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Santorum outs Satan


______GREEN link below


10 Responses to “Santorum outs Satan”

  1. I am deeply amazed how many people
    blame God or Jesus Christ
    but dont stop to realize that if there is some one pure,holy,loving,caring,kind,merciful,and graceful
    and has compassion.

    Wouldn’t it be logical to realize that there
    has to be an enemy of God that hates everything
    of God and every thing about God so he
    blinds so many from seeing that he is the cause of
    your pain and suffering.

    Its time to get real-
    Satan is very much alive
    and doing well at destroying
    peoples lives.

  2. Pastor Tim Thompson
    tells the unvarnished truth
    as always.

    His wonderful website is

    For the first time in three years I have
    also added a new website to my blogroll
    on the front page of 22moon.com.


    People need to hear the truth
    before it is too late
    and time
    is quickly running out for the
    world as we know it today –
    changes are coming quickly
    and they will not be pretty.


  3. i love JESUS forever…

  4. HEIL SATAN!!!

  5. watever happens im with God
    one hune’d despite the fact
    that i’m into rap music

  6. Jesus is love u gotta see that
    and i thank u God 4 everything
    despite the number of tymz i piss u off
    but ur still my father and friend no trippin’

  7. You’re goddamn satan.

  8. I like satan a lot better then Jesus period.

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