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Harry Reid and Bill Clinton insult Black Americans – Lucky for both they are Democrats





By Ann Coulter
______January 13th, 2010


The recently released book

“Game Change” reports that
Sen. Harry Reid said America
would vote for Barack Obama
because he was a “light-skinned”
African-American “with
no Negro dialect,
unless he wanted to have one.”

The book also says
Bill Clinton
called Sen. Ted Kennedy to ask
for his endorsement of Hillary
over Obama,
saying of Obama:
“A few years ago,
this guy would have been
getting us coffee.”

And we already knew that

Obama’s own vice president,
Joe Biden,
called Obama “articulate” and
“clean” during the campaign.

(So you can see why Biden
got the vice presidential nod
over Reid.)

Democrats regularly say things
that would end the career of any
conservative who said them.

And still,
blacks give 90 percent of
their votes to the Democrats.

Reid apologized to President Obama,

and Obama accepted the apology
using his “white voice.”

So now all is forgiven.

Clinton also called Obama to apologize,

but ended up asking him to bring
everybody some coffee.

Now the only people waiting for

an apology are the American people
who want an apology from Nevada
for giving us Harry Reid.

Reid will be the guest of honor

at a luncheon in Las Vegas this
week hosted by a group called
“African-Americans for Harry Reid.”

That’s if you can call
two people a “group.”

They used to be called

“African-Americans for David Duke,”
but that was mostly a social thing.

Now they’re doing
real political organizing.

If this gets off the ground,

“African-Americans for Harry Reid”
will be a political juggernaut that
cannot be denied.

Their motto:
“We Will Be Heard —
As Soon As I Get This
Gentleman’s Coffee.”

Reid has also picked up an

endorsement from the United
Light-Skinned Negro College Fund.
And Tiger Woods is considering
endorsing him.

He is the one light-skinned
half-black guy right now who’s
thrilled with Reid’s comments.

Reid’s defenders don’t
have much to work with.

Their best idea so far is that
at least he said “Negro”
and not “Nigra.”

Liberals are saying that since
Reid was pointing out Obama’s
pale hue in support of his run
for the presidency,
it was OK to praise his skin
color and non-Negro dialect.

(Reid is denying reports that
in 2007 he said to Obama:
“You should run.
You people are good at that.”)

In fact,
Reid didn’t endorse Obama
until after Hillary dropped
out of the race.

It turns out,
he also admired Hillary for her
light skin and the fact that she
only uses a Negro dialect
when she wants to.

In the alternative,

liberals are defending Reid by
claiming he said nothing that
wasn’t true,
though he may have used
“an unusual set” of words —
as light-skinned Reid-defender
Harold Ford Jr. put it.

As long as we’re mulling the

real meaning of Reid’s words
and not just gasping in awe
at the sorts of things Democrats
get away with saying,
I think Reid owes America an
apology for accusing the entire
country of racism.

A country,
let us note,
that just elected a
manifestly unqualified,
at least partially black
man president.

On the other hand,

Reid couldn’t have been expecting
Republicans to vote for a Democrat,
so I gather Reid was accusing only
Democratic voters of being racists.

I don’t disagree with that,
but I’d like to get it in writing.

I think the Democratic platform

should include a statement that
the Democrats will not vote for
dark-skinned blacks with
a Negro dialect.

Check with Harry Reid
on the precise wording,
but something along the lines of
“no one darker than Deepak Chopra.”

The “whereas” clauses can include
the Democrats’ history of supporting
racial preferences,
George Wallace and Bull Connor
and also a precis of their treatment
of dark-skinned Clarence Thomas.

Hoping to curry favor with the
African-American community,
Sen. Reid was arrested late this
afternoon after breaking into
his own home.

Democrats couldn’t win an
election without the black vote,
but the Democratic Party keeps
treating blacks like stage props,
wheeling them out for photo-ops
and marches now and then but
almost never putting them in
charge of anything important.

President Bush appointed the
first black secretary of state and
then the first black female secretary
of state.
Meanwhile, the closest black
woman to Bill Clinton was
his secretary,
Betty Currie.

The one sitting black

Supreme Court justice,
Clarence Thomas,
was appointed by a Republican.

The head of the Republican

National Committee is black —
but liberals treated Michael Steele
like a dark-skinned black when
they threw Oreo cookies at him
during the Maryland gubernatorial
campaign in 2002.

After the 2000 election,

Democrats had a chance to make
one of the rare smart Democrats,
Donna Brazile,
head of the Democratic
National Committee.

Brazile had just run a perfectly
respectable campaign on behalf
of that bumbling buffoon Al Gore.

She also happens to be black.

blacks give 90 percent
of their votes to the Democrats.

But the Democrats skipped over

Brazile and handed the DNC
chairmanship to the goofy white
guy in lime green pants,
Howard Dean.


Harry Reid has just apologized
to the light-skinned people of
Haiti for the 7.0 earthquake
that hit them Tuesday afternoon.

The single most insulting remark

made about blacks in my lifetime
was Bill Clinton’s announcement —
after being caught in the most
humiliating sex scandal in
world history —
that he was
“the first black president.”

He did not call himself

“the first black president”
when liberals were dancing
and singing to Fleetwood Mac
at his inauguration.

He did not call himself
“the first black president”
when he was feeling our pain
and being lionized by the media.

He did not call himself
“the first black president”
when he was trying to socialize
health care or passing welfare reform.

Not until he became a national

embarrassment did Clinton
recognize that he was
“the first black president.”

At least he could finally

get his own coffee.





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