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Snooki does not like the White People Tax






By Patrick Gavin


______July 30th, 2010

Snooki v. Obama



Snooki took on

Obama over Twitter.

Then, Obama said he didn’t

even know who she was.

And on Thursday night’s second

season premiere of MTV’s

“Jersey Shore,”

Snooki took

the ball back,

and went after Obama again.

In one scene,

Snooki —

with her impressively orange tan —

broke the shocking news that she’s

been staying away from her home

away from home:

Tanning salons.

“I don’t go tanning anymore

because Obama put a 10% tax

on tanning.

McCain would never put a 10%

tax on tanning.

Because he’s pale and would

probably want to be tan,”

she said.

Snooki was referring to a provision

in the Health Care and Education

Reconciliation Act that mandates

tanning salons impose a

10 percent tax on UV-ray sessions.


Obama can’t

relate to Snooki‘s problems,

she added,

commenting on Obama‘s skin color.

“Obama doesn’t have that problem.


she said.



__Tanning Tax link

__Caucasian tax now law

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