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Chris Matthews insults Christian Conservatives – I’m shocked SHOCKED


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3 Responses to “Chris Matthews insults Christian Conservatives – I’m shocked SHOCKED”

  1. Well,
    I’m glad to say that I’m one
    of those “backward”
    Christian Conservatives!

    While none of us is perfect,
    Weiner went beyond ‘imperfectness’:

    Senator Weiner sent sex photos
    over the internet to “young women”
    he claims he didn’t know personally…
    and is unable to vouch that all
    these women were adults!

    there’s a good possibility
    that some were minors…
    especially since he’s been sending
    out pics like this even before
    he was married.

    He has lied about this,
    and arrogantly insulted reporters
    when they asked him questions
    concerning the possibility
    of the pics being of him
    in his underwear.

    He has arrogantly told reporters…
    and us (in a roundabout way)…
    that we should be focusing on
    “more important” issues.

    So if I have it right,
    the Liberal Left including Chris Matthews
    feel that sending sex pictures to women
    of undetermined age is okay as long
    as it’s on the internet…
    doing this behind the back
    of his wife is okay…
    lying is okay…
    working on getting just the
    right camera angle on his junk
    instead of working on things
    like finding a realistic way
    to help reduce our government’s
    budget is okay…
    and if the majority of New Yorkers
    “can live with this guy” then the
    rest of us should jump off that cliff,

    Not jumping.

    And now more
    pictures are showing up!
    I just hope he doesn’t have a dog!

    • When M J katz says something,
      there is nothing left to say that
      could sum it up so well.

      You are right about everything,
      even Tony’s careful camera placement
      shows much thought went into his
      the shots I’ve seen are
      not random snaps –
      Tony puts effort
      into his gross photos.

      A man called a talk radio
      show tonight,
      and he was talking about
      the XXX photo to Mark Levine.

      The guy said,
      “Remember Mark,
      the camera adds
      ten pounds!”

      I really must steal that
      joke for a future Weinergate

      Thank You for such
      a well written story
      on Weinergate M J katz!


      (You could send that to
      The New York Times letters
      section just as is –
      I think they
      would love it.
      Or not,
      because it is so true.)

  2. LOL! “The camera adds ten pounds”. I love it! Yes, you could definitely use this.

    I think Weiner may need a new camera, though, because the only thing ‘big’ about him is his head. The large one, that is. You know…the one he DOESN’T think with!

    (My husband just said that apparently Weiner doesn’t think very well with the little one, either! 🙂 )

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