 🙂

    Jade if u want to know about ur dream
    I should be able to tell u since I learned
    pretty well to tell a diff between my dreams and visions! 🙂
    so if u want u can share!! 😀


    First of all Samantha(with the very pink icon)
    don’t start talking shit like that…
    its just very pathetic of u…
    plus do we even sound like those wimpy
    so called “vampires” from twilight..
    no one gives a shit about that…
    and u know what not all of us are that young..
    plus age (the number) really means nothing …
    its the age of ur brain..
    ur thinking process that counts..
    well at least to me..
    so to me u sound ur a little 11 year old brat
    who is in love with Twilight! -.-
    anyway I wasted enough words on u…

    Britton can u expand on what u mean
    “they are expecting us on 5/19/13″
    but not on here..
    we wouldn’t want unwelcomed people
    to read about that post it up on FB
    or the clan web thing!

    Jade if u want to know about ur dream
    I should be able to tell u since I learned
    pretty well to tell a diff between my dreams
    and visions!
    so if u want u can share!!

    • Well Yuuki my dream was about me being a ‘silver’ knight
      and there was a silver dragon attacking the castle when
      a gold knight comes along and tells me that he must fight it.

      Then im at a different castle and it was all dark
      and i kept on thinking if I fall down one of those holes
      surrounding the castle a dragon is going to kill me,
      and i know there is something else there that
      I cant quite remember.

      But then there was the worst part
      I was walking to another castle
      with some people and they ran
      ahead but when i reached them only 2 teeth
      had been left behind and someone
      had taken them. =/

      • ok thats a start now can you tell me
        how you felt during this and anything else…
        like smell..or what ever..

        and also tell me what you think…
        do u think its a vision or a simple dream?

      • I think its a bit of both and the castle smelt
        moist and i could smell the earth and sweat
        when i was fighting,

        it was frosty cause i could hear my shoes
        hitting the grass with a crunch but the scary thing
        was that it was silent apart from when people talked.

      • hmm..well..I think that it might be both…maybe it was a part of something that happened or will happen fused into ur dream..that sometimes can happen..and I have learned that usualy the parts that feel completely real life..like u can sense everything with ur 6 senses then its usaly the vision part of ur dream…
        I hope this helps 🙂

    • hi yuuki, i havent been on in a while because i sadly have lost faith that i am a vampire. i belive they are real but i dont believe i am anymore sorry. what do you mean britton, they are expectin us on 5/19/13?? been off for a while so plz tell me. just becuase i think i may be human doesnt mean i dont want to know these things. oh Yuuki, i love twilight there is nothing wrong with that. infact i am obsessed with it. im sorry if u dont like tht. but i do know tht vampires dont sparkle and al tht babaroo, they just wanted twilight vampires to be able to do tht to grab the attention of the audience or in book case, reader! samantha with the very pink icon what the hell???

  1302. I have 8 things simmiler to vampire

  1303. i have all these but 2!!

  1304. Wow…So many people have no lives they would just spend there hours talking shit to people you hardly even know? were all from planet earth just chill

    • This is a reply from my dear friend and fellow suprenatural:
      ” How many people do you think have come on here
      and told us the exact same thing already?

      You’re not one to judge,
      and you don’t think yourself as
      sad for wasting your time in replying
      that no one’s going to pay attention to?”

      p.S. this one is from me….
      do us all a favor and repeat
      to all humans to piss of!!

      • That was my message,
        if you wanted to know,
        though i don’t suppose you do.

        I really hope you never
        return to read this,

    • Wow,
      if you had a life would you have posted that?


      So just take your human Sh*t back
      to where you came from and shut
      the f*ck up cause we don’t need
      to know that you don’t believe us.

      WE believe in it we have PROOF of it
      but could the human world stand
      the thought of someone higher
      on the food chain some one more
      intelligent no.

      Cause you all have too much pride
      and that my ‘friend’ will be your downfall.

    • actually i have to agree with you there.
      about the just chill part.
      and..oh fuck it,
      wont bother.

  1305. ok i got almost all of those (im only 12)
    i control the weather,
    and have feelings of the future,
    like i can sense if something
    weird is going to happen.

    i HATE the sun and it physically hurts me.
    (just painful, no burns.)
    im always sleepy in the day and awake at night.
    i am very pale.
    i am absolutely not a people person.

    my eyes turn red sometimes and change colors,
    and my canines are longer and sharper then
    most my age.

    i have found myself sucking at small cuts
    i get and am very entranced by blood.
    but i am not good at sports or anything like that.

    i often find that i can figure
    out peoples emotions easily.

    can someone PLEASE help me?
    none of my family are vampires
    so how am i one?

    if i truly am a vampire
    why am i so physically lacking?


    • there are other things besides a vampyre to be,
      for one thing.
      and i dont think it matters what the family is,
      because…ehm i wont get into that.
      but chill out.
      tooth size doesnt matter, btw.

      and you can have all this and more
      and not be a vampyre.
      get a psychic reading from someone
      who isnt reatrded/cold reader
      and ask about your aura; thats
      somehting unmistakebly unique
      about vampyres in particular.

      although you dont sound like one..
      wont say why..

    • Well first of all being a vampire is not genetic.
      Being a vampire is a soul thing.

      Vampires are souls who are not human
      who basicly live in human bodies just like
      human souls do,

      it takes time for the vampiric soul to unleash itself,
      which is what most call the awakening proccess.

      The awakening can occour from ages 8-22
      I would say but more cominly from ages
      12-16 around puberty.

      If you would like more information here is a helpful website.

  1306. I have all of those symptoms except the sex ones
    (I’m only 14).
    I can sense when people are around,
    and I always have deja vu’s.

    I have a craving for blood most of the time,
    and I always stay up at night.

    I have a sense for controlling weather and the mind.
    I’m the fastest at running,
    and I am very atheletic.

    I’m very strong for my size,
    and always have been. I’m sensative
    to the sun and I prefer the shade or night-time.

    I never get tired no matter what I do.

    And I always have these weird dreams.

    For example,
    in one it felt like I was actually moving,
    and running extrememly fast.
    I could even feel my muscles moving in my legs.

    And when I have a dream most
    of the time it turns out to happen the next day.

    Can someone please reply
    and explain what’s happening to me?

    • you sound like someone
      i might take seriously!

      but that doesnt mean youre a vampyre.

      there really is no list of traits
      that you must have to be a vampyre;
      we’re all just souls you know?
      you could be half, even.
      an experiment.

      note: i am not a vampyre.
      (: but id like to befriend you or something.
      email me or whatever if anything comes up.


    • Yes I can see where your comming from.
      Take a look at this website, it might help you and explain things more. http://awakeanddrink.webs.com/

  1307. i m not sure if i am or not
    but i will tell u i m not sum freek
    who obsesses over trying to find
    out i found this website by mistake
    but i looked through it yes i have
    all that stuff up at the top but i dont
    have fangs and vampires dont have fangs
    they look just like everyone els so u tell me
    wat do u think anyway if u obsses over stuff
    like this then your an ideot for doing so
    but here wat i have to say i have no
    memorirs past the age of 6 and I have
    2 dots on my neack they have been there
    since i was 6 yes I have tasted blood and I did
    like it and I do bite ppl just not hard I hate the
    sun and I do get pale I dont look any older then
    I used to I feel akward around other ppl but I do
    have friends and I do have naturaly cold skin
    so wat it all boils down to im not sure if I am
    or not and I’m not that worried either

    • Well then your the only fake on here,
      you cant be made into a vampire
      you are born one.

      So maybe before you judge us
      you should take a look at yourself first.

      • And no we don’t believe about fangs and what not. We have our own beliefs and are on this website to help others.

  1308. I have no clue if I am or not
    but if I am i am a very mature one
    I think I have been since I was 6
    but I’m not sure i got these 2 dot
    on my neck been there since I was
    6 so I guess I might be but if I am
    I am very mature and calm
    except when people make me mad

    • Very modest, aren’t you?
      *hint sarcasm*

      I agree with Jade,
      but i just want to add that no one
      on this site will take kindly to people
      who think they know everything.

      For saying you found this site
      by accident and you’re no freak
      that looks for evidence like this,
      you seem to have noticed about
      your memories and your “bite mark”
      very quickly.

      And you won’t get anywhere by offending us.

  1309. I dont know if i am a vampire!
    PLEASE anyone who can tell if
    i am a vampire please tell me
    i have all the symptoms
    (not the sex thing im only 11)

    Please i beg of you! if u have
    a response email me
    at megan587@gmail.com

  1310. Morgan,
    i read you first comment
    at the top of the page.
    well sorta top.

    i think i may be the same as you.
    i am warm like a werewolf
    sometimes then cold like a vamp,
    i have fangs also like a vamp
    and i can growl loud.

    i am strong and bond well with dogs.

    i can sorta howl.
    i have more vamp symptons
    or whateva they are though.

    can you help me?
    i think we call ourselves shapeshifters??

    dk though. btw i need help!
    i had another vision.
    i am going to die.

    i am going to be killed in the woods
    down the road by a male vamp/werewolf.

    it was dark so i didnt see him well.
    i will die when i turn 14!
    im 13 now!!!!

    it was like a dream,
    i was asleep when i had it.
    maybe it was juss a dream
    i dk. help?

    oh and i hunt in my sleep too.
    i dont just suck the deer or
    elk clean of blood,
    i also eat it’s flesh!!??
    thts not normal huh??

  1311. …….it all makes sense now…….

  1312. why do i always have
    the sudden urge to bite someone?
    im so obcessed with vampires
    i love them can someone please
    turn me please im begging somebody

    • You are fucking lost.

    • Haha I love biting to.
      Im always bitting my boyfriend.

      Vampires have more of an instinctual
      nature such as animals and animals like
      to nah and chew on things.

      Biting is also a sexual thing
      and in my opinion vampires
      are very sexual beings.

  1313. heym wazzup peeps,
    soz for bein away,
    anyone missed me?

  1314. i also have all 25 symptoms! i get blinded by the sunlight!

  1315. I have all of the symptoms of a vampire,
    exept one,
    the period thing because I am not a girl/woman,
    I am a teenaged boy that is 15 years old
    and I used to bite people like my bro,
    but thats in the past, but when I was younger
    like 7 or 8 I loved to run, but since i was 12
    I cant run fast anymore…

    I learned I was a Vampire just
    on the 12 of september 2010.
    Why can’t I run fast anymore?
    Someone please help me…

  1316. All traits right but that dosent mean u are a Vampire right???
    Its many more things into oit am i right??
    Like strenght, speed, smart,,???

    • I am faster than ever before… I can result seeing deja vu…. Am much stronger and I don’t need blood cuz A Psi vamp like me doesn’t need blood…

    • Your right Mike having all the traits does not make you a vampire, you could always be something else.

  1317. Steven i’m not sure Psi vamps are real? I read about them in a fictional book but im pretty sure they arent real.

    • They are real.
      I can take energy from others
      doesn’t mean I need to survive off of it.

      Psy vamps must take in energy alot.

  1318. I have all of these traits except for a few.

    I’ve been having a lot of anger problems lately,
    and they’re getting worse each day. It’s weird,
    I’m not sure if it’s just coincidence,
    but when I’m happy the weather is
    normally warm and sunny,
    but when I’m mad the weather
    is dark and cold.

    Does that have anything to do with it?
    I seem to do things before they even happen.

    Like when I turn to look at someone
    they look at me the second after I look at them,
    or I’ll grab my phone right before it buzzes
    with a text message pretty much all the time.

    I’m really sensative to light,
    so I normally just have a dim
    lamp on in my room.

    I also can run really fast,
    and I’m strong for my size.

    I rarley ever get tired after excersising.
    My friends always seem jittery around me,
    and I’ve tried this before and it seems l
    ike I can sometimes will people to do things
    if I concentrate and imagine myself in their heads,
    but I’m not sure if that’s coincidence either.

    I have a lot of dreams of the future,
    mostly I’ll dream of what’s going to
    happen the next day,
    and then it happens.

    I have a craving for blood but
    it’s not that strong.

    Could someone reply,
    help me out,
    and tell me if this is all
    just coincidence or
    if I actually am a vampire?


    • hey there Ember….
      I’m exactly like you…
      I know how you feel…
      sorry for getting to u so late…
      I have ignored going on this site
      for the reasons of these two chicks
      thinking they were better then everyone
      and spreading wrong information…
      which I see happen yet again.

      Please do not listen to Dominique…
      its ur choice but I am just warning you
      if you go that way prepare urself for a fight…

      Just take it slow…
      and live day by day….
      idk how i got through it but I mostly
      just did what i always do..
      listen to music and draw.

      Also I had a great support of six other people
      who knew what they were actually talking about..

      No matter what though all you just
      primarly have to do is WAIT AND SEE…

      Time is the key…
      time is the one that will reveal everything
      that needs to be revealed…so don’t worry

      The good guys like me and a couple other
      are here if anything e-mail me
      at vampire_yuuki66@yahoo.com 😀

  1319. hi every one !!!!!!
    and opal 🙂
    opal… i have tried spells this
    summer and u said i didn’t practice
    and i am i made up one for big waves
    to ride at the beach and i will start
    practicing more luv ya xxx

  1320. well, it has been a long time since I have been here.

  1321. Whoa!@@!!!!!
    I haven’t been on for a few months now…
    but I see nothings really changed…
    if anything e-mail me 🙂

  1322. Aye, neither have aye sis, anyone missed me?

  1323. Jade,
    Psy vamps are real,
    but they’re more HUMAN.

    They are just human with the ability
    to drain energy and use it for themselves

  1324. i got most of these answers right.
    so does that mean i am a vampire??

  1325. i have all those symptoms
    but 2 of them i have very pale skin
    and i really feel tired and feel like
    I want blood

  1326. i feel like drinking blood my body is always cold and i have pale skin i drink pig blood and its the best……..

    • I enjoy drinking blood to.
      But right now I’m fasting from blood
      to see what happens when I don’t drink blood.

      Last time I drank was at least 2 months ago
      probly 2 and a half. My headaches are more frequent
      I get random unexplained stomach pains.

      I have gone to the doctors and they don’t know why.

      I have had 2 cold sicknesses.

      I feel much weaker and I’m always sore
      and have weird pains all over my body.

      I got UTI i don’t know if that has anything
      to do with drinking blood but yeah weird stuff
      has been happening to my body since
      I havent been drinking blood.

      • I wish to try pigs blood.
        Just because.
        But I haven’t gotten around to it!

        Maybe I’m wrong,
        but I think that might be happening,
        because your body isn’t used to not
        having that extra bit of nutrients
        and iron and stuff that’s in blood.

        It seems to [obviously] really throw you off!


        When not fasting,
        how much blood do you
        consume on a regular basis?

      • I haven’t drank in a few months,
        but I would drink about every 2 weeks
        when I felt the need to.

        I would cut open 1-4 fingers,
        depends how much I needed or craved,
        and I would drink as much as I could push out.

  1327. I have all of those, drink blood, blood makes me stronger, I run faster, I generally AM stronger, have good eyesight, good night-vision an so WHAT? You can have ALL of thses and STILL be human…

  1328. Im some how connected to animals. Once, I howled with a pack of wild dogs they showed no aggression at all

  1329. Hello, I have been hated here before for
    telling the truth.

    Once again I want to make sure
    newly awakening vampire get the
    right information.

    I will no longer try to disprove
    anything but give out what I know
    to be true.

    For people who don’t know me
    I am a vampiric soul and I always have been.

    I have been reincarnated a few times
    to experience physical lively experiences
    and to help people.
    I have learned my lessons overtime
    and I will continue to learn just
    like every other soul on earth.

    I know about energy,
    the astral plane, heaven,
    angels, vampires and other souls,
    auras, portals and alot of other
    things in that area.

    If anyone would like to contact me
    my email is jacksondominique80@yahoo.com

    Here is a helpfull website for newly
    awaked vampires or vampires who
    want more information http://awakeanddrink.webs.com/

    • Hun, it’s only what you,
      as one person alive on this planet,
      percieve as the truth.

      What YOU believe is “right.”
      It is just an opinion after all.

      And these times and people
      are too important for a simple,
      single person’s opinion.

      That’s kind of you. (:

      As for as you’re aware.

      If you’ve..oh, I won’t argue.


      It not all about being a dark
      mysterious blood-sucker
      who no one knows the truth of.
      Feels like it sometimes,

      For clarity…
      I don’t consider myself of any species,
      but i do think it’s a possibility that based
      on our genetic origins and experiences
      and whatever else we could have a variety
      of different stuff in our bodies.

      Anything that looks like a human,
      I consider human.

      So, when I say “you humans,”
      or “humans such as ourselves,”
      I don’t mean it like “you corrupt, disgusting beings.”
      I think there are sub-types of the human race though.

      And anyone besides 100% human
      falls under categories of this sort [:

  1330. urgh i cant DO this anymore…
    im awakening and it’s aherder each day.
    my best friend left me and im depressed.

    i hunt in my sleep. my soul leaves my body.

    there are these 2 guys at skool
    who call me a vamp…
    they tempt me…
    im so thirsty.

    they stick their wrists
    in my face and their necks…
    im strong enough to stop myself
    but it’s getting harder!!!

    i can’t keep pretending im human…
    urgh helpp me??

    • Yes it really dose suck.
      When I awakened everyday
      at school was torture,

      I’d think about ripping peoples flesh
      off and drinking their blood.

      I felt crazy and for about a month straight I was thirsty,
      for a whole months no water or drinking could help.

      The awaking dose suck,

      but it will be better when its over,
      just embrace who you are and it will go by.

  1331. Dominique I’m sorry you worthless idiot….
    you do not say the truth….
    you mislead people on here in
    the fucking wrong direction…
    I am tired of dirtbags like you
    that share information that is as
    worthless as you are..

    All those websites and what nots you share
    on here is information “founded” by stupid
    humans that don’t know better!

    you fucking idiot are one of them,
    you’re like a damn leach sucking on these people
    that are looking for the real salvation…
    a real answer…
    Not some fucking fable a human thinks is true.

    You’re nothing but a fucking little cockroach
    that is stupid enough to comeback here
    and lie to these poor souls….

    I am saying this as a warning from Me, Selene,
    Samantha, Jade, Tess, Saromin and Britton,
    the seven of us that proved your stupidness before,

    I will personally find you and rip the left over
    of your damned soul out..
    and please my comrades might try to solve
    this peacefully but I am nothing like that…

    I will do it..please spare us the agony
    and get ur stinking ass out of here…

    stop filling these peoples minds with lies..

    We got rid of ur kind before and we will again…
    Listen this time huh…
    and leave before blood is drawn

    • -sigh-
      ill give dominique a chance.

      can’t help but try.

      i just dont like seeing the filth she spreads.
      go to this website,
      drink this.
      im not sure if anyone is or is not human
      but i do know that no matter what you may
      or may not be,
      you can’t know it all.

      and you cant find it on a website.
      something tells me that if anyone
      on here is a vampyre,
      they were looking for something to
      1) laugh at.
      2) gather people to do something with them or
      3) pure curiousity.or hellessness.
      but not
      not that that many people are doing that anymore..
      but yaknow..

      humans can go through anything in the awakening,

      it could all just be psychological.

      dont get your hopes up, people.

      i dont consider the name vampyre legitimate anymore.

      i just think we’re all energy-users.

      and we all come in different shapes,
      with different habits and needs..

      but this vampire stuff is really too much.

      if you want to learn the way of vampyres,
      dont trust what you find online or in blockbuster,
      ya hear?

      go to new york.
      theres a hell of all sorts of vamp communities there,
      ive heard.

      i came here because im interested
      in all the ways people categorize themselves,
      and was even more into that when i found this place
      nearly a year ago.

      i was unsire about anything.

      if life’s getting hard just look around,
      whether it be on here or out your bedroom window.
      but just remember that only time and fate can truly tell.

      you knowwhat im saying?

    • I agree Yuuki.

      Dominique i barely know you
      but from what I’ve heard from you
      in my past experiences makes you a bitch.

      Spare us having to detour out of our quest
      to kick your ass would you??

      I don’t even see why you started commenting again
      you said you would never go on this website again.

      Our ‘Legion’ is more powerful than ever right now,
      and if i were you,
      i really wouldn’t cross us because i just got my nails
      done today and i’d really hate to ruin my manicure
      to punch your fucking face in.

  1332. i have most of those symptoms except sex and a few others

    • And what have you collected from this?
      [Most of everyone here gets pissed when
      you use the word “symptoms.”

      It’s taken as if you’re saying being
      this described creature is an illness.] Hm.

  1333. wow!!!
    this website is getting
    more fiesty every dang day!

    i can’t deal with it anymore.
    me n my best friend were
    joined by the souls…
    literally i did tht…
    dont no how but…
    she pushed me away and
    ripped our souls apart.

    it hurts.
    im lost,
    hurt and wanting to end my life.

    plus im awakening which is even worse!
    tell me what to do??

    im in tears here.
    i need her.
    its been nearly 6 months n im still hurting.

    save me someone.
    be my tourniquet.
    plzzz im dyin here.
    the little pains in my heart hurt!

    help me someone!
    she wont listen,
    she lies through her teeth to me.
    she hates me and now im really sad…
    someone. anyone.
    HELP MEE????????????????

  1334. Ok, I’m not forcing anyone to listen to me. And that website is founded by two vampires, they are also soul mates, lucky they have each other. And that website is helpfull to awakening vampires. I don’t want to make anyone mad, I don’t want to disprove beliefs. These are my goals in this life.

    1.Live this life with my boyfriend, I am in love with him and he might be my soulmate.
    2.Give advice to awakening vampire, not spiritual advice but physical advice, about blood, health, what their experiencing.
    3.Share with people all I know about the universe but not force anything on them.
    4.Learn new things and lessons I haven’t learned in past lives.

    Thats all I want to do with this life. So people that hate me, you just don’t know me really. And The Awake and Drink website is not founded by humans. If it was I would not be showing it. And yes I have seen websites about vampires founded by humans, it pisses me off. So people that hate me, what is there to hate? I am trying to help.


  1335. No one said anything about…
    but you do piss me off…
    like i said…
    some might try and give you a chance…
    but i still remember ur little convo
    with us on that one chat Saromin made….
    I am not giving you anymore chances…

    don’t know you…
    you can tell so much by the way
    people talk online…
    so don’t give me that crap…
    and Opal I’m sorry for making so much chaos
    but its just too damn annoying -.-

    ….sigh….what ever

    Time will tell

  1336. hey guys i have been doing some testing k on my self of course but i noticed we dont need blood i have grown a power that lets me suck the energy from other humans it makes them tired but it makes u stronger it do it at school all the tim k so if any of u find this as weird i will be on face book k and saromin your right u could have all the traits and still be very much human

  1337. is tht good or bad

    • i don’t know really…i mean..it has been done before…and if you take the paitiance and meditation…”anyone” could do it….

  1338. Nah Yuuki it’s okay now. im okay now. she has forgiven me. she sed we cud be frends so i think we may be bff’s again soon! the awaekning is tuff but i think i can deal with it. Aphrodite on this page is a half witch half human. i sensed it as soon as i saw her! her ancestors are DRUIDS. a type of witch. very powerful. cool huh?

    • Well I understand that awakening can be hard…i’ve had my fair share….i think…anyway just find something that you know will calm you down and just do that 🙂

  1339. hi my name is metzli but people calls me meshi my name means child of the moon :Di am from Mexico in this life :/ my passed live name was Selene which also means moon 😀 , i am 11 years old (about 2 turn 12) and i am a hybrid i have vampire blood from my dads family (hes not a vamp):D and i was born with the rabies that makes a person a werewolf (not real rabies):D my sister is a vamp so is her boyfriend there gonna start a coven we live in Sanford, nc 😛 i am going to start a coven 2 if any of yew want to join me yew are welcomed to. i have all of this except for the one for my dad 😛 pleas send me a message at meshirocks@yahoo.com i am available at anytime for yew to send me some pleas hit me up.

    i am also sick because i haven’t had blood but yesterday i did im starting to recover. me and my sister did a blood oath yesterday(there was an eclipse) 😀 it was so awesome even though i am a hybrid i LOVE vamps i understand them to.

    my eyes are silver in the early morning they are black and brown at day and when i get pissed the get red or all black (creepy huh) but pleas hit me up.:D

    and yall lil MOTHER FUCKERS better stop yalls BULLSHIT or we will get yew i FUCKING mean it i will gush yewr eyes out and eat them with my fucking sushi!!!! then ill fucking suck yew fucking blood and i will fucking make yewr parents and sibiling watch me burn yew and tear yew into lil peices ok so back the FUCK up!!

  1340. hi my name is Alice.

    i knew tht i waznt like everybody
    else bc when i waz 5 my friend cut herself
    and i smelled the blood and it felt like
    i wanted it like it waz the only think
    i have ever wanted so badly so
    i ran and now tht im older i know
    what i am and im so sacred my doc
    told me tht it waz all in my head
    but im sick now and i dont know
    what to do my eyes changed
    to this really dark brown but it
    looks like black and when i get blood
    my eyes turn into a very lite blue
    but im just so scared i dont want this
    i want to be like everyone else
    but ik i cant so if anyone knowz
    how to make this less harder
    then plz let me know!

    -Alice(ik tht im a vamp now should
    i be happy bout this?
    about being a vamp?)

    • Yes,
      you should be happy,
      it is a gift.
      though i know what you mean about the eyes…
      i have that problem too.

      i am from england and get
      called the vamp girl every day.

      its annoying but juss continue to drink n live ur life…
      the exact same thing happened to me when i was 5 too
      and i always knew i was different too. x

      • hi my name is alice,
        thank you for helping me.
        i still haven’t told anyone
        and u were right bout how i should
        continue to drink and live my life.

        tht part helped me SO much!

        itz just hard to find things
        to drink from but i get it one way or another……
        there’s only one problem tho……
        itz hard to get people to understand
        tht im different and i tht i like blood
        and is it a bad thing if i get people
        to let me drink from them?

        cuz i kinda want it that badly
        and itz getting harder and harder
        to resist now…. plz help me!

        ps. i just told 1 of my friendz
        bout me and now they wont talk to me at all!!
        what should i do now?
        should i tell my friendz bout wht i am?
        cuz i want their blood badly
        and kinda want to ask them
        if they would let me drink from them……
        or do u think tht would b a weird thing
        for me to ask them?

  1341. All you pussys on here
    are straight up biullshitters.

    Get tan and eat some veggies you twihards -_-“

  1342. lol y r u on this website if u rnt curious.
    Anyway all of these apply to me but snt sex supposed to do that
    luv ya JAP

    • Because this website
      took my sons life you
      hapless mother fucker.

      • umm…
        really then your son
        is a hapless mother fucker…
        since he was…
        oh so stupid enough to come on here…
        just like all the other people on here right…

        fuck of please…
        because not all of us
        are the mindless idiots…
        like the twilight fanatics alright…
        some of us actually take this serious…
        some of us have the actual capacity
        to believe in something that others do not…

        Also if your son was smart enough
        he’d contact someone on here…
        and actually try and figure this out…
        and maybe get actual answers
        then the crap that other hippy yappy humans
        write on here…

        please blame the others
        not people like me or the very
        other few that actually know
        what they’re doing…

        Thats all i’m asking.


    If anyone know what that means,
    please email me
    ay nloheide@yahoo.com :DDD
    I ♥ Blood!!!

  1344. Wow,
    this place sure seems
    to have sort of gone to hell,
    I can’t believe how stupid some
    people act in dismissing our kind
    as people who lie.

    There are some out there
    that are part of our kind
    and some who aren’t.

    If you are then this place
    can be useful otherwise
    get the hell out!!!

    • Yeah sadly…
      none of us that talk on here any more…
      it’s been ahh there aren’t any words
      for what this place has turned to…

  1345. I’ve always thought vampires were simply a made up mythical creature people tell others for amusement but then I thought..The idea of vampires had to come from somewhere. Maybe even a vampire their self? I mean if that were the case then the vamp wouldn’t expose their self of course. Ever since I turned 14 (15 now) I have been researching magick, shapeshifting, and vampirism. I found that the average joe (Anyone) can do magick and cast spells based on their mind power and visualization skills. I also learned that shapeshifting was only possible mentally. (believe me, I’ve tried to shapeshift. and there would be show offs exposing shapeshifting if it were a real serious thing) So now here its vampirism. I’ve come across a site called http://vampirewebsite.net and its the most helpful i’ve seen so far. This one is rather helpful to. I’ve already emailed the site owner today and am awaiting a response to whether he thinks I’m a vamp or not. now judging this site I’d say I am but I’d like to point something out and its a little important.

    You can get sick from drinking blood. Even if it is cooked. The germs still lie there. You can even get aids etc so if your a vampire and are looking for hosts, then make sure your target is healthy. This is very important if your serious about blood. also your own blood? That’s the least most appealing to vampires lol.

    There are also vampire slayers. For real and I am serious. They wont kill you unless you harm or kill any others.

    And… Vampires. Do. Not. Sparkle. If you see yourself sparkling, your not a vampire so congrats you just admitted your a wannabe! (:

  1346. i have mainly all of those
    but not da sex one im like12 hello
    but i don’t no im not srue i like
    need help alot alot

    pllzzz HELP ME SOON

  1347. i think i am a vampire.i have a lot of the traits not symptoms it is not a illness

  1348. now then… this website has become…
    hmm there arent words to describe wats going on…
    humans … bogg off n leave NOW!
    vampires and vamp to be’s plzzzz help me!
    everyone at skool says i am a vamp n show me their necks.
    im finding it hard to resist!

  1349. Whoa!
    I have alot of these!
    only I dont have my per yet im 12.
    I sparkle in the sun 🙂

  1350. Hey guys
    I have been gone for exactly a year
    but now I’m back!
    And I have news!

    I am now a full vampire!
    Anyone loooking for guidance just ask.

  1351. hi yuuki were and when is the war

  1352. I think I am a vampire cuz all my friends think I am a vampire I have pale skin and really sharp teeth at school I was with 3 of my mates at the bottom of the field but one of my m8 fell and cut his arm blood was pourin down his arm and my other 2 mates had to pin me to the floor just to stop me killin him luckily no1 saw

    • Help me I nearly killed another person today again!!!!!!!!!!

      • Just find your place of equilibrium.
        Find something that can calm you down. And don’t go just replying back that there is nothing in the world that possibly could; I’m pretty sure there is! So, like for me, when I get very angry I, most of the time, can’t control myself. What I do then is put on my iPod and listen to music 🙂 Or go to my room and sing my heart out. Because I can put this angry emotion into some sort of flow that won’t hurt anyone: including me.

      • go see a psychiatrist seriously. thats not how vamps act.

  1353. i dont know if im a sang or a psi. i know im one of them. my skin will change clearness levels depending on my mood. i think that im a psi vamp, but im not sure. please help. i also have most of the talents.

  1354. i feel:

    only 1 friend who trusts me and the only one i get along with

    feel xtremely energetic at night

    the sun hurts my eyes

    trance out easily

    calls me a loner

    feel lonely even when there are lots of people around me

    and i believe in reincarnation;

    maybe i am a vampire 🙂

  1355. oh and email me if somone can see someones aura through pictures ill send one
    tell me if you can, email me at ranatics4life@ymail.com

  1356. i have 30 of these symptom!!

  1357. omg is dis all true i m jst freezed listening dis things……is dis true or u r making people fools…ooo really d vampires exists?i havent yet come across ny of d 1
    plzz ans my question……….is dis a fake ??

    • No Sanika.. This is not fake we really do exist. It’s a pleasure to have met you. I am a REAL vampire. There are many more. You just don’t know they’re there.

    • You meet them at least once a week,
      some don’t even know they are Vampyres.

      There are predators to hunt every species,
      and that includes humans ^^ If you are bittin,
      then most likely either
      A) nothing happens,
      B) You die while changing,
      C) most UNLIKELY u change into one,
      but 99% chance u wont x)

  1358. i have holl the answer rigth how can these be possible

  1359. whoah…. i had all symptoms!!!

  1360. Yuuki,
    u know where I could talk to Selene again?
    Hadn’t been on here for over a year lol…
    and yeh,
    the topic did get sligthly…
    well, say it this way –
    this website doesnt include ALL the fact 😉

  1361. hey my name is alice and its getting harder and harder to resist the urge to drink. i told one of my friends yesterday and they said i waz a freak and tht she waz gonna go and tell everybody and now ppl r calling me vampgirl and all i want to do is b like everybody else. even my boyfriend dumped me saying tht i needed help. my eyes hav gone back to being the color brown bc i havent had blood in a week and idk wht to do anymore!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!!! it hurts so bad and now wheneva im talking to someone at my skool im alwayz thinking of wht it would b like if they would let me drink from them……. i just dont no how i could ask someone it they will let me drink from them or should i just take it from them? and if i cant get blood from a human then how do i get it??? HELP ME!!!!! someone!!!! anyone!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!

    • Hello, the first thing you need to do is calm down, i know that your going through a hard time, believe me, it was hard for me too. How ever i am one who is usually alone amongst the crowd. if there is one thing i have learned is that we should never take from others whom are innocent, you don’t want to hurt or scare others do you? as for me, i am a vegetarian vampire, because i cook a lot i have access to animal blood, so i substitute it for human blood. if you have more questions you can contact me at: renkun555@gmail.com.

      Until the future wills it that we speak again,

      Fire The Vampire (J.P.R. or J.P.S.E.G.)

  1362. lol
    I have 31 of those symptoms.

    I was on another website before
    looking at stuff like this but on
    that one there’s a noise you listen to
    and if you can hear it then you have
    the hearing of a vampire.

    The noise is supposed to be extremely quiet
    (almost silent) but when I listened to it it was
    loud and painful,
    so painful that I actually dropped to
    the ground and I couldnt breath.

    When the noise ended I check my volume
    on my computer and it was almost muted.

    When I find the website I’ll put it up.
    (I asked my little brother if he had
    heard anything (he was in the same room)
    and he said no)

  1363. if any one is looking for information you can contact me at renkun555@gmail.com

    • hi Fire the vampire itz Alice
      i think im gonna email you soon
      if thtz ok with you bc i hav some questions for you
      thanks again

      • Of course it’s okay to ask, i am always willing to help out our kind.

  1364. hi im Alice i really want blood badly…….
    i cant take it anymore!!!!!
    i told one of my good friends and she
    told me i needed help and tht this was
    all in my head…… wht should i do?!?!?

    i dont cook alot so i cant get animal blood
    and the friend tht i told kinda told everybody
    at my skool and it really suckz cuz everybody
    calls me vampgirl and this one guy is such an asshole
    cuz he told me i should just kill my self cuz im stupid
    to think im a vampire but i dont just think it i know it!

    And today at skool a girl got cut and i couldnt hold it back……..
    it smelled ssssssoooooooo good!!!!

    and i kinda pushed her to the ground
    and was about to bite her then i got up
    and walked out of the skool crying bc i dont want
    to be a monster i just want to be normal!!!!

    i wish i knew a really vampire….
    they would get wht im talkin bout

    • Stay away from the blood, it only makes you crave more. Resist your urges and needs. Do what I do and totally deny your vampire like characteristics. I know what you are going through, and I know that you can fight off the urges. The only thing that separates vampires from humans is that the vampires give into there desires for the taste of blood on their lips.

  1365. hi fire the vampire ok well i think im gonna email you bc i just dont know what to do anymore

  1366. You people are stupid! Real vampires don’t shimmer in the sun, instead they develop an unusual rash that goes away within an hour of no sunlight exposure. They crave blood, but also like some food.
    Lets just get this straight, if your obsessed about vampires, more than likely you are NOT one.
    By the way, I have every symptom on the list and yet I am not interested in becoming a vampire.

  1367. o.m.g i have everything on the list!!
    O.O but i am still 12 though and i have
    strong sexual desires!
    there was even a time that my cousin
    was stabbed and i have to clean the blood..
    and i found myself drooling..
    its like i want to lick the blood off the floor.. !!!

    gosh and wat a coincidence i was born
    on the day of the dead or halloween!!
    freaky! does that mean i’m a vamp
    whenever i take vampire quizzes
    i always got “full vampire blood” or “dracula’s cousin”
    wat does that suppose to mean??
    am i really a vampire??

  1368. i am really scared i tried the whole blood red pale skin thing and it…well i felt tingly inside and my friend Kailani was over and we were sitting in the chair and she grabbed my hand and said ” O M G NAOMI!!!!! your hand is freezing” and i grabbed her hand and put it next to my cheek and it was really REALLY warm! i am scared sp please if your reading…and oh yeah and she did the spell thing 10 times and feels the same but i think she is warm..so…please if your watching then leave some tips or some advice for me! thanks! -naomi

  1369. Wow i have only three that i dont have

  1370. Anyone notice that when you go
    awh’ile without blood that you
    dont have as much energy or power
    skill wise?

  1371. -sigh-
    Will you stop saying “omg..I have all of these..I have most of these…I love drinking blood…I sparkle”

    -.- if you are really a vampire in the first place…you wouldn’t react like that….can’t you people think at least bit logically.

    I have all of these…but I’m not a vampire…I’m still not sure what the fuck I am…but even though I experiance all of these *traits*…they’re NOT symptoms…doesn’t mean jack shit.

    So please before you go on here
    screaming like a little fan girl
    think very hard if you being a vampire
    is an ACTUAL possiblity.

    I’m not saying ur not or w/e…
    but at least think about it for
    a day or so and then comment on here…
    because I know that there are many people
    that are confused of who they are.

    It maybe just a thing you’re going through
    or you have a ‘god-complex’
    or…you really do have supernaturality in your blood…I’m not an expert so I won’t be judging

    And those people that come and bash us on here…you’ve just stepped a lot lower then human scum…seriously…it’s just annoying as fuck that you can’t except what other people believe in.

    Anyway… if there are any of you that still keep in touch with your sanity and really trully believe that you are of a supernatural descent then do please contact me at any point…and I will be sure to help you out…or direct you to a person that can help you 🙂

    Please feel free to e-mail me at vampire_yuuki66@yahoo.com
    (sigh..despite the name of my e-mail…I couldn’t think of anything simple at the moment..so I picked that…don’t give me stupid comments about it please)

    ALSO…if you’re just gonna e-mail me to bash me about how you believe in something else or that you think I’m wrong or that I’m a complete and utter idiot…feel free to do so…I won’t stop you…My imbox doesn’t have a personal gaurd…but just to say…that kinda shit is very childish and shows me even more how you have more roots of a human then a respectful supernatural.

    then again…I doubt it…but hey..one can hope 😉

    Peace Out,


  1372. Wow I have 32 of these above and I can smell blood easily….. I wonder if I am a vampire……

  1373. Whoa…I’ve not been on here in forever…
    anyways, looks like I missed quite a bit 😛
    We really ought to get the Legion of Six back together 🙂
    good times, good times…

    • Definitely….
      I wish that we’d get together and
      talk about the things we’ve missed…
      we really haven’t talked
      for at least half a year

  1374. I can levitate and usually
    in the full moon I can fly.
    I sit the trees and watch
    the forest come to life.


    • Just because you can levitate
      doesn’t necessarly mean you are a vampire…
      there are some other species that can do this as well

  1375. i have most of the symptoms so according to this i’m a vampire, kl

    • Traits, child…not symptoms. Being a type of race is not a disease or a sickness.

      • You are quite right Yuuki. it seems like many people dont understand that, but some do and perhaps eventually those who call them symptoms will learn.

  1376. what does dressing a certain way have to do with being a vampire?

    • It isn’t a certain way but rather…the type of clothing you choose. Not many humans these days would want to wear silk or leather and in all black or other dark colors. I mean you may think oh but goths do it…well human race really did change the meaning of vampires ;P

  1377. i have been thinking about if i am a vampire or not for a long time now and i think i am if your going to say i am not a vampire go ahead it will not effect me

  1378. i wish there was a way to truely tell if i am a vampire or not i mean i have alot of traits but they can only say so much

  1379. and i am only twelve

    • Dear Ayden,

      Many of people who stumbled upon this website have their inner doubts. So did I. Just because you have a lot of traits doesn’t necessarily mean you are a vampire. But then again it could. It really depends on a lot of different factors. And don’t doubt yourself; just because you’re 12 doesn’t mean you can’t be one. I’ve learned that true vampires have their awakening within the time of puberty. . . and well, 12 is that age when puberty starts to hit.

      If you truly want to know… I suggest doing more research on yourself and your family and ancestors. I’d first start of questioning your family tell them that you’re very fascinated about your family roots and they just might give you some information that you need. Don’t go with the old “it’s a project for school on family trees” They will definitely not share the most important information with you then because it would mean it gets out to the rest of the world; even if it is just your classroom.

      That’s the basics. If you really are anxious I would even try to go to a fortune teller or a psychic (I’d preferably go to a psychic though) and let them tell you something about you. But you have to be really careful when going to one. They could rip you off very easily. And not many psychics are the good kinda type ;P You have to be very smart going about this.

      I wish you the best on your journey of figuring who you are. And even if you do turn out to just be a human…don’t worry they count too 😉

  1380. ok im ten years old n the stuff u said is mostly true but not the sex arts really i like bllod i like the night more than day n when we go swimming n we have to go outside my eyes hurt easy outside n one question do real vampires have fangs if so when am i going to get mine?

  1381. parts* blood*

  1382. i think me and my friend is a vampire cause i love blood i have sharp teeth but fangs are only supposed to come out wen ur biting someone and me and my friend are fast heal quick and hav a urge 2 bite people and im 10 and my friends 12

  1383. yes this all true for me acting this way because I stay up still morin and wake up at night and the sun made my eyes hurt and when I was lil I always bit my brother and even now I want to bite people and whenever I bleed I get a urge to drink blood and I love blood and I have very sharp teeth where fangs are suppose to be and I’m only 12 and everything fits me

  1384. i have all of these symptoms i hate the sun i am more active at night i have 4 freinds i have a girlfreind that im close to we only hang out in the dark my pets love me i LOVE blood i drink it a lot from my freinds i wil purpoisly cut them so i can feast im only 13 im very tired in the day time i love the dark i can see extremly well in the dark i am very quick i race and beat ppl in track and im not even in track i have occasinle feelings of deja vu i would love to meet and become freinds with others like me if ur like me and want to messasge me please dont hesitate ecspecially if your a female at the age of 13 who experiences basiclly all of the symptoms i do i also have mood swings a lot so if you message me or even get ahold of me on the phone and im angry or tired try again bcuz i would love to meet others out there like me i have dark hair and dark green eyes my freinds are ocasinily noticing my teeth are very sharp i have actully zoned out and bit random ppl even my own 18 year old sister and yes i drew there blood it was very good i wil be getting on this website possibly occasinily and i have a cousin who is my age who has all the things happen to him that i do we are from missouri or MO in the united states and now im going to go cut myself for some good old BLOOD well anyways please message me and goodbye

  1385. i really think i am one ……



  1388. lols
    how u think that vamps do exist?
    no vamps exist.this a freaking idea comes from books, films extra
    no vamps exist.

  1389. It is astonishing to think about how many people here are clueless as hell and not actually vampires. I know some of you are, but the amount of auras that betray the truth that they aren’t really vampires, or that they just don’t understand what the traits are and call them symptoms thinking it’s a disease are extreme. many of our kind have gifts, they can be useful, but don’t act like they give you some kind of control or influence over others. i have the ability to feel others energies even through writing, i one more than one occasion have seen flashes, visions if you you will, of the future, and they, more often than not, come true. i am no psychic who can tell the future to the exact micro-comic event, but i see important things. i now realize the wave, the tsunami i saw was not hitting our coast, but the japan coast. i have had days when these feelings have crushed me and killed me, so to speak. i have been flooded with them. there are days when i get angry and as a result my hand heats up. there are times when, if I’m holding a polished stone, that the heat is strong enough to make the stone hot to the touch, while my hand is just barely warm.

  1390. morgan am i a vampire?????

  1391. 33….
    and my vampire friend had a feeling i was one…
    so, not sure if i am…

  1392. if you just gonna fucking hate on this shit then dont look it up bitches fuck you vvampires exist

  1393. i was a vampire for 3 weeks and i dint even notice i was even one because i did a spell about 3 weeks ago and im only a 11 years old! i am a vampire expert and i studyed vampires my whole life and im finally one yea!!!!!!

  1394. im new to this website so plz dont be mean to me and i am a real vampire and i mean it

  1395. omg i’m a vampire :O

  1396. oh god… I AM a vampire…
    please don’t hate me but i have some werewolf blood too.

  1397. sorry that i have not been on lately i just got internet

  1398. i have been wondering what is a good place to get blood i mean i am only 12 and thank you yuki for what you said i hope that our paths will cross someday

    • there are some recipies online that can give u a nice healthy portion of blood into your daily meal but you have to be careful…make sure it’s always sanitized and cooked through though 😛

      Maybe one day we will all meet who knows 🙂

  1399. No clue why my name changed .-. But it’s still me btw XD same old Yuuki <3

  1400. thanks

  1401. my picture is going to change but it will still be me

  1402. and here is my new picture i might use my old one sometimes but it is still me

  1403. Holy crap not been on here in ages, NEED A LEGION OF SIX MEETING ASAP! Seeing and hearing thinsg taht i shouldn’t need to know what it is…

  1404. Oh my god, I haven’t been on this site for soo long o.o My computer refused to load the page before now because of the millions of comments, I suppose 🙂 But anyway, it’s Selene, and I plan to make an account on here soon, so if you see another Selene – it’s me ^^ And Jade, I completely agree, the legion of six needs to start having regular meetings! We used to get on Saromin’s chat and talk all the time. I’ll try to be on more often, hopefully we can get a good group session in sometime, talk about what’s been going on 🙂

    PS. If anyone wants to shoot me an email, I got a new one (though the legion of six members probably already know it), it’s selene.vaux@yahoo.com


  1405. Hell yeah, getting back on the chat would be awesome >:D Tess is back xD I changed a little over the past few months, so sorry if I scare ya 😉 But yeah, seriously, getting on the chat… best few months of my life if I’m honest 😛

    • Good thing nothing really scares me, haha ^.^ And, same here, I used to love talking to everyone on the chat xD We’ve got to figure out when would be a good time for us all to be on there 🙂


  1406. who all is the legion of six i mean i know jade yuuki tess and selene and is there any chance of me joining

    • The Legion of 6 consists of me (Tess), Saromin, Selene, Jade, Yuuki and Samantha. Others have joined in the past, but they drift away and don’t commit; plus the legion has sorta disbanded so we’re gonna try and get it together again.
      You really need to prove your commited to be one of the Legion, but overall, it’s Saromin you gotta ask, he’s the one who sorta created it.

  1407. Okay, as from now, I will be on the chat every time i am on the laptop, so feel free to come find me, you Legion of 6 members 🙂
    Here’s the link if you need it again:

  1408. Hey, I just read the stuff this site says about vampires and it’s a relief that it all matches me

  1409. ok thanks sorry i have not been on recently computer got a virus

  1410. I figured that but still

  1411. Reading those signs for the first seemed odd to me, even though I am not pale skin, eating regular food never really hit the spot or it just some times burns, however my eyes hurt doing the day out in the sun, the lights seem more brighter. I would rather sleep the day away and stay up till the sun comes up. I have very little to no friends at all. At time I don’t care and other times I do care.

  1412. People tend to tell me how different my canines are from theres, there a little more pointy not by much, but if you could see them, you would laugh with agreement if I came up to you and said “Hey don’t I have vampire like teeth”. I have thought about blood quite a lot whilst hitting puberty, and when ever I cut myself the first thing I do straight away is try to suck the blood out of my finger, sometimes I start to accidentally hurt myself by sucking to hard “Thats what she said” 😉 but seriously, I am also young looking for my age, and I am nothing like my parents at home, neither do I look anything like them. There is a very faint black line around my iris and I do feel very much alive when coming night time, but my skin it quite tanned. I have insane mood swings, i’m either very happy, or very angry and want to hurt something, I never have a craving for other peoples blood, but it does cross my mind when I see there blood, “Shall I drink it”?

  1413. People tend to tell me how different my canines are from theres, there a little more pointy not by much, but if you could see them, you would laugh with agreement if I came up to you and said “Hey don’t I have vampire like teeth”. I have thought about blood quite a lot whilst hitting puberty, and when ever I cut myself the first thing I do straight away is try to suck the blood out of my finger, sometimes I start to accidentally hurt myself by sucking to hard “Thats what she said” 😉 but seriously, I am also young looking for my age, and I am nothing like my parents at home, neither do I look anything like them. There is a very faint black line around my iris and I do feel very much alive when coming night time, but my skin it quite tanned. I have insane mood swings, i’m either very happy, or very angry and want to hurt something, I never have a craving for other peoples blood, but it does cross my mind when I see there blood, “Shall I drink it”?

  1414. i dont know if i am a vampire smoebody tell me if i am one

  1415. if i don’t get on for a few days it is because i am sick i mean i feel like i am gunna die i have no idea why i feel so sick i mean i went to sleep woke up and felt horrible

  1416. i feel a lot better now that i have got some sleep

  1417. Hey its been a while since i have been on, but now i am back and i have news……… i am also using a different user name.

  1418. sometimes i usually faint when im expose to the sun
    and im always attracted to people blood

  1419. I really DO think I’m a half-vampire and half-werewolf because most of these symptoms except the s*x and period part have happened to me. The sun burns me more than usual but not TO much. I want blood, but not so much that I might kill someone. I think I am part werewolf because I LOVE steak, I have a FEW doggish manners, I eat my chicken wings in a abnormal way, and I am really strong even though I am only 4″5. I also believe in real magic, werewolves, vampires, centaurs, unicorns, and all those stuff. And don’t be biased against me because of this. This is my belief and I don’t care what you “bullies” out there say.
    Cyntra Vendetta Spector

  1420. I have 30 of the symptoms.
    I have always thought that I was very different that other people.
    I would really like to talk with someone but don’t trust many people.
    And I would like to know more about all of this.
    Please reply to me only if you know what you are talking about.
    I also have an autoimmune disease that my doctors cannot figure out.
    I have been sick with it since I was 9 and I have blood
    symptoms too that at any given time could cause
    me to bleed to death.
    I am weak all the time.
    I do however love the taste of blood!
    I always have and I have had an obsession
    with vampires even before I really
    knew what they were.
    I eat my steaks almost raw,
    I have people that can not watch me
    eat steak because of the amount of
    blood in my plate.

    So what do you think?

  1421. Oh something else…..
    I am just now putting two and two together.
    I need someone to talk to
    so that I can get on with things.

  1422. Legion members:
    Something’s going on. I went to my forest yesterday, and on every tree at least one branch has been ripped from it’s trunk, but it’s still in the air. I found carvings on a few trees as well, one had markings that looked like ] I T and there were others i can’t replicate on a keyboard. A bird’s legs had been ripped from it’s body and draped on a low-branch, but when i went back that way, it was gone. I keep getting weird sick-feelings that make me feel ill and perfectly healthy at the same time.
    Get on the chat, I know something’s going on with all of us, not just me. See you there 🙂

  1423. All of these tell me. Lol wtf! Like they are all true about me!

  1424. Honostly, my friends think vampires aren’t real. Take it from me, that’s not true. Every one of those facts up there are ALL that I have. Except for the sex part… I also have some traits of the Bulvarian vampire. I haven’t told my parents. Just 3 friends. I really do believe I am one. I don’t care what anyone says. I am confident. I have SHARP teeth, I have a BIG interest in vampires, obviously. The sun does burn my eyes. It doesn’t KILL me dramatically but it burns my eyes more rash than it does to mortals. I do believe. And the night is when I do some work or something. I think better and I am awake more during the night. I looked on Ancestory.com… I am a believer. (:

  1425. Oh yeah. Rumor has it vampires can read minds. I have been. A LOT lately, now. Another rumor that is a DEFFINITE maybe to me is that they can KINDA see what’s gonna happen in the future. Yeah maybe like the dreams. MAYBE. I mean like, I GUESS like that. I am a vamp. and I’m PROUD! (:

    • Careful not to blow your own trumpet too much, mate…

    • Yes, some vampires can read minds and tell the future, but it’s called being psychic, not because they’re vampires. And being psyhcic doesn’t prove that you’re a vampire in any way. I’m not saying you’re not a vampire, I’m just saying, being psychic doesn’t mean that you are one.

  1426. i did some reserch and it tells me that i am a vampire but cant tell

  1427. I am 12 and have many of these signs!
    I have read on other websites and in books and have even done an online quiz that says i am a true vampire!
    I have sharp teeth and have cut my tounge many times!
    I I have pale skin.
    Ever since a young age I have complained about the sun burning me.
    I have always had problems sleeping at night spending most of the night awake and also when I cut myself I always suck the blood!
    I dont know if I am a vampire or not is it just luck that i have many of these signs and am stronger faster and smarter then most people in my age and feel happy in the dark?
    If anyone can tell me if i am really a vampire it would help!
    I have always loved vampires since a young age.
    The list goes on…
    Also i dont think I was bitten and my parents are probaly not vampires so if I am one how can that be??

    • Hi Tegan
      I would like to know everything because the more i know the easier i can tell if your a vampire. I myself am a very strong vampire because I’m extremely gifted. I’m not a normal vampire i can do things many of us cant do. And just because no 1 in your family was bitten doesn’t mean that your not a vampire. being a vampire also has to do with your soul.

  1428. Hi I’m Alice
    i haven’t been on this site 4 a while because it took awhile for me to change to a full vampire. so if any1 is looking for answers about being a vampire i can help. i know its scary at times and your craving for blood gets stronger and sometimes it gets so bad that you think your gonna just give into it and sometimes you do. i know how hard it gets but trust me when i say this that yes it does and will get better. if any1 needs help or is just looking for answers you can email me at No1Blonde@comcast.net or you can text me @ (805)410-8399

  1429. Hey does any1 know of a coven in NY? because there in danger right now…….

  1430. i need someones help asap.
    my email is ashoenfeld18@yahoo.com.
    i have questions and i need advice on what to do about certain things.
    it would help me out alot!

  1431. please help me im very scared right now if anyone can help me then thank you a bunch i got 31 of those symptoms im kinda fast but im not the fastest.
    i can tell when someone is sad mad angry happy or depressed. i have a bunch of de’ja vus and and they are vey acurate it scares me to think tht im a vampire but im not a 100 percent sure if i am really one.
    i have a really dark black ring around the outer part of my eye and by the smell or the way it looks outside i can tell when its going to rain snow be cloudy or be a nice day i have dreams about me sucking my friends and familys blood and sometimes animals . anmials love me im great with animals and children but when someone pisses me off i just go off like a fire cracker i think about how it would feel to drinksiomen else blood i thnk and i feel that it would be great and amazing but whenever my friend accedtialy cuts her self on a chair or her binder i have to walk awways or think of something else because im so confused about what to do i can minipulate people into doing things that i want them to do by playing tricks on them.
    i can jump very high. i have a boyfriend and when i look into his eyes its like i controll him like i have him under a trans i am very strong for my age like very strong i do mixed martial arts and kick boxing but before that ive been natrually strong.
    my tetth are very sharp but when t i had turned 11 in january my teeth have gotten sharper way sharper . eithe people trust me or not trust me at all . like teachers they dont trust me at al i was trying to open my locker and a girl behind me had like a poster and i rubbed my finger and got a paper cut i barley bleed but when i do bleed i bleed alot or sometimes very little but tht time a kinda bleed alot i wen to the bathroom and sucked mmy blood until my paper cut stopped bleeding then i had they energy i wasnt tired it was like the blood made me feel alive.
    im kinda at war with my self if anyone can give me some advice on how to tell for sure that i am a vampire pleas help me out and my skin is not that pale but im am kinda light and the sun bugs the fuck out of me ive trained my self to go to bed at night time because in used to never go to sleep but since i was in elemtary school at the time i had to go to sleep pat night becasue i would fall asleep in class now im 12 AND IM IN 7TH GRADE …

    • hello tatiana please email me at ashoenfeld18@yahoo.com if possible,
      i read your whole story nd im very willing to help and answer
      questions that may help you.
      please email me with your name and concern or question.
      im andria by the way.

        THIS ON MY PHONE ..

    • hi tatiana
      i’m a vampire and i know its scary
      and the change is hard but i can help you.

    • hi Tatiana
      your going through the change right now.
      everything will be fine soon but your going
      to have to find out how your going to get blood.

      i live off of blood and i have found away
      to get blood when ever i need it and its
      fresh from the humans.

      all of my friends are emo and they know
      I’m a vampire and they give me their
      blood whenever I need it.

      so try to find out where your going
      to get blood from and if you ever have
      any questions you can email me
      at No1Blonde@comcast.net
      and to answer your question yes its normal
      for your eyes to change color like that.

  1432. Pssssssssssssssssst, if you really think you’re a vampire, you have problems.

    Not trying to be a dick, but seriously, it’s about as believable as me being a bird.

    • hi I’m alice

  1433. i’m a vampire i used a vampire spell because
    i can’t help it with the vampires and i will
    suck your blood i can suck blood anytime
    and so i can survive

  1434. i love blood i will suck your blood and i’m driving
    crazy because i’m a vampire and fly and run super fast
    and help anyone because they say help no one
    belive’s me that i’m a vampire

  1435. i have vampire kids they drank blood i will too

  1436. i’m in a vampire club because i’m a vampire
    no one will kill me i’m a good vampire
    and a bad vampire because i drink blood
    i will drink blood because i’m a vampire with fangs

    • I’ve never heard of a vampire club before.
      I know there are covens and I know this because
      I’m a part of a vampire coven and were working
      to get all vampires to join together and if anyone
      lives in New York or Maryland and is a part of a coven
      or are a vampire then soon you will hear about
      how you only have to choices join together
      or side with the humans.

      If you side with the humans then you better
      protect your selves because its time we show
      the humans were real were not fake and
      we’re not myths!

      Soon the humans will have no chance
      and we will take are place at the top
      of the food chain and the stupid little
      humans will be at the bottom!

      • Calm down, seriously.
        I’m all for vampires being made known and that,
        That’s just insulting.

        I’m not a vampire,
        the only thing that makes me ‘special’
        or ‘interesting’ in any way is my sponsor,
        and at least 5 others here would agree with me.

        For an all-knowing strong, immortal vampire?
        Might want to work on your grammar,
        just saying.

  1437. don’t say the word blood or i will drink your blood

  1438. Hi I’m alice if anyone needs help or has a question
    then you can email me @ No1Blonde@comcast.net

  1439. Okay, guys?
    Going a little over-the-top, here,
    dontcha think?

    I thought I was a shape shifter,
    but I’m not.
    I’m much luckier than that.

    You guys can believe what you want,
    it’s a free world,
    but threatening and acting like you know
    everything won’t get you very far…

    No offence intended, here,
    okay, just a little heads up.

  1440. Isn’t this a little brash?
    don’t get me wrong,
    I can tell why human ignorance might irritate you…
    but what can you expect?

    They’ve been raised in a age of disbelief,
    with twilight and true blood and other such lies
    fueling their ‘truth’ that vampires aren’t real.

    Perhaps you ought rethink,
    Hitler tried to change the world,
    to fit his ideal vision.

    Now I think most people agree that he was wrong…
    Maybe you should look for another way,
    not telling you to.

    Your choice of course.

    but humans really aren’t going to accept vampires,
    what if you loose? they outnumber you,
    might it not be a good thing you are unknown?

    Do you not think the wise vampires of times gone past
    would have let themselves fall away from human notice
    for a reason?

  1441. Isn’t this a little brash?
    don’t get me wrong,
    I can tell why human ignorance might irritate you…
    but what can you expect?
    They’ve been raised in a age of disbelief,
    with twilight and true blood and other such lies
    fuelling their ‘truth’ that vampires aren’t real.

    Perhaps you ought rethink,
    Hitler tried to change the world,
    to fit his ideal vision.

    Now I think most people agree that he was wrong…

    Maybe you should look for another way,
    not telling you to.
    Your choice of course.

    but humans really aren’t going to accept vampires,
    what if you lose?
    they outnumber you,
    might it not be a good thing you are unknown?

    Do you not think the wise vampires
    of times gone past would have let themselves
    fall away from human notice for a reason?

    • We have the numbers.
      But most of us want to be unknown
      but all I’m going to do is try to change it
      so vampires can live along side humans.
      Many agree with me but its just hard
      to get any of them to do anything about it.
      the only thing I’m afraid of is that when
      they know that we aren’t myths and that
      were real then they might want us gone…
      as in dead….
      just like hunters want us dead.

  1442. Oh I see yet again I’ve missed a few things.

    Alice deary…calm down.
    Being the oh so great vampire
    you are you’re really lacking some self control.
    I don’t think you’d really want to give
    everything away now do you?
    I think not 😉

    I don’t think I’ve ever met a vampire
    who acted like a smart-ass that you are…
    you really need to calm down a notch.

    Plus hun…
    I’m pretty sure if you were such a wise old vampire…
    then you’d learn to ignore the idiotic comments
    of the humans who can’t think beyond their consciousness.

    On the other hand. Cedonia dear…
    Think of it this way:
    If the human race was to be hidden
    amongst another race and not ever
    be allowed to show their real selves
    I’m pretty you too would be
    hungering for freedom.

    To everyone….
    it’s not just vampires that are out there…

    And yet again I’ll repeat.
    Just because you have these TRAITS…
    not symptoms TRAITS….
    then it doesn’t automatically mean that you
    are a vampire or anything else.

    there are great resources out there on the
    internet but you must never believe it to the fullest.

    In order for you to find out who you truly
    are you must look on the inside and see yourself
    from a different angle and most of all you
    must let time show you who you are 🙂

    I believe in time we will all see where we stand
    and in one way or another we will all understand

  1443. To confirm,
    I think Alice humans and vampires
    living along side one another would be great,
    but you are right in your fears they
    would reject the idea.
    I assumed by
    you mean’t a sort of world domination type approach,
    a small misunderstanding on my behalf,
    I apologise.
    And Yuukisara,
    who says I’m human? 🙂

    • Hi Cedonia
      In away your right somethings humans
      say just gets me so pissed sometimes
      I just explode normally I just blow off
      the little stuff they say and move on
      like nothing ever happened its just right now
      its kinda hard for me not to explode
      because I’m just finding out how hard
      it is to be a vampire and live along side
      humans because I’m in NY helping out a coven
      and because of this my boyfriend got hurt
      by a hunter and we don’t know if hes going to make it….

      Oh and I’m not the only one who
      helped make that comment But soon
      the humans will know we exist because
      we’ve got over 200 vampires coming
      to NY to make the world know
      about vampires.

      • Hi Alice,

        I have a bit of advice to give to you and the vampires
        whom are going to prove our existence.
        be wary of the humans around you,
        they may fight this “up rising”, humans
        fear change and always try to live a “normal” life,
        oblivious to the things going on around them.

        I would not let your guard down when we are revealed,
        after all, it is human nature to fear us.
        we are, after all,
        a powerful race that is capable of a lot
        more than humans can even imagine.

        if all goes well we could be looking at a new era,
        one in which our race is the dominating race,
        and the decisions of what to do for this country
        and the world would be up to our race.
        i also know that if we do come to rest at the top,
        we must find and maintain an order system.

        i have seen in several dreams that our great race
        had risen and gained control of the government here,
        and in other countries.

        if i could i would join you when we do reveal ourselves,
        but i am tied down by limits that i can not cross over.

        i wish you the best of luck when our kind is revealed.

        ~Jamin P. Rose
        (aka: fire the vampire.)

  1444. To those of you talking about vampyres dominating the world,
    the government, and being the ‘best race’…
    1: Yes, I would classify this as racism against humans.
    And 2: I would also classify it as hypocrisy.

    Think of all the poeple you know,
    and care about, that are humans.

    Those friends that oh-so-generously donate blood to your cause,
    your family who’s cared for you your whole life,
    innocent people who were otherwise ignorant
    of any and all supernaturals, ect, ect.

    Though humans can sometimes be ‘evil’,
    so can anything else in the world.

    Good and bad exists in every living creature,
    and not all humans are out to get you.

    And before you move any further
    in your plan to make humans aware,
    you need to understand that hunters –
    although some may be human-
    are not your average human.

    Not everyone you meet is going to be a hunter
    that will try to murder you,
    that’s just not how things work.

    So don’t take your anger at one lowly hunter
    out on the entire human race,
    because it’s not their fault.

    If you are going to stage this revolt,
    then you should learn one thing.

    Anger, defensiveness,
    and revenge should not be your incentives.

    You should want this to create a better
    and more peaceful life for your kind,
    which you should never consider better than anyone else,
    because that’s just not the way you should
    look at the world.

    There’s always a way to better yourself,
    and you should always have a sense of humility and control.

    And don’t forget that just the same
    as some vampyres would “join the humans”,
    a lot of humans would want to join the vampyres.

    And although that makes a good point,
    taking sides should not be a part of it,
    or you’re going to create yourself a war
    that you’ll have a damn hard time winning.

    • Hear, hear, Selene.
      And just to add,
      there are stronger things out there than vampires,
      things that maybe don’t want to be exposed.

      You start this…war/revolt/thing and you’ll have
      an uprising on your hands;
      there’s a reason humans have stayed
      unaware for so long.

      And you’ll perhaps need help.

    • I’ll admit, i did skip over the facts you mentioned.
      Though I, unfortunately,
      have always had a mind for tactics
      and strategies of battle.
      i stand corrected,
      and i would of course would need
      to not go jumping ahead of my self
      or of what our race could do when unified.

      My utmost apology for not considering
      the possible problematic outcomes and bluntly
      ignoring the obvious side taking.

      my apologies.

      ~Jamin P. Rose

    • I agree completely.

  1445. bear in mind HOW you appear before them.
    Prepare to have a lot of fan girls tagging along,
    and expect some disappointment when you don’t sparkle.

    One more thing,
    my race is going to be a problem,
    even if I personally am not.
    All the best,
    and many moons of light be on your life
    – Cedonia

  1446. To all of you,

    I know that what I proposed last time I was here was harsh, uncaring and definitely stupid. But the turn of events with the new American censorship acts that are now in the house and senate, and how they are gaining more power, making the internet no longer neutral in the political or corporate world. others are beginning to see what i have seen for a long time now. this country, and this world is too damn corrupt. if anything the two new bills that are in the senate and house will be nothing more than a gambit to get more power and control. they blame Americans for causing the leak of millions of dollars of pirated goods when it is other people in other countries that cause it more than Americans. Hell, they could use this so called anti-piracy/ anti-health risk part of the bill to shut this site down. I for one am not going to just stand by and let them pass that bill. I would only say this or ask this in a time of need. but i fear that time will soon be upon us. I hope that all of you will stand with me when the time comes to prove that the government is too powerful and that the people need to take matters into their own hands. this whole bill may just be a sneaky mirage to make us think that it is good when it just gives them the power to control the internet. We could be facing loosing the site. the one place where we can get help and talk about things like this. where our kind can learn for those whom have experienced what they are going though. if we let congress pass that bill we could loose this site and so much more. as several people said, “this bill won’t solve the problems of people taking pirated material, it will only open up our privacy to the world.” You don’t have to like what i say or anything like that, but i would be honored to have as many of our kind help stop this corrupting tide and help bring about a new era, in this country and in our world, an era of peace. I hope that you will help and support this. i may just be one person, but millions of these “just one person”s can change the tide of power. here is a place where you can sign the petition; http://americancensorship.org/
    I hope that everyone who can help will help, weather it is in a protest or in fighting for our rights, will do so.

    ~Jamin P. Rose

  1447. I agree that the SOPA act is completely absurd,
    and should not be passed.

    The goverment is overly powerful,
    and undeniably absurd,
    however the president does have the last word on this,
    and I doubt he will pass it.

    If he does,
    he will likely be the first president
    since Bill Clinton to be impeached,
    because the public will not stand for it.

    After all,
    it violates basically all the
    constitutional rights of Americans.

    And if it does pass,
    we’ll all have to be prepared for the furor.

    With that said,
    I did sign the petition,
    and am completely against the SOPA act,
    and I hope everyone else here is also.

  1448. i would sign the petition but i am to young

  1449. Vampires DON”T really have fangs!!!
    (Unless you sharpen your teeth)
    LIke seriously,
    if someone says they have fangs
    you can tell they are lying!!!!

    But I do think that vampires exist!
    Just no fangs!

    (again, unless you sharpen
    your teeth on purpose!

  1450. I have most of these symptoms…
    and u fucking retards about fucking twilight
    need to get u fucking heads out of the damn
    twilight shit!
    Real world here.

    I scared the shit out of my step-dad
    when he yells at me not to eat too much
    steak he makes it….
    I have always been abnormally pale….
    My step-dad is now scared of me
    since he pissed me the fuck off
    and i flipped him with one arm
    and broke the door when i slammed it shut behind me….

    My real father has been gone for 13 years
    and i still have no idea where the fuck he is….

  1451. wow almost all of it is what i feel
    and some of it is really true but i am not
    allergic to garlic and i have a strong bond
    with God but i believe in reincarnation
    and i’m a good guy and i’m not an evil
    because i’m a prayerful person
    maybe i was blessed by God
    for maybe i’m a vampire angel.
    i guess.

    • Not saying you are one, but being a vampyre has nothing to do with your religion, you can believe in whatever god you like, it wouldn’t have any effect on what you are. Vamps are not ‘evil’ or demons, though anything can be capable of being evil, nothing is ever born strictly evil. That’s just a rule of life.

  1452. also 1 question is there any ways to substitute in drinking blood for i have also a serious blood craving (happy new year).

  1453. i have 25 of these symptoms.. does that mean im a vampire?

  1454. I am a wiccan or a which I have been alive
    for 2 centuries and I remember that there
    are no more vampires alive.

    There are spells to turn u into one
    but that is called supernatural but
    if there is vampires a war will break
    between witches wizards and vampires
    also werewolfs – I should know
    I have the last book of spells.
    It is the original copy

  1455. I had 36 symptoms very odd and funny.
    I Believe Vampires exist but I do not consider this site as a tool for people who actually have the porphyria disease.

  1456. Oh i have one more than I thought… lol

  1457. I have 37 symptoms listed below from the list that was posted
    I have been searching every possible explanation
    to a few questions I have come across over the years
    as recent as last year my eyes began to glow in
    the night almost resembling a cat and my eyes
    are usually hazel-amber and they change to a
    lighter and darker shade along with the seasons
    but every 3-5 yrs on my birthday my eyes turn grey.

    My skin is almost always cold and my blood type
    has changed approximately three times since
    my birth in 1992.

    I have tried the taste of blood three times
    in my elementary yrs out of curiosity with
    a few friends.

    We all tasted our own and each others
    to see if it tasted any different.

    My next question leads to an ability
    I had as a child to change my own eye color
    at will that I no longer have or maybe I just
    no longer know how to do it.

    I remember I used to do it to show my mother
    and and old teacher the teacher believed she
    was hallucinating where as my mother initially
    thought I was possessed but realized I wasn’t
    when I had the ability to speak in tongues (Religious).

    I also have vision and my cycle almost always
    occurs in the night and when its a full moon
    I either start my cycle or it is counted 28 days
    from that day.

    I also have DejaVu almost commonly and I have
    vivid dreams that almost always come true.

    If anyone could give me the slightest explanation
    that I could use for to just give me some sort
    of logical reasoning I would appreciate it.

    Thumper (never too far from Bambi)

  1458. can any one tell if i am a vampire i cant get it off my mind please can you reply asap or email me at vampires_are_awsome50@yahoo.com

    please reply me the truth cuse i have no clue all i know is i have about 12 of those syptems


    • 14 acctully

      i fell like i should put down my age and all but oh wht the heck

      i am 13 and if you need to know ware i live to like sence or whatever

      sacremento ca. 4864 hinchman way zip 95988 left you my email incase you dount have to thank


  1459. but you cant come around weekends try tusday thrue friday around 3:00 and 5:30 cuse my mom gets up at 6:00



    • Way to go…

      You don’t just say where you live!
      You’ve just opened yourself to a world of internet rapists/pedos/hackers

      GOOD JOB….

      kid if you really were a vampire (from my understanding) you’d know better then to share such secret information.

  1460. 1 example


  1461. Nathan –
    Don’t count yourself out of it, mate.
    All been there done that,
    there is stuff to live for.
    Even if you can’t yet see it,
    there’s always something.

    not a good idea to put your address here.
    We’re not all friendly 🙂

    I’m not sure if you are a vampyre,
    and I’m usually good at telling that sorta stuff
    (I’m a psychic vampyre).

    Can I just ask,
    what do you know of ‘the end of the world’
    and what are your views on it?

    Anything’s possible,
    just so you know 🙂

    • Can I just ask,
      what do you know of ‘the end of the world’
      and what are your views on it?

      Anything’s possible,
      just so you know

      uh i do not under stand this tess
      well if im not at least i gotta say ty for
      replying and for saying i do have something
      to luive for just cant see it yet… it gave me hope


    • well i know my gma says that there
      will be flying malton or something
      (shes ays the voalcanos will erupt
      all at the same time anotherwords)
      if thats what your talkng aout

    • i cant get it off my mind but what do you mean by were not all freindly?

      • 1) There’s a group of us that believe
        something might happen to this realm
        during the next few years that could
        mean the end of the world…for us anyway

        2) You’re welcome 🙂

        3) Supernaturals exist.
        Some of us are decent
        and will have no intention of
        harming you or anyone.

        But there are some
        that would consider it.
        Just be wary, k?

        If you want someone to talk to, my email’s fearnbritt215@hotmail.co.uk 🙂

  1462. Its true,
    its nothing like that twilight thing,
    we live among humans,
    we are some kind of humans,
    its just the origins and we think diferently…
    we feel that we are not part of this world

    • what you mean not pert of dis world???

      ps.i hate twilight

      but when my mom waches it we have to also 🙁

      pss.is it ok if i belive in vampires???evan if im not 1?

  1463. I also have a lot of these symptoms and I think I am becoming a vampire.

  1464. I love how you say,
    you have the symptoms.

    You idiots!
    Most of you are little school girls
    who are just fascinated with Twilight.

    I pity you and hope you don’t
    fall in the wrong hands.

  1465. so i register on this web today and i find
    28 symphtoms and now i have headache and some
    freaking kind of hunger…

  1466. sorry for double post bu i really need help
    what does burning feel means?
    is it thirst of blood? what should i do????

  1467. I have 23 of those symptoms and possibly more
    (not 100% sure with some of them)
    but im only going cover the ones
    that really get to me.

    I basically feel like i don’t fit into society
    and i don’t exactly feel normal.

    at times when i feel like someone is upset
    i have to either leave the room or look away,
    otherwise i feel an overwhelming sense of
    sadness and mixed emotions.

    I’m a night person i feel more awake and active
    at night than i do during the day,
    but i find im sensitive to the sun.

    i dont burn easily but the light can really
    hurt my eyes to the point where i can’t even
    open my eyes and the heat can really get to me

    (i’ve had this body overheating problem ever since i was born)

    im not sure if 23 symptoms is enough,
    but i can strongly relate to them.

  1468. Wow…Was it really 2 years ago I found this place? I have a LOT to thank for it… 😀

    • i know right? its insane! i can hardly believe the time has passed. and here we are…(:

    • hey umm how has it helped. im 10 i have most
      of these syptons and i think my friend is a vampire 2.

      we were playing in a field one day and suddenly
      her eyes flashed and she ran so fast she was a blur.

      i have done the same 2 once.

      she and me want to find out more so can u help
      my email is gracieali@hotmail.co.uk plz help
      its urgent she is thinking of running away
      she thinks shes not safe she broke her brothers
      arm by giving him the smallest of pushes.

      ive also hurt my sister really easily
      and if i nudge her she falls over plz help

  1469. btw i have most of these syptons
    and i agree with the vamps that
    say we dont sparkle but i also love twilight.

    im 10 and once i tried some blood
    and i enjoyed it loads it tasted really sweet.

    ive gon on loads of websites to see
    if you r a vampire and i have nearly
    all of the symptons

    • First of all, ‘symptoms’ isn’t
      the greatest of words to use.

      And secondly,
      10 is a little too young to
      be able to tell if you are or not.

      Not to be patronising or anything 🙂

  1470. i have 27 of these symptons is that enough?

    will there be a war between all of the supernatural?

    if you are a real vampire NOT a fake that thinks this is all a load of crap then email me at gracieali@hotmail.co.uk

    ps. also if you are a witch or werewolf i could use your help so email me to if you want thx

  1471. hey everyone!
    i am wondering if i am a vampire or not all my life.

    i have brown eyes and NOBODY else in my family has brown eyes.
    also i have a dark thick ring around them.
    and a golden color near my pupil.

    i have drank blood before and loves it!
    yesterday i drank an enitre soda in like
    2 minutes and still was thirsty.

    my birthday is coming up in like 3 days
    and i am turning 13!

    i do have an ability to predict the future though.

    like yesterday.
    i think about a random show that has not came on in years,
    and then it came on the next day.

    but if i think of a show and i say that it
    will come on then it wont.

    so i do it by accendint but it
    happens like all the time.
    and i can see auras and i can feel
    good vibes and bad vibes. my teeth
    or also very small but has a small point.
    and sunlight does not bother me much

    • Sunlight doesn’t bother vampyres anyway.
      Seeing auras and feeling vibes doesn’t
      make you a vampyre,
      and neither does liking blood…
      ‘Predicting the future’ is called intuition,
      and all beings have it,
      human or not.

      I’m not sure what being thirsty has
      to do with anything if I’m honest either…

      I can’t tell you for certain,
      but my vibes say you’re not.

  1472. IM Pretty sure im a vamp…
    i have all of these exept for the period one
    (creepy) i need help i feel like one day
    im going to lose it and hurt somebody
    i need blood but i have no guts i have pale
    skin redish browny black eyes and red hair
    and almost purple frozen looking lips
    im kind of scared i have no bodt to reallt
    turn to on this AND IF I HERE ONE MORE FREKING

    Im Twelve years old and i was in a terrible
    accedent i was runnning on the play gtound
    feild in gym and i sliped on a piece of wood
    and hit my neck on the back of a rock and
    stoped breathing and blacked out for for and
    little and everyone thought i broke me neck.

    the only.
    i woke up and since then i have always
    felt like i have had some unsatisfiying hunger……..
    i need advice please reply

    • hmm,
      i do not know but i do not think
      the red hair or lips is anything really.

      also i bet that hurt!!!!!!

      i really do not know how i started liking vampires but,
      i did something REALLY stupid and i changed my life
      forever after that.

      my mom kinda acts like a vampire a little bit,
      its strange.
      and yes sparkling in the sun is the
      most stupidest thing i ever heard.

      and i do too have pale skin and brown/black eyes
      and i am the only one in the family that does have them.

      and i really do know if your a vampire
      but if you do have all the “symptoms” its
      likely but it does not seem like it to me.

      • I Have every sympton exept for the period one
        and the whole sexs makes you feel revitilized thing?

  1473. well. i founded some more strange things about me…
    1. i meet my friend at his house and i asked him
    if i could use his pc for a litle bit i just touched
    the mouse and computer got stuck on the same time

    2.i get headaches just for nothing.

    3.i dont really feel the pain (sounds weird)
    i asked for my friend to hit me as hard as he
    can but i didnt feel anything too much.
    ho was almost crying becouse i believe
    it was painful to him but i just loughed.

    4.i found my old pictures.
    i was really pale when i was 3 years old.
    i found my dad pictures too
    (he killed himself when i was 9 months old)
    one of them was made when he died my skin
    was same color as him!!!

    5. my dad killed himself when i was 9 months old.
    my eyes changes color next to pupil like i wake up
    in the morning and look at the mirror i eyes are
    greenish brown.
    when y come back from school they are light
    brown and have yellowish space next to the pupil.
    they have black ring too.


    Respect for everyone
    (except those who says: OMG i sparkle
    in the sun i am a vampire yay!).

    This web was created from 2008
    and it is still alive.
    never seen that before 🙂

  1475. I got all of those questions correct I think I am I also have fangs! Sercely

  1476. How creepy😖

  1477. I really love the dark!😍😳what if aliens eat me!!
    also do vampires exist if they don’t that’s total crap!💩

  1478. wow its been a while since i was on here and now
    i know the 100% real truth and i am a vampire and
    my friend bethany has changed loads shes a physic vampire
    and is really starting to pisss me off.

    but i find i can focus my powers on stopping her
    controle my friends and i can controle her.

    well most of the time.

    if anyone has and advice or questions
    then don’t hessitate to email me at gracieali@hotmail.co.uk

  1479. wow its been a while since i was on here
    and now i know the 100% real truth and i am a vampire
    and my friend bethany has changed loads
    shes a physic vampire and is really starting
    to piss me off.

    but i find i can focus my powers on stopping her
    controle my friends and i can controle her.

    well most of the time.

    if anyone has and advice or questions then
    don’t hessitate to email me at gracieali@hotmail.co.uk
    also i think im half werewolf
    (odd i know and i wan no fukin shit

    • A Psychic can’t directly control others. They can sometimes manipulate certain situations so they turn out how they want, but mind control isn’t one of their capabilities. They can sense emotion and feed from positive emotion. Negative emotion can usually cause them to feel depressed.

  1480. i thought i was a human most of my life til i was around 8 im 12 now and ive realised im a sang vamp. i love the taste of blood and my skin is so pale people can spot in a giant crowd and say “i just looked for a pale girl with scary eyes” so yeah i havent unleashed my full power but when im 13 i will unlock it i hope. ive also made the conncection that my name is a vampire name! my name was lucia but now ive changed it to a better name that suits my appearance more

    ps: stop with the twilight crap it literally is a massive offense to our kind

  1481. i also got all of these questions with a yes! so now its tightened the knot as people would say

  1482. it’s cute how people will start to consider themselves a different species based on a series of questions they found on the internet. it seems if you weren’t human you’d learn it independently ?
    not saying this site isn’t *useful* but chill the fuck out and look inside for the answers instead maybe.

  1483. I have ALL of those symtomes and i have razor sharp teeth on top,and i can sence thing from over a mile away.And I was born a vampire.I come from a long line of vamipers.

  1484. all the things above happens to me and every question , all of them yes , can u respond cause i need ur help really

  1485. and one the wisper thing question , the wispers happen rarly and i can read aura but it is diffiult that the only two questions not 100 percent yes oh and my father died when i was 9 years

  1486. I have

  1487. I have 24 of these symptoms and only 9 of them I don’t and I get these blood cravings and when I do I try to bite myself and my teeth feel sharper when I touch them than normal human teeth and is this normal.

  1488. yesterday i drank an ounce of blood from somebody i know , he gave me his blood and i felt incredible feeling in my whole body , i crave blood and i need it but the prob is he is my brother and he is a vamp too so he took blood from me and he felt the same feeling , we dont have doner so how to get blood plz respond . and tell us ho to get blood other than from each other.

  1489. Is it normal to trace your blood vein while licking your lips sometimes and lately I have been feeling the sun cause at first I think I have a sun burn and I ask somebody and they say I don’t and yet it really burns when I am out in the sun and is this normal can someone reply to this comment and my other comment cause i would like to know what is going on with me and to know if they are symptoms of vampires and if I am becoming one.

  1490. I counted 39 symptoms and I have 38 of them. I am not allergic to anything. I can also smell blood from a fairly good distance…i also like cloudy days.

  1491. somone plz plz help me i have done a spell to be a vampire and i have little fangs but i have alway had 3 fangs never 4 i had 2 on my my botom but only one on my top and now i have done the speel i am starting to get headaches tooth aches and my teeth r sharper and i now have 4 fangs and they r realy sharp am i turning into a vampire??? plz help me i do want to be vampire but idk for sure plz help and rely asap thank you

  1492. and i am even starting to crave my own blood is that bad?? agian pls help

  1493. cow blood tast like nothing like you have
    Be for but its serviing wen i taste cow blood for a frst time it gave me hart burn

  1494. i have most of them but about 9… i had a traumatic event
    waching twilight :s

  1495. ok
    i had the “when you feel things will happen they ussually do” like i am playing online game and i can easely guess who is going to die even if it doesnt looks so. my friend lost his key so i just walked to one lace and founded it. i didint saw where did he put his key.
    my legs are all bited bi mosquitoes so i get some blood like this.
    i dont know what happens to people one day i leave school with 50 friends next day i come to school they are all angry at me and i have about 5 friends. i dont get sick often and i like night exponentially in moonlight. there is lot more things but im tired of writing.

  1496. well ive been a vampire for so long but but remember becomeing one

  1497. i have so many synctoms

  1498. i have all of them except three….

  1499. I don’t even know . . . I might be . . . I have cravings that come and go, and sunlight seems to take my energy . . . I don’t know. I find it hard to focus every now and then, but I think I might be . . . I was born with fangs, though not easily noticeable.

  1500. im todley a vampire have all the sigh i dont know if i should be skard thogh

  1501. i have all these symptoms what should i do??

  1502. wow…been a while since i been on here…
    last time i was 13…im now 16. ha.
    its crazy reading all this again and
    having it all come back to me…

    • Hey!!!

      This is Bob from a long time ago… im 17 now:P Its weird cus i just happen to check this site the same time as you Morgan!! remember me? How’s life? Everything going well??

      P.s. a message to Lauren in case she’s still out there…
      I don’t know why you didnt respond to that last message, but whatever happened, I hope everything is ok. If you see this, please get back to me…i think i need a friend just like a few years ago.



  1503. Hey!!!

    This is “Bob” from a long time ago… its been a couple years, im now 17:P Its weird cus i just re-found this website now at the same time as you Morgan:) a lot of things have changed over time… how’re you???

    p.s. a message to Lauren if she is still out there somewhere, this is Bob from a long long time ago. I’m not sure why you never were able to respond to that message. Just, if you see this message please get back to me, I think i need a friend like back then.


  1504. Wow, i don’t even know how long it has been since i was last on…..And i still have all these symptoms…In fact some of them have gotten worse…if any of you newbies have any questions, email me at katravenwood101@ymail.com and i will get back to you asap.

  1505. Everythings going well, college apps to do but its all good:) pulling through as well:P

  1506. Hey, I’m 12, and I might be a vampire.
    Some were saying that they could see the future,
    or that they have special powers,
    and I was interested to know how that works.

    I’m also curious as to if I’m a vampire or not,
    except for I think I am a psi,
    but I’ve never tasted blood.

    I can easily sense people’s emotions around me,
    and everyone is usually drawn to me.

    Am I a vampire?
    And can someone answer the question
    about some having powers please?

    • hey chloe calm down. you are born with abilitiles , the emotions is a common one. email me and ill answer your questions. and Bob ya i’m tryig to find a job. turn 16 friday:D

  1507. What’s your email?

  1508. i have 34 of those things

  1509. Haha I have read all the pages and
    most things are so common for me,

    If you want to talk about vampyrism
    you can add me on kik, my username is Meanim.
    (Btw to the admins,
    thank you for this site, its amazing 🙂 !) xxx

  1510. Why would any of you boost about having
    those symptoms I’m sure everyone does.

    It’s not even a big deal.
    This proves nothing.

    We still live in a world full of posers.
    I’m waiting for the real deal

  1511. wow its been quite a while since ive been on here. i was just 12-13 when i was here.
    Now im 18.
    its crazy.

  1512. Hi,

    I’m Noel Dernersessian from the United States, i was been transformed to a Vampire through the help of a vampire spell member who lives in Florida, it was just as Easy as possible, at first i was thinking it going to take a while for my ( D.N.A.) to respond to the spell, all i did was just to follow the procedure that i was been told, and i bet you that procedure I took change my entire life to something i ever desire, freedom, sickness free, pains free, fame, influence, connections and even more that i can. Thanks to my dear friend Mr. Enrique who directed me to Mystic vampire home.

    if you wish to be like me contact the vampire at worldofvampir@hotmail.com

    Mr. Dernersessian

  1513. This thread died a long time ago, but I expect some of you still get email notifications through like myself.
    I was clearing out my emails when I stumbled across this thread again and I just wanted to say, 8 whole years later and I still look back on this with so much love, my Legion of Six. The memories we made are ones that I will treasure forever and it makes me sad that we eventually drifted apart.
    I hope you are all doing well and looking after yourselves, I miss your friendship but understand that life goes on.
    I am still a witch and Hellenic, pledging to Nyx, Aphrodite and Persephone respectively and this thread and your friendships helped me discover that part of myself.
    I love you all and wish you well.

    • I met a dear friend of mines on here years ago ! So I feel what you are saying! I hope she is doing okay I think she lived in Iceland but where’s ever she is I think about her sometimes and I really hope she is happy and successful and this thread really That’s shy girl from many moons ago open and be her self. Thanks again 💋

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