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Jon Huntsman pizza price sound bite verbal sleigh of hand to avoid Cain’s genius


__LINK______Huntsman: I thought `9-9-9 was pizza price



4 Responses to “Jon Huntsman pizza price sound bite verbal sleigh of hand to avoid Cain’s genius”

  1. I give no credence to anything Mr. Huntsman says because I’ve seen his voting record…and know of his closeness to obummer and other liberals. Huntsman is simply another “Professional” Rino who will not get my vote…just like Romney and Perry.

    Herman Cain, however, is intelligent, has a highly successful business track record, loves our country and our American way of life, believes in following and obeying our Constitution, is against open borders and amnesty for illegal immigrants, believes in abolishing the IRS and our current lopsided tax system, and, in general, possesses a lot of commonsense!

    Mr. Cain gets my vote.

  2. Oops…forgot to click on the “notify me of…” Doing it now. 🙂

    • Well said as always M J Katz The Writer!

      Herman Cain gets my vote for President –
      if the Occupy Wall Street Gangs don’t
      trigger Martial Law before the 2012
      elections –
      by design –
      to give Dictator Obama
      an excuse to ‘suspend’
      the 2012 elections.


      I hope I am
      wrong about
      the Martial Law
      thing but daily
      signs make me
      think I’m right.

  3. I am sorry to have to agree with you on this, Rashmanly. I’m seeing the signs, too, but constantly hope that I’m reading them wrong. However, it doesn’t look good:

    obummer keeps trying to circumvent our Constitution (successfully at times, thanks to other governmental traitors).

    Our Fed is printing money faster than the speed of light, it seems, and its’ crashing is predicted to be within a year or two by many learned economists.

    We’ve given trillions of dollars to bail out other countries, and this hasn’t stopped yet.

    Our Military men and women are spread thin all across the globe as well as losing their lives in four wars currently going on.

    Our borders remain open, and illegals continue to pour in, here…and we taxpayers are forced to pay for their welfare, medical, and education needs.

    Muslims are pushing for Sharia Law to be part of our legal system…and God forbid if we’re not ‘tolerant’ of their ‘needs’.

    The unemployment rate continues to rise but many people are no longer even being counted in the monthly ‘report’ the liberal media puts before us. While many economists say that our unemployment rate is closer to 25% at this time, others say it’s even higher.

    The unions are giving tons of money to the Democratic Party so obummer will be re-elected…and are provoking more and more strikes across our country as well as being a large force behind the political ‘Wall Street’ protestors.

    And the list just goes on and on.

    At this time I feel we’re being ‘tested’ to see just how far we’ll let things go before finally needing to stand up alongside our Second Amendment right.

    I pray we make it to the 2012 election…but I can’t bet on it.

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