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Japan Earthquake Shocking Videos



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2 Responses to “Japan Earthquake Shocking Videos”

  1. They said they hooked me up to the machine to get my readings while they brain damaged me with the usage of directed energy and set it where I will die in a couple of days or whenever they want.

    I went in there because they attacked to make me feel like I was going to overdose or die off of the meth. They said I was going to die if I stayed at the hospital but used mind control tactics to keep there. They attacked my brain that was when I also wanted to get a catscan. The catscan is not available yet, but they had to kill me out of no where.

    I have always helped and have been known for helping other people. I have always been loyal to the United States and was promised by the United States they would not kill my family and I. They would set up situations or plots prolongly and take over your mind to get you to say the wrong things and it will give them justification to kill or braindamage you.

    I have not always been fond of every government decision here and no government is perfect, but I have always loved the America and Americans for their kindness for taking my war torn family on and given us not just a place to stay but a new home. I pledge loyalty to the US before I even became a citizen as a small boy because of its hospitality, opportunities, freedom given to my family after we have lost our nation. Being treated like a dog or sub human that is tortured attacked at other people’s will is inhumane, but yet I still believed the United States was a good nation.

    So I did not mine working on and coming up with different natural disasters prevention programs to stop earthquakes, tsunamies, and had help on volcanoes from the geniuses from Hawaii Unirversity. I did this for free because it was for the better for America and Humanity. I did not even ask for recognition. I have asked that these programs be given to China and other countries so they can start their own programs and save lives from nature. These programs are able to prevent natural disaster before they occur. My next 2 to stop were hurricanes and tornadoes (which are the 2 hardest natural disasters to prevent), but I have been tortured, attacked,wife and kids taken away from me and threatened constantly because some people were misleaded about how a few people with access to directed energy attacks started doing things. It was to help me do better, spend more time with my wife and kids, and stop doing drugs.


    I also found the theory to make telekinesis possible. You just need to be in a field of emf (can be available at powerlines) and your brain is able to control the energy to move the objects. My theory has been tested and proven by the US government


    I have helped with so many things, such as tsunami prevention programs. This can be done by finding the faultline where the land splits or will split as the fault line is moving and tension is built up. Releasing the tension by putting explosives at the fault line and detonating them will release the stress/or tension and cause a break in the fault. This break occurs naturally in nature when earthquake occurs but if the tension is released before there are too much pressure built up, then their will only be a break and an earthquake will not occur to cause the massive force needed to give rise to a tsunami.

    EARTH QUAKE PREVENTION PROGRAM: Similiar steps can be followed for earthquakes onland. The same basic idea of breaking the tension before it is builtup too much to cause an earthquake. I have worked on natural disasters prevention programs like this and others and have came up with the solution for free, because I wanted to do my part as an American, like JFK told people at his speech. I wanted to save millions of people’s lives and the United States will once be known again for its human rights and humanity work through out the world again.

    These are only a few of my projects and work. I have got the priviledge to share my idea on a new way of funding our central government and health care programs without taxing the people to one of our presidents.

    But now they have broken their promise to not kill my family and I on top of people torturing us. They also have said they have braindamaged us and is killing me within a few days.

    They had power that went unchecked so the abuse came. This would not be as big of a problem if the attacks were only at me and it was just torture, but now they have attacked my family also and now they have gone as far as wanting to kill me.

    Through out the times, I have meant some really important people to me, and has shown me kindness while things went wrong. *oh yea, george h w bush is my idol* George H W Bush spoke to me via direct link and always tried to lead me to the right direction. I am grateful for that and will always love him. He was one of the people that did not partake in attacks for no reason and was one of the few that didnt attack or “played” with me while everyone else did. He would always notice a mind control tactic or manipulation tactic, but now it has gotten so advanced that he even fell for it and attacked me. HOWEVER I understand what happened, and am not mad at him. I wish he would let me tell him my story first. When he was brainwashed or manipulated, everything crumbled and the attacks gotten worse. Now they told me you did this to me. I have met a lot of other people like Queen and King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia ,Prince Charles, Angelina Jolie, John Travolta and his wife Kelly Preston , Brad Pitt, President Hu Jintao,Warren Buffett, Nguyen Phu Trong, Phung Quang Thanh, Truong Tan Sang, Nguyen Minh Triet,Taylor Swift,Jennifer Aniston, P.Diddy, Russel Simmons, Selena Gomez, Hillary Duff,Nguyen Tan Dung, Rachel Maddow, George Bush, Jeb Bush, Laura Bush, President Ma, President Chavez, Andy Lau, Leslie Ma even our President Barrack Obama and many many more really nice successful people like Donald Trump. I havent named them all but there are lots of them became my God Parents, God Brothers and Sisters. They are all nice people but when the brainwashing and mind control tactics takes place, they start to attack also but not maliciously and not harm me, but it falls into the trap layed out by other people to torture me. The people that wanted to do things to me would always brainwash or manipulate these people that cared for me or cause them a lot problems also. Please do not be upset and come after these people, but make sure they stop and never attack anyone again. 🙂 lets be nice for humanity

    After the brainwashing and mind control tactics people started, they had people that did nothing but come up with ways to take over my mind and attack me. The attacks ranged from not only with mkultra programs, directed energy attacks, brainwashing of my brother and wife to “do what is best” which is just a way to mask an attack, but they were brainwashed and manipulated just like everyone else. Now when it has gotten to the point of rape, death, and braindamaging. I cant stay silent anymore. I hope I dont die in few days but if I do, please my name is Nguyen Khanh Hong aka Kevin Hong and please help see that my family is ok and not tortured. Please help all of my friends in the World. Especially my mom, dad, grandparents, brothers and sister, Son Nathan and daughter Navia Hong. And Michelle high school sweet heart, mother of my children, one and only true love that got brainwashed and taken away from me. I hope Tri Nguyen and his family does ok too. Please dont kill me yet, let me take care of a few things.

    president obama, you’ve helped a lot.

  2. The easiest way to help japan earthquake and tsunami relief effort.


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