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22MOON.com VS Mainstream Media




As usual,
the Mainstream Media
can not be trusted with
telling the people
The Truth.

The latest whopper
that comes to mind is
the Swine Flu H1N1 panic.
The same media that
tells us Climate Change
is going to destroy the Earth
and Obama is not a Socialist/Communist
told us untold tens of
thousands will die from
the H1N1 Swine Flu virus.

The regular flu kills
36,000 people every year,
even with the flu shots
people rush to get each year.

Swine Flu/H1N1 killed
just over 15,000 this year.

But why would
The Media lie to us?

Can you say ObamaCare?

The Obama loving mainstream
media who cover up his
constant mistakes wanted
people in a panic so they would
vote for Barack’s Socialized
Medicine Plan,
out of fear for their lives.
The other reason is
Big Pharma made billions
from selling the H1N1
Virus prevention shots.

This not the first time the
same trick has been pulled.

Remember the
“Mad Cow Disease” panic?

Remember the “Bird Flu”
horror stories?

Those old enough to
remember the 70’s can
recall the media scaring
everyone with stories of the
“Coming Ice Age”,
also known as
“Global Cooling”.

__(See link below in GREEN)
Is it not a shame that
a small one person website
like 22MOON.com can tell
you more truth than the entire
Left Wing Mainstream
Television and Print
American Media combined.

Only my excessive modesty
keeps me from bragging on
myself for my heroic unpaid
efforts to keep the world
informed of The Truth.

__Rash Manly




__H1NI – MEDIA links





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