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Obama – “Brother, can you spare a dime and 50 billion dollars?”




Emperor in Chief Obama

is demanding another $50
billion dollars for so called
emergency aid to avoid,
“massive layoffs of teachers,
police and firefighters” and to
support the economic recovery.

“We must take these
emergency measures”,
he wrote in an appeal aimed
at members of his own party.
Allow me to translate
this into RASHSPEAK.

Obama still has about
half or more of the money
put away from the last
’emergency stimulus bill’.

He is saving that for the
elections in November
to blow at the last minute
to help Democrats look
good and get re-elected.

Now he sees the American
people are fed up with the
Socialist money blowing
Democrats and he needs
yet more money to assure
as many Democrats are
elected as possible.
News Flash:
America does not have
$ 50 billion dollars!

The USA already owes
China so much money
they are threatening to
cut off our credit line.

For us to borrow another
50 $ billion to please the
teachers Union and buy
votes is just fiscal insanity.

Obama and democrats blew
most of the last stimulus
package money on buying
votes and giving it away for
stupid projects –
pork barrel spending.

Now he wants $50 billion
more we do not have and
would have to borrow.

The November elections
are approaching fast and
Obama needs vote buying
money to purchase media
time for his cronies,
and for his minions to
blow in their states to
buy votes.

Emperor Obama needs
his credit card cut in half.

_.__Rash Manly
__June 13th, 2010
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