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Fascist Fun With Obama – Part FIVE if FIVE




is Colluding
with a Fascist

By James Lewis

____August 15th, 2010


__Part FIVE of FIVE

__Links are in GREEN

It is one of those constants that give one faith in the basic stability of things.

Tyrannies change names, but the Times always kowtows to the most bloodstained nastocrats it can find.

They may even teach it in Journalism 101 at Columbia.

The historic fact is that the Left always enables fascist monsters.

I don’t claim to understand that fact, but it’s easy enough to see it over and over again.

It seems to be part of their deep moral cowardice and weakness of character.

The prophet Jeremiah saw it
in the sixth century BC and
roundly attacked those who
pretended to heal
“the broken daughter of my people,
saying Peace, Peace,
but there is no Peace.”

Listen to our liberal friends,
and they are constantly saying
it over and over again,
a mantra that makes them
feel better even if it is
a flagrant lie.


Liberalism is just the
self-delusion of moral
cowards throughout history.

It is not a modern ideology,
as it always claims to be —
now it’s “progressive” again.

They can’t even think of new labels.

It’s is just a form of denial, a pop fantasy that allows them to avoid thinking scary thoughts.

That is why liberalism can be found over and over again in human history, under a thousand different labels.

We can see that delusional thinking right now in Barack Hussein Obama and in Hillary, just as we saw it in the Carter administration —
which gave Islamic fascism its first taste of real power in 1979.

It’s important to remember that reactionary Islamic fascism was mostly gone after the Ottoman Empire crumbled in 1917.

A number of Muslim countries desperately tried to modernize for sixty years —
until Jimmy Carter gave the pre-medieval throwback Ayatollah Khomeini his first big chance in 1979.

That started a race among all the suppressed Islamofascists in Sunni and Shiite countries.

Nobel Peace Prize-winner Jimmy Carter’s dysfunctional politics was not an accident, nor his love affair with Hamas and Khomeini;
it is an obsessive-compulsive psychopathology, and it happens over and over again in human history.

That’s why the Norwegian politicians keep handing out that the Nobel Appeasement Prize.

It’s why Obama got it just for getting elected.

The Left and the Islamic fascists figured out who Obama was long before the people of America were told.

After all,
he’s one of them.





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