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Bullied gay teen leaves last message for Lady GaGa before his suicide

____GREEN link below

____PURPLE link below



One Response to “Bullied gay teen leaves last message for Lady GaGa before his suicide”

  1. I find it amazing that so many people dont stop and realize that there are millions excuses for suicide.I am am an author and I wrote a book called suicide spirit,so many people who have battled thoughts of suicide know that you can feel a spirit around you.I have helped several people realize God has a purpose and a destination for their life.We are teaching kids their from monkeys and life has no purpose then they turn around and want to blame some one because their youth are taking their life.Give me a break this is wrong,if you want suicide levels to drop way down bring back God in schools,bring back prayer,bring back morals,ethics and values.I know life isnt easy and I do believe in reaching out for help because the suicide hot lines are great but dont forget that we need to let young people know their loved and there is a purpose to their life and Jesus Christ loves them.I am so sorry this young man took his life but suicide is a spirit that taughts people to take their life.I am just so honored a person like Rash reports these things so people can comment and help one another out.I dont claim to have all the answers but I battled with thoughts of suicide for 22 years and through Jesus Christ I am alive today.

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